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;;; yatt-lint-any.el -- *Minor* mode to lint any (yatt related) files.

;;; Copyright (C) 2010~2012 KOBAYASI Hiroaki

;; Author: KOBAYASI Hiroaki <>

;; TODO: lint *before* real file saving, for safer operation.

(require 'cl)

(require 'plist-bind "yatt-utils")

(defconst yatt-lint-any-YATT-dir
  ;; eval-current-buffer で nil に戻されないように
  (let ((fn load-file-name))
    (if fn
	   (file-truename fn))))
  "Where YATT is installed. This is used to locate ``scripts/yatt.lint''.")

(defvar yatt-lint-any-registry
  ;; User may extend this.
     handler yatt-lint-any-handle-yatt)
     handler yatt-lint-any-handle-perl-action)
     handler yatt-lint-any-handle-yattrc)
     handler yatt-lint-any-handle-perl-module)
     handler      yatt-lint-any-handle-perl-script
     major-mode (perl-mode cperl-mode))
  "Auto lint filename mapping for yatt and related files.")

(defvar yatt-lint-any-mode-blacklist nil
  "Avoid yatt-lint if after-save-hook contains these syms.")

(defvar yatt-lint-any-perl-mode 'yatt-lint-any-handle-perl-script
  "Check every perl-mode buffer even if it is not related to yatt.
To disable, set to nil.")

(defun yatt-lint-any-mode-unless-blacklisted ()
  (let ((ok t) (lst yatt-lint-any-mode-blacklist)
    (while (and ok lst)
      (setq i (car lst))
      (setq ok (and ok (not (cond ((symbolp i)
				   (memq i after-save-hook))
				  ((listp i)
				   (funcall i))
				  (t nil)))))
      (setq lst (cdr lst)))
    (cond (ok
	   (yatt-lint-any-mode t))
	   (yatt-lint-any-mode nil)))))

(defvar yatt-lint-any-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
(define-key yatt-lint-any-mode-map [f5] 'yatt-lint-any-after)

(define-minor-mode yatt-lint-any-mode
  "Lint anything, by hitting <F5>"
  :keymap yatt-lint-any-mode-map
  :lighter "<F5 lint>"
  :global nil
  (let ((hook 'after-save-hook) (fn 'yatt-lint-any-after)
	(buf (current-buffer)))
    (cond ((and (boundp 'mmm-temp-buffer-name)
		(equal (buffer-name) mmm-temp-buffer-name))
	   (message "skipping yatt-lint-any-mode for %s" buf)
	   (message "enabling yatt-lint-any-mode for %s" buf)
	   (add-hook hook fn nil nil)
	   (make-variable-buffer-local 'yatt-lint-any-driver-path))
	   (message "disabling yatt-lint-any-mode for %s" buf)
	   (remove-hook hook fn nil)))))

(defvar yatt-lint-any-driver-path nil
  "runyatt.lib path for this buffer.")

(defun yatt-lint-any-find-driver (&optional reload)
  "Find and cache runyatt.lib path."
   (and (not reload) yatt-lint-any-driver-path)
   (setq yatt-lint-any-driver-path
	 (let ((htaccess ".htaccess")
	       (htyattcf ".htyattconfig.xhf") config
	       action driver libdir yattdir)
	   (cond ((and
		   ;; For vhost and non-standard DocumentRoot case,
		   ;; Please specify info{libdir: ...} in your .htyattconfig.xhf
		   (file-exists-p htyattcf)
		   (setq libdir (yatt-xhf-fetch htyattcf "info" "libdir"))
		   (file-exists-p (setq yattdir (concat libdir "/YATT/"))))

		 ((setq libdir (yatt-lint-any-find-upward "YATT"))
		  (concat libdir "/"))

		   (setq libdir (yatt-lint-any-find-upward "lib"))
		   (file-exists-p (setq yattdir (concat libdir "/YATT/"))))

		 ((and (file-exists-p htaccess)
		       (setq action (yatt-lint-any-htaccess-find htaccess
				     "Action" "x-yatt-handler"))
			(setq libdir (yatt-lint-any-action-libdir action)))
		       (file-exists-p (setq yattdir (concat libdir "/YATT/"))))

		 ((file-exists-p "lib/YATT")

(defun yatt-lint-any-find-upward (file &optional startdir)
  "Search FILE from STARTDIR and its parent, upto /."
  (let* ((full (or startdir (file-name-directory
			     (buffer-file-name (current-buffer)))))
	 (prefix (yatt-lint-tramp-prefix full))
	 (dir    (yatt-lint-tramp-localname full))
    (while (and
	    (not (equal dir "/"))
	    (not (file-exists-p (setq fn (concat prefix dir file)))))
      (setq dir (file-name-directory (directory-file-name dir))))
    (if (file-exists-p fn)

