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use strict;
use warnings;

unless ($^O eq "MSWin32") {   # to_background
    my $pid = fork;
    if ($pid < 0) {
	warn "Unable to run in the background, cannot fork: $!\n";
	exit $?;
    $pid and exit 0;
    } # to_background

our $VERSION = eval q{use App::tkiv; $App::tkiv::VERSION};

my %Option = (
    thumbsize		=> 80,		# in pixels
    thumbrows		=> 5,
    thumbposition	=> "se",
    thumbrefresh	=> 1,
    thumbsorting	=> "default",
    thumbsortorder	=> "ascending",
    imageposition	=> "nw",
    imagedir		=> ".",
    slideshowdelay	=> 1500,	# in milliseconds
    slideposition	=> "c",
    slidefull		=> 0,
    slidecover		=> 0,
    maxx		=> 9999,
    maxy		=> 9999,
#   smallfont		=> "-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--7-70-75-75-c-50-iso10646-1",
    smallfont		=> "{Liberation Mono} 8",
    selectionfont	=> "{Liberation Sans} 5",
    selectioncolor	=> "Yellow",
    confirmdelete	=> 1,
    removetarget	=> 0,
    imagefull		=> 0,
    decoration		=> 1,
    showexifinfo	=> 0,
    exifinfocolor	=> "Blue",
    scrollspeed		=> 3,
    titledirs		=> 0,
    titleindex		=> 0,
    lastfirstnext	=> 0,
    dirtreestartpos	=> 0.,

    keys_quit		=> [qw( Key-q Escape		)],
    keys_quit_all	=> [qw( Shift-q Control-q	)],
    keys_options	=> [qw( Key-o			)],
    keys_firstnext	=> [qw( Key-v			)],
    keys_firstprev	=> [qw( asciicircum		)],
    keys_firstpic	=> [qw( Key-0 Key-1  Key-a	)],
    keys_prevpic	=> [qw( Left  Up     BackSpace	)],
    keys_nextpic	=> [qw( Right Down   space	)],
    keys_lastpic	=> [qw( Key-9 Key-z		)],
    keys_firstminimize	=> [qw( Alt-1 exclam Control-1	)],
    keys_fullscreen	=> [qw( Key-f F11		)],
    keys_fitwidth	=> [qw( Key-b			)],
    keys_fitheight	=> [qw( Key-h			)],
    keys_origsize	=> [qw( Key-o			)],
    keys_full_rc	=> [qw( Key-F			)],
    keys_full_toggle	=> [qw( Control-f		)],
    keys_rotleft	=> [qw( Key-l			)],
    keys_rotexifl	=> [qw( Key-L			)],
    keys_rotright	=> [qw( Key-r			)],
    keys_rotexifr	=> [qw( Key-R			)],
    keys_zoomin		=> [qw( plus			)],
    keys_zoomout	=> [qw( minus			)],
    keys_delete		=> [qw( Delete			)],
    keys_slideshow	=> [qw( Key-w Key-s		)],
    keys_exif		=> [qw( Key-i			)],
    keys_exifinfo	=> [qw( Shift-I			)],
    keys_decoration	=> [qw( Key-d			)],
    keys_focusthumbs	=> [qw( Key-t			)],

    keys_scroll_up	=> [qw( Alt-Up    Control-Up	)],
    keys_scroll_down	=> [qw( Alt-Down  Control-Down	)],
    keys_scroll_left	=> [qw( Alt-Left  Control-Left	)],
    keys_scroll_right	=> [qw( Alt-Right Control-Right	)],

    keys_imgpos_nw	=> [qw( Alt-u			)],
    keys_imgpos_n	=> [qw( Alt-i			)],
    keys_imgpos_ne	=> [qw( Alt-o			)],
    keys_imgpos_e	=> [qw( Alt-l			)],
    keys_imgpos_se	=> [qw( Alt-period		)],
    keys_imgpos_s	=> [qw( Alt-comma		)],
    keys_imgpos_sw	=> [qw( Alt-m			)],
    keys_imgpos_w	=> [qw( Alt-j			)],
    keys_imgpos_c	=> [qw( Alt-k			)],

    keys_crop		=> [qw( Control-y		)],

sub usage
    my ($show_opt) = (@_, 0);
    warn "usage: [-f] [option=value ...] [dir]\n";
    if ($show_opt) {
	foreach my $o (sort keys %Option) {
	    my $v = $o =~ m/^keys_/
		? "(".(join" ",@{$Option{$o}}).")"
		: $Option{$o};
	    my $alt = {
		imageposition  => "\t\t(nw n ne e se s sw w c)",
		slideposition  => "\t\t(nw n ne e se s sw w c)",
		thumbposition  => "\t\t(nw n ne e se s sw w c)",
		thumbsorting   => "\t(default caseless date size random)",
		thumbsortorder => "\t(ascending descending)",
		}->{$o} || "";
	    printf STDERR "  %-15s %s%s\n", $o, $v, $alt;
    exit 0;
    } # usage

# TODO: * save/load from .ivrc buttons on option window
#	* Slideshow behaviour: location, dir depth, cycling
#	  randomness, slide lists, full screen background (no decoration)
#	* Slideshow play list
#	* Slideshow loop control
#	* Image manipulation
#	  - Crop
#	  - Save, save as
#	* Titles and decoration behaviour
#	  - adjust height/width of screen-fit images to decoration
#	    I just cannot get $iv->overrideredirect (1) to work as I want
#	* Hide dirs above dt root
#	  - Allow a set of dirs from the command line
#	* use Tk::Animation for animated gif's
#	* Menu's ?
#	* Auto-sense image load time for slideshows
#	* Move onward to App::tkiv (with iv => tkiv link)

