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package YATT::Lite::Factory;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp;
use YATT::Lite::Breakpoint;
sub MY () {__PACKAGE__}

use 5.010;
use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);

use parent qw/YATT::Lite::NSBuilder File::Spec/;
use File::Path ();
use File::Basename qw/dirname/;

# Note: Definition of default values are not yet gathered here.
# Some are in YATT::Lite, others are in YATT::Lite::Core, CGen.. and so on.

use YATT::Lite::MFields
([cf_namespace =>
  (doc => "namespace prefix for yatt. (default: [yatt, perl])")]

 , [cf_doc_root =>
    (doc => "Primary template directory")]

 , [cf_app_base =>
    (doc => "Base dir for this siteapp")]

 , [cf_site_prefix =>
    (doc => "Location prefix for this siteapp")]

 , [cf_index_name =>
    (doc => "Rootname of index template. (default: index)")]

 , [cf_header_charset =>
    (doc => "Charset for outgoing HTTP Content-Type. (default: utf-8)")]

 , [cf_tmpl_encoding =>
    (doc => "Perl encoding used while reading yatt templates. (default: '')")]

 , [cf_output_encoding =>
    (doc => "Perl encoding used for outgoing response body. (default: '')")]

 , [cf_offline =>
    (doc => "Whether header should be emitted or not.")]

 , [cf_binary_config   =>
    (doc => "(This may be changed in future release) Whether .htyattconfig.* should be read with encoding or not.")]

 , qw/





use YATT::Lite::Util::AsBase;
use YATT::Lite::Util qw/lexpand globref untaint_any ckrequire dofile_in
			lookup_dir fields_hash

use YATT::Lite::XHF ();

use YATT::Lite::Partial::ErrorReporter;
use YATT::Lite::Partial::AppPath;

use YATT::Lite qw/Entity *SYS *YATT *CON/;

use YATT::Lite::Util::CycleDetector qw/Visits/;


our $want_object;
sub want_object { $want_object }

sub find_load_factory_script {
  my ($pack, %opts) = @_;
  my ($found) = $pack->find_factory_script(delete $opts{dir})
    or return;
  my $self = $pack->load_factory_script($found)
    or croak "Can't load YATT::Lite::Factory instance from $found";

sub load_factory_offline {
  shift->find_load_factory_script(offline => 1, @_);

sub configure_offline {
  (my MY $self, my $value) = @_;
  $self->{cf_offline} = $value;
  if ($self->{cf_offline}) {
    $self->configure(error_handler => sub {
		       my ($type, $err) = @_;
		       die $err;


sub load_factory_for_psgi {
  my ($pack, $psgi, %default) = @_;
  unless (defined $psgi) {
    croak "Usage: Factory->load_factory_for_psgi(psgi_filename, \%opts)";
  unless (-r $psgi) {
    croak "psgi is not readable: $psgi";
  (my $app_rootname = $pack->rel2abs($psgi)) =~ s/\.psgi$//;

  # Assume app_root is safe.
  my $app_root = untaint_any(dirname($app_rootname));
  unless (-d $app_root) {
    croak "Can't find app_root for $psgi";

  $default{doc_root} ||= "$app_root/html";
  if (-d "$app_root/ytmpl") {
    $default{app_base} ||= '@ytmpl';
  if (my (@cf) = map {
    my $cf = "$app_rootname.$_";
    -e $cf ? $cf : ()
  } $pack->default_config_filetypes) {
    croak "Multiple configuration files!: @cf" if @cf > 1;
    $pack->_with_loading_file($cf[0], sub {
				$pack->new(app_root => $app_root, %default
					   , $pack->read_file($cf[0]));
  } else {
    $pack->new(app_root => $app_root, %default);


  my %sub2app;
  sub to_app {
    my ($self, $cascade, @fallback) = @_;
    my $sub = sub { $self->call(@_) };
    $sub2app{$sub} = $self; weaken($sub2app{$sub});
    if ($cascade) {
      $sub2app{$cascade} = $self; weaken($sub2app{$cascade});
      $cascade->add($sub, @fallback);
    } else {
  sub load_psgi_script {
    my ($pack, $fn) = @_;
    local $want_object = 1;
    local $0 = $fn;
    my $sub = $pack->sandbox_dofile($fn);
    if (ref $sub eq 'CODE') {
    } elsif ($sub->isa($pack) or $sub->isa(MY)) {
    } else {
      die "Unknown load result from: $fn";
  sub prepare_app { return }

