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package POE::Wheel::UDP;

=head1 NAME

POE::Wheel::UDP - POE Wheel for UDP handling.


  use POE;
  use POE::Wheel::UDP;
    inline_states => {
      _start => sub {
        my $wheel = $_[HEAP]->{wheel} = POE::Wheel::UDP->new(
	  LocalAddr => '',
	  LocalPort => 1234,
	  PeerAddr => '',
	  PeerPort => 1235,
	  InputEvent => 'input',
	  Filter => POE::Filter::Stream->new,
            payload => [ 'This datagram will go to the default address.' ],
            payload => [ 'This datagram will go to the explicit address and port I have paired with it.' ],
	    addr => '',
	    port => 1236,
      input => sub {
      	my ($wheel_id, $input) = @_[ARG0, ARG1];
	print "Incoming datagram from $input->{addr}:$input->{port}: '$input->{payload}'\n";



POE Wheel for UDP handling.


use 5.006; # I don't plan to support old perl
use strict;
use warnings;

use base 'POE::Wheel';

use POE;
use Carp;
use Socket;
use Fcntl;

our $VERSION = '0.02';
$VERSION = eval $VERSION;  # see L<perlmodstyle>

=head1 Package Methods

=head2 $wheel = POE::Wheel::UDP->new( OPTIONS );

Constructor for a new UDP Wheel object. OPTIONS is a key => value pair list specifying the following options:


=item LocalAddr

=item LocalPort

(Required Pair)

Specify the local IP address and port for the created socket. LocalAddr should be in dotted-quad notation,
and LocalPort should be an integer. This module will not resolve names to numbers at all.

=item PeerAddr

=item PeerPort

(Optional Pair)

Specify the remote IP address and port for the created socket. As above, PeerAddr should be in dotted-quad
notation, and PeerPort should be an integer. These arguments are used to perform a C connect(2) on the socket,
which means that outbound datagrams will be sent to this address by default AND inbound datagrams from sources
other than this peer will be ignored. If you want to just set a default destination for packets, use the
DefaultAddr and DefaultPort items instead.

=item DefaultAddr

=item DefaultPort

(Optional Pair)

Dotted quad, and integer (respectively) options for the default destination of datagrams originating from this
wheel. This setting will override the PeerAddr and PeerPort on each put() method, but you can override this
by passing arguments directly to the put() method.

=item InputEvent


Specify the event to be invoked via Kernel->yield when a packet arrives on this socket. Currently all incoming
data is truncated to 1500 bytes. If you do not specify an event, the wheel will not ask the kernel to pass
incoming datagrams to it, and therefore this wheel will not hold your session alive.

=item InputFilter

(Required if InputEvent defined)

Assign a POE::Filter object to the input side of this wheel.

=item OutputFilter

(Required if you want to call the put method)

Assign a POE::Filter object to the output side of this wheel.

=item Filter

Shorthand for assigning the same filter object to both the InputFilter and OutputFilter arguments.



sub new {
	my $class = shift;
	carp( "Uneven set of options passed to ${class}->new." ) unless (@_ % 2 == 0);
	my %opts = @_;
	my $self = bless { }, (ref $class || $class);

	my %sockopts;

	foreach (qw(LocalAddr LocalPort PeerAddr PeerPort)) {
		$sockopts{$_} = delete( $opts{$_} ) if exists( $opts{$_} );

	$self->_open( %sockopts );

	my $id = $self->{id} = $self->SUPER::allocate_wheel_id();
	my $read_event = $self->{read_event} = ref($self) . "($id) -> select read";
	my $write_event = $self->{write_event} = ref($self) . "($id) -> select write";

	if (exists( $opts{DefaultAddr} ) or exists( $opts{DefaultPort} )) {
		croak "DefaultAddr is required if DefaultPort is specified."
			unless exists( $opts{DefaultAddr} );
		croak "DefaultPort is required if DefaultAddr is specified."
			unless exists( $opts{DefaultPort} );

		my $addr = inet_aton( $opts{DefaultAddr} )
			or croak( "Supplied 'DefaultAddr' value '$opts{DefaultAddr}' caused inet_aton failure: $!" );

		my $spec = pack_sockaddr_in( $opts{DefaultPort}, $addr )
			or croak( "Supplied 'DefaultPort' value '$opts{DefaultPort}' caused pack_sockaddr_in failure: $!" );

		$self->{DefaultAddr} = delete $opts{DefaultAddr};
		$self->{DefaultPort} = delete $opts{DefaultPort};
		$self->{default_send} = $spec;

	if (exists( $opts{Filter} )) {
		my $filter = delete $opts{Filter};
		$opts{InputFilter} ||= $filter;
		$opts{OutputFilter} ||= $filter;

	if (exists( $opts{InputFilter} )) {
		$self->{InputFilter} = delete $opts{InputFilter};

	if (exists( $opts{OutputFilter} )) {
		$self->{OutputFilter} = delete $opts{OutputFilter};

	if (exists( $opts{InputEvent} )) {
		croak "InputFilter option is required if InputEvent is defined."
			unless exists($self->{InputFilter});

		my $filter = \$self->{InputFilter};
		my $input_event = $self->{InputEvent} = delete $opts{InputEvent};

