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#! /usr/local/bin/perl
#	$Id: pftp 475 2014-12-13 03:20:00Z hayashi $
#	Copyright (c) 1997 Hiroo Hayashi.  All Rights Reserved.
#	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#	modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 NAME

pftp - an ftp client with the GNU Readline support


B<pftp> [B<-u>] [B<-g>] [B<-M>] [B<-h>] [B<-d>] [I<host>]


This is an ftp client which has the GNU Readline support.  It can
complete not only local file name but also remote file name and host
name to which login. 

This is a sample program of Perl Term::ReadLine::Gnu module.


use Term::ReadLine;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::Domain qw(hostdomain);	# libnet
use Net::FTP;			# libnet-1.05 or later is recommended
use File::Listing;		# libwww (for parse_dir)
use Getopt::Std;
use Cwd;			# for getcwd

use vars qw($AUTOLOAD
	    $opt_d $opt_u $opt_g $opt_M $opt_h);

sub usage {
    print STDERR <<"EOM";
usage :	$0 [-d] [-i] [-u] [-g] [-M] [-h] host
	-d : debug mode
	-i : interactive mode (not implemented)
	-u : disable autologin
	-g : turn off glob
	-M : show manual page
	-h : show this message
    exit 0;

getopts('dugMh') or &usage;
&man if $opt_M;
&usage if $opt_h;

#	setup Term::ReadLine::GNU
my $HOSTFILE = ($ENV{HOME} || (getpwuid($<))[7]) . "/.pftp_hosts";

my $term = Term::ReadLine->new('PFTP');
my $attribs = $term->Attribs;
$term->ornaments('md,me,,');	# bold face prompt

#	read hostname to which login
my $host;
my @hosts = read_hosts($HOSTFILE);
if (@ARGV) {
    $host = shift;
} else {
    $attribs->{completion_word} = \@hosts;
    $attribs->{completion_append_character} = '';
    $attribs->{completion_entry_function} =
    no warnings 'uninitialized'; # in case of typing ^D
    $host = $term->readline('hostname> ') . '';
    $host =~ s/^\s+//;
    $host =~ s/\s+$//;
    $attribs->{completion_append_character} = ' ';
    $attribs->{completion_entry_function} = undef;

#	make ftp connection
my $ftp = Net::FTP->new($host,
			Debug => $opt_d);
die "$0: cannot connect \`$host\'\n" unless $ftp;

print STDERR $ftp->message;
write_hosts($HOSTFILE, $host, @hosts);

#	login
my $login = 'anonymous';
my $password = (getpwuid($<))[0] . '@' . hostdomain;
if ($opt_u) {
    $login = $term->readline('login name> ', $login);

    # mask typed characters for password
    $attribs->{redisplay_function} = $attribs->{shadow_redisplay};
    $password = $term->readline('password> ', $password);
    undef $attribs->{redisplay_function};

$ftp->login($login, $password) or die "$0: cannot login: " . $ftp->message;
print STDERR $ftp->message;

$ftp->binary;			# default binary
print STDERR $ftp->message;

my $pwd = $ftp->pwd;
print STDERR $ftp->message;

#	setup completion function
my @ftp_cmd_list = qw(cwd cd pwd ls dir get mget put mput lcd help);

# completion_display_match_hook is supported by GNU Readline Library
# 4.0 and later.  Earlier versions ignore it.

$attribs->{attempted_completion_function} = sub {
    my ($text, $line, $start, $end) = @_;
    if (substr($line, 0, $start) =~ /^\s*$/) {
	$attribs->{completion_word} = \@ftp_cmd_list;
	undef $attribs->{completion_display_matches_hook};
	return $term->completion_matches($text,
    } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*(ls|dir|get|mget)\s/) {
	$attribs->{completion_display_matches_hook} = \&ftp_display_match_list;
	return $term->completion_matches($text,
    } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*(cd|cwd)\s/) {
	$attribs->{completion_display_matches_hook} = \&ftp_display_match_list;
	return $term->completion_matches($text,
    } else {			# put mput lcd
	undef $attribs->{completion_display_matches_hook};
	return ();		# local file name completion

#	Command loop
$SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE';		# ignore Control-C

while (defined($_ = $term->readline("$login\@$host:$pwd> "))) {
    no strict 'refs';
    next if /^\s*$/;
    my ($cmd, @args) = $term->history_tokenize($_);
    if ($cmd eq 'quit' || $cmd eq 'bye') {
    my $func = "cmd_" . $cmd;
    $attribs->{completion_append_character} = ' ';
print STDERR $ftp->message;

exit (0);

#	complete remote filename
sub ftp_filename_completion_function ( $$ ) {
    my($text, $state) = @_;
    ftp_completion_function($text, $state, 0);

sub ftp_dirname_completion_function ( $$ ) {
    my($text, $state) = @_;
    ftp_completion_function($text, $state, 1);

    my ($i, $file, $dir, $fdir, $cw);

    sub ftp_completion_function ( $$$ ) {
	my($text, $state, $dironly) = @_;
	my $entry;

	unless ($state) {
	    $i = 0;		# clear counter at the first call
	    ($dir, $file) = ($text =~ m|(.*/)?(.*)$|);
	    $dir = '' unless defined $dir; # to piecify -w
	    $fdir = ($dir =~ m|^/|) ? $dir : "$pwd/$dir"; # full path name
	    $fdir =~ s|//|/|g;
	    $attribs->{completion_append_character} = ' ';
	    return undef unless defined ($cw = rdir($fdir));
	} else {
	for (; $i <= $#{$cw}; $i++) {
	    if (($entry = $cw->[$i]) =~ /^$file/
	        && !($dironly &&  ($entry !~ m|/$|))) {
		$attribs->{completion_append_character} = ''
		    if $entry =~ m|/$|;
		return ($dir . $entry);
	return undef;

sub ftp_display_match_list {
    my($matches, $num_matches, $max_length) = @_;
    map { $_ =~ s|.*/([^/])|$1|; }(@{$matches});