  our $load_count;
  sub sandbox_dofile {
    my ($pack, $file) = @_;
    my $sandbox = sprintf "%s::Sandbox::S%d", __PACKAGE__, ++$load_count;
    my @__result__;
    if (wantarray) {
      @__result__ = dofile_in($sandbox, $file);
    } else {
      $__result__[0] = dofile_in($sandbox, $file);
    my $sym = globref($sandbox, 'filename');
    unless (*{$sym}{CODE}) {
      *$sym = sub {$file};
    wantarray ? @__result__ : $__result__[0];

sub load_factory_script {
  my ($pack, $fn) = @_;
  local $want_object = 1;
  local $0 = $fn;
  local ($FindBin::Bin, $FindBin::Script
	 , $FindBin::RealBin, $FindBin::RealScript);
  FindBin->again if FindBin->can("again");
  if ($fn =~ /\.psgi$/) {
  } else {

sub find_factory_script {
  my $pack = shift;
  my $dir = $pack->rel2abs($_[0] // $pack->curdir);
  my @path = $pack->no_upwards($pack->splitdir($dir));
  my $rootdir = $pack->rootdir;
  while (@path and length($dir = $pack->catdir(@path)) > length($rootdir)) {
    if (my ($found) = grep {-r} map {"$dir/$_.psgi"} qw(runyatt app)) {
      return $found;
  } continue { pop @path }


sub init_app_ns {
  (my MY $self) = @_;

sub after_new {
  (my MY $self) = @_;
  $self->{cf_output_encoding} //= $self->default_output_encoding;
  $self->{cf_header_charset} //= (
    $self->{cf_output_encoding} || $self->default_header_charset

sub default_output_encoding { '' }
sub default_header_charset  { 'utf-8' }

sub _after_after_new {
  (my MY $self) = @_;

  if (not $self->{cf_allow_missing_dir}
      and $self->{cf_doc_root}
      and not -d $self->{cf_doc_root}) {
    croak "document_root '$self->{cf_doc_root}' is missing!";
  if ($self->{cf_doc_root}) {
  # XXX: $self->{cf_tmpldirs}

  $self->{cf_site_prefix} //= "";

  $self->{tmpldirs} = [];
  if (my $dir = $self->{cf_doc_root}) {
    push @{$self->{tmpldirs}}, $dir;


sub render {
  (my MY $self, my ($reqrec, $args, @opts)) = @_;
  # [$path_info, $subpage, $action]
  my ($path_info, @rest) = ref $reqrec ? @$reqrec : $reqrec;

  my ($tmpldir, $loc, $file, $trailer)
    = my @pi = lookup_path($path_info
			   , $self->{tmpldirs}
			   , $self->{cf_index_name}, ".yatt");
  unless (@pi) {
    die "No such location: $path_info";

  my $dh = $self->get_lochandler(map {untaint_any($_)} $loc, $tmpldir) or do {
    die "No such directory: $path_info";

  my $con = $self->make_simple_connection
    \@pi, yatt => $dh, noheader => 1
    , $self->make_debug_params($reqrec, $args)

    $dh, $con
   , render_into => $con
   , @rest ? [$file, @rest] : $file
   , $args, @opts



sub Connection () {'YATT::Lite::Connection'};

sub make_simple_connection {
  (my MY $self, my ($quad, @rest)) = @_;
  my ($tmpldir, $loc, $file, $trailer) = @$quad;
  my $virtdir = "$self->{cf_doc_root}$loc";
  my $realdir = "$tmpldir$loc";
  my @params = $self->connection_quad([$virtdir, $loc, $file, $trailer]);
  $self->make_connection(undef, @params, @rest);

sub make_debug_params {
  (my MY $self, my ($reqrec, $args)) = @_;

sub make_connection {
  (my MY $self, my ($fh, @params)) = @_;
  require YATT::Lite::Connection;
    $fh, @params, system => $self, root => $self->{cf_doc_root}

sub finalize_connection {}

sub connection_param {
  croak "Use of YATT::Lite::Factory::connection_param is deprecated!\n";
sub connection_quad {
  (my MY $self, my ($quad)) = @_;
  my ($virtdir, $loc, $file, $subpath) = @$quad;
  (dir => $virtdir
   , location => $loc
   , file => $file
   , subpath => $subpath);

