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#!/usr/bin/env perl

use App::Pipeline::Simple;
use Getopt::Long;
use Carp;

use strict;
use warnings;

use constant PROGRAMME_NAME => 'spipe';
# ABSTRACT: simple pipeline running interface
our $VERSION = '0.9.1'; # VERSION
# PODNAME: spipe

# raising $OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH flag to get immediate reporting
$| = 1;

# catch interuptions cleanly
sub CLEANUP { exit(1) }

# variables to catch command line options
our $DEBUG = '';
our $CONFIG = '';
our $DIR = '.';
our $INPUT = '';
our $ITYPE  =  '';
#our $CONTINUE; # not implemented yet
our $START  =  '';
our $STOP  =  '';

           'v|version'     => sub{ print PROGRAMME_NAME, ", version ", $VERSION, "\n";
				   exit(1); },
           'g|debug'       => \$DEBUG,
           'c|config:s'    => \$CONFIG,
           'd|directory:s' => \$DIR,
           'i|input:s'     => \$INPUT,
           'it|itype:s'    => \$ITYPE,
	   'graphviz'      => \$GRAPHVIZ,
#	   'continue'      => \$CONTINUE,
	   'start:s'       => \$START,
	   'stop:s'        => \$STOP,
	   'verbose:i'     => \$VERBOSE,
           'h|help|?'      => sub{ exec('perldoc',$0); exit(0) },

my %args;
$args{config} = $CONFIG if $CONFIG;
$args{dir}   = $DIR;
$args{input} = $INPUT if $INPUT;
$args{itype} = $ITYPE if $ITYPE;
$args{start} = $START if $START;
$args{stop}  = $STOP  if $STOP;
$args{verbose} = $VERBOSE  if $VERBOSE;

unless (-e "$DIR/config.yml" or $CONFIG ) {
    croak "ERROR: Need either explicit config file or ".
	"it has to be found the working directory\n"

my $p = App::Pipeline::Simple->new(%args);
print $p->graphviz and exit if $GRAPHVIZ;
print $p->stringify and exit if $DEBUG;




=head1 NAME

spipe - simple pipeline running interface

=head1 VERSION

version 0.9.1


B<spipe> [B<--version> | [B<-?|-h|--help>] | [B<-g|--debug>] |
   B<[--graphviz> | B<[-c|--config> file | [B<[-d|--directory> value] |
   B<[-i|--input> string| B<[-it|--itype> string |
   [B<[--start> value] | [B<[--stop> value]

  spipe -config t/data/string_manipulation.yml -d /tmp/test


Spipe is a control script for running simple pipelines read from
configuration files written in YAML language.

For internal details of the pipeline, check the documentation for the
perl module L<App::Pipeline::Simple>.

=head1 NAME

spipe - simple pipeline running interface

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 7

=item B<-v | --version>

Print out a line with the program name and version number.

=item B<-? | -h | --help>

Show this help.

=item B<-g | --debug>

Print out the UNIX command line equivalent of the pipeline and exit.

Reports parsing and logical errors.

=item B<--graphviz>

Print out a graphviz dot file.

Example one liner to display a graph of the pipeline:

  spipe -config t/data/string_manipulation.yml -graph > \
  /tmp/; dot -Tpng /tmp/| display

=item B<-c | --config> string

Path to the config file. Required unless there is a file called
config.yml in the current directory.

=item B<-d | --directory> string

Directory to keep all files.

If the directory does not exist, it will be created and a copy of the
config file will be copied into it under name C<config.yml>.

For subsequent runs of the that pipeline, you adjust the parameters in
the configuration file and rerun spipe without -config and -directory

=item B<-i | --input> string

Optional input to pipeline.

=item B<-it | --itype> string

Type of the optional input. Values?

=item B<--start> string

ID of the step to start or restart the pipeline.

Fails if the prerequisites of the step are not met, i.e. the input
file(s) does not exist.

=item B<--stop> string

ID of the step to stop the pipeline. Defaults to the last step.