    # tell a lie to
    goto &SYS_gethostname if $AUTOLOAD =~/SYS_gethostname$/;

    $AUTOLOAD =~ s/.*::cmd_//;
    warn "command \`$AUTOLOAD\' is not defined or not implemented.\n";

my %rdir;

sub rdir {		# get remote dir info and save it in %rdir
    my $dir = shift;
    return $rdir{$dir} if defined $rdir{$dir};

    my $d = $ftp->ls('-F', $dir);
    if ($d) {
	foreach (@{$d}) {
	    s|.*/(.)|$1|; # remove directory name  
	return $rdir{$dir} = $d;
    } else {
	return undef;

sub cmd_cwd {
    if ($ftp->cwd(@_)) {
	$pwd = $ftp->pwd();
    } else {
        print STDERR "cwd: cannot chdir to \`$_\'\n"
    print STDERR $ftp->message;

# Why this does not work?
#*cmd_cd = \&cmd_cwd;

sub cmd_cd {

sub cmd_pwd {
    $pwd = $ftp->pwd();
    if ($pwd) {
	#print STDERR "$pwd\n";
    } else {
	print STDERR "pwd failed.\n";
    print STDERR $ftp->message;

sub cmd_ls {
    # strip ls option
    return &cmd_dir if defined $_[0] && $_[0] =~ /^-/ && shift =~ /l/;

    my $dir = shift || $pwd;
    my $d = rdir($dir);
    if (defined $d) {
    } else {
	print STDERR "ls failed\n";
    print STDERR $ftp->message;

# from bash-2.0/lib/readline/complete.c:display_matches()
# bash-4.0 and later has rl_display_match_list. Ignore it for compativility.
sub dump_list {
    use integer;
    my @list = sort @{$_[0]};
    my ($len, $max, $limit, $count, $i, $j, $l, $tmp);
    my $screenwidth = $ENV{COLUMNS} || 80;
    $max = 0;
    foreach (@list) {
	$len = length;
	$max = $len if $len > $max;
    $max += 2;
    $limit = $screenwidth / $max;
    $limit-- if ($limit != 1 && ($limit * $max == $screenwidth));
    $limit = 1 if $limit == 0;
    $count = (@list + ($limit - 1))/ $limit;
    for $i (0..$count - 1) {
	$l = $i;
	for $j (0..$limit - 1) {
	    $tmp = $list[$l];
	    last if $l > @list || ! $tmp;
	    print $tmp;
	    print ' ' x ($max - length $tmp) if $j + 1 < $limit;
	    $l += $count;
	print "\n";

sub cmd_dir {
    # strip ls option
    shift if defined $_[0] && $_[0] =~ /^-/;

    my $dir = $ftp->dir('-F', @_);
    print STDERR $ftp->message;

    my @dir;
    if ($dir) {
	foreach (@{$dir}) {
	    print STDERR "$_\n";

	    my $info = (parse_dir($_, '+0000'))[0]; # GMT
	    next unless $info;	# ignore if parse_dir() can not phase.
	    next if $$info[0] =~ m|^\.\.?/$|; # ignore '.' and '..'
	    $$info[0] =~ s|.*/(.)|$1|; # remove directory name
	    $$info[0] =~ s/[*@]$//;
	    push(@dir, $$info[0]);
	$rdir{$pwd} = \@dir;
    } else {
	print STDERR "dir failed\n";
sub cmd_get {
    print STDERR $ftp->message;

sub cmd_mget {
    if ($opt_g) {
	foreach (@_) {
	    print STDERR $ftp->message;
    } else {
	my $d = $ftp->ls(@_);
	print STDERR $ftp->message;
	foreach (sort @{$d}) {
	    print STDERR $ftp->message;

sub cmd_put {
    print STDERR $ftp->message;

sub cmd_mput {
    my $f;
    foreach $f (@_) {
	foreach ($opt_g ? $f : glob $f) {
	    print STDERR $ftp->message;

sub cmd_lcd {
    my $dir = shift;
    no warnings 'uninitialized';
    if ($dir) {
	chdir $dir or warn "cannot chdir to $dir: $!\n";
    printf STDERR "local current directory is \`%s\'\n", getcwd();

sub cmd_help {
    print STDERR "@ftp_cmd_list\n";

sub read_hosts {
    my $file = shift;
    return () unless -f $file;
    open(F, $file) or die "$0: cannot open file \`$file\'\n";
    my @l = <F>;
    chomp @l;
    return @l;

sub write_hosts {
    my $file = shift;
    my $lastline = '';
    open(F, ">$file") or die "$0: cannot open file \`$file\'\n";
    foreach (sort @_) {
	print F ($_, "\n") if $_ ne $lastline;
	$lastline =  $_;

#	show man page
sub man {
    my $pager = $ENV{'PAGER'} || 'more';
    exec "pod2man $0|nroff -man|$pager";
    die "cannot exec pod2man, nroff, or $pager : $!\n";



=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item B<-u>

disable autologin.

=item B<-g>

turn off glob.

=item B<-h>

show usage.

=item B<-M>

show thie manual.

=item B<-d>

debug mode.

=item I<host>

remote host name.


=head1 FILES

=over 4

=item I<~/.pftp_hosts>

This file contains the list of host names.  These name are used for
completing of remote host name.  If the host name which you login is
not contained in this file, it will be added automatically.


=head1 AUTHOR

Hiroo Hayashi <>

=head1 BUGS

Commands which the author does not know are not supported.
