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package Contentment;

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '0.011_033';

use Carp;
use Contentment::Context;
use Contentment::Hooks;
use Contentment::Log;
use Contentment::MIMETypes;
use Contentment::Response;
use Contentment::Request;
use Cwd ();
use File::Spec;
use List::Util qw( reduce );
use YAML ();

=head1 NAME

Contentment - Contentment is a Perl-based web content management system


=head2 METHODS


=item $global_init = Contentment-E<gt>global_configuration

Returns the global initializer configuration. This is stored in F<init.yml> in the same directory as the CGI script, as of this writing.

The C<$global_init> should be a reference to a hash.


my $global_init;
sub global_configuration {
	return $global_init;

# %plugins = _find_plugins()
# Loads all the plugin init.yml files and stores those as the values of the
# %plugins hash. The keys will be set to the value of the "name" key in the
# init.yml file.
sub _find_plugins {
	# We assume the the directory the CGI is running in is the current working
	# directory. We assume we will find a file named "init.yml" there that will
	# contain the initial configuration for Contentment.
	my $cwd         = Cwd::getcwd;
	my $init_config = File::Spec->catfile($cwd, 'init.yml');
	$global_init    = YAML::LoadFile($init_config);

	# Find the directory/directories to start searching for plugins.
	my @plugins_dir = ($global_init->{plugins_dir});
	@plugins_dir = ref($plugins_dir[0]) ? @{$plugins_dir[0]} : @plugins_dir;

	# Search these plugin directories for plugins that we have not seen yet.
	my %plugins;
	for my $plugins_dir (@plugins_dir) {
		opendir PLUGINS, $plugins_dir;
		while (my $plugin_dir = readdir PLUGINS) {
			my $full_plugin_dir = File::Spec->catdir($plugins_dir, $plugin_dir);

			# Ignore superfluous crap we find
			next unless -d $full_plugin_dir;
			next if $plugin_dir =~ /^\./;

			# If the directory doesn't have an init.yml, it ain't a plugin.
			my $init_config = File::Spec->catfile($full_plugin_dir, 'init.yml');
			unless (-f $init_config) {
				Contentment::Log->warning("Directory $full_plugin_dir doesn't have an init.yml, skipping as if not a plugin.");

			# Try to load the settings.
			Contentment::Log->info("Loading plugin configuration $init_config");
			my $init = eval { YAML::LoadFile($init_config); };

			# If we failed, log it, but continue.
			if ($@) {
				Contentment::Log->error("Failed loading plugin configuration $init_config: $@");

			# It must have a name
			unless ($init->{name}) {
				Contentment::Log->error("Plugin configuration $init_config is missing the 'name' attribute. Skipping plugin.");
			# It must have a version
			unless ($init->{version}) {
				Contentment::Log->error("Plugin configuraiton $init_config is missing the 'version' attribute. Skipping plugin.");

			# Remember the plugin directory location.
			$init->{plugin_dir} = $full_plugin_dir;

			# Use the installed init settings, if already installed. This allows
			# the user to change the way the plugin operates after installation.
			eval {
				my $stored_init = Contentment->context->settings->{"Contentment::Plugin::$init->{name}"};
				if ($stored_init && $stored_init->{version} eq $init->{version}) {
					Contentment::Log->debug("Using stored init for plugin %s %s", [$init->{name},$init->{version}]);
					$init = $stored_init;

			# Remember we loaded this.
			$plugins{$init->{name}} = $init;
		closedir PLUGINS;

    return %plugins;

# _resolve_dependencies(\%plugins)
# Takes the %plugins hash and determines the appropriate order for the plugins
# to be dealt with. Dependencies are figured for just load order.
# Basically, any order explicitly set will be kept as is, but any plugin that
# has a dependency on something else will be sure to have an order at least one
# greater than the order of all its dependencies.
sub _resolve_dependencies {
    my $plugins = shift;

    my $plugin;

    # Normalize depends_on
    for $plugin (values %$plugins) {
        if (defined $plugin->{depends_on} && !ref $plugin->{depends_on}) {
            $plugin->{depends_on} = [ $plugin->{depends_on} ];

        if (!defined $plugin->{depends_on}) {
            $plugin->{depends_on} = [];

    # Delete any plugin that has a dependency that doesn't exist.
    my $changed = 1;
    while ($changed) {
        $changed = 0;

        for $plugin (values %$plugins) {
            for my $dependency (@{ $plugin->{depends_on} }) {
                if (!defined $plugins->{ $dependency }) {
                        "Plugin $plugin->{name} requires unavailable ",
                        "dependency $dependency. Will not load.",
                    delete $plugins->{ $plugin->{name} };

