The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.

use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;

sub usage
    my $err = shift and select STDERR;
    print "usage: $0 [ --verbose=# ] [ --to=recipient ] [ --msg=message ]\n";
    exit $err;
    } # usage

use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling nopermute);
my $opt_v = 1;
my $msg   = "";
my $to    = "";
GetOptions (
    "help|?"		=> sub { usage (0); },

    "m|msg|message=s"	=> \$msg,
    "t|to|recipient=s"	=> \$to,
    "v|verbose:2"	=> \$opt_v,
    ) or usage (1);

my %font = (
    text  => "{DejaVu Sans Mono} 8",
    small => "{DejaVu Sans Mono} 6",
    label => "{DajaVu Sans} 8",
    entry => "{DejaVu Sans Mono} 8",

use Data::Peek;
use GSM::Gnokii;
use List::Util qw( max );
use Tk;
use Tk::BrowseEntry;
use Tk::ProgressBar;

$opt_v and print STDERR "Connecting ...\n";
my $gsm = GSM::Gnokii->new ({ verbose => $opt_v })->connect;
$opt_v and print STDERR "Read phonebook ...\n";
my @pb;
get_pb ();

my ($t_number, $t_name, $t_entry, $t_idx, $status) =
    ("number", "name", "", -1, "");

if ($msg =~ m/\S/ && @pb == 1) {
    $opt_v and print STDERR "Sending message ...\n";
    $t_name = $pb[0]{name};
    my $err = send_msg ($pb[0]{number}, $msg);
    print "$status\n";
    exit $err;

$opt_v and print STDERR "Starting GUI ...\n";

my $mw = MainWindow->new;

my $f_sig = $mw->Frame->pack (-side =>"top", -anchor => "nw", -fill => "both", -expand => 1);
my $f_tgt = $mw->Frame->pack (-side =>"top", -anchor => "nw", -fill => "both", -expand => 1);
my $f_msg = $mw->Frame->pack (-side =>"top", -anchor => "nw", -fill => "both", -expand => 1);
my $f_btn = $mw->Frame->pack (-side =>"top", -anchor => "nw", -fill => "both", -expand => 1);

{   my $strgth = 0;
    my $power  = 0;

    $f_sig->ProgressBar (
	-colors		=> [ 0 => "red", 40 => "yellow", 70 => "green" ],
	-borderwidth	=>   0,
	-width		=>  10,
	-length		=> 220,
	-variable	=> \$strgth,
	-blocks		=>  20,
	-anchor		=> "w",
	-from		=>   0,
	-to		=> 100,
	)->pack (-side => "left",  -anchor => "w", -fill => "none", -expand => 0);
    $f_sig->Label (
	-text		=> "GSM::Gnokii-@{[$gsm->version]} - libgnokii-@{[$gsm->{libgnokii_version}]}",
	-font		=> $font{small},
	-foreground	=> "Gray40",
	)->pack (-side => "left",  -anchor => "c", -fill => "both", -expand => 1);
    $f_sig->ProgressBar (
	-colors		=> [ 0 => "red", 20 => "yellow", 45 => "green" ],
	-borderwidth	=>   0,
	-width		=>  10,
	-length		=> 220,
	-variable	=> \$power,
	-blocks		=>  20,
	-anchor		=> "e",
	-from		=>   0,
	-to		=>  60,
	)->pack (-side => "right", -anchor => "e", -fill => "none", -expand => 0);

    sub get_levels
	$opt_v and print STDERR "Get signal strength ...\n";
	my $ns  = $gsm->GetRF ();
	$strgth = $ns->{level};
	$opt_v and print STDERR "Get power status ...\n";
	my $ps  = $gsm->GetPowerStatus ();
	$power  = $ps->{level};
	$f_sig->after (30_000, \&get_levels);
	} # get_levels

    get_levels ();

@pb == 1 and ($t_idx, $t_number, $t_name, $t_entry) = (0, @{$pb[0]}{qw( number name summ )});
$f_tgt->Label (
    -text		=> "To",
    -font		=> $font{text},
    )->pack (-side => "left", -anchor => "w", -fill => "both", -expand => 1);
$f_tgt->Entry (
    -width		=> 13,
    -textvariable	=> \$t_number,
    -font		=> $font{text},
    )->pack (-side => "left", -anchor => "w", -fill => "both", -expand => 1);
$f_tgt->Entry (
    -width		=> 13,
    -textvariable	=> \$t_name,
    -font		=> $font{text},
    )->pack (-side => "left", -anchor => "w", -fill => "both", -expand => 1);
my $be = $f_tgt->BrowseEntry (
    -width		=> 40,
    -borderwidt		=> 2,
    -highlightthickness => 0,
    -autolistwidth	=> 1,
    -variable		=> \$t_entry,
    -browse2cmd		=> sub {
	$t_idx = $_[1];
	($t_number, $t_name) = @{$pb[$t_idx]}{qw( number name )};
	printf STDERR "%3d: %-13s %-20.20s = %s\n", $t_idx, $t_number, $t_name, $t_entry;
    -relief		=> "sunken",
    -font		=> $font{text},
    )->pack (-side => "left", -anchor => "e", -fill => "both", -expand => 1);
$f_tgt->Button (
    -text		=> "+",
    -font		=> $font{text},
    -command		=> \&add_contact,
    )->pack (-side => "left", -anchor => "e", -fill => "both", -expand => 0);

