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package Class::Accessor::TrackDirty;
use 5.008_001;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Storable qw(dclone freeze);
our $VERSION = '0.05';

our $RESERVED_FIELD = '_original';
our $NEW = 'new';
our $FROM_HASH = 'from_hash';
our $RAW = 'raw';
our $TO_HASH = 'to_hash';
our $IS_MODIFIED = 'is_dirty';
our $IS_NEW = 'is_new';
our $REVERT = 'revert';

    my %package_info;
    sub _package_info($) {
        my $package = shift;
        $package_info{$package} ||= {tracked_fields => [], fields => []};

sub _is_different_deeply($$) {
    my ($ref_x, $ref_y) = @_;
    (freeze $ref_x) ne (freeze $ref_y);

sub _is_different($$) {
    my ($x, $y) = @_;
    if (defined $x && defined $y) {
        if (ref $x && ref $y) {
            return _is_different_deeply $x, $y;
        } else {
            return ref $x || ref $y || $x ne $y;
    } else {
        return defined $x || defined $y;

sub _make_tracked_accessor($$) {
    no strict 'refs';
    my ($package, $name) = @_;

    *{"$package\::$name"} = sub {
        my $self = shift;

        # getter
        my $value;
        if (exists $self->{$name}) {
            $value = $self->{$name};
        } elsif (defined $self->{$RESERVED_FIELD})  {
            $value = $self->{$RESERVED_FIELD}{$name};

            # Defensive copying
            $value = ($self->{$name} = dclone $value) if ref $value;

        # setter
        $self->{$name} = $_[0] if @_;

        return $value;

sub _make_accessor($$) {
    no strict 'refs';
    my ($package, $name) = @_;

    *{"$package\::$name"} = sub {
        my $self = shift;
        my $value = $self->{$name};
        $self->{$name} = $_[0] if @_;

sub _mk_tracked_accessors($@) {
    my $package = shift;
    _make_tracked_accessor $package => $_ for @_;
    push @{_package_info($package)->{tracked_fields}}, @_;

sub _mk_helpers($) {
    no strict 'refs';
    my $package = shift;
    my ($tracked_fields, $fields) =
        @{_package_info $package}{qw(tracked_fields fields)};

    # cleate helper methods
    *{"$package\::$FROM_HASH"} = sub {
        my $package = shift;
        my %modified = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? %{$_[0]} : @_;

        my %origin;
        for my $name (@$tracked_fields) {
            $origin{$name} = delete $modified{$name} if exists $modified{$name};

        $modified{$RESERVED_FIELD} = \%origin;
        bless \%modified, $package;

    *{"$package\::$RAW"} = sub {
        my ($self) = @_;

        my %hash = (
            (map {
                # Don't store undefined values.
                my $v = $self->$_;
                defined $v ? ($_ => $v) : ();
            } @$tracked_fields, @$fields),

        return \%hash;

    *{"$package\::$TO_HASH"} = sub {
        my ($self) = @_;
        my $raw = $self->raw;

        # Move published data for cleaning.
        $self->{$RESERVED_FIELD} ||= {};
        $self->{$RESERVED_FIELD}{$_} = delete $self->{$_}
                              for grep { exists $self->{$_} } @$tracked_fields;

        return $raw;

    *{"$package\::$IS_MODIFIED"} = sub {
        my $self = shift;
        return 1 unless defined $self->{$RESERVED_FIELD};

        for (@$tracked_fields) {
            return 1
                if exists $self->{$_} &&
                   _is_different $self->{$_}, $self->{$RESERVED_FIELD}{$_};

    *{"$package\::$IS_NEW"} = sub {
        my $self = shift;
        exists $self->{$RESERVED_FIELD} ? 0 : 1;

    *{"$package\::$REVERT"} = sub {
        my $self = shift;
        delete $self->{$_} for @$tracked_fields;

sub _mk_accessors($@) {
    my $package = shift;
    _make_accessor $package => $_ for @_;
    push @{_package_info($package)->{fields}}, @_;

sub _mk_new($) {
    no strict 'refs';
    my $package = shift;

