The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

use strict;
use warnings;

 use Test::More tests => 180;
#use Test::More "no_plan";

my %err;

    require_ok "Text::CSV_XS";
    plan skip_all => "Cannot load Text::CSV_XS" if $@;
    require "t/";

    open XS, "<", "CSV_XS.xs" or die "Cannot read error messages from XS\n";
    while (<XS>) {
	m/^    \{ ([0-9]{4}), "([^"]+)"\s+\}/ and $err{$1} = $2;

$| = 1;

my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new ();
is (Text::CSV_XS::error_diag (), "",	"Last failure for new () - OK");
is_deeply ([ $csv->error_diag ], [ 0, "", 0, 0], "OK in list context");

sub parse_err ($$$)
    my ($n_err, $p_err, $str) = @_;
    my $s_err = $err{$n_err};
    my $STR = _readable ($str);
    is ($csv->parse ($str), 0,	"$n_err - Err for parse ('$STR')");
    is ($csv->error_diag () + 0, $n_err, "$n_err - Diag in numerical context");
    is ($csv->error_diag (),     $s_err, "$n_err - Diag in string context");
    my ($c_diag, $s_diag, $p_diag) = $csv->error_diag ();
    is ($c_diag, $n_err,	"$n_err - Num diag in list context");
    is ($s_diag, $s_err,	"$n_err - Str diag in list context");
    is ($p_diag, $p_err,	"$n_err - Pos diag in list context");
    } # parse_err

parse_err 2023, 19, qq{2023,",2008-04-05,"Foo, Bar",\n}; # "

$csv = Text::CSV_XS->new ({ escape_char => "+", eol => "\n" });
is ($csv->error_diag (), "",		"No errors yet");

parse_err 2010,  3, qq{"x"\r};
parse_err 2011,  4, qq{"x"x};

parse_err 2021,  2, qq{"\n"};
parse_err 2022,  2, qq{"\r"};
parse_err 2025,  2, qq{"+ "};
parse_err 2026,  2, qq{"\0 "};
parse_err 2027,  1,   '"';
parse_err 2031,  1, qq{\r };
parse_err 2032,  2, qq{ \r};
parse_err 2034,  4, qq{1, "bar",2};
parse_err 2037,  1, qq{\0 };

{   my @warn;
    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warn, @_ };
    $csv->error_diag ();
    ok (@warn == 1, "Got error message");
    like ($warn[0], qr{^# CSV_XS ERROR: 2037 - EIF}, "error content");

is (Text::CSV_XS->new ({ ecs_char => ":" }), undef, "Unsupported option");

{   my @warn;
    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warn, @_ };
    Text::CSV_XS::error_diag ();
    ok (@warn == 1, "Error_diag in void context ::");
    like ($warn[0], qr{^# CSV_XS ERROR: 1000 - INI}, "error content");
{   my @warn;
    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warn, @_ };
    Text::CSV_XS->error_diag ();
    ok (@warn == 1, "Error_diag in void context ->");
    like ($warn[0], qr{^# CSV_XS ERROR: 1000 - INI}, "error content");

{   my @warn;
    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warn, @_ };
    is (Text::CSV_XS->new ({ auto_diag => 0, ecs_char => ":" }), undef,
	"Unsupported option");
    ok (@warn == 0, "Error_diag in from new ({ auto_diag => 0})");
{   my @warn;
    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warn, @_ };
    is (Text::CSV_XS->new ({ auto_diag => 1, ecs_char => ":" }), undef,
	"Unsupported option");
    ok (@warn == 1, "Error_diag in from new ({ auto_diag => 1})");
    like ($warn[0], qr{^# CSV_XS ERROR: 1000 - INI}, "error content");

