The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

use strict;
use warnings;

#use Test::More "no_plan";
 use Test::More tests => 52;

    use_ok "Text::CSV_XS", ("csv");
    plan skip_all => "Cannot load Text::CSV_XS" if $@;
    require "./t/";

my $tfn  = "_91test.csv"; END { -f $tfn and unlink $tfn }
my $data =
    "2,a b,\n";
open  FH, ">", $tfn or die "$tfn: $!";
print FH $data;
close FH;

my $aoa = [
    [qw( foo bar baz )],
    [ 1, 2, 3 ],
    [ 2, "a b", "" ],
my $aoh = [
    { foo => 1, bar => 2,     baz => 3  },
    { foo => 2, bar => "a b", baz => "" },

for (qw( after_in on_in before_out )) {
    is_deeply (csv (in => $tfn, $_ => sub {}), $aoa, "callback $_ on AOA with empty sub");
    is_deeply (csv (in => $tfn, callbacks => { $_ => sub {} }), $aoa, "callback $_ on AOA with empty sub");
is_deeply (csv (in => $tfn, after_in => sub {},
    callbacks => { on_in => sub {} }), $aoa, "callback after_in and on_in on AOA");

for (qw( after_in on_in before_out )) {
    is_deeply (csv (in => $tfn, headers => "auto", $_ => sub {}), $aoh, "callback $_ on AOH with empty sub");
    is_deeply (csv (in => $tfn, headers => "auto", callbacks => { $_ => sub {} }), $aoh, "callback $_ on AOH with empty sub");
is_deeply (csv (in => $tfn, headers => "auto", after_in => sub {},
    callbacks => { on_in => sub {} }), $aoh, "callback after_in and on_in on AOH");

is_deeply (csv (in => $tfn, after_in => sub { push @{$_[1]}, "A" }), [
    [qw( foo bar baz A )],
    [ 1, 2, 3, "A" ],
    [ 2, "a b", "", "A" ],
    ], "AOA ith after_in callback");

is_deeply (csv (in => $tfn, headers => "auto", after_in => sub { $_[1]{baz} = "A" }), [
    { foo => 1, bar => 2, baz => "A" },
    { foo => 2, bar => "a b", baz => "A" },
    ], "AOH with after_in callback");

is_deeply (csv (in => $tfn, filter => { 2 => sub { /a/ }}), [
    [qw( foo bar baz )],
    [ 2, "a b", "" ],
    ], "AOA with filter on col 2");
is_deeply (csv (in => $tfn, filter => { 2 => sub { /a/ },
					 1 => sub { length > 1 }}), [
    [qw( foo bar baz )],
    ], "AOA with filter on col 1 and 2");
is_deeply (csv (in => $tfn, filter => { foo => sub { $_ > 1 }}), [
    { foo => 2, bar => "a b", baz => "" },
    ], "AOH with filter on column name");

is_deeply (csv (in => $tfn, headers => "lc"),
	    [ { foo => 1, bar => 2,     baz => 3 },
	      { foo => 2, bar => "a b", baz => "" }],
	    "AOH with lc headers");
is_deeply (csv (in => $tfn, headers => "uc"),
	    [ { FOO => 1, BAR => 2,     BAZ => 3 },
	      { FOO => 2, BAR => "a b", BAZ => "" }],
	    "AOH with lc headers");
is_deeply (csv (in => $tfn, headers => sub { lcfirst uc $_[0] }),
	    [ { fOO => 1, bAR => 2,     bAZ => 3 },
	      { fOO => 2, bAR => "a b", bAZ => "" }],
	    "AOH with mangled headers");