    *{"$package\::$NEW"} = sub {
        my $package = shift;
        my %modified = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? %{$_[0]} : @_;

        bless \%modified => $package;

sub mk_tracked_accessors {
    (undef, my @tracked_fields) = @_;
    my $package = caller(0);
    _mk_tracked_accessors $package => @tracked_fields;
    _mk_helpers $package;

sub mk_accessors {
    (undef, my @fields) = @_;
    my $package = caller(0);
    _mk_accessors $package => @fields;

sub mk_new {
    my $package = caller(0);
    _mk_new $package;

sub mk_new_and_tracked_accessors {
    (undef, my @tracked_fields) = @_;
    my $package = caller(0);
    _mk_tracked_accessors $package => @tracked_fields;
    _mk_helpers $package;
    _mk_new $package;


=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME

Class::Accessor::TrackDirty - Define simple entities stored in some places.


    package UserInfo;
    use Class::Accessor::TrackDirty;
    Class::Accessor::TrackDirty->mk_new_and_tracked_accessors("name", "password");

    package main;
    my $user = UserInfo->new({name => 'honma', password => 'F!aS3l'});
    store_into_someplace($user->to_hash) if $user->is_dirty;
    # ...
    $user = UserInfo->from_hash(restore_from_someplace());
    $user->revert; # but decided not to
    $user->name('honma'); # I can't make up my mind...
    # ... blabla ...

    # Store it only if $user was really modified.
    store_into_someplace($user->to_hash) if $user->is_dirty;


Class::Accessor::TrackDirty defines simple entities stored in files, RDBMS,
KVS, and so on. It tracks dirty columns and you can store it only when the
instance was really modified.


=head2 Functions

=head3 C<< Class::Accessor::TrackDirty->mk_new; >>

Create the C<<new>> methods in your class.
You can pass a hash-ref or hash-like list to C<<new>> method.

=over 4

=item C<< my $object = YourClass->new({name1 => "value1", ...}); >>

The instance created by C<<new>> is regarded as `dirty' since it hasn't been
stored yet.


=head3 C<< Class::Accessor::TrackDirty->mk_tracked_accessors("name1", "name2", ...); >>

Create accessor methods and helper methods in your class.
Following helper methods will be created automatically.

=over 4

=item C<< $your_object->is_dirty; >>

Check that the instance is modified. If it's true, you should store this
instance into some place through using C<<to_hash>> method.

=item C<< $your_object->is_new; >>

Checks if the instance might be in a storage. Returns false value when
the instance comes from C<from_hash> method, or after you call
C<to_hash> method.

=item C<< my $hash_ref = $your_object->to_hash; >>

Eject data from this instance as plain hash-ref format.
C<<$your_object>> is regarded as `clean' after calling this method.

You'd better store C<<$hash_ref>> into some place ASAP. It's up to you how
C<<$hash_ref>> should be serialized.

=item C<< $your_object->raw; >>

Retrieves the row data from the instance. The return value is the same as
C<to_hash> method, but this method doesn't change the state of the

=item C<< my $object = YourClass->from_hash({name1 => "value1", ...}); >>

Rebuild the instance from a hash-ref ejected by C<<to_hash>> method.
The instance constructed by C<<from_hash>> is regarded as `clean'.

=item C<< $your_object->revert; >>

Revert all `dirty' changes. Fields created by C<<mk_tracked_accessors>> returns to
the point where you call C<<new>>, C<<to_hash>>, or C<<from_hash>>.

The volatile fields will be never reverted.


You'd better *NOT* store references in tracked fields. Though following codes
work well, to make C<revert> work well, we'll have to copy references deeply
when you call getter.

  my $your_object = YourClass->new(some_refs => {key => 'value'});
  # some_refs are copyied deeply :(
  $your_object->some_refs->{key} = '<censored>';

  print $your_object->some_refs, "\n"; # printed "value"

=head3 C<< Class::Accessor::TrackDirty->mk_accessors("name1", "name2", ...); >>

Define the field which isn't tracked. You can freely change these fields,
and it will never be marked as `dirty'.

=head3 C<< Class::Accessor::TrackDirty->mk_new_and_tracked_accessors("name1", "name2", ...); >>

This method is a combination of C<<mk_tracked_accessors>> and C<<mk_new>>.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Class::Accessor>, L<Class::Accessor::Lite>, L<MooseX::TrackDirty::Attributes>, L<Hash::Dirty>

=head1 AUTHOR

Masahiro Honma E<lt>hiratara@cpan.orgE<gt>


Copyright (c) 2013, Masahiro Honma. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