                    # Iterate again to cascade to additional dependencies.


    # Find all plugins without a set order and without dependencies and set the
    # order to 0.
    my (@ordered, @free);
    for $plugin (values %$plugins) {
        if (defined $plugin->{order}) {
            push @ordered, $plugin;

        elsif (!@{ $plugin->{depends_on} }) {
#            print STDERR "Setting $plugin->{name} to 0.\n";
            $plugin->{order} = 0;
            push @ordered, $plugin;

        else {
            push @free, $plugin;

    # Loop until there are no more @free
    while (@free) {
        # Loop while @free is changing
        my $free_size = 0;
        while ($free_size != @free) {
            $free_size = @free;

            # Loop through remaining untouched plugins
            my @new_free;
            for $plugin (@free) {
                # Skip this one if it already has an order (which can happen if
                # the LOOP_BREAKER is invoked below).
                next if defined $plugin->{order};

                # Determine if all dependencies have an order, and if so, pick
                # the maximum:
                my $max 
                    = reduce { !defined $a || !defined $b ? undef
                             : $a > $b                    ? $a 
                             :                              $b }
                      map    { $plugins->{$_}{order} }
                      @{ $plugin->{depends_on} };

                # If all orders defined, set this order to the max + 1
                if (defined $max) {
#                    print STDERR "Setting $plugin->{name} to $max + 1\n";
                    $plugin->{order} = $max + 1;

                # Otherwise, wait for the next iteration
                else {
#                    print STDERR "Not ordering $plugin->{name} ( ",
#                        join(' ', @{ $plugin->{depends_on} }), " )\n";
                    push @new_free, $plugin;

            @free = @new_free;

        # If there are any left, we need to break a loop.
        # For each free node, check to see if it is in a loop. (It is possible
        # for a free node to be dependent on a loop instead.)
        for $plugin (@free) {
            my (@open, %closed);
            # This is a list of nodes left to search.
            @open = @{ $plugin->{depends_on} };

            # The list of nodes already passed.
            $closed{ $plugin->{name} }++;

            # Keep searching until we've exhausted the open list.
            while (my $dependency = pop @open) {
                # The node we're searching was already hit: it is in a loop.
                if ($closed{ $dependency }) {
                    # Note the problem in the log.
                        "Detected a depdency loop in $dependency plugin."

                    # We cannot resolve a loop, so we will just set the looping
                    # dependency to order = 0 and hope that's good enough.
                    $plugins->{ $dependency }{order} = 0;

                    # This should allow us to clear up this loop
                    last LOOP_BREAKER;

    # Log the orders found
    for my $plugin (values %$plugins) {
            "Order $plugin->{name} = $plugin->{order} ( ",
            join(' ', @{ $plugin->{depends_on} })," )",

# _load_plugins(\%plugins)
# Loads the Perl modules associated with the plugin.
sub _load_plugins {
    my $plugins = shift;

	# Sort the plugins by their given load order.
	my @plugins = sort { $a->{order} <=> $b->{order} } values %$plugins;
	# Load each plugin in order
	for my $plugin (@plugins) {
		Contentment::Log->info("Loading plugin %s %s", [$plugin->{name}, $plugin->{version}]);
		eval { Contentment->load_plugin($plugin) };
		Contentment::Log->error("Failed loading plugin %s: %s", [$plugin->{name},$@]) if $@;

# _install_plugins(\%plugins)
# Find new plugins that need to be installed and install them.
sub _install_plugins {
    my $plugins = shift;

    my $ctx = Contentment->context;

	# Get ready to figure out what's installed and not
	my $settings = Contentment->context->settings;
	my $installed = $settings->{'Contentment::installed'};

	# Check each plugin to see if it is installed. If not, install it.
	my $iter = Contentment::Hooks->call_iterator('Contentment::install');
	while ($iter->next) {
		# Skip install if it's installed.	
		if ($installed && $installed->{$iter->name}) {
			Contentment::Log->debug("Skipping install of %s as version %s is already here.", [$iter->name,$installed->{$iter->name}]);

		# Run the handler.
		my $plugin = $$plugins{$iter->name};
		eval {
			$iter->call($ctx, $plugin);

		# Check for errors
		if ($@) {
			Contentment::Log->error("Error installing plugin %s %s: %s", [$iter->name,$plugin->{version},$@]);