$be->insert ("end", $_) for map { $_->{summ} } @pb;

my $t = $f_msg->Text (
    -width		=> 80,
    -height		=>  2,
    -wrap		=> "word",
    -font		=> $font{text},
    )->pack (-side => "left",  -anchor => "w", -fill => "both", -expand => 1);
$t->insert ("end", $msg);

$f_btn->Button (
    -text		=> "Cancel",
    -command		=> sub { exit; },
    )->pack (-side => "left",  -anchor => "w", -fill => "none", -expand => 0);
my $l_stat = $f_btn->Label (
    -textvariable	=> \$status,
    -font		=> $font{text},
    -width		=> 40,
    )->pack (-side => "left",  -anchor => "c", -fill => "both", -expand => 1);
$f_btn->Button (
    -text		=> " Send ",
    -command		=> sub { send_msg ($t_number, $t->get ("0.0", "end")) },
    )->pack (-side => "right", -anchor => "e", -fill => "none", -expand => 0);

sub status
    $status = shift;
    if ($l_stat) {
	$l_stat->configure (-foreground => shift);
    else {
	$opt_v and print STDERR "$status\n";
    } # status

sub get_pb
    @pb =
	sort { $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} }
	grep { $to ? "@{[values %$_]}" =~ m/$to/i : 1 }
	map  {
	    my $idx  = $_->{location};
	    my $name = $_->{name};
	    my $nick = $_->{nickname} || $name;
	    if (my $p = $_->{person}) {
		$p->{family_name} && $p->{given_name} and
		    $name = join " " => $p->{given_name}, $p->{family_name};
	    my $number = $_->{tel_cell} || $_->{number};
	    {	idx	=> $idx,
		number	=> $number,
		name	=> $name,
		nick	=> $nick,
		summ	=> "",
		entry	=> $_,
	    #[ $idx, $number, $name, "", $_ ];
	    } @{$gsm->GetPhonebook ("ME", 1, 0) || []};
    {   my $maxlen = max map { length $_->{name} } @pb;
	$_->{summ} = sprintf "%3d: %-*s %s", $_->{idx}, $maxlen, $_->{name}, $_->{number} for @pb;
    } # get_pb

sub send_msg
    my ($dest, $message) = @_;
    $message =~ s/\s+$//;
    $message =~ s/^\s+//;
    $opt_v and print STDERR "To:  $dest ($t_name)\nMsg: $message\n";
    unless ($dest =~ m/^\+?[0-9]+$/ and $message =~ m/^\S/) {
	status "Both number and message needed", "Red";
    my $b8 = ($message =~ m/^[ -~]+$/) ? 0 : 1;

    status "Sending ...", "Black";
    my $err = $gsm->SendSMS ({
	destination	=> $dest,
	message		=> $message,
#	smscindex	=> 1,
#	smscnumber	=> "+31653131313",
#	report		=> 1,
#	eightbit	=> $b8,
#	class		=> undef,
#	validity	=> 173,	# 1 week
    if (defined $err and $err == 0) {
	status "Message sent", "#00a000";
    else {
	status (($gsm->{ERROR} || "ERROR: ".DPeek $err), "#d00000");
    } # send_msg

sub clear_hash
    my $h = shift;
    foreach my $k (keys %$h) {
	if (ref $h->{$k} eq "HASH") {
	    clear_hash ($h->{$k});
	else {	# ignore other refs, they should not occur
	    $h->{$k} = "";
    } # clear_hash