# Filter out the irfanview options that I don't support
@ARGV = grep { !m{^/(hide|thumbs?)(=\d+)?$} } @ARGV;
@ARGV == 1 and $ARGV[0] =~ m/^-[h?]$/         and usage (0);
@ARGV == 1 and $ARGV[0] =~ m/^-+(help|info)$/ and usage (1);

use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling nopermute passthrough);
my $opt_f = 0;	# Start with full-screen pics
my $opt_v = 0;	# Verbosity / debug
my $opt_s = 0;	# Start slideshow immediately
my $opt_1 = 0;	# On startup, select first image and minimize thumbnail view
GetOptions (
    "v:1" => \$opt_v,
    "f"   => \$opt_f,
    "s"   => \$opt_s,
    "1"   => \$opt_1,
    ) or usage (0);

use Cwd qw( realpath );
use Tk;
use Tk::JPEG;
use Tk::PNG;
eval "use Tk::TIFF;";
use Tk::Bitmap;
use Tk::Pixmap;
use Tk::Photo;
use Tk::Pane;
use Tk::DirTree;
use Tk::Dialog;
use Tk::Balloon;
use Tk::BrowseEntry;
use Tk::Animation;
use File::Copy;
#use Data::Peek;

our $exiftool = 0;
our $iinftool = 0;
our $imsztool = 0;
our $exiftran = 0;
eval {
    require Image::ExifTool;
    Image::ExifTool->import ("ImageInfo");
    $exiftool = Image::ExifTool->new ();
eval {
    require Image::Size;
    Image::Size->import ("imgsize");
    $imsztool = exists &imgsize;
eval {
    require Image::Info;
    Image::Info->import ("image_info", "dim");
    $iinftool = exists &image_info;
-x "/usr/bin/exiftran" and $exiftran = 1;

my $pic = @ARGV && -f $ARGV[-1] && $ARGV[-1] =~ s{/([^/]+)$}{} ? $1 : "";
   $pic and $opt_1 = 0;

{   my @opt;
    my @ivrc_dirs = ("/etc", $ENV{HOME});
    if (@ARGV && -d $ARGV[-1]) {
	push @ivrc_dirs, $ARGV[-1], $ARGV[-1];
	$ivrc_dirs[-1] =~ s{/[^/]+/?$}{};
    foreach my $dir (@ivrc_dirs) {
	-d $dir or next;
	foreach my $rcf ("iv.rc", ".ivrc") {
	    open my $of, "<", "$dir/.ivrc" or next;
	    $opt_v and warn "Reading $dir/.ivrc\n";
	    while (<$of>) {
		m/^[#!]/		and next;
		m/^\S+\s*=\s*\S/	or  next;
		push @opt, $_;
	    close $of;
    foreach my $opt (split m/[:;]/ => $ENV{IVRC} || "") {
	$opt =~ s{^[-/]?(\S+\s*=\s*\S.*)}{$1} or next;
	push @opt, $opt;
    while (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ s{^[-/]?(\S+\s*=\s*\S.*)}{$1}) {
	push @opt, shift @ARGV;
    for (@opt) {
	m/^(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S.*)/	or next;
	my ($opt, $val) = (lc $1, $2);
	$opt =~ m/^keys_/ and $val = [ split m/\s+/, $val ];
	$Option{$opt} = $val;
foreach my $k (grep m/^keys_/ => keys %Option) {
    s/^<?(.*?)>?$/<$1>/ for @{$Option{$k}};
$opt_f ||= $Option{imagefull};

my $dir = @ARGV ? shift @ARGV : $Option{imagedir};
-d $dir or die "$dir is not a (valid) dir\n";
my $tpx = $Option{thumbsize};	# Max edge size for thumbs
my $tnx = $Option{thumbrows};	# Max nr of tn's horizontal

my $def_sls = $Option{slideshowdelay}; # 1.5 sec / pic

# Main Window
my $mw = Tk::MainWindow->new (-title => "iv");

# Screen dimensions
my ($cx, $cy) = ($mw->screenwidth, $mw->screenheight);
eval { # Use both methods, as the WM might return bogus values after having
       # been resized e.g. for beamer output
    require X11::Protocol;
    my $x11 = X11::Protocol->new ();
    my $screen = ($ENV{DISPLAY}||":0.0") =~ m/\.(\d+)$/ ? $1 : 0;
    $x11->choose_screen ($screen); # Root window
    my ($xx, $xy) = ( $x11->{width_in_pixels}, $x11->{height_in_pixels} );
    $xx > $cx and $cx = $xx;
    $xy > $cy and $cy = $xy;
$Option{real_cx} = $cx;
$cx > $Option{maxx} and $cx = $Option{maxx};
$cy > $Option{maxy} and $cy = $Option{maxy};
$cy -= 52; # Toolbar and Window decoration

# Globals
my ($idir, @tn, $ti, $ni);	# ImageDir, ThumbNails, ThumbIndex, NumberOfImages
my ($tr, $or, $fr, $zs);	# ThumbsRead, OrigRead, FullRead, ZoomState

# The thumbnail browser
my ($dt, $tn, $tg, $ow);	# DirTree, ThumbNails, ThumbnailGrid, OptionWindow
my ($sls, $f11) = (0);		# SlideShow, Image callback

# The image browser
my ($vs, $iv, $bg) = (0);	# Viewer state: original (0) or full screen (1)
my ($tp, $ip, $sp) = @Option{qw( thumbposition imageposition slideposition )};

# Default pack option
my @dpo =  qw( -expand 1 -fill both );

# Positioning
my (@loc, %loc) = qw( nw n ne e se s sw w c );
{   my $rb = -(($Option{real_cx} >= $Option{maxx} ? ($Option{real_cx} - $Option{maxx}) : 0) + 2);
    @loc{@loc} = (
	"+2+2", "+X+2", "$rb+2", "$rb+Y", "$rb-2",
	"+X-2", "+2-2", "+2+Y",  "+X+Y",  "+X+Y",

# Selections and tools
my %selection; reset_selection ();

sub reset_selection
    %selection = ( Sx => -1, Sy => -1, Ex => -1, Ey => -1 );
    } # reset_selection

sub loc
    my $loc = $loc{shift @_};
    my ($ww, $wh) = map { int $_ } (@_, 0, 0);
    if ($loc =~ m/[XY]/) {
	my ($x, $y) = map {
	    my $c = int ($_ / 2);
	    $c < 2 ? 2 : $c;
	    } ($cx - $ww - 15, $cy - $wh);
	$loc =~ s/X/$x/;
	$loc =~ s/Y/$y/;
    } # loc

sub bind_wheel
    my ($w, $sw, $u) = @_;