(defun yatt-xhf-fetch (fn k1 k2)
  ;; No, this is adhoc. Real logic will be implemented later.
    (find-file-read-only fn)
    (goto-char 0)
    (let (res
	  (found (re-search-forward (concat "^" k1 "{\n" k2 ": ") nil t)))
      (when found
	(setq res (buffer-substring found (point))))
      (kill-buffer (current-buffer))

(defun yatt-lint-any-htaccess-find (file config &rest keys)
	(let ((pat (concat "^" (combine-and-quote-strings (cons config keys)
	  (find-file file)
		(goto-char 0)
		(block loop
		  (while (setq found (re-search-forward pat nil t))
		    (return-from loop (buffer-substring found (point))))))
	    (kill-buffer (current-buffer))))))))

  ".htaccess" "Action" "x-yatt-handler")

(defun yatt-lint-any-action-libdir (action &optional systype)
  "Resolve action location(url) to real path.
Currently only RHEL is supported."
    (let* ((user)
	    (cond ((string-match "^/~\\([^/]+\\)" action)
		   (concat "/home/"
			   (match-string 1 action)
			   (substring action (match-end 0))))
		   (concat "/var/www/html" action)))))
      (concat (file-name-sans-extension driver-path) ".lib"))))

(defun yatt-lint-any-after ()
  "lint after file save."
  (let* ((buf (current-buffer))
	 (spec (yatt-lint-any-lookup
		(file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name buf))))
	 handler filter)
    (cond (spec
	   (when (setq handler (plist-get spec 'handler))
	     (when (or (not (setq filter (plist-get spec 'major-mode)))
		       (member major-mode filter))
	       (yatt-lint-any-run handler buf))))
	  ((and yatt-lint-any-perl-mode
		(member major-mode '(perl-mode cperl-mode)))
	   (yatt-lint-any-run yatt-lint-any-perl-mode buf)))))

(defun yatt-lint-any-lookup (bufname &optional registry)
  (setq registry (or registry yatt-lint-any-registry))
    (block loop
      (while registry
	(when (string-match (caar registry) bufname)
	  (return-from loop (cdar registry)))
	(setq registry (cdr registry))))))

(defun yatt-lint-any-run (handler buffer)
  (plist-bind (file line err rc)
      (funcall handler buffer)
    (unless (eq rc 0)
    (when (and file
	       (not (equal (expand-file-name file)
			   (yatt-lint-tramp-localname buffer)))
	       (not (equal file "-")))
	(message "opening error file: %s" file)
	(find-file-other-window file))
    (when (and file line)
      (goto-line (string-to-number line)))
    (message "%s"
	     (cond ((> (length err) 0)
		   ((not (eq rc 0))
		    "Unknown error")
		    "lint OK")))))

;; *.yatt
(defvar yatt-lint-any-re-known-errors
  "^\\(?:error \\)?\\[\\[file\\] \\([^]]*\\) \\[line\\] \\([^]]*\\)\\]\n"
  "Regexp to parse 'known' errors from YATT::Lite")

(defvar yatt-lint-any-re-unknown-errors
  " at \\([^ ]*\\) line \\([0-9]+\\)[.,]"
  "Regexp to parse 'unknown' errors from YATT::Lite")

(defvar yatt-lint-any-re-indirect-errors
  "^\\([^\n]+\\)\n  loaded from \\(file '\\([^']+\\)'\\|(unknown file)\\)?"
  "Regexp to parse 'loaded from...' errors from YATT::Lite")

(defun yatt-lint-any-handle-yatt (buffer)
  (plist-bind (rc err)
      (yatt-lint-any-shell-command (yatt-lint-cmdfile "scripts/yatt.lint") " "
				   (yatt-lint-tramp-localname buffer))
    (when rc
      (let (match diag)
	;; う~ん、setq がダサくないか? かといって、any-matchのインデントが深くなるのも嫌だし...
	(cond ((setq match
		      err 'file 1 'line 2))
	       (setq diag (substring err (plist-get match 'end)
				     (plist-get (yatt-lint-any-match
						 "\\s-+\\'" err) 'pos))))
	      ((setq match
		      err 'file 1 'line 2))
	       (setq diag (substring err 0 (plist-get match 'pos)))))
	(append `(rc ,rc err ,(or diag err)) match)))))

(defun yatt-lint-any-handle-yattrc (buffer)
   (yatt-lint-cmdfile "scripts/yatt.lintrc") buffer))

