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#  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
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#  Copyright (C) 1998-2004 Jabber Software Foundation

package Net::XMPP::Connection;

=head1 NAME

Net::XMPP::Connection - XMPP Connection Module


  Net::XMPP::Connection is a private package that serves as a basis
  for anything wanting to open a socket connection to a server.


  This module is not meant to be used directly.  You should be using
  either Net::XMPP::Client, or another package that inherits from

=head1 AUTHOR

Ryan Eatmon


This module is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the LGPL.


use strict;
use Carp;
use base qw( Net::XMPP::Protocol );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $self = { };

    bless($self, $proto);


    $self->{SERVER}->{namespace} = "unknown";

    return $self;

# init - do all of the heavy lifting for a generic connection.
sub init
    my $self = shift;

    $self->{ARGS} = {};
    while($#_ >= 0) { $self->{ARGS}->{ lc(pop(@_)) } = pop(@_); }

    $self->{DEBUG} =
        new Net::XMPP::Debug(level      => $self->_arg("debuglevel",-1),
                             file       => $self->_arg("debugfile","stdout"),
                             time       => $self->_arg("debugtime",0),
                             setdefault => 1,
                             header     => "XMPP::Conn"

    $self->{SERVER} = {};
    $self->{SERVER}->{hostname} = "localhost";
    $self->{SERVER}->{tls} = $self->_arg("tls",0);
    $self->{SERVER}->{ssl} = $self->_arg("ssl",0);
    $self->{SERVER}->{connectiontype} = $self->_arg("connectiontype","tcpip");

    $self->{CONNECTED} = 0;
    $self->{DISCONNECTED} = 0;

    $self->{STREAM} =
        new XML::Stream(style      => "node",
                        debugfh    => $self->{DEBUG}->GetHandle(),
                        debuglevel => $self->{DEBUG}->GetLevel(),
                        debugtime  => $self->{DEBUG}->GetTime(),

    $self->{RCVDB}->{currentID} = 0;


    return $self;

# Connect - Takes a has and opens the connection to the specified server.
#           Registers CallBack as the main callback for all packets from
#           the server.
#           NOTE:  Need to add some error handling if the connection is
#           not made because the server hostname is wrong or whatnot.
sub Connect
    my $self = shift;

    while($#_ >= 0) { $self->{SERVER}{ lc pop(@_) } = pop(@_); }

    $self->{SERVER}->{timeout} = 10 unless exists($self->{SERVER}->{timeout});

    $self->{DEBUG}->Log1("Connect: host($self->{SERVER}->{hostname}:$self->{SERVER}->{port}) namespace($self->{SERVER}->{namespace})");
    $self->{DEBUG}->Log1("Connect: timeout($self->{SERVER}->{timeout})");

    $self->{SESSION} =
            Connect(hostname       => $self->{SERVER}->{hostname},
                    port           => $self->{SERVER}->{port},
                    namespace      => $self->{SERVER}->{namespace},
                    connectiontype => $self->{SERVER}->{connectiontype},
                    timeout        => $self->{SERVER}->{timeout},
                    ssl            => $self->{SERVER}->{ssl}, #LEGACY
                    (defined($self->{SERVER}->{componentname}) ?
                     (to => $self->{SERVER}->{componentname}) :

    if ($self->{SESSION})
        $self->{DEBUG}->Log1("Connect: connection made");

        $self->{STREAM}->SetCallBacks(node=>sub{ $self->CallBack(@_) });
        $self->{CONNECTED} = 1;
        $self->{RECONNECTING} = 0;

        if (exists($self->{SESSION}->{version}) &&
            ($self->{SESSION}->{version} ne ""))
            my $tls = $self->GetStreamFeature("xmpp-tls");
            if (defined($tls) && $self->{SERVER}->{tls})
                $self->{SESSION} =
            elsif (defined($tls) && ($tls eq "required"))
                $self->SetErrorCode("The server requires us to use TLS, but you did not specify that\nTLS was an option.");

        return 1;

# Connected - returns 1 if the Transport is connected to the server, 0
#             otherwise.
sub Connected
    my $self = shift;

    $self->{DEBUG}->Log1("Connected: ($self->{CONNECTED})");
    return $self->{CONNECTED};

# Disconnect - Sends the string to close the connection cleanly.
sub Disconnect
    my $self = shift;

        if ($self->{CONNECTED} == 1);
    $self->{CONNECTED} = 0;
    $self->{DISCONNECTED} = 1;
    $self->{RECONNECTING} = 0;
    $self->{DEBUG}->Log1("Disconnect: bye bye");

# Execute - generic inner loop to listen for incoming messages, stay
#           connected to the server, and do all the right things.  It
#           calls a couple of callbacks for the user to put hooks into
#           place if they choose to.
sub Execute
    my $self = shift;
    my %args;
    while($#_ >= 0) { $args{ lc pop(@_) } = pop(@_); }