    $w->bind ($_, sub { $sw->yview (scroll => -$u, "units") }) for "<4>", @{$Option{keys_scroll_up}};
    $w->bind ($_, sub { $sw->yview (scroll =>  $u, "units") }) for "<5>", @{$Option{keys_scroll_down}};
    $w->bind ($_, sub { $sw->xview (scroll => -$u, "units") }) for "<6>", @{$Option{keys_scroll_left}},  "<Alt-Button-4>", "<Control-Button-4>", "<Shift-Button-4>";
    $w->bind ($_, sub { $sw->xview (scroll =>  $u, "units") }) for "<7>", @{$Option{keys_scroll_right}}, "<Alt-Button-5>", "<Control-Button-5>", "<Shift-Button-5>";
    } # bind_wheel

my $pxyid = 10000;

sub Tk::PhotoXY
    my ($w, $f, $x, $y, $r, $p) = (@_, 0);
    $f && $x && $y or return;
    my $cfn = "/tmp/iv#$$-".$pxyid++;
    my ($rx, $ry) = $r == 90 || $r == 270 ? ($y, $x) : ($x, $y);
    my $geo = "${rx}x${ry}";
    my @rot = $r ? ("-rotate", $r) : ();
    system "convert", "-size", $geo, "-resize", "$geo+0+0", @rot, $f, "$cfn.jpg";
    # convert generates multiple files for animated images
    my @cfn = glob "${cfn}*jpg*";
    if (@cfn) {
	eval { $p = $w->Photo (-file => $cfn[0]) };
	unlink @cfn;
    } # PhotoXY

my @rm_cfn;
END { -f $_ && unlink $_ for @rm_cfn; }

# Cropping version
sub Tk::PhotoXYXY
    my ($w, $f, $x, $y, $X, $Y, $p) = (@_, 0);
    $f && $x && $y or return;
    my $cfn = "/tmp/iv#$$-".$pxyid++;
    my ($dx, $dy) = ($X - $x, $Y - $y);
    my $geo = "${dx}x$dy+$x+$y";
    my $q = $f =~ m/'/ ? '"' : "'";
    system qq{convert -crop $geo $q$f$q $cfn.jpg};
    # convert generates multiple files for animated images
    my @cfn = glob "${cfn}*jpg*";
    if (@cfn) {
	eval { $p = $w->Photo (-file => $cfn[0]) };
	my $_fn = shift @cfn;
	$selection{file} = $_fn;
	push @rm_cfn, $_fn;
	@cfn and unlink @cfn;
    } # PhotoXYXY

sub show_exifinfo
    my $w  = shift or return;
    $w->delete ("exifinfo");
    $Option{showexifinfo} or return;
    my $ei = shift or return;
    my $dto = $ei->{DateTimeOriginal} // "";
    my $iso = $ei->{ISO} ? "ISO $ei->{ISO}" : "";
    my $spd = $ei->{ShutterSpeed} // $ei->{exposureTime} // "";
    my $ape = $ei->{Aperture} // $ei->{FNumber};
       $ape = $ape ? "F$ape" : "";
    my $fln = $ei->{FocalLengthIn35mmFormat} // $ei->{FocalLength} // "";
    $w->createText (5, 5,
	-anchor => "nw",
	-fill   => $Option{exifinfocolor},
	-font   => $Option{smallfont},
	-text   => join ("\x{00b7}", grep m/\S/, $dto, $iso, $ape, $spd, $fln),
	-tags   => "exifinfo",
    if ($dto) {
	my $awb =  $ei->{WhiteBalance} // "";
	my $fls = ($ei->{Flash} // $ei->{FlashFired} // "") =~
			m/^(yes|true|on|fired|1)\b/i ? "With flash" : "No flash";
	my $pgm =  $ei->{ExposureProgram} // 
		   $ei->{ShootingMode} //
		   $ei->{SceneMode} // "";
	my $sct =  $ei->{SceneType} // "";
	$w->createText (5, 20,
	    -anchor => "nw",
	    -fill   => $Option{exifinfocolor},
	    -font   => $Option{smallfont},
	    -text   => join ("\x{00b7}", grep m/\S/, $awb, $fls, $pgm, $sct),
	    -tags   => "exifinfo",
    } # show_exifinfo

sub show_exif
    my $exif = shift or return;
    my $tl = $mw->Toplevel (-title => "Image EXIF info");
    $ow = $tl->Scrolled ("Frame",
	-scrollbars => "osoe",
	-width      => 650,
	-height     => int ($cy * .65))->pack (-expand => 1, -fill => "both");
    $ow->Subwidget ("${_}scrollbar")->configure (-width => 6) for qw( x y );
    my @exif = sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } keys %$exif;
    my $half = int (@exif / 2);

    foreach my $row (0 .. ($half - 1)) {
	$ow->Label (
	    -text   => $exif[$row],
	    -anchor => "w",
	    -fg     => "DarkGreen",
	    -font   => $Option{smallfont},
	    )->grid (-row => $row, -column => 0, -sticky => "news");
	$ow->Label (
	    -text   => $exif->{$exif[$row]},
	    -anchor => "w",
	    -fg     => "DarkBlue",
	    -font   => $Option{smallfont},
	    )->grid (-row => $row, -column => 1, -sticky => "news");
	$row + $half > $#exif and last;
	$ow->Label (
	    -text   => $exif[$row + $half],
	    -anchor => "w",
	    -fg     => "DarkGreen",
	    -font   => $Option{smallfont},
	    )->grid (-row => $row, -column => 2, -sticky => "news");
	$ow->Label (
	    -text   => $exif->{$exif[$row + $half]},
	    -anchor => "w",
	    -fg     => "DarkBlue",
	    -font   => $Option{smallfont},
	    )->grid (-row => $row, -column => 3, -sticky => "news");
    # Destroy
    foreach my $W ($ow, $tl) {
	$W->bind ($_, sub {
	    if (Exists ($ow)) { $ow->destroy; $ow = undef; }
	    if (Exists ($tl)) { $tl->destroy; $tl = undef; }
	    }) for @{$Option{keys_quit}};
	$W->bind ($_, \&exit) for @{$Option{keys_quit_all}};
    } # show_exif

sub options
    my $tl = $mw->Toplevel (-title => "IV options");
    $ow = $tl->Frame ()->grid (-sticky => "nsew");
    $ow->gridRowconfigure    (0, -weight => 1); # allow expansion in both ...
    $ow->gridColumnconfigure (0, -weight => 1); # ... X and Y dimensions
    my $row = 0;
    for ([ "Thumb columns",		\$tnx ],
	 [ "Thumb size",		\$tpx ],
	 [ "Thumb sort method",		\$Option{thumbsorting},   qw( default caseless date size random )],
	 [ "Thumb sort order",		\$Option{thumbsortorder}, qw( ascending descending )],
	 [ "Image position",		\$ip, @loc ],
	 [ "Remove symlink target",	\$Option{removetarget} ],
	 [ "Slideshow",			\$sls ],
	 [ "Slideshow delay",		\$def_sls  ],
	 [ "Slideshow position",	\$sp, @loc ],
	 [ "Slideshow img size",	\$Option{slidefull},  qw( 0 1 ) ],
	 [ "Slideshow full screen",	\$Option{slidecover}, qw( 0 1 ) ],
	 ) {
	my ($label, $var, @val) = @$_;
	$ow->Label (
	    -text         => $label,
	    -anchor       => "w",
	    -fg           => "DarkGreen",
	    )->grid (-row => $row, -column => 0, -sticky => "news");
	if (@val) {
	    my $cmd = sub { 1; };
	    my $be = $ow->BrowseEntry (
		-width              => 12,
		-borderwidth        =>  1,
		-highlightthickness =>  1,
		-listwidth          => 40,
		-variable           => $var,
		-browsecmd          => $cmd,
		)->grid (-row => $row, -column => 1, -sticky => "news");
	    $be->insert ("end", $_) for @val;
	else {
	    $ow->Entry (
		-textvariable => $var,
		-width        => 12,
		)->grid (-row => $row, -column => 1, -sticky => "news");
    $ow->Button (-text => "OK",    -fg => "DarkGreen",
	-command => sub { $ow->destroy;
			  $ow = undef;
			  dtcmd ($idir);
	)->grid (-row => $row, -column => 0, -sticky => "news");
    $ow->Button (-text => "Apply", -fg => "DarkGreen",
	-command => sub { dtcmd ($idir); },
	)->grid (-row => $row, -column => 1, -sticky => "news");
    } # options