		$poe_kernel->state( $read_event, sub {
			my ($kernel, $socket) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0];
			$! = undef;
			while( my $addr = recv( $socket, my $input = "", 1500, MSG_DONTWAIT ) ) {
				if (defined( $addr )) {
					my %input_data;

					if ($addr) {
						my ($port, $addr) = unpack_sockaddr_in( $addr )
							or warn( "sockaddr_in failure: $!" );
						$input_data{addr} = inet_ntoa( $addr );
						$input_data{port} = $port;

					$input_data{bytes} = length( $input );
					local $POE::Filter::DATAGRAM = 1;

					$$filter->get_one_start( [ $input ] );

					my @payload;
					while (my $records = $$filter->get_one) {
						last unless @$records;
						push @payload, @$records;
					$poe_kernel->yield( $input_event, {
						payload => \@payload,
					}, $id );
				else {
					warn "recv failure: $!";
		} );
		$poe_kernel->select_read( $self->{sock}, $read_event );

#	Does anyone know if I should watch for writability on the socket at all? it's pretty hard to test
#	to see if UDP can ever return EAGAIN because I can't get it to go fast enough to blast past the buffers.

	croak "Extra options passed to new(): " . join( ', ', map { "'$_'" } keys %opts )
		if keys %opts;

	return $self;

sub _open {
	my $self = shift;
	my %opts = @_;
	my $proto = getprotobyname( "udp" );
	socket( my $sock, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, $proto )
		or die( "socket() failure: $!" );

	fcntl( $sock, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK | O_RDWR )
		or die( "fcntl problem: $!" );
	setsockopt( $sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1 )
		or die( "setsockopt SO_REUSEADDR failed: $!" );

		my $addr = inet_aton( $opts{LocalAddr} )
			or die( "inet_aton problem: $!" );
		my $sockaddr = sockaddr_in( $opts{LocalPort}, $addr )
			or die( "sockaddr_in problem: $!" );
		bind( $sock, $sockaddr )
			or die( "bind error: $!" );

	if ($opts{PeerAddr} and $opts{PeerPort}) {
		my $addr = inet_aton( $opts{PeerAddr} )
			or die( "inet_aton problem: $!" );
		my $sockaddr = sockaddr_in( $opts{PeerPort}, $addr )
			or die( "sockaddr_in problem: $!" );
		connect( $sock, $sockaddr )
			or die( "connect error: $!" );

	return $self->{sock} = $sock;

=head1 Object Methods

=head2 $wheel->put( LIST )

Returns the total number of bytes sent in this call, which may not match the number of bytes
you passed in for payloads due to send(2) semantics. Takes a list of hashrefs with the
following useful keys in them:


=item payload

An arrayref of records you wish to put through the filter and send in datagrams. The arrayref
is used to allow more than one logical record per datagram.

=item bytes

How many bytes were read from this datagram. Currently a maximum of 1500 will be read, and
datagrams which are larger will be truncated.

=item addr

=item port

Specify a destination IP address and port for this specific packet. Optional if you specified
a PeerAddr and PeerPort in the wheel constructor; Required if you did not.



sub put {
	my $self= shift;

	my $sock = $self->{sock};
	my $total_bytes = 0;

	while (my $thing = shift) {
		if (!defined( $thing )) {
			warn "Undefined argument, ignoring";

		if (ref( $thing ) ne 'HASH') {
			warn "Non-hasref argument, ignoring";

		my $payload = $thing->{payload} or die;

		die unless ref($payload) eq 'ARRAY';
		my $filter = $self->{OutputFilter};
		my $records = $filter->put( $payload );
		my $bytes;
		if (exists( $thing->{addr} ) or exists( $thing->{port} )) {
			my $addr = $thing->{addr} or die;
			my $port = $thing->{port} or die;
			foreach my $output (@$records) {
				$bytes = send( $sock, $output, MSG_DONTWAIT, sockaddr_in( $port,inet_aton( $addr ) ) );
		elsif (exists( $self->{default_send} )) {
			my $default_send = $self->{default_send};
			foreach my $output (@$records) {
				$bytes = send( $sock, $output, MSG_DONTWAIT, $default_send );
		else {
			foreach my $output (@$records) {
				$bytes = send( $sock, $output, MSG_DONTWAIT );

		if (!defined( $bytes )) {
			die( "send() failed: $!" );
			# if we ever remove fatal handling of this, do the following:
			# push current thing onto buffer.
			# last;
		$total_bytes += $bytes;

	# push rest of @_ onto buffer

	return $total_bytes;

	my $self = shift;
	if ($self->{read_event}) {
		$poe_kernel->state( delete $self->{read_event} );
		$poe_kernel->select_read( $self->{sock} );
	$self->SUPER::free_wheel_id( delete $self->{id} );

sub allocate_wheel_id; # try to cancel this method from being inhereted.
sub free_wheel_id;


=head1 Events

=head2 InputEvent


=item ARG0

Contains a hashref with the following keys:


=item addr

=item port

Specifies the address and port from which we received this datagram.

=item payload

An arrayref of records built from the actual datagram going through the filters. 


=item ARG1

The wheel id for the wheel that fired this event.


=head1 Filter semantics

Datagram filter design is not guaranteed yet, we need to make sure the design I put in place here is workable.

=head1 Upcoming features


=item *

IPV6 support.

=item *

TTL changing support.


=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Jonathan Steinert E<lt>hachi@cpan.orgE<gt>


Copyright (C) 2006 by Jonathan Steinert... or Six Apart... I don't know who owns me when I'm at home. Oh well.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
