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package Form::Factory::Feature::RequireNoneOrAll;
$Form::Factory::Feature::RequireNoneOrAll::VERSION = '0.021';
use Moose;

use Moose::Util qw( english_list );

with qw(

use Carp ();

=head1 NAME

Form::Factory::Feature::RequireNoneOrAll - if one control has a value, all should

=head1 VERSION

version 0.021


  package MyApp::Action::Foo;
  use Form::Factory::Processor;

  use_feature require_none_or_all => {
      groups => { 
          password => [ qw( 
          ) ],

  has_control old_password => (
      control  => 'password',
      prediate => 'has_old_password',

  has_control new_password => (
      control => 'password',

  has_control confirm_password => (
      control => 'password',

  sub run {
      my $self = shift;

      if ($self->has_old_password) {
          # change password, we know new_password and confirm_password are set


This feature allows you to make groups of controls work together. If any one of the named controls have a value when checked, then all of them must or the form will be invalid and an error will be displayed.


=head2 groups

This is how the control groups are configured. Each key is used to name a control group and the values are arrays of controls that are grouped together. This way more than one none-or-all requirement can be set on a given form.

At this time, the control group names are ignored, but might be used in the future for linking additional settings together.


has groups => (
    is        => 'ro',
    isa       => 'HashRef[ArrayRef[Str]]',
    required  => 1,

=head1 METHODS

=head2 check

This runs the checks to make sure that for each group of controls, either all have a value or none do.


sub check {
    my $self   = shift;
    my $action = $self->action;

    GROUP: for my $control_names (values %{ $self->groups }) {
        my $has_a_value    = 0;
        my $has_all_values = 1;
        my $valued_control;

        CONTROL: for my $name (@$control_names) {
            my $control = $action->controls->{$name};

            my $has_current_value = $control->has_current_value;
            $has_a_value        ||= $has_current_value;
            $has_all_values     &&= $has_current_value;

            $valued_control = $name if $has_current_value;

            if ($has_a_value and not $has_all_values) {
                    sprintf('if you enter a value in %s you must enter a value for %s',
                       english_list(map { $self->_control_label($_) } @$control_names),
                next GROUP;

    $self->result->is_valid(1) unless $self->result->is_validated;

sub _control_label {
    my ($self, $name) = @_;
    my $control = $self->action->controls->{$name};

    my $control_label 
        = $control->does('Form::Factory::Control::Role::Labeled') ? $control->label
        :                                                           $control->name

    return $control_label;

=head1 AUTHOR

Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp C<< <> >>


Copyright 2009 Qubling Software LLC.

This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.