my %tsort = (
   # [ Name, seq, size, mtime, lc name ]

    # 1. numeric part of image name, 2. image name
    default	=> sub { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] || $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] },

    # 2. size
    size	=> sub { $a->[2] <=> $b->[2] },

    # 3. date
    date	=> sub { $a->[3] <=> $b->[3] },

    # 4. caseless image name
    caseless	=> sub { $a->[4] cmp $b->[4] },

    # 5. random
    random	=> sub { $a->[5] <=> $b->[5] },
my $refreshing = "";

sub dtcmd
    # trigger $tn to show thumbnails of all pics in current dir
    # Expansion also invokes this callback
    @_ == 1                or return;
    $idir = $_[0]	   or return ($refreshing = "");
    my $Idir = realpath $idir;
    #warn "dtcmd (idir = $idir ($Idir))\n";
    $refreshing eq $Idir  and return;
    $refreshing = $Idir;

    # Clean up previous pics
    $iv && Exists ($iv) and $iv->destroy;
    $bg && Exists ($bg) and $bg->destroy;
    for (@tn) {
	$_ && ref $_ && $_->{wdgt} && Exists ($_->{wdgt}) and
	    $_->{wdgt}->destroy ();
    # New dir, reset globals
    ($tr, $or, $fr, $ti, $vs, $sls, $zs, $f11, @tn) = (0, 0, 0, -1, $opt_f, 0);

    (my $ttl = $Idir) =~ s{^$ENV{HOME}}{~};
	$ttl =~ s{^~/\.wine/fake_windows/}{:};
    utf8::upgrade ($ttl);
    $mw->title ($ttl);

    my $tb = $tg->Balloon (
	-state      => "balloon",
	-initwait   => 1200,		# 1.2 ms
	-foreground => "Blue4",
	-background => "LightYellow2",

    # Gather all pics in this folder
    opendir IDIR, $Idir;
    my @img = map  { $_->[0] }
	      sort { $tsort{$Option{thumbsorting}}->() }
	      map  { my $seq = m/(\d+)/ ? $1 : 0;
	             [ $_, $seq, (stat "$Idir/$_")[7,9], lc $_, rand 1 ] }
	      grep { my $if = "$Idir/$_";
		     # Sanity check. Minimal image size 100
		     my $s = -s $if;
		     # Skip MacOS working copies
		     $if =~ s{/\._([^/]+)$}{/$1} && -s $if and $s = 0;
		     $s and $s > 100;
	      # convert can't deal with .ico files (yet)
	      # Tk can deal with Tiff/NEF as of 804.027_501 with Tk::TIFF
	      grep m/\.(jpe?g|gif|x[pb]m|png|bmp|tiff?|nef)$/i => readdir IDIR;
    closedir IDIR;
    $Option{thumbsortorder} =~ m/^(?:desc|reverse)/ and @img = reverse @img;

#my $t0 = [ gettimeofday ];
    my $earlyopennextdir = $Option{lastfirstnext} || $opt_1;
    if ($earlyopennextdir && opendir my $dh, "..") {
	my @dir = readdir $dh;
	@dir > 100 and $earlyopennextdir = 0; # too slow

    $ni = @img;
    $opt_v and warn "$ni images in $idir\n";
    foreach my $img (@img) {
	my $nt = @tn;

	my $pf = "$Idir/$img";
	my $ps = -s $pf or next;

	$opt_v and warn "Read $pf ($ps) ...\n";
	# Read it
	my ($exif, $angl, $x, $y, $o) = ({}, 0, 0, 0);
	if ($exiftool) {
	    $exif = ImageInfo ($pf);
	    #DDumper $exif;
	    if (ref $exif and exists $exif->{ImageWidth}) {
		($x, $y) = ($exif->{ImageWidth}, $exif->{ImageHeight});
		my $ori = $exif->{Orientation} || "Horizontal";
		delete $exif->{$_} for qw( ThumbnailImage PreviewImage DataDump );
		$ori =~ m/\b(-?\d+)\b/ and $angl = $1;
		$angl < 0 and $angl += 360;
		$exif->{Animated} = 0;
		if ($exif->{FileType} eq "GIF" && $iinftool) {
		    my $info = image_info ($pf);
		    $exif->{Animated} = $info->{Delay} || 0;
	if ($x == 0 and $iinftool) {
	    my (@info) = image_info ($pf);
	    @info && ref $info[0] eq "HASH" && exists $info[0]{width} and
		($x, $y) = ($info[0]{width}, $info[0]{height});
	if ($x == 0 and $imsztool) {
	    my ($w, $h) = imgsize ($pf);
	    $w and ($x, $y) = ($w, $h);
	if ($x == 0) {
	    my $q = $pf =~ m/'/ ? '"' : "'";
	    my ($w, $h) = `identify -format "%w,%h" -quiet $q$pf$q` =~ m/([0-9]+)/g;
	    $w and ($x, $y) = ($w, $h);
	$x && $y or next;
	$opt_v > 4 and warn "Size: $x x $y\n";

	# Full screen
	my ($fx, $fy) = ($cx / $x, $cy / $y);
	my $ff = $fx < $fy ? $fx : $fy;
	my ($fX, $fY) = map { int } ($ff * $x, $ff * $y);