# Hook for subclassing
sub run_dirhandler {
  (my MY $self, my ($dh, $con, $file)) = @_;
  local ($SYS, $YATT, $CON) = ($self, $dh, $con);
  $self->before_dirhandler($dh, $con, $file);
  $self->invoke_dirhandler($dh, $con
			   , handle => $dh->cut_ext($file), $con, $file);
  $self->after_dirhandler($dh, $con, $file);

sub before_dirhandler { &maybe::next::method; }
sub after_dirhandler  { &maybe::next::method; }

sub invoke_dirhandler {
  (my MY $self, my ($dh, $con, $method, @args)) = @_;
  $dh->with_system($self, $method, @args);


sub get_lochandler {
  (my MY $self, my ($location, $tmpldir)) = @_;
  $tmpldir //= $self->{cf_doc_root};
  $self->get_yatt($location) || do {
    $self->{loc2yatt}{$location} = $self->load_yatt("$tmpldir$location");

# location => yatt (dirhandler, dirapp)

sub get_yatt {
  (my MY $self, my $loc) = @_;
  if (my $yatt = $self->{loc2yatt}{$loc}) {
    return $yatt;
#  print STDERR Carp::longmess("get_yatt for $loc"
#			      , YATT::Lite::Util::terse_dump($self->{tmpldirs}));
  my ($realdir, $basedir) = lookup_dir(trim_slash($loc), $self->{tmpldirs});
  unless ($realdir) {
    $self->error("Can't find template directory for location '%s'", $loc);
  $self->{loc2yatt}{$loc} = $self->load_yatt($realdir, $basedir);

# phys-path => yatt

sub load_yatt {
  (my MY $self, my ($path, $basedir, $visits, $from)) = @_;
  $path = $self->rel2abs($path, $self->{cf_app_root});
  if (my $yatt = $self->{path2yatt}{$path}) {
    return $yatt;
  if (not $visits) {
    $visits = Visits->start($path);
  } elsif (my $preds = $visits->check_cycle($path, $from)) {
    $self->error("Template config error! base has cycle!:\n     %s\n"
		 , join "\n  -> ", $from, @$preds);
  #-- DFS-visits --
  if (not $self->{cf_allow_missing_dir} and not -d $path) {
    croak "Can't find '$path'!";
  if (my (@cf) = map {
    my $cf = untaint_any($path) . "/.htyattconfig.$_";
    -e $cf ? $cf : ()
  } $self->config_filetypes) {
    $self->error("Multiple configuration files!", @cf) if @cf > 1;
    _with_loading_file {$self} $cf[0], sub {
      $self->build_yatt($path, $basedir, $visits, $self->read_file($cf[0]));
  } else {
    $self->build_yatt($path, $basedir, $visits);

sub build_yatt {
  (my MY $self, my ($path, $basedir, $visits, %opts)) = @_;

  my $app_name = $self->app_name_for($path, $basedir);

  # base package と base vfs object の決定
  my (@basepkg, @basevfs);
  $self->_list_base_spec_in($path, delete $opts{base}, $visits
			    , \@basepkg, \@basevfs);

  my $app_ns = $self->buildns(INST => \@basepkg, $path);

  if (-e (my $rc = "$path/")) {
    # Note: This can do "use fields (...)"
    dofile_in($app_ns, $rc);

  my @args = (vfs => [dir => $path, encoding => $self->{cf_tmpl_encoding}
		      , @basevfs ? (base => \@basevfs) : ()]
	      , dir => $path
	      , app_ns => $app_ns
	      , app_name => $app_name
	      , factory => $self

	      # XXX: Design flaw! Use of tmpl_cache will cause problem.
	      # because VFS->create for base do not respect Factory->get_yatt.
	      # To solve this, I should redesign all Factory/VFS related stuffs.
	      # , tmpl_cache => $self->{tmpl_cache} //= {}

	      , $self->configparams_for(fields_hash($app_ns)));

  if (my @unk = $app_ns->YATT::Lite::Object::cf_unknowns(%opts)) {
    $self->error("Unknown option for yatt app '%s': '%s'"
		 , $path, join(", ", @unk));

  $self->{path2yatt}{$path} = $app_ns->new(@args, %opts);

sub _list_base_spec_in {
  (my MY $self, my ($in, $desc, $visits, $basepkg, $basevfs)) = @_;

  my $is_implicit = not defined $desc;

