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use Test::More tests => 14;
use Test::Exception;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use File::Spec;
use Data::Dumper;
use utf8;
binmode( \*STDOUT, ':utf8' );
binmode( \*STDERR, ':utf8' );

use RDF::Trine qw(iri blank literal);
use RDF::Trine::Parser;

# Log::Log4perl::init( \q[
# 	log4perl.category.rdf.trine.model          = TRACE, Screen
# 	log4perl.appender.Screen         = Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen
# 	log4perl.appender.Screen.stderr  = 0
# 	log4perl.appender.Screen.layout = Log::Log4perl::Layout::SimpleLayout
# ] );

my $parser	= RDF::Trine::Parser::TriG->new();
isa_ok( $parser, 'RDF::Trine::Parser::TriG' );

	my $model = RDF::Trine::Model->temporary_model;
	my $trig	= <<'END';
# TriG Example Document 2
@prefix ex: <> .
@prefix : <> .
:G1 = { :Monica a ex:Person ;
                 ex:name "Monica Murphy" ;      
                 ex:homepage <> ;
                 ex:email <> ;
                 ex:hasSkill ex:Management ,
                             ex:Programming . } .
	$parser->parse_into_model(undef, $trig, $model);
	is( $model->size, 6, 'expected model (triple) size after nquads parse' );
	is( $model->count_statements(undef, undef, undef, undef), 6, 'expected 6 count ffff' );
	is( $model->count_statements(iri(''), undef, undef, undef), 6, 'expected 2 count bfff' );
	is( $model->count_statements(iri('b')), 0, 'expected 0 count bff' );
	is( $model->count_statements(iri('b'), undef, undef, undef), 0, 'expected 0 count bfff' );
	is( $model->count_statements(undef, iri('')), 2, 'expected 2 count fbf' );
	is( $model->count_statements(undef, iri(''), undef, undef), 2, 'expected 2 count fbff' );
	is( $model->count_statements(undef, undef, undef, iri('')), 6, 'expected 6 count fffb' );

	my $model = RDF::Trine::Model->temporary_model;
	my $trig	= <<'END';
# TriG Example Document 1
# This document encodes three graphs.
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix swp: <> .
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix ex: <> .
@prefix : <> .
:G1 { :Monica ex:name "Monica Murphy" .      
      :Monica ex:homepage <> .
      :Monica ex:email <> .
      :Monica ex:hasSkill ex:Management }

:G2 { :Monica rdf:type ex:Person .
      :Monica ex:hasSkill ex:Programming }

:G3 { :G1 swp:assertedBy _:w1 .
      _:w1 swp:authority :Chris .
      _:w1 dc:date "2003-10-02"^^xsd:date .   
      :G2 swp:quotedBy _:w2 .
      :G3 swp:assertedBy _:w2 .
      _:w2 dc:date "2003-09-03"^^xsd:date .
      _:w2 swp:authority :Chris .
      :Chris rdf:type ex:Person .  
      :Chris ex:email <> }
	$parser->parse_into_model(undef, $trig, $model);
		my $iter	= $model->get_contexts;
		my %expect	= (
			'<>'	=> 1,
			'<>'	=> 1,
			'<>'	=> 1,
		my %got;
		while (my $c = $iter->next) {
			$got{ $c->as_string }++;
		is_deeply( \%got, \%expect, 'expected graph names' );
		my $iter	= $model->get_statements( undef, undef, undef, undef );
		my %expect	= (
			'<>'	=> 4,
			'<>'	=> 2,
			'<>'	=> 9,
		my %got;
		while (my $st = $iter->next) {
			$got{ $st->context->as_string }++;
		is_deeply( \%got, \%expect, 'expected statement counts per graph name' );

	my $model = RDF::Trine::Model->temporary_model;
	my $trig	= <<'END';
# TriG Example Document 3
# This document contains a default graph and two named graphs.
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
# default graph
      <> dc:publisher "Bob" . 
      <> dc:publisher "Alice" .

       _:a foaf:name "Bob" . 
       _:a foaf:mbox <> .
       _:a foaf:name "Alice" . 
       _:a foaf:mbox <> .
	$parser->parse_into_model(undef, $trig, $model);
		my $iter	= $model->get_contexts;
		my %expect	= (
			'<>'	=> 1,
			'<>'	=> 1,
		my %got;
		while (my $c = $iter->next) {
			$got{ $c->as_string }++;
		is_deeply( \%got, \%expect, 'expected graph names' );
		my $iter	= $model->get_statements( undef, undef, undef, undef );
		my %expect	= (
			'(nil)'	=> 2,
			'<>'	=> 2,
			'<>'	=> 2,
		my %got;
		while (my $st = $iter->next) {
			$got{ $st->context->as_string }++;
		is_deeply( \%got, \%expect, 'expected statement counts per graph name' );

	my $model = RDF::Trine::Model->temporary_model;
	my $trig	= <<'END';
# TriG Example Document 4
# This document contains a default graph and one named graphs with non-ASCII chars.
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix ex: <> .
@prefix dc: <> .
# default graph
      <> dc:publisher "Bob" . 
      <> dc:publisher "Alice" .

       _:a foaf:name "Bob" . 
       _:a ex:likes "Blåbærsyltetøy"@no .

	$parser->parse_into_model(undef, $trig, $model);
	my $iter = $model->get_statements( undef,
					   undef, undef );
	my $st = $iter->next;
	is($st->object->literal_value, 'Blåbærsyltetøy', "Finding UTF-8 string");