	# Thumbnail
	my ($rx, $ry) = $angl == 90 || $angl == 270 ? ($y, $x) : ($x, $y);
	my $tf = $tpx / ($ry > $rx ? $ry : $rx);
	my ($tX, $tY) = map { int } ($tf * $rx, $tf * $ry);

	my $t;
	unless ($t = $tn->PhotoXY ($pf, $tX, $tY, $angl)) {
	    warn "$pf: Cannot read\n";

	my $w = $tg->Label (-image => $t)->grid (
	    -row    => int ($nt / $tnx),
	    -column => $nt % $tnx,
	    -sticky => "news",

	my $titl = $img;
	if (my $nd = $Option{titledirs}) {
	    (my $d = $idir) =~ s{/?$}{/};
	    while ($d =~ s{([^/]+/)$}{} && $nd--) {
		substr $titl, 0, 0, $1;
	utf8::upgrade ($titl);
	push @tn, {
	    wdgt => $w,		# Widget
	    angl => $angl,	# rotation angle
	    phys => {		# Physical location and size
		file => $pf,
		dir  => $idir,
		titl => $titl,
		size => $ps,
	    orig => {		# Original picture
		phot => $o,
		wdth => $x,
		hght => $y,
	    thmb => {		# Thumbnail
		phot => $t,
		wdth => $tX,
		hght => $tY,
	    full => {		# Full screen
		phot => undef,
		wdth => $fX,
		hght => $fY,
	    exif => $exif,

       # $f11->($w [, $vs [, $ti [, $trigger]]]);
       $f11 = sub {
	    my $self = @_ && ref $_[0] ? shift (@_) : undef;
	    my $fs   = @_ ? shift (@_) : ($vs ^= 1, $vs);
	    @_ and $ti  = shift @_;
	    my $trg = @_ ? shift @_ : "";

	    my $old_iv = $iv; # Destroy prev pic after displaying new
	    reset_selection ();

	    my $aid;			# last stacked After ID
	    my $pr   = $tn[$ti];
	    my $size = $fs eq "1" ? "full" : $fs =~ m/^\d\d+$/ ? $fs : "orig";
	    for ($pr->{$size}{phot}) {
		defined and last;

		if ($size eq "orig" && !$pr->{angl}) {
		    if (exists $pr->{exif}{Animated} && $pr->{exif}{Animated}) {
			$pr->{$size}{phot} = $tn->Animation (-file => $pr->{phys}{file});
		    else {
			$pr->{$size}{phot} = $tn->Photo (-file => $pr->{phys}{file});

		if ($size =~ m/^\d\d+$/) {
		    @{$pr->{$size}}{qw( wdth hght )} =
			map { int ($size * $_ / 100) } @{$pr->{orig}}{qw( wdth hght )};

		$pr->{$size}{phot} = $tn->PhotoXY ($pr->{phys}{file},
		    @{$pr->{$size}}{qw( wdth hght )}, $pr->{angl} || 0);

	    # contemplate on integrating this into the main image canvas
	    if ($Option{slidecover} && !$bg) {
		$bg = $mw->Toplevel (-bg => "Black");
		$bg->geometry ("${cx}x${cy}+0+0");
#		$bg->overrideredirect (1);

	    my $ttl = $pr->{phys}{titl};
	    $Option{titleindex} and $ttl .= " ".($ti + 1)."/$ni";
	    $iv = $mw->Toplevel (-title => $ttl);
	    $iv->geometry (loc ($sls ? $sp : $ip, $pr->{$size}{wdth}, $pr->{$size}{hght}));
	    my $fp = $iv->Canvas (
		-width  => $pr->{$size}{wdth},
		-height => $pr->{$size}{hght},

		# left, top, right, bottom
		-scrollregion => [ 0, 0, $pr->{$size}{wdth}, $pr->{$size}{hght} ],
		xscrollincrement => $Option{scrollspeed},
		yscrollincrement => $Option{scrollspeed},
		)->pack (@dpo);
	    $fp->createImage (0, 0, -anchor => "nw",
		-image => $pr->{$size}{phot});
	    show_exifinfo ($fp, $pr->{exif});

	    # Check if this will always work ...
	    $fp->CanvasBind ($_, sub { $fp->yview (scroll => -5, "units") })
		for "<4>",            @{$Option{keys_scroll_up}};
	    $fp->CanvasBind ($_, sub { $fp->yview (scroll =>  5, "units") })
		for "<5>",            @{$Option{keys_scroll_down}};
	    $fp->CanvasBind ($_, sub { $fp->xview (scroll => -5, "units") })
		for "<Alt-Button-4>", @{$Option{keys_scroll_left}};
	    $fp->CanvasBind ($_, sub { $fp->xview (scroll =>  5, "units") })
		for "<Alt-Button-5>", @{$Option{keys_scroll_right}};

	    $fp->CanvasBind ("<ButtonPress-1>", sub {
		my $e = $fp->XEvent or return;
		my %ev = map { ( "S$_" => $e->$_ ) } "x", "y";
		my $action = 0;	# new
		if ($selection{Sx} >= 0) {
		    # I already have a selection, check to see if it
		    # is being resized
		    abs ($ev{Sx} - $selection{Sx}) < 3 and $action |= 001;
		    abs ($ev{Sy} - $selection{Sy}) < 3 and $action |= 002;
		    abs ($ev{Sx} - $selection{Ex}) < 3 and $action |= 010;
		    abs ($ev{Sy} - $selection{Ey}) < 3 and $action |= 020;
		$action or %selection = (%ev, Ex => $ev{Sx}, Ey => $ev{Sy});
		$fp->CanvasBind ("<Motion>", sub {
		    my $m = $fp->XEvent or return;
		    my ($mx, $my) = ($m->x, $m->y);
		    $fp->delete ("selection");
		    $action ==  0 and @selection{"Ex", "Ey"} = ($mx, $my);
		    $action & 001 and $selection{"Sx"} = $mx;
		    $action & 002 and $selection{"Sy"} = $my;
		    $action & 010 and $selection{"Ex"} = $mx;
		    $action & 020 and $selection{"Ey"} = $my;
		    my @x = sort { $a <=> $b } @selection{qw( Sx Ex )};
		    my @y = sort { $a <=> $b } @selection{qw( Sy Ey )};
		    my @s = ($x[1] - $x[0] + 1, $y[1] - $y[0] + 1);
		    $fp->createRectangle ($x[0], $y[0], $x[1], $y[1],
			-outline => $Option{selectioncolor},
			-tags    => "selection");
		    $fp->createText ($x[0] + 2, $y[0] + 2,
			-anchor  => "nw",
			-fill    => $Option{selectioncolor},
			-font    => $Option{selectionfont},
			-text    => "$s[0]x$s[1]",
			-tags    => "selection",

	    $fp->CanvasBind ("<ButtonRelease-1>", sub {
		if (exists $selection{Sx} and
		      abs ($selection{Sx} - $selection{Ex}) < 5 ||
		      abs ($selection{Sy} - $selection{Ey}) < 5) {
		    $fp->delete ("selection");
		    reset_selection ();
		$fp->CanvasBind ("<Motion>", sub {});