		# Record the installed version, if we can.
		Contentment::Log->info("Installed plugin %s %s",[$iter->name,$plugin->{version}]);
		$installed->{$iter->name} = $plugin->{version};
		$settings->{'Contentment::Plugin::'.$iter->name} = $plugin;

	# Save the install settings.
	$settings->{'Contentment::installed'} = $installed;

sub _upgrade_plugins {
    my $plugins = shift;

    my $ctx = Contentment->context;

	# Get ready to figure out what's installed and not
	my $settings = Contentment->context->settings;
	my $installed = $settings->{'Contentment::installed'};

	# Now check for upgrades.
	my $iter = Contentment::Hooks->call_iterator('Contentment::upgrade');
	while ($iter->next) {
		my $plugin = $$plugins{$iter->name};
		# If the installed version is the same as this version, skip this
		# handler.
		next if $installed->{$iter->name} == $plugin->{version};

		# Run the handler.
            $ctx, $settings->{'Contentment::Plugin::'.$iter->name}, $plugin);

		# Note that it's now installed and record the version.
		Contentment::Log->info("Upgraded plugin %s from %s to %s",[$iter->name,$installed->{$iter->name},$plugin->{version}]);
		$installed->{$iter->name} = $plugin->{version};
        $settings->{'Contentment::Plugin::'.$iter->name} = $plugin;

	# Save the upgrade settings.
	$settings->{'Contentment::installed'} = $installed;

=item Contentment-E<gt>begin

Perform the initialization tasks for Contentment. Including running all hooks registered for "C<Contentment::begin>".


sub begin {
    # Setup the context

	# Plugins Phase #1: Find the plugins.
    my %plugins = _find_plugins();

    # Plugins Phase #2: Sort out dependencies.

	# Plugins Phase #3: Load the plugins.
	# Plugins Phase #4: Install plugins.

    # Plugins Phase #5: Upgrade plugins.

	# Now that all is installed, initialize all the begin handlers
	Contentment::Log->debug("Calling hook Contentment::begin");
	Contentment::Hooks->call('Contentment::begin', Contentment->context);

sub load_plugin {
	my $class       = shift;
	my $plugin_init = shift;
	my $plugin_dir  = $plugin_init->{plugin_dir};

	# Check for a variable named "use_lib" and add each of the listed
	# directories (relative to $plugin_dir) to the library list.
	my @use_libs;
	if (ref $plugin_init->{use_lib}) {
		@use_libs = @{ $plugin_init->{use_lib} };
	} else {
		@use_libs = ( $plugin_init->{use_lib} );
	push @INC, 
		map { Contentment::Log->debug("%s: use lib %s", [$plugin_dir,$_]); $_ }
		map { File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($_) ? 
				$_ : 
				File::Spec->catdir($plugin_dir, $_) }

	# Check for a variable named "use" and load each Perl module listed or die.
	my @uses;
	if (ref $plugin_init->{use}) {
		@uses = @{ $plugin_init->{use} };
	} else {
		@uses = ( $plugin_init->{use} );
	for my $use (@uses) {
		Contentment::Log->debug("%s: use %s", [$plugin_dir,$use]);
		eval q(#line ).__LINE__.qq( Contentment\nuse $use);
		die qq(Couldn't use "$use": $@) if $@;

	# Check for a variable named "hooks" and setup each hook.
	if ($plugin_init->{hooks}) {
		while (my ($hook, $arg) = each %{ $plugin_init->{hooks} }) {
			no strict 'refs';
			if (ref $arg) {
				Contentment::Log->debug("Registering hook %s for plugin %s with order %d", [$hook,$plugin_init->{name},$arg->{order}||0]);
					hook  => $hook, 
					code  => \&{$arg->{sub}}, 
					order => $arg->{order},
					name  => $arg->{name} || $plugin_init->{name},
			} else {
				Contentment::Log->debug("Registering hook %s for plugin %s with default order", [$hook,$plugin_init->{name}]);
					hook => $hook, 
					code => \&{$arg},
					name => $plugin_init->{name},

	# Create empty install hook so installation works properly
	unless ($plugin_init->{hooks}{'Contentment::install'}) {
		Contentment::Log->debug("Registering dummy hook Contentment::install for plugin %s", [$plugin_init->{name}]);
			hook => 'Contentment::install',
			code => sub {},
			name => $plugin_init->{name},

	# Create empty upgrade hook so upgrades work properly
	unless ($plugin_init->{hooks}{'Contentment::upgrade'}) {
		Contentment::Log->debug("Registering dummy hook Contentment::upgrade for plugin %s", [$plugin_init->{name}]);
			hook => 'Contentment::upgrade',
			code => sub {},
			name => $plugin_init->{name},

	# Create empty remove hook so removals work properly
	unless ($plugin_init->{hooks}{'Contentment::remove'}) {
		Contentment::Log->debug("Registering dummy hook Contentment::remove for plugin %s", [$plugin_init->{name}]);
			hook => 'Contentment::remove',
			code => sub {},
			name => $plugin_init->{name},

=item Contentment-E<gt>handle_cgi

This passes control to the appropriate request and response objects.