  $desc //= $self->{cf_app_base};

  my ($base, @mixin) = lexpand($desc)
    or return;

  my @pkg_n_dir;
  foreach my $task ([1, $base], [0, @mixin]) {
    my ($is_primary, @spec) = @$task;
    foreach my $basespec (@spec) {
      my ($pkg, $yatt);
      if ($basespec =~ /^::(.*)/) {
	push @pkg_n_dir, [$is_primary, $1, undef];
      } elsif (my $realpath = $self->app_path_find_dir_in($in, $basespec)) {
	if ($is_implicit) {
	  next if $visits->has_node($realpath);
	push @pkg_n_dir, [$is_primary, undef, $realpath];
      } else {
	$self->error("Invalid base spec: %s", $basespec);

  foreach my $tuple (@pkg_n_dir) {
    my ($is_primary, $pkg, $dir) = @$tuple;
    next unless $dir;
    my $yatt = $self->load_yatt($dir, undef, $visits, $in);
    $tuple->[1] = ref $yatt;
    push @$basevfs, [dir => $yatt->cget('dir')];

  push @$basepkg, map {
    my ($is_primary, $pkg, $dir) = @$_;
    ($is_primary && $pkg) ? ($pkg) : ()
  } @pkg_n_dir;



sub buildns {
  (my MY $self, my ($kind, $baselist, $path)) = @_;
  my $newns = $self->SUPER::buildns($kind, $baselist, $path);

  # EntNS を足し、Entity も呼べるようにする。
  $self->{default_app}->define_Entity(undef, $newns
				      , map {$_->EntNS} @$baselist);

  # instns には MY を定義しておく。
  my $my = globref($newns, 'MY');
  unless (*{$my}{CODE}) {
    *$my = sub () { $newns };


sub _cf_delegates {

sub configparams_for {
  (my MY $self, my $hash) = @_;
  # my @base = map { [dir => $_] } lexpand($self->{cf_tmpldirs});
  # (@base ? (base => \@base) : ())
   $self->cf_delegate_known(0, $hash, $self->_cf_delegates)
   , (exists $hash->{cf_error_handler}
      ? (error_handler => \ $self->{cf_error_handler}) : ())
   , die_in_error => ! YATT::Lite::Util::is_debugging());

# XXX: Should have better interface.
sub error {
  (my MY $self, my ($fmt, @args)) = @_;
  croak sprintf $fmt, @args;


sub app_name_for {
  (my MY $self, my ($path, $basedir)) = @_;
  if ($basedir) {
    $self->_extract_app_name($path, $basedir)
      // $self->error("Can't extract app_name path=%s, base=%s"
		      , $path, $basedir);
  } else {
    foreach my $tmpldir (lexpand($self->{tmpldirs})) {
      ensure_slash(my $cp = $tmpldir);
      if (defined(my $app_name = $self->_extract_app_name($path, $cp))) {
	# Can be empty string.
	return $app_name;
    return '';

sub _extract_app_name {
  (my MY $self, my ($path, $basedir)) = @_;
  my ($bs, $name) = unpack('A'.length($basedir).'A*', $path);
  return undef unless $bs eq $basedir;
  $name =~ s{[/\\]+$}{};


sub read_file {
  (my MY $self, my $fn) = @_;
  my ($ext) = $fn =~ /\.(\w+)$/
    or croak "Can't extract fileext from filename: $fn";
  my $sub = $self->can("read_file_$ext")
    or croak "filetype $ext is not supported: $fn";
  $sub->($self, $fn);

sub default_config_filetypes {qw/xhf yml/}
sub config_filetypes {
  (my MY $self) = @_;
  if (my $item = $self->{cf_config_filetypes}) {
  } else {

sub read_file_xhf {
  (my MY $self, my $fn) = @_;
  my $bytes_semantics = ref $self && $self->{cf_binary_config};
    ($fn, bytes => $bytes_semantics);

sub read_file_yml {
  (my MY $self, my $fn) = @_;
  require YAML::Tiny;
  my $yaml = YAML::Tiny->read($fn);
  wantarray ? lexpand($yaml->[0]) : $yaml;


sub trim_slash {
  $_[0] =~ s,/*$,,;

sub ensure_slash {
  unless (defined $_[0] and $_[0] ne '') {
    $_[0] = '/';
  } else {
    my $abs = File::Spec->rel2abs($_[0]);
    my $sep = $^O =~ /^MSWin/ ? "\\" : "/";
    $abs =~ s{(?:\Q$sep\E)?$}{$sep}; # Should end with path-separator.
    $_[0] = $abs;

  Entity site_prefix => sub {
    my MY $self = $SYS;