	    # indicate this pic in the thumbview
	    $tn[$_]{wdgt}->configure (-bg => "Gray") for 0 .. $#tn;
	      $pr->{wdgt}->configure (-bg => "Black");

	    ref $pr->{$size}{phot} eq "Tk::Animation" and
		$pr->{$size}{phot}->start_animation ();#$pr->{exif}{Animated});

	    $old_iv && Exists ($old_iv) and $old_iv->destroy;

	    my ($_pic, $_next_pic, $_next_firstnext, $_next_firstprev, $quit);
	    $_pic = sub {
		@tn or return;
		$ti = shift;
		$sls and $aid = $mw->after ($sls, $_next_pic);
		}; # next_pic

	    $_next_pic = sub {
		if ($aid) {
		    $aid = undef;
		$ti == $#tn
		    ? $Option{lastfirstnext}
			? $_next_firstnext->()
			: $_pic->(0)
		    : $_pic->($ti + 1);
		}; # next_pic

	    $_next_firstnext = sub {
		$opt_1 = 2;
		dirnext ();

	    $_next_firstprev = sub {
		$opt_1 = 2;
		dirprev ();

	    # Destroy
	    $quit = sub {
		$sls = 0;
		$zs  = undef;
		if ($aid) {
		    $aid = undef;
		Exists ($fp) and $fp->destroy; $fp = undef;
		Exists ($iv) and $iv->destroy; $iv = undef;
		Exists ($bg) and $bg->destroy; $bg = undef;
		}; # sub_quit

	    my $_rotate = sub {
		$sls = 0;
		for (keys %$pr) {
		    $_ eq "thmb" and next;
		    my $p = $pr->{$_};
		    ref $p eq "HASH" && exists $p->{phot} and undef $pr->{$_}{phot};
		$pr->{angl} = ($pr->{angl} + $_[0]) % 360;
		}; # rotate

	    my $_zoom = sub {
		$sls = 0;
		$fs eq "full" || $fs eq "1" and return;	# No zoom from Full-screen
		$fs eq "orig" || $fs eq "0" and $fs = 100;
		$fs ||= 100;
		my $zf = int ($_[0] * $fs);
		# with 20% increase steps:
		for (qw( 2 3 4 5 7 9 11 14 17 21 26 32 39 47 57 69 83 100 120
		     144 172 206 247 296 355 426 511 613 735 882 1058 1269 1522
		     1826 2191 2629 3154 3784 4540 5448 6537 7844 9412 )) {
		    $zf <= ($_ * 1.12) and return $f11->($_);
		$f11->(11300);	# Max enlargement
		}; # zoom

	    foreach my $W ($fp, $iv) {
		$W && Exists ($W) or next;

		# Toggle Full-Screen
		$W->bind ($_, $f11) for @{$Option{keys_fullscreen}};
		$W->bind ($_, sub {
		    $Option{imagefull} ^= 1;
		    $f11->($opt_f = $Option{imagefull});
		    }) for @{$Option{keys_full_toggle}};

		# Go Full-Screen and store
		$W->bind ($_, sub {
		    $Option{imagefull} = 1;
		    if (open my $ivrc, ">>", "$Idir/.ivrc") {
			print $ivrc "ImageFull\t= 1\n";
			close $ivrc;
		    $f11->($vs = 1);
		    }) for @{$Option{keys_full_rc}};

		# First pic
		$W->bind ($_, sub {
		    $sls = 0;
		    }) for @{$Option{keys_firstpic}};

		# First pic and minimize thumbnails
		$W->bind ($_, sub {
		    $sls = 0;
		    }) for @{$Option{keys_firstminimize}};

		# Restore and focus thumbnail window
		$W->bind ($_, sub {
		    }) for @{$Option{keys_focusthumbs}};

		# Next pic
		$W->bind ($_, sub {
		    $sls = 0;
		    }) for @{$Option{keys_nextpic}};

		# First pic of next set
		$W->bind ($_, sub {
		    $sls = 0;
		    }) for @{$Option{keys_firstnext}};

		# First pic of prev set
		$W->bind ($_, sub {
		    $sls = 0;
		    }) for @{$Option{keys_firstprev}};

		# Prev pic
		$W->bind ($_, sub {
		    $sls = 0;
		    $_pic->($ti == 0 ? $#tn : $ti - 1);
		    }) for @{$Option{keys_prevpic}};

		# Last pic
		$W->bind ($_, sub {
		    $sls = 0;
		    }) for @{$Option{keys_lastpic}};

		$W->bind ($_, $quit)	for @{$Option{keys_quit}};
		$W->bind ($_, \&exit)	for @{$Option{keys_quit_all}};

		# Rotate right
		$W->bind ($_, sub {
		    }) for @{$Option{keys_rotright}};

		# Rotate left
		$W->bind ($_, sub {
		    }) for @{$Option{keys_rotleft}};

		if ($exiftool) {
		    my $ExifOrient = sub {
			my ($file, $ori) = @_;
			my $ro = "Rotate $ori CW";
			my $et = Image::ExifTool->new ();
			my $e = $et->ImageInfo ($file) or die;
			(my $conv = $file) =~ s/\b(pict|hpim|dsc[_fn])(\d+)/conv$1/i;
			$conv eq $file and $conv =~ s/(.*\.)/$1_conv/;
			$et->SetNewValue ("Orientation" => $ro);
			$et->SetNewValue ("Rotation"    => "Horizontal");
			if ($et->WriteInfo ($file, $conv)) {
			    -s $conv or die "ExifTool::WriteInfo failed!";
			    if ($exiftran) {
				(my $etf = $conv) =~ s/conv/conv_et$$/;
				system "exiftran", "-a", "-o", $etf, $conv;
				if (-s $etf) {
				    unlink $conv, $file;
				    move $etf, $file;
				    return 0;
				warn "exiftran failed (again)\n";
			    unlink $file;
			    move $conv, $file;
			    return $ori;

			my $wrn = $et->GetValue ("Error");
			my $err = $et->GetValue ("Warning");
			my $msg = "Cannot write converted file $conv:\n";
			$err and $msg .= "   $err\n";
			$wrn and $msg .= "   $wrn\n";
			warn $msg;
			return 0;
			}; # ExifOrient

 		    # Rotate right
		    $W->bind ($_, sub {
			Exists ($fp) and $fp->destroy; $fp = undef;
			Exists ($iv) and $iv->destroy; $iv = undef;
			Exists ($bg) and $bg->destroy; $bg = undef;
			$_rotate->($ExifOrient->($pr->{phys}{file}, 90));
			}) for @{$Option{keys_rotexifr}};