See L<Contentment::Request> and L<Contentment::Response> for more information.


sub handle_cgi {
    my $ctx = Contentment->context('clone');

=item Contentment-E<gt>handle_fast_cgi

This passes control to the appropriate request and response objects to handle FastCGI connections.

See L<Contentment::Request> and L<Contentment::Response> for more information.


sub handle_fast_cgi {
    # Loop through each FastCGI connection we get. Other than this loop,
    # everything else is just like CGI!
    my $ctx = Contentment->context('clone');
    while (Contentment::Request->begin_fast_cgi($ctx)) {
        # Handle the request using regular CGI logic

        # Finish up using the regular CGI logic

        $ctx = Contentment->context('clone');

=item Contentment-E<gt>handle_lwp

Not yet implemented.

=item Contentment-E<gt>handle_mod_perl

Not yet implemented.

=item Contentment-E<gt>end

Performs final shutdown of the Contentment system. This calls the "L<Contentment::end>" hooks.


sub end {
	Contentment::Hooks->call('Contentment::end', Contentment->context);


=item $context = Contentment-E<gt>context

This retrieves the current context for this process. This should return a value other than C<undef> for most of the execution of the Contentment process. However, what features are available will depend upon the current state of the process.

Prior to the "Contentment::begin" hook, most of the plugins may not have been installed or initialized, so the functionality available will be very limited. Even during the "Contentment::begin" hook, many handlers are still initializing the context, so some application level functionality may not yet be available.

Information regarding the request will not be available until the "Contentment::Request::begin" hook is called and goes away after the "Contentment::Request::end" hook is called.

Similarly, information regarding the response will not be available until the "Contentment::Response::begin" hook is called and goes away after the "Contentment::Response::end" hook is called.

You may need to check individual plugin documentation to know when their respective context methods will be available and valid.

See L<Contentment::Manual::LifeCycle> for additional details on the life-cycle of the Contentment application.


my ($ctx, $req_ctx);
sub context {
    my $class   = shift;
    my $new_ctx = shift;

    if (defined $new_ctx) {
          $new_ctx eq 'clone' ? ($req_ctx = $ctx->clone)
        : $new_ctx eq 'clear' ? (undef $req_ctx)
        :                       ($ctx = $new_ctx);

    return defined $req_ctx ? $req_ctx
         :                    $ctx;

=head2 HOOKS


=item Contentment::install

This is a named hook. The name is used to determine which plugin configuration to pass the install handler. It should match the "name" setting in F<init.yml> for the plugin.

These handlers are passed two arguments, but no input, and should not output anything. The first argument is the Contentment context object. The second argument is the data loaded from F<init.yml>. If the second argument's data is modified, those modifications will be permanently saved.

=item Contentment::upgrade

This is a named hook. The name is used to determine which plugin configuration to pass to the upgrade handler. It should match the "name" setting in F<init.yml> for the plugin.

These handlers are passed three arguments, but no input, and should not ouput anything. The first argument is the Contentment context object. The second argument is the plugin settings currently in use for the plugin (as loaded during the last install or upgrade and since modified). The third argument is the data loaded from F<init.yml> for the plugin. 

B<IMPORTANT:> After the upgrade handler is run, the data stored in the third argument will overwrite the data stored in the second. Therefore, any important setting changes the user makes, must be explicitly transferred by the plugin.

=item Contentment::remove

This hook is currently not called by the system, but will be used in the future to uninstall plugins. The plugin installation/upgrade system is too primitive for this hook to be of much use, as of this writing.

=item Contentment::begin

These handlers are passed a single argument, which is the context for Contentment. Otherwise, it receives no special input, and should not output anything.

=item Contentment::end

These handlers are passed a single argument, which is the context for Contentment. Otherwise, it receives no special input, and should not output anything.


=head1 AUTHOR

Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp E<lt>hanenkamp@cpan.orgE<gt>


Copyright 2005 Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp. All Rights Reserved.

Contentment is distributed and licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.