is (Text::CSV_XS::error_diag (), "INI - Unknown attribute 'ecs_char'",
					"Last failure for new () - FAIL");
is (Text::CSV_XS->error_diag (), "INI - Unknown attribute 'ecs_char'",
					"Last failure for new () - FAIL");
is (Text::CSV_XS::error_diag (bless {}, "Foo"), "INI - Unknown attribute 'ecs_char'",
					"Last failure for new () - FAIL");
$csv->SetDiag (1000);
is (0 + $csv->error_diag (), 1000,			"Set error NUM");
is (    $csv->error_diag (), "INI - constructor failed","Set error STR");
$csv->SetDiag (0);
is (0 + $csv->error_diag (),    0,			"Reset error NUM");
is (    $csv->error_diag (),   "",			"Reset error STR");

ok (1, "Test auto_diag");
$csv = Text::CSV_XS->new ({ auto_diag => 1 });
{   my @warn;
    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warn, @_ };
    is ($csv->{_RECNO}, 0, "No records read yet");
    is ($csv->parse ('"","'), 0, "1 - bad parse");
    ok (@warn == 1, "1 - One error");
    like ($warn[0], qr '^# CSV_XS ERROR: 2027 -', "1 - error message");
    is ($csv->{_RECNO}, 1, "One record read");
{   my @warn;
    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warn, @_ };
    is ($csv->diag_verbose (3), 3, "Set diag_verbose");
    is ($csv->parse ('"","'), 0, "1 - bad parse");
    ok (@warn == 1, "1 - One error");
    @warn = split m/\n/ => $warn[0];
    ok (@warn == 3, "1 - error plus two lines");
    like ($warn[0], qr '^# CSV_XS ERROR: 2027 -', "1 - error message");
    like ($warn[1], qr '^"","',                   "1 - input line");
    like ($warn[2], qr '^   \^',                 "1 - position indicator");
    is ($csv->{_RECNO}, 2, "Another record read");
{   ok ($csv->{auto_diag} = 2, "auto_diag = 2 to die");
    eval { $csv->parse ('"","') };
    like ($@, qr '^# CSV_XS ERROR: 2027 -', "2 - error message");

{   my @warn;
    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warn, @_ };
    Text::CSV_XS->new ()->_cache_diag ();
    ok (@warn == 1, "Got warn");
    is ($warn[0], "CACHE: invalid\n", "Uninitialized cache");

{   my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new ();
    ok ($csv->parse (q{1,"abc"}), "Valid parse");
    is ($csv->error_input (), undef, "Undefined error_input");
    is ($csv->{_ERROR_INPUT}, undef, "Undefined error_input");

foreach my $spec (
	undef,		# No spec at all
	"",		# No spec at all
	"row=0",	# row > 0
	"col=0",	# col > 0
	"cell=0",	# cell = r,c
	"cell=0,0",	# col & row > 0
	"row=*",	# * only after n-
	"col=3-1",	# to >= from
	"cell=4,1;1",	# cell has no ;
	"cell=3,3-2,1",	# bottom-right should be right to and below top-left
	"row=/",	# illegal character
	"col=4;row=3",	# cannot combine rows and columns
	) {
    my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new ();
    my $r;
    eval { $r = $csv->fragment (undef, $spec); };
    is ($r, undef, "Cannot do fragment with bad RFC7111 spec");
    my ($c_diag, $s_diag, $p_diag) = $csv->error_diag ();
    is ($c_diag, 2013,	"Illegal RFC7111 spec");
    is ($p_diag, 0,	"Position");

my $diag_file = "_$$.out";
open  EH,     ">&STDERR";
open  STDERR, ">", $diag_file;
ok ($csv->_cache_diag,	"Cache debugging output");
close STDERR;
open  STDERR, ">&EH";
open  EH,     "<", $diag_file;
is (scalar <EH>, "CACHE:\n",	"Title");
while (<EH>) {
    like ($_, qr{^  \w+\s+[0-9a-f]+:(?:".*"|\s*[0-9]+)$}, "Content");
close EH;
unlink $diag_file;