		    # Rotate left
		    $W->bind ($_, sub {
			Exists ($fp) and $fp->destroy; $fp = undef;
			Exists ($iv) and $iv->destroy; $iv = undef;
			Exists ($bg) and $bg->destroy; $bg = undef;
			$_rotate->($ExifOrient->($pr->{phys}{file}, 270));
			}) for @{$Option{keys_rotexifl}};

		# Zoom in
		$W->bind ($_, sub {
		    }) for @{$Option{keys_zoomin}};

		# Zoom out
		$W->bind ($_, sub {
		    }) for @{$Option{keys_zoomout}};

		# Set image position
		foreach my $pos (@loc) {
		    my $key = "keys_imgpos_$pos";
		    exists $Option{$key} or next;
		    $W->bind ($_, sub {
			$ip = $pos;
			}) for @{$Option{$key}};

		# Original size & options
		if ($W == $iv) {
		    $W->bind ($_, sub {
			$sls = 0;
			$f11->($fs = "orig");
			}) for @{$Option{keys_origsize}};

		# Fit width
		$W->bind ($_, sub {
		    $f11->(int (100 * $cx / $pr->{orig}{wdth}));
		    }) for @{$Option{keys_fitwidth}};

		# Fit height
		$W->bind ($_, sub {
		    $f11->(int (100 * $cy / $pr->{orig}{hght}));
		    }) for @{$Option{keys_fitheight}};

		# Crop image to selection box
		$W->bind ($_, sub {
		    #warn "Crop at $fs (@{[%selection]})\n";
		    # $fs = orig / 0
		    #       full / 1
		    #       10 .. 11300 (%)
		    $fs eq "orig" || $fs eq "0" or return; # Not yet supported
		    $selection{Sx} >=0 && $selection{Ex} >= 0 or return;
		    my ($sx, $ex) = sort { $a <=> $b } @selection{qw( Sx Ex )};
		    my ($sy, $ey) = sort { $a <=> $b } @selection{qw( Sy Ey )};
		    $sls = 0;
		    for (keys %$pr) {	# Clean up resized images
			$_ eq "thmb" and next;
			my $p = $pr->{$_};
			ref $p eq "HASH" && exists $p->{phot} or next;
			undef  $pr->{$_}{phot};
			delete $pr->{$_};
		    $pr->{angl} = 0;
		    if (my $ph = $tn->PhotoXYXY ($pr->{phys}{file}, $sx, $sy, $ex, $ey)) {
			my ($cut_w, $cut_h) = ($ex - $sx + 1, $ey - $sy + 1);
			$pr->{phys_org}{file} = $pr->{phys}{file};
			$pr->{phys} = {
			    file => $selection{file},
			    dir  => "/tmp",
			    size => -s $selection{file},
			    titl => "Cropped ". $pr->{phys}{titl},
			$pr->{orig} = {
			    hght => $cut_h,
			    wdth => $cut_w,
			    phot => $ph,
			my ($cut_fx, $cut_fy) = ($cx / $cut_w, $cy / $cut_h);
			my $cut_ff = $cut_fx < $cut_fy ? $cut_fx : $cut_fy;
			my ($cut_fX, $cut_fY) = map { int } ($cut_ff * $cut_w, $cut_ff * $cut_h);
			$pr->{full} = {
			    phot => undef,
			    wdth => $cut_fX,
			    hght => $cut_fY,
		    else {
			-f $selection{file} and unlink $selection{file};
			reset_selection ();
		    }) for @{$Option{keys_crop}};

		# Delete Image
		$W->bind ($_, sub {
		    $sls and return;	# No delete during slide show
		    @tn && $ti >= 0 && $ti <= $#tn or return;
		    my $file = $pr->{phys}{file};
		    if ($Option{confirmdelete}) {
			my $d = $w->Dialog (
			    -title   => "Confirm delete",
			    -text    => "Do you want to remove $file?",
			    -bitmap  => "question",
			    -buttons => [qw( Yes No )],
			    -default_button => "No",
			$d->Show (-global) eq "Yes" or return;
		    -l $file && $Option{removetarget} and unlink readlink $file;
		    unlink $file;
		    if ($Option{thumbrefresh} || $ti == $#tn) {
			foreach my $i (reverse (($ti + 1) .. $#tn)) {
			    my $upd_w = $tn[$i]->{wdgt} = $tn[$i - 1]{wdgt};
			    $upd_w->configure (-image => $tn[$i]{thmb}{phot});
			$tn[$ti]{orig}{phot} and $or--;
			$tn[$ti]{full}{phot} and $fr--;
			splice @tn, $ti, 1;
			$ti > $#tn and $ti--;
		    else {
		    if (@tn) {
		    else {
			$Option{removetarget} and rmdir $Idir;
			$refreshing = "";
			-d $idir ? dtcmd ($idir) : dirup ();
		    }) for @{$Option{keys_delete}};

		# Options
		if ($W == $fp) {
		    $W->bind ($_, \&options)   for @{$Option{keys_options}};

		# Start Slideshow
		$W->bind ($_, sub {
		    $sls = $def_sls;
		    $aid = $iv->after ($sls, $_next_pic);
		    }) for @{$Option{keys_slideshow}};

		$W->bind ($_, sub {
		    $sls and return;	# No exif during slide show
		    @tn && $ti >= 0 && $ti <= $#tn or return;
		    show_exif ($pr->{exif});
		    }) for @{$Option{keys_exif}};

		$W->bind ($_, sub {
		    $sls and return;	# Not during slide show
		    @tn && $ti >= 0 && $ti <= $#tn or return;
		    $Option{showexifinfo} ^= 1;
		    show_exifinfo ($fp, $pr->{exif});
		    }) for @{$Option{keys_exifinfo}};

		$W->bind ($_, sub {
#		    $iv->overrideredirect ($Option{decoration});
#		    $iv->update;
		    $Option{decoration} ^= 1;
		    }) for @{$Option{keys_decoration}};

#	    unless ($Option{decoration}) {
#		$_->overrideredirect (1) for $iv, $iv->parent;
#		}

	    if ($trg eq "show") {
		$trg = "";
		$sls == $def_sls and return; # Already running
		warn "Let the show begin! ...\n";
		$sls = $def_sls;
		return $_pic->($ti);

	if ($opt_s) {
	    $opt_s = 0;
	    $f11->($Option{slidefull}, $ti, "show");

	my $ci = $#tn;
	# Bind actions for this thumb
	$w->Tk::bind ("<1>", sub {
	    $ti = $ci;
	    }); # Show pic for thumb
	# Attach the info
	my $bmsg = join "\n",
	    "$pf - $ps bytes",
	    "O ($x x $y), F ($fX x $fY)";
	$tb->attach ($w,
	    -balloonposition => "mouse",
	    -postcommand     => sub {
		my $self = shift;
		join ",", $self->rootx - 20, $self->rooty - 60;
	    -balloonmsg      => $bmsg,
	    -msg => {
		Background   => $bmsg,
		tick         => $bmsg,

