
use strict;
use warnings;


my     $tests = 77;
use     Test::More;
require Test::NoWarnings;

use     Spreadsheet::Read;
Spreadsheet::Read::parses ("xlsx") or
    plan skip_all => "Cannot use $ENV{SPREADSHEET_READ_XLSX}";

my $xls;
ok ($xls = ReadData ("files/perc.xlsx", attr => 1), "Excel Percentage testcase");

my $ss   = $xls->[1];
my $attr = $ss->{attr};

foreach my $row (1 .. 19) {
    is ($ss->{attr}[1][$row]{type},   "numeric",	"Type A$row numeric");
    ok ($ss->{attr}[2][$row]{type} eq "numeric" ||
	$ss->{attr}[2][$row]{type} eq "percentage",	"Type B$row percentage");
    is ($ss->{attr}[3][$row]{type},   "percentage",	"Type C$row percentage");

    SKIP: {
	$ss->{B18} =~ m/[.]/ and
	    skip "$xls->[0]{parser} $xls->[0]{version} has format problems", 1;
	my $i = int $ss->{"A$row"};
	# Allow edge case. rounding .5 will be different in -Duselongdouble perl
	my $f = $ss->{"B$row"};
	$row == 11 && $f eq "1%" and $i = 1;
	is ($f, "$i%",	"Formatted values for row $row\n");

    Test::NoWarnings::had_no_warnings ();
done_testing ($tests);