=item B<--verbose> int

Verbosity level. Defaults to zero. This will get translated to
Log::Log4perl levels:

  verbose   =  -1    0     1     2
  log level =  DEBUG INFO  WARN  ERROR


=head1 RUNNING

Example run:

  spipe -config t/data/string_manipulation.xml -dir /tmp/test

reads instructions from the config file and writes all information to
the project directory.

The debug option will parse the config file, print out the command
line equivalents of all commands and print out warnings of problems
encountered in the file:

  spipe -config t/data/string_manipulation.xml -dir /tmp/test

An other tool integrated in the system is visualization of the
execution graph. It is done with the help of L<GraphViz> perl
interface module that will need to be installed from CPAN.

The following command line creates a Graphviz dot file, converts it
into an image file and opens it with the Imagemagic display program:

  spipe -config t/data/string_manipulation.xml -graph > \
    /tmp/; dot -Tpng /tmp/ | display


The default configuration is written in YAML, a simple and human
readable language that can be parsed in many languages cleanly into
data structures.

The YAML file contains four top level keys for the hash that the file
will be read into: 1) C<name> to give the pipeline a short name, 2)
C<version> to indicate the version number, 3) C<description> to give a
more verbose explanation what the pipeline does, and 4) C<steps>
listing pipeline steps.

  description: "Example of a pipeline"
  name: String Manipulation
  version: '0.4'

Each C<step> is identified by an unique short ID and has a C<name>
that identifies an executable somewhere in the system
path. Alternatively, you can give the full path leading to the
executable file with key C<path>. The name will be added to the path
and padded with a suitable separator character when needed.

Arguments to the executable are given individually as key/value pairs
within the C<args> tag. A single hyphen is added in front of the
argument key when they are executed. If two hyphens are needed, just
add one the key. Arguments can exist without values, too.

    name: cat
        type: redir
        value: s1.txt
        type: redir
        value: s3_mod.txt
      - s4

There are two special keys C<in> and C<out> that need to have a key
 C<type> defined. The IO C<type> can get several kinds of values:


=item C<unnamed>

that indicates that the argument is an unnamed argument to the

=item C<redir>

will be interpreted as UNIX redirection character '&lt' or '&gt'
depending on the context

=item C<file>

means that IO happens from/to a file and is rendered as named argument

=item C<dir>

is rendered like file, but is a mnemonic that all files under this
directory name are processed


Finally, the C<step> tag can contain the C<next> key that
gives an array of IDs for the next steps in the execution. Typically,
these steps depend on the previous step for input.

Practices that are completely bonkers, like spaces in file names, are
not supported.

Finally, it is worth noting that YAML can need escaping and quoting to
get special characters inside strings. Double quotes around a string
works most of the time well. A single quote inside a single quoted
string needs to be doubled.

The following example of a perl one-liner (Thanks to Nic Walker for
alerting me) could be equally well written using double quotes like
this: "'print $F[1]'"

    name: perl
      lane: '''print $F[1]'''
        type: redir
        value: myfile
        type: redir
        value: sec_column

=head2 Advanced features

The pipeline does not have to be linear; it can contain branches. For
example, the pipeline can have several start points with different
kinds of input: file and string.

Sometimes it is useful to run the same pipeline with different
parameter. The starting point of execution can take a value from the
command line.  Leave the value for the given argument blank in the
configuration file and give it from the command line. Matching of
values is done by matching the type string.

  spipe -conf input_demo.yml --input=ABC --itype=str

  description: "Demonstrate input from command line"
  name: input.yml
  version: '0.1'
      name: echo
          type: unnamed
          type: redir
          value: s1_string.txt

The empty C<value> will be filled in from the command line into the
C<config.yml> stored in the project directory. Also, the config file
looks slightly different since the steps are written out as
App::Pipeline::Simple objects. Functionally there is no difference.

=head1 TO DO

This pipeline engine has been tested using mostly linear pipelines.
Extensive branching and complex dependencies might not work as expected.

There are no explicit tests for the existence of step input
files. Scripts are expected to run these steps themselves and die
gracefully when appropriate.

There has been no attempt to execute steps in parallel fashion.

If all this is included, this pipeline engine might not be "simple"
any more.

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Heikki Lehvaslaiho, KAUST (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology).


This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Heikki Lehvaslaiho.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