    $] < 5.008001 and skip "No BOM support in $]", 1;
    is_deeply (csv (in => $tfn, munge => { bar => "boo" }),
	[{ baz =>  3, boo => 2,     foo => 1 },
	 { baz => "", boo => "a b", foo => 2 }], "Munge with hash");

open  FH, ">>", $tfn or die "$tfn: $!";
print FH <<"EOD";
close FH;

is_deeply (csv (in => $tfn,
	filter => { foo => sub { $_ > 2 && $_[1][2] - $_[1][1] < 4 }}), [
    { foo => 3, bar => 3, baz =>  3 },
    { foo => 4, bar => 5, baz =>  6 },
    { foo => 5, bar => 7, baz =>  9 },
    { foo => 6, bar => 9, baz => 12 },
    ], "AOH with filter on column name + on other numbered fields");

is_deeply (csv (in => $tfn,
	filter => { foo => sub { $_ > 2 && $_{baz}  - $_{bar}  < 4 }}), [
    { foo => 3, bar => 3, baz =>  3 },
    { foo => 4, bar => 5, baz =>  6 },
    { foo => 5, bar => 7, baz =>  9 },
    { foo => 6, bar => 9, baz => 12 },
    ], "AOH with filter on column name + on other named fields");

# Check content ref in on_in AOA
{   my $aoa = csv (
	in          => $tfn,
	filter      => { 1 => sub { m/^[3-9]/ }},
	on_in       => sub {
	    is ($_[1][1], 2 * $_[1][0] - 3, "AOA $_[1][0]: b = 2a - 3 \$_[1][]");
# Check content ref in on_in AOH
{   my $aoa = csv (
	in          => $tfn,
	headers     => "auto",
	filter      => { foo => sub { m/^[3-9]/ }},
	after_parse => sub {
	    is ($_[1]{bar}, 2 * $_[1]{foo} - 3, "AOH $_[1]{foo}: b = 2a - 3 \$_[1]{}");
# Check content ref in on_in AOH with aliases %_
{   %_ = ( brt => 42 );
    my $aoa = csv (
	in          => $tfn,
	headers     => "auto",
	filter      => { foo => sub { m/^[3-9]/ }},
	on_in       => sub {
	    is ($_{bar}, 2 * $_{foo} - 3, "AOH $_{foo}: b = 2a - 3 \$_{}");
    is_deeply (\%_, { brt => 42 }, "%_ restored");

    $] < 5.008001 and skip "Too complicated test for $]", 2;
    # Add to %_ in callback
    # And test bizarre (but allowed) attribute combinations
    # Most of them can be either left out or done more efficiently in
    # a different way
    my $xcsv = Text::CSV_XS->new;
    is_deeply (csv (in                 => $tfn,
		    seps               => [ ",", ";" ],
		    munge              => "uc",
		    quo                => '"',
		    esc                => '"',
		    csv                => $xcsv,
		    filter             => { 1 => sub { $_ eq "4" }},
		    on_in              => sub { $_{BRT} = 42; }),
		[{ FOO => 4, BAR => 5, BAZ => 6, BRT => 42 }],
		"AOH with addition to %_ in on_in");
    is_deeply ($xcsv->csv (
		    file               => $tfn,
		    sep_set            => [ ";", "," ],
		    munge_column_names => "uc",
		    quote_char         => '"',
		    quote              => '"',
		    escape_char        => '"',
		    escape             => '"',
		    filter             => { 1 => sub { $_ eq "4" }},
		    after_in           => sub { $_{BRT} = 42; }),
		[{ FOO => 4, BAR => 5, BAZ => 6, BRT => 42 }],
		"AOH with addition to %_ in on_in");

{   ok (my $hr = csv (in => $tfn, key => "foo", on_in => sub {
			$_[1]{quz} = "B"; $_{ziq} = 2; }),
	"Get into hashref with key and on_in");
    is_deeply ($hr->{8}, {qw( bar 13 baz 18 foo 8 quz B ziq 2 )},
	"on_in with key works");

open  FH, ">", $tfn or die "$tfn: $!";
print FH <<"EOD";

,, ,
,," ",
close FH;

is_deeply (csv (in => $tfn, filter => "not_blank"),
	    [[3,3,3],[5,7,9],["",""],["",""],["",""," ",""],
	     ["","",""],["",""," ",""],[8,13,18]],
	    "filter => not_blank");
is_deeply (csv (in => $tfn, filter => "not_empty"),
	    [[3,3,3],[5,7,9],["",""," ",""],["",""," ",""],[8,13,18]],
	    "filter => not_empty");
is_deeply (csv (in => $tfn, filter => "filled"),
	    "filter => filled");