	# Show pic if on command line
	if ($pic and $img eq $pic) {
	    undef $pic;
	    $ti = $ci;

	# Display the thumbnail

	if ($opt_1 && $tr == 1) {
	    my $action = $opt_1;
	    $opt_1 = 0;
	    $ti = 0;
	    $action == 1 and $mw->iconify;

    $refreshing = "";
    $earlyopennextdir and openupdir ();
    }; # dtcmd

# Still need to find out how to (optionally) hide everything that
# leads to $dir, making $dir to appear as tree root
my $df = $mw->Frame ()->pack (-side => "left", @dpo);
$dt = $df->Scrolled ("DirTree",
    -scrollbars => "osoe",

    -width      => 18,

    -directory	=> $dir,
    -browsecmd  => sub {
	$dt->xview (moveto => .60);
	#warn "dtcmd (@_) from scrolled, coming from $idir!\n";
	dtcmd (@_);

    # Tk::Hlist options
    -drawbranch => 1,
    )->pack (-side => "top", @dpo);
$dt->Subwidget ("${_}scrollbar")->configure (-width => 6) for qw( x y );
$dt = $dt->Subwidget ("scrolled");
bind_wheel ($dt, $dt, 10);
# I want <Left> to close a folder expand, and <Right> to expand it
# I also want the focus to follow keyboard actions

sub dirup
    (my $up = $idir) =~ s:/[^/]+$:: or return;
    $dt->close ($idir);
    $dt->setmode ($idir, "close");
    $dt->close ($idir);

    $dt->chdir ($up);
    $dt->open  ($up);
    $dt->setmode ($up, "open");
    $dt->open  ($up);
    $dt->xview (moveto => .60);
    dtcmd ($up);
    } # dirup

sub openupdir
    (my $up = $idir) =~ s:/[^/]+$:: or return;

    $dt->chdir ($up);
    $dt->open  ($up);
    $dt->chdir ($idir);
    return ($dt->child_entries ($up, 1), $idir);
    } # openupdir

sub dirnext
    (my $up = $idir) =~ s:/[^/]+$:: or return;

    my @dir = openupdir ();

    shift @dir while $dir[0] ne $idir;
    @dir > 1 && $dir[0] ne $dir[1] or return;

    $dt->close ($idir);
    $dt->chdir ($up);
    $dt->open  ($up);
    $dt->chdir ($up = $dir[1]);
    $dt->open  ($up);
    $dt->xview (moveto => .60);
    dtcmd ($up);
    } # dirnext

sub dirprev
    (my $up = $idir) =~ s:/[^/]+$:: or return;

    my @dir = reverse openupdir ();
    push @dir, shift @dir;

    shift @dir while $dir[0] ne $idir;
    @dir > 1 && $dir[0] ne $dir[1] or return;

    $dt->close ($idir);
    $dt->chdir ($up);
    $dt->open  ($up);
    $dt->chdir ($up = $dir[1]);
    $dt->open  ($up);
    $dt->xview (moveto => .60);
    dtcmd ($up);
    } # dirprev

$dt->bind ($_, sub {
    (my $up = $idir) =~ s:/[^/]+$:: or return;
    $dt->open  ($up);
    $dt->chdir ($idir);
    $dt->open  ($idir);
    $dt->xview (moveto => .60);
    dtcmd ($idir);
    }) for qw( <greater> );

my @fs  = (-font => $Option{smallfont});
my @fsv = (@fs, -foreground => "Maroon");
my @fst = (@fs, -foreground => "Navy");
$df->Label (-textvariable => \$ti, @fsv)->pack (-side => "left");
$df->Label (-text         => "#",  @fst)->pack (-side => "left");
$df->Label (-textvariable => \$ni, @fsv)->pack (-side => "left");
$df->Label (-text         => "T",  @fst)->pack (-side => "left");
$df->Label (-textvariable => \$tr, @fsv)->pack (-side => "left");
$df->Label (-text         => "O",  @fst)->pack (-side => "left");
$df->Label (-textvariable => \$or, @fsv)->pack (-side => "left");
$df->Label (-text         => "F",  @fst)->pack (-side => "left");
$df->Label (-textvariable => \$fr, @fsv)->pack (-side => "left");
$df->Label (-text         => "ยค",  @fst)->pack (-side => "left");
$df->Label (-textvariable => \$zs, @fsv)->pack (-side => "left");
$df->Label (-text         => "*",  @fst)->pack (-side => "left");
$df->Label (-textvariable => \$Option{decoration},
                                   @fsv)->pack (-side => "left");

$tn = $mw->Scrolled ("Frame",
    -width      => $tnx * $tpx + 45,
    -height     => .65 * $cy,

    -scrollbars => "osoe",
    )->pack (-anchor => "nw", -side => "right", -expand => 0, -fill => "both");
$tn->Subwidget ("${_}scrollbar")->configure (-width => 6) for qw( x y );
$tg = $tn->Subwidget ("scrolled");
bind_wheel ($mw, $tn, 10);
$tg->gridRowconfigure    (0, -weight => 1); # allow expansion in both ...
$tg->gridColumnconfigure (0, -weight => 1); # ... X and Y dimensions

$mw->geometry (loc ($tp, 200 + $tnx * $tpx + 45, .65 * $cy));

foreach my $W ($df, $dt, $tn, $tg, $mw) {	# not $mw, would cause double starts
    $W->bind ($_ => \&exit) for @{$Option{keys_quit}}, @{$Option{keys_quit_all}};
    # First pic
    $W->bind ($_, sub {
	$f11 or return;
	$ti = 0;
	}) for @{$Option{keys_firstpic}};
    # Last pic
    $W->bind ($_, sub {
	$f11 or return;
	$ti = $#tn;
	}) for @{$Option{keys_lastpic}};
    # Start Slideshow
    $W->bind ($_, sub {
	$f11 or return;
	$ti < 0 and $ti = 0;
	$f11->($Option{slidefull}, $ti, "show");
	}) for @{$Option{keys_slideshow}};
$mw->bind ($_, \&options) for @{$Option{keys_options}};

dtcmd ($dir);
$dt->yview (moveto => $Option{dirtreestartpos});