    $args{connectiontype} = "tcpip" unless exists($args{connectiontype});
    $args{connectattempts} = -1 unless exists($args{connectattempts});
    $args{connectsleep} = 5 unless exists($args{connectsleep});
    $args{register} = 0 unless exists($args{register});

    my %connect = $self->_connect_args(%args);

    $self->{DEBUG}->Log1("Execute: begin");

    my $connectAttempt = $args{connectattempts};

    while(($connectAttempt == -1) || ($connectAttempt > 0))

        $self->{DEBUG}->Log1("Execute: Attempt to connect ($connectAttempt)");

        my $status = $self->Connect(%connect);

        if (!(defined($status)))
            $self->{DEBUG}->Log1("Execute: Server is not answering.  (".$self->GetErrorCode().")");
            $self->{CONNECTED} = 0;

            $connectAttempt-- unless ($connectAttempt == -1);

        $self->{DEBUG}->Log1("Execute: Connected...");
        &{$self->{CB}->{onconnect}}() if exists($self->{CB}->{onconnect});

        my @result = $self->_auth(%args);

        if (@result && $result[0] ne "ok")
            $self->{DEBUG}->Log1("Execute: Could not auth with server: ($result[0]: $result[1])");
                if exists($self->{CB}->{onauthfail});

            if (!$self->{SERVER}->{allow_register} || $args{register} == 0)
                $self->{DEBUG}->Log1("Execute: Register turned off.  Exiting.");
                    if exists($self->{CB}->{ondisconnect});
                $connectAttempt = 0;
                @result = $self->_register(%args);

                if ($result[0] ne "ok")
                    $self->{DEBUG}->Log1("Execute: Register failed.  Exiting.");
                        if exists($self->{CB}->{onregisterfail});

                        if exists($self->{CB}->{ondisconnect});
                    $connectAttempt = 0;
                        if exists($self->{CB}->{onauth});
                if exists($self->{CB}->{onauth});


            while(defined($status = $self->Process($args{processtimeout})))
                    if exists($self->{CB}->{onprocess});

            if (!defined($status))
                $self->{RECONNECTING} = 1;
                $self->{DEBUG}->Log1("Execute: Connection to server lost...");
                    if exists($self->{CB}->{ondisconnect});

                $connectAttempt = $args{connectattempts};

        last if (!$self->{RECONNECTING} && $self->{DISCONNECTED});

    $self->{DEBUG}->Log1("Execute: end");
    &{$self->{CB}->{onexit}}() if exists($self->{CB}->{onexit});

# InitCallbacks - initialize the callbacks
sub InitCallbacks
    my $self = shift;


#  Process - If a timeout value is specified then the function will wait
#            that long before returning.  This is useful for apps that
#            need to handle other processing while still waiting for
#            packets.  If no timeout is listed then the function waits
#            until a packet is returned.  Either way the function exits
#            as soon as a packet is returned.
sub Process
    my $self = shift;
    my ($timeout) = @_;
    my %status;

    if (exists($self->{PROCESSERROR}) && ($self->{PROCESSERROR} == 1))
        croak("There was an error in the last call to Process that you did not check for and\nhandle.  You should always check the output of the Process call.  If it was\nundef then there was a fatal error that you need to check.  There is an error\nin your program");

    $self->{DEBUG}->Log1("Process: timeout($timeout)") if defined($timeout);

    if (!defined($timeout) || ($timeout eq ""))
            %status = $self->{STREAM}->Process();
            $self->{DEBUG}->Log1("Process: status($status{$self->{SESSION}->{id}})");
            last if ($status{$self->{SESSION}->{id}} != 0);
        $self->{DEBUG}->Log1("Process: return($status{$self->{SESSION}->{id}})");
        if ($status{$self->{SESSION}->{id}} == -1)
            $self->{PROCESSERROR} = 1;
            return $status{$self->{SESSION}->{id}};
        %status = $self->{STREAM}->Process($timeout);
        if ($status{$self->{SESSION}->{id}} == -1)
            $self->{PROCESSERROR} = 1;
            return $status{$self->{SESSION}->{id}};

#| Overloadable Methods

# _auth - Overload this method to provide the authentication method for your
#         type of connection.
sub _auth
    my $self = shift;
    croak("You must override the _auth method.");

# _connect_args - The Connect function that the Execute loop uses needs
#                 certain args.  This method lets you map the Execute args
#                 into the Connect args for your Connection type.
sub _connect_args
    my $self = shift;
    my (%args) = @_;

    return %args;

# _register - overload this method if you need your connection to register
#             with the server.
sub _register
    my $self = shift;
    return ( "ok" ,"" );

#| Private Helpers

sub _arg
    my $self = shift;
    my $arg = shift;
    my $default = shift;

    return exists($self->{ARGS}->{$arg}) ? $self->{ARGS}->{$arg} : $default;
