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package Business::CyberSource::Request;
use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
use namespace::autoclean;

our $VERSION = '0.010006'; # VERSION

use Moose;
extends 'Business::CyberSource::Message';
with qw(

use MooseX::Types::CyberSource qw( PurchaseTotals Service Items );

use Module::Runtime  qw( use_module );

our @CARP_NOT = ( 'Class::MOP::Method::Wrapped', __PACKAGE__ );

before serialize => sub { ## no critic qw( Subroutines::RequireFinalReturn )
	my $self = shift;

	if ( ! $self->has_total && ( ! $self->has_items || $self->items_is_empty ) ) {
		die ## no critic ( ErrorHandling::RequireCarping )

sub add_item {
	my ( $self, $args ) = @_;

	my $item;
	unless ( blessed $args
			&& $args->isa( 'Business::CyberSource::RequestPart::Item' )
		) {
			= use_module('Business::CyberSource::RequestPart::Item')
			->new( $args )
	else {
		$item = $args;
	$self->items( [ ] ) if ! $self->has_items;

	return $self->_push_item( $item );

sub _build_service {
	return use_module('Business::CyberSource::RequestPart::Service')->new;

has comments => (
	remote_name => 'comments',
	isa         => 'Str',
	traits      => ['SetOnce'],
	is          => 'rw',

has service => (
	isa        => Service,
	is         => 'ro',
	lazy_build => 1,
	required   => 1,
	coerce     => 1,
	reader     => undef,

has purchase_totals => (
	isa         => PurchaseTotals,
	remote_name => 'purchaseTotals',
	is          => 'ro',
	required    => 1,
	coerce      => 1,
	handles     => [qw( total has_total )],

has items => (
	isa         => Items,
	remote_name => 'item',
	predicate   => 'has_items',
	is          => 'rw',
	traits      => ['Array'],
	coerce      => 1,
	handles     => {
		items_is_empty => 'is_empty',
		next_item      => [ natatime => 1 ],
		list_items     => 'elements',
		_push_item     => 'push',
	serializer => sub {
		my ( $attr, $instance ) = @_;

		my $items = $attr->get_value( $instance );

		my $i = 0;
		my @serialized
			= map { ## no critic ( BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitComplexMappings )
				my $item = $_->serialize;
				$item->{id} = $i;
			} @{ $items };

		return \@serialized;

has '+http_trace' => (
	is        => 'rw',
	init_arg  => undef


# ABSTRACT: Abstract Request Class



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Business::CyberSource::Request - Abstract Request Class

=head1 VERSION

version 0.010006


extends L<Business::CyberSource::Message>

Here are the provided Request subclasses.


=item * L<Authorization|Business::CyberSource::Request::Authorization>

=item * L<AuthReversal|Business::CyberSource::Request::AuthReversal>

=item * L<Capture|Business::CyberSource::Request::Capture>

=item * L<Follow-On Credit|Business::CyberSource::Request::FollowOnCredit>

=item * L<Stand Alone Credit|Business::CyberSource::Request::StandAloneCredit>

=item * L<DCC|Business::CyberSource::Request::DCC>

=item * L<Sale|Business::CyberSource::Request::Sale>


I<note:> You can use the L<Business:CyberSource::Request::Credit> class but,
it requires traits to be applied depending on the type of request you need,
and thus does not currently work with the factory.

=head1 EXTENDS


=head1 WITH


=item L<MooseX::RemoteHelper::CompositeSerialization>


=head1 METHODS

=head2 serialize

returns a hashref suitable for passing to L<XML::Compile::SOAP>

=head2 add_item

Add an L<Item|Business::CyberSource::RequestPart::Item> to L<items|/"items">.
Accepts an item object or a hashref to construct an item object.

an array of L<Items|MooseX::Types::CyberSource/"Items">


=head2 reference_code

Merchant-generated order reference or tracking number.  CyberSource recommends
that you send a unique value for each transaction so that you can perform
meaningful searches for the transaction.

=head2 service


=head2 purchase_totals


=head2 items

An array of L<Business::CyberSource::RequestPart::Item>

=head2 comments

Comment Field

=for Pod::Coverage BUILD

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a
patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired

=head1 AUTHOR

Caleb Cushing <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2015 by Caleb Cushing <>.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)