sub add_contact
    my $c = {
	memorytype      => "ME",
	location        => 0,
	number          => "+31612345678",
	name            => "Miranda GSM",
	caller_group    => 0,                   # Family
	person          => {                    # Doesn't work
	    family_name => "Vries, de",
	    given_name  => "Miranda",
	address         => {                    # Doesn't work
	    street      => "Dorpstraat 3",
	    city        => "Madurodam",
	    postal      => "1234 AB",
	birthday        => "2001-02-03",        # TODO
	date            => "2011-02-03",        # TODO
	ext_group       => 3,                   # TODO
	e_mail          => "miranda\",
	home_address    => "Kerkstraat 3",      # Doesn't work
	nickname        => "Mirrie",
	note            => "Notitie",
#	tel_none        => "+31600000000",      # FAIL
#	tel_common      => "+31600000001",      # FAIL
	tel_home        => "+31612345678",
	tel_cell        => "+31612345678",
	tel_fax         => "+31612345678",
	tel_work        => "+31612345678",
#	tel_general     => "+31600000010",      # FAIL
	company         => "Vrienden & co.",
	url             => "",
    if ($t_idx >= 0) {
	DDumper { idx => $t_idx, pb => $pb[$t_idx] };
	$c = { %{$pb[$t_idx]{entry}} };	# Make a copy
    my $cw = $mw->Toplevel;
    my $ef = $cw->Frame->pack (qw( -side top    -fill both -expand 1 ));
    my $bf = $cw->Frame->pack (qw( -side bottom -fill x    -expand 0 ));
    my $eg = $ef->Frame->grid (qw( -sticky nw ));
    $eg->gridRowconfigure    (0, -weight => 1); # allow expansion in both ...
    $eg->gridColumnconfigure (0, -weight => 1); # ... X and Y dimensions
    my @ga = (-borderwidth => 0, -highlightthickness => 0);
    my @la = (@ga, -font => $font{label}, -foreground => "Green4", -anchor => "w");
    my @ea = (@ga, -font => $font{entry}, -background => "White");
    my @gg = (-sticky => "news");
    for (   [  0,  0, "Location",	\$c->{location},		],
	    [  0,  2, "Memory",		\$c->{memorytype},		],

	    [  1,  2, "Number",		\$c->{number},			],
	    [  2,  2, "Cell",		\$c->{tel_cell},		],
	    [  3,  2, "Home",		\$c->{tel_home},		],
	    [  4,  2, "Work",		\$c->{tel_work},		],
	    [  5,  2, "Fax",		\$c->{tel_fax},			],

	    [  1,  0, "Name",		\$c->{name},			],
	    [  2,  0, " Family",	\$c->{person}{family_name},	],
	    [  3,  0, " Given",		\$c->{person}{given_name},	],
	    [  4,  0, " Nick",		\$c->{nickname},		],
	    [  5,  0, "Adress",		\$c->{home_address},		],
	    [  6,  0, " Street",	\$c->{address}{street},		],
	    [  7,  0, " City",		\$c->{address}{city},		],
	    [  8,  0, " Postal",	\$c->{address}{postal},		],

	    [  6,  2, "Company",	\$c->{company},			],
	    [  7,  2, "Birth",		\$c->{birthday},		],
	    [  8,  2, "Date",		\$c->{date},			],

	    [ 10,  0, "URL",		\$c->{url},			],
	    [ 10,  2, "e-mail",		\$c->{e_mail},			],
	    [ 11,  0, "Note",		\$c->{note}, 3			],
	    ) {
	my ($row, $col, $label, $field, $cs) = (@$_, 1);
	$eg->Label (-text         => $label, @la)->grid (-row => $row, -column => $col,     @gg);
	$eg->Entry (-textvariable => $field, @ea)->grid (-row => $row, -column => $col + 1, -columnspan => $cs, @gg);

    $bf->Button (
	-text		=> "Save",
	-command	=> sub {
	    my $cuh;
	    $cuh = sub {
		my $h = shift;
		my $n = 0;
		foreach my $k (keys %$h) {
		    unless (defined $h->{$k}) {
			delete $h->{$k};

		    if (ref $h->{$k}) {
			unless ($cuh->($h->{$k})) {
			    delete $h->{$k};

		    $h->{$k} =~ s/\s+$//;
		    $h->{$k} =~ s/^\s+//;
		    unless (length $h->{$k}) {
			delete $h->{$k};
		return $n;
		}; # cuh
	    DDumper { Writing => $c };

	    my $err = $gsm->WritePhonebookEntry ($c);
	    if (defined $err and $err == 0) {
		status "Phonebook updated", "#00a000";
		get_pb ();
		$be->delete (0, "end");
		$be->insert ("end", $_) for map { $_->{summ} } @pb;
	    else {
		status (($gsm->{ERROR} || "ERROR: ".DPeek $err), "#d00000");
	)->pack (qw( -side left -expand 0 -fill both -anchor w ));
    $bf->Button (
	-text		=> "Clear",
	-command	=> sub { clear_hash ($c) },
	)->pack (qw( -side left -expand 0 -fill both -anchor w ));
    $bf->Button (
	-text		=> "Cancel",
	-command	=> sub { $cw->destroy; },
	)->pack (qw( -side left -expand 0 -fill both -anchor w ));
    } # add_contact
