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# This is the recursive version of sccs2git
# Combining all SCCS repos to one single git repo

use strict;
use warnings;

use VCS::SCCS;
use File::Find;

my %sccs_ext;
my @sccs;
find (sub { $File::Find::dir =~ m{(?:^|/)SCCS$} and m/^s\./ or return;
	    push @sccs, $File::Find::name;
	    m/\.(\w+)$/ and $sccs_ext{$1}++;
	  }, glob "*");

@sccs or die "No SCCS source files to convert\n";

-d ".git" and die ".git already exists\n";
system "git init";
# could be explored to write checkout hooks that translate SCCS
# keywords to actual content. Would be hard to translate back

sub pr_date
    my @dt = localtime shift;
    sprintf "%s %02d-%02d-%4d %02d:%02d:%02d",
	(qw( Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat ))[$dt[6]],
	$dt[3], $dt[4] + 1, $dt[5] + 1900,
	$dt[2], $dt[1], $dt[0];
    } # pr_date

# fire up GFI
chomp (my $branchname = qx(git symbolic-ref HEAD));
open my $gfi, "|-", qw(git fast-import --quiet);
my $mark;

# use a best guess at user, hostname, etc.  FIXME: add authors map :)
use Time::Local;
use Net::Domain;
my $domain = Net::Domain::hostdomain () || "";
my %tzoffset;
my $tzoffset = sub {
    use integer;
    my $offset_s = timegm (localtime ($_[0])) - $_[0];
    my $off = abs $offset_s / 60;
    my ($off_h, $off_m) = ($off / 60, $off % 60);
    $tzoffset{$offset_s} ||= ( $offset_s >= 0 ? "+" : "-" )
	. sprintf "%02d%02d", $off_h, $off_m;

# Submit in the same sequence as the original
my %sccs;
my %file;
my @fail;
foreach my $f (sort @sccs) {
    my $sccs;
    eval { $sccs = VCS::SCCS->new ($f) };
    unless ($sccs) {
	warn "Cannot convert $f\n";
	push @fail, $f;
    # GIT supports get-hooks, to translate on retrieval
    # But it will be useless as you cannot translate back
    $sccs->set_translate ("SCCS");
    my $fn = $sccs->file ();
    foreach my $rm (@{$sccs->revision_map ()}) {
	my ($rev, $vsn) = @{$rm};
	my $delta = $sccs->delta ($rev);
	$sccs{pack "NA*", $delta->{stamp}, $fn} = [ $sccs, $rev, ++$mark ];
	my $data = scalar $sccs->body ($rev);
	print { $gfi } "blob\nmark :", $mark,
			   "\ndata ", length ($data),
			   "\n", $data, "\n";
	printf STDERR "%-20s %3d %8s  %s\r", $fn, $rev, $vsn,
	    pr_date ($delta->{stamp});
    print STDERR "\n";

foreach my $c (sort keys %sccs) {
    my ($sccs, $rev, $mark) = @{$sccs{$c}};

    my $fn    = $sccs->file ();
    my %delta = %{$sccs->delta ($rev)};
    my $stamp = pr_date ($delta{stamp});
    my $vsn   = $delta{version};

    printf STDERR "%-20s %3d %6s  %s %s %s\n", $fn, $rev, $vsn,
	$stamp, $delta{date}, $delta{"time"};

    print { $gfi } "commit ", $branchname, "\n";
    print { $gfi } "committer ", $delta{committer},
	" <", $delta{committer}, "@", $domain, "> ",
	$delta{stamp}, " ", $tzoffset->($delta{stamp}), "\n";

    # tradition is to save all potentially useful but
    # uncategorized metadata as RFC822-style headers in the commit
    # message
    my $mr  = $delta{mr} || ""; $mr =~ s/^-$//;
    $mr  and $mr  = "SCCS-mr: $mr";
    $vsn and $vsn = "SCCS-vsn: $vsn";
    my $cmnt = $delta{comment} || "";
    $cmnt ||= "(no message)";
    $cmnt  .= "\n";
    my $msg  = join "\n", $cmnt, grep m/\S/, $mr, $vsn;

    print { $gfi } "data ", length ($msg), "\n$msg\n";

    my $mode = $delta{flags}{x} ? "755" : "644";
    print { $gfi } "M $mode :$mark $fn\n";
    print { $gfi } "\n";

print { $gfi } "checkpoint\n";

close $gfi;

system "git", "checkout";
system "git", "reset", "--hard";

open my $gi, ">", ".gitignore";
print $gi <<EOG;

exists $sccs_ext{as} and print $gi <<EOG;

exists $sccs_ext{c}  and print $gi <<EOG;

exists $sccs_ext{ic} and print $gi <<EOG;

close $gi;

system "git", "add", ".gitignore";
system "git", "commit", "-m", "Add default ignore list";

@fail and print STDERR join "\n    ",
    "The following files could not be converted and were skipped:", @fail, "\r";