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use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
use Data::Peek;

sub usage
    my $err = shift and select STDERR;
    print "usage: $0 [--depth=0] [ME|SM] [path]\n";
    exit $err;
    } # usage

use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling);
my $depth = 0;
my $gui   = 0;
my $opt_v = 1;
my $mtype = "ME";
GetOptions (
    "help|?"		=> sub { usage (0); },

    "d|depth=i"		=> \$depth,
    "x|x11|gui"		=> \$gui,

    "v|verbose:2"	=> \$opt_v,
    ) or usage (1);

my @mt;
my @path;
for (@ARGV) {
    if (m/^(me|sm)$/i) {
	push @mt, uc $_;
    else {
	push @path, $_;

@mt or @mt = qw( ME SM );

use GSM::Gnokii;
use JSON;

my $gsm = GSM::Gnokii->new ({ verbose => $opt_v })->connect;
END { $gsm->disconnect; }

$opt_v >= 9 and DDumper { mt => \@mt, path => \@path };

unless ($gui) {
    binmode STDOUT, ":encoding(utf-8)";

    my %dt;
    foreach my $mt (@mt) {
	$dt{$mt} = @path
	    ? [ map { [ $gsm->GetDir ($mt, $_, $depth) ] } @path ]
	    : $gsm->GetDirTree ($mt, $depth);

    print to_json (\%dt, {
	utf8	=> 1,
	pretty	=> 1,
    exit 0;

use GSM::Gnokii::Tk::GSMTree;
use Tk;
use Tk::ROText;
use Tk::JPEG;
use Tk::PNG;
#se Tk::TIFF;
use Tk::Bitmap;
use Tk::Pixmap;
use Tk::Photo;
use File::Temp qw( tempfile );

my $mw = MainWindow->new;

my $dt = $mw->GSMTree (
    -gsm     => $gsm,
    -memtype => $mtype,
    -width   => 40,
    -height  => 80,
    -browsecmd => \&x_info,
    )->pack (-side => "left", -anchor => "nw");
my $fi = $mw->Frame ()->pack (-side => "left", -anchor => "nw");
my %fi;
my %cache;
for (qw( path name date size id type folder_id )) {
    my $f = $fi->Frame ()->pack (qw( -side top -expand 1 -fill x ));
    $f->Label (-text => $_, -width => 10, -foreground => "Green4", -anchor => "w")->pack (qw( -side left -anchor w -fill both -expand 1 ));
    $f->Label (-textvariable => \$fi{"f_$_"}, -width => 40, -anchor => "w")->pack (qw( -side left -anchor w -fill both -expand 1 ));
my ($txt, $img, $filename);
my $img_dash = $mw->Pixmap ("dash", -data => join "\n",
    qq(/* XPM */),
    qq(static char *dash[] = {),
    qq("4 3 2 1",),
    qq("  c none",),
    qq("x c #000000",),
    qq("    ",),
    qq(" xx ",),
    qq("    "),

sub GSM::Gnokii::get_file
    my ($gsm, $path) = @_;
    $path =~ s{/}{\\}g;
    substr $path, 0, 0, $mtype eq "SM" ? "B:" : "A:";

    $cache{$path} //= $gsm->GetFile ($path);
    return $cache{$path};
    } # get_file

{   my $f = $fi->Frame  ()->pack (qw( -side top -expand 1 -fill x    -anchor nw ));
    my $t = $fi->Scrolled ("ROText",
	-scrollbars	=> "oe",
	    -height	=> 10,
	    -width	=> 40,
	    -setgrid	=> 1,
	    )->pack (
		qw( -side top -expand 1 -fill both -anchor nw )
		)->Subwidget ("scrolled");
    my $i = $fi->Frame  ()->pack (qw( -side top -expand 1 -fill both -anchor nw ));
    $f->Button (
	-text		=> "Save",
	-command	=> sub {
	    unless ($filename) {
		$t->delete ("0.0", "end");
		$t->insert ("end", "No filename");

	    my $path = $fi{f_path};
	    $t->insert ("end", "Saving $path to $filename\n");
	    if (my $h = $gsm->get_file ($path)) {
		$t->insert ("end", sprintf "\n\nLength: %d\n", $h->{size});
		if (open my $fh, ">", $filename) {
		    print $fh $h->{file};
		    close $fh;
		    $t->insert ("end", "Done");
		else {
		    $t->insert ("end", "Fail: $!\n");
	    else {
		$t->insert ("end", "ERROR: ".$gsm->{ERROR});
	)->pack (qw( -side left -expand 0 -fill none ));
    $f->Entry (-textvariable => \$filename, -width => 14)->pack (qw( -side left -expand 0 -fill none ));
    $f->Button (
	-text		=> "Show",
	-command	=> sub {
	    $t->delete ("0.0", "end");
	    my $path = $fi{f_path};
	    $t->insert ("end", "Content for $path\n");
	    if (my $h = $gsm->get_file ($path)) {
		$t->insert ("end", sprintf "\n\nLength: %d\n--8<---\n", $h->{size});
		$t->insert ("end", DDisplay ($h->{file}));
		$t->insert ("end", "-->8---");
	    else {
		$t->insert ("end", "ERROR: ".$gsm->{ERROR});
	)->pack (qw( -side left -expand 0 -fill none ));
    $f->Button (
	-text		=> "Preview",
	-command	=> sub {
	    $t->delete ("0.0", "end");
	    my $path = $fi{f_path};
	    $t->insert ("end", "Preview for $path\n");
	    if (my $h = $gsm->get_file ($path)) {
		$t->insert ("end", sprintf "\n\nLength: %d\n", $h->{size});
		my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile ();
		print $fh $h->{file};
		close $fh;
		# $mw->Photo (-data => $h->{file}) doen't work on jpeg
		my $p = eval { $mw->Photo (-file => $filename) };
		if ($p and ref $p eq "Tk::Photo" and !$@) {
		    $img->configure (-image => $p);
		else {
		    $t->insert ("end", "--8<---\n$h->{file}-->8---");
		unlink $filename;
	    else {
		$t->insert ("end", "ERROR: ".$gsm->{ERROR});
	)->pack (qw( -side left -expand 0 -fill none ));
    $img = $i->Label (-image => $img_dash, -anchor => "nw",
	)->pack (qw( -side left -expand 0 -fill none -anchor nw ));
    $txt = $t;

$dt->chdir ("/");
if ($opt_v > 1) {
    open my $log, ">", "cache.out";
    print $log scalar $dt->show_cache ();
    close $log;


sub x_info
    $opt_v > 3 and print STDERR "XI (@{[join', '=>@_]})\n";
    @_ == 1 or return;
    my $dir = shift;
    my $info = $dt->fileinfo ($dir);
    $_ = "" for values %fi;
    $fi{$_} = $info->{$_} for keys %$info;
    $fi{f_path} = $dir;
    ($filename = $dir) =~ s{.*/}{};
    $txt->delete ("0.0", "end");
    $img->configure (-image => $img_dash);
    $opt_v > 2 and print STDERR DDumper $info;
    } # x_info