The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
<yatt:envelope  guest_ok >
  <:yatt:title>Reset Password</:yatt:title>

    Just enter the email you registered and we'll let you reset it.

  <div id="content" class="center_col narrow">
    <form method="POST">
      <div class="form fullwidth">
	  <dd><input type="text" name="email" size="15" /></dd>

	<div class="buttons">
	  <input type="hidden" name="!!" value="sendmail">
	  <input type="submit" value="Send reset link">

<!yatt:action sendmail>
my ($this, $con) = @_;

my $email = $this->YATT->fetch_email($con);

my $token = $this->YATT->reset_password($email);

my $url = $con->mkurl(undef, ['~reset' => 1, email => $email, token => $token]);

if ($this->YATT->sendmail($con, $this, email => $email, $url)) {
} else {
  die "Can't send email!";

<!yatt:widget email to url=html>
From: &yatt:mail_sender();
To: &yatt:to;
Subject: Password reset is requested.
Content-type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

To proceed password resetting, please click this link:


If you have received this mail without having requested it,
please dispose this mail.

<!yatt:widget sent>
<yatt:envelope  guest_ok >
  <div id="content" class="center_col regist">
  <h2>Password reset sent</h2>

<!yatt:page reset email=! token=!>

<yatt:if "&yatt:this:YATT():can_change_password(:email,:token);">
<yatt:envelope  guest_ok >
  <:yatt:title>Enter new password</:yatt:title>

  <div id="content" class="center_col narrow login">
    <form method="POST">
      <input type="hidden" name="email" value="&yatt:email;"/>
      <input type="hidden" name="token" value="&yatt:token;"/>
      <div class="form fullwidth">
	  <dd><input type="password" name="password" class="required" size="15"></dd>
	  <dt>(Retype password):</dt>
	  <dd><input type="password" name="password2" size="15"></dd>

	<div class="buttons">
	  <input type="submit" name="!reset" value="Update">

<yatt:envelope  guest_ok >
  <:yatt:title>Invalid token!</:yatt:title>

<!yatt:action reset email=! token=!>
my ($this, $con) = @_;

my $pass1 = $this->YATT->fetch_pass_pair($con);

my $email = $this->YATT->fetch_email($con);

my $token = $con->param_type('token', qr{^\w+$ }x );

my $user = $this->YATT->do_change_password($email, $token, $pass1);



<!yatt:widget done>
<yatt:envelope  guest_ok >
  <h2>Password reset success!</h2>
  <a href="./">Top</a>