(defun yatt-lint-any-handle-perl-action (buffer)
   (yatt-lint-cmdfile "scripts/yatt.lintany") buffer))

(defun yatt-lint-any-handle-perl-module (buffer)
   (yatt-lint-cmdfile "scripts/yatt.lintpm") buffer))

(defun yatt-lint-any-handle-perl-script (buffer)
  (if (member major-mode '(perl-mode cperl-mode))
      ;; XXX: Should add -T if shbang has -T
      (yatt-lint-any-perl-error-by "perl -wc " buffer)))

(defun yatt-lint-any-perl-error-by (command buffer)
  (plist-bind (rc err)
      (yatt-lint-any-shell-command command " "
				   (yatt-lint-tramp-localname buffer))
    (when rc
      (let (match diag)
	(cond ((setq match
		      err 'diag 1 'file 3))
	       (setq diag (plist-get match 'diag)))
	      ((setq match
		      err 'file 1 'line 2))
	       (setq diag (substring err 0 (plist-get match 'pos))))
	(append `(rc ,rc err ,(or diag err)) match)))))

;; Other utils
(defun yatt-lint-cmdfile (cmdfile &optional nocheck)
  (let ((cmd (concat (or (yatt-lint-any-find-driver)
			 yatt-lint-any-YATT-dir) cmdfile)))
    (if (and (not nocheck)
	     (not (file-exists-p cmd)))
	(error "Can't find yatt command: %s" cmd))

(defun yatt-lint-any-shell-command (cmd &rest args)
  (let ((tmpbuf (generate-new-buffer " *yatt-lint-temp*"))
	rc err)
	  (setq rc (yatt-lint-tramp-command-in
		    cmd args tmpbuf))
	(setq err (with-current-buffer tmpbuf
		    ;; To remove last \n
		    (goto-char (point-max))
		    (skip-chars-backward "\n")
		    (delete-region (point) (point-max))
	;; (message "error=(((%s)))" err)
	(kill-buffer tmpbuf)))
    `(rc ,rc err ,err)))

(defun yatt-lint-tramp-command-in (curbuf cmd args &optional outbuf errorbuf)
  (let ((command (apply #'concat (yatt-lint-tramp-localname cmd)
    (if (yatt-lint-is-tramp (buffer-file-name curbuf))
	 command outbuf errorbuf)
      (shell-command command outbuf errorbuf))))

(defun yatt-lint-tramp-localname (fn-or-buf)
  ;;; XXX: How about accepting dissected-vec as argument?
  (let ((fn (cond ((stringp fn-or-buf)
		  ((bufferp fn-or-buf)
		   (buffer-file-name fn-or-buf))
		   (error "Invalid argument %s" fn-or-buf)))))
    (if (yatt-lint-is-tramp fn)
	(let ((vec (tramp-dissect-file-name fn)))
	  (tramp-file-name-localname vec))

(defun yatt-lint-tramp-prefix (fn-or-buf)
  ;;; XXX: duplicate logic! fn-or-buf
  (let ((fn (cond ((stringp fn-or-buf)
		  ((bufferp fn-or-buf)
		   (buffer-file-name fn-or-buf))
		   (error "Invalid argument %s" fn-or-buf)))))
    (if (yatt-lint-is-tramp fn)
	(let ((vec (tramp-dissect-file-name fn)))
	   (tramp-file-name-method vec)
	   (tramp-file-name-user vec)
	   (tramp-file-name-host vec)

(defun yatt-lint-is-tramp (fn)
  (and (fboundp 'tramp-tramp-file-p)
       (tramp-tramp-file-p fn)))

(defun yatt-lint-any-match (pattern str &rest key-offset)
  "match PATTERN to STR and extract match-portions specified by KEY-OFFSET."
  (let (res spec key off pos end)
      (when (setq pos (string-match pattern str))
	(setq end (match-end 0))
	(while key-offset
	  (setq key (car key-offset)
		off (cadr key-offset))
	  (setq res (append (list key (match-string off str)) res))
	  (setq key-offset (cddr key-offset)))
	(append `(pos ,pos end ,end) res)))))

'(let ((err
	"Global symbol \"$unknown_var\" requires explicit package name at samples/basic/1/perlerr.yatt line 2.\n"))
    err 'file 1 'line 2))

'(let ((err
	"syntax error at ./index.yatt line 37, at EOF"))
    err 'file 1 'line 2))

'(let ((err
	"error [[file] /home/hkoba/test.yatt [line] 49]
 argerror: value_checked(VALUE, HASH)"))
    err 'file 1 'line 2)

(provide 'yatt-lint-any-mode)