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package File::RoundRobin;

use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;

=head1 NAME

File::RoundRobin - Round Robin text files

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.06


our $VERSION = '0.06';

local $|=1;


This module implements a Round-Robin text file.

The text file will not grow beyond the size we specify.

The benefit of using this module is that you can log a certain amount of
information without having to care about filling your hard drive or setting up a
log-rotate mechanism.

Example :

    use File::RoundRobin;

    my $rrfile = File::RoundRobin->new(
                                    path => '/tmp/sample.txt',
                                    size => '100M',
                                    mode => 'new',
                                     ) // die $@;

    $rrfile->print("foo bar");
    my $rrfile = File::RoundRobin->new(path => '/tmp/sample.txt', mode => 'read');

    while (my $line = $rrfile->readline() ) {
        print $line;

When you write into the Round-Robin file, if it filled the maximum allowed space it 
will write over the old data, while always preserving the most recent data.


In case an error occures, the error will be stored in $@

Starting with version 0.5 the module no longer dies on errors, instead returns 
undef or 0 (c<new()> will return undef, c<write()> will return 0) and the actual 
error message is available in $@.


This module implements the TIEHANDLE interface and the objects an be used as normal 
file handles.

=over 4

=item 1. Write example :

    local *FH;
    tie *FH, 'File::RoundRobin', path => 'test.txt',size => '10M';

    my $fh = *FH;

    print $fh "foo bar";

=item 2. Read example :

    local *FH;
    tie *FH, 'File::RoundRobin', path => 'test.txt',mode => 'read';

    $fh = *FH;

    while ( my $line = readline($fh) ) {
        print $line;

=head2 rrcat 

The package comes with a simple utility B<rrcat> that let's you create and read RoundRobin files from command line 

Usage : 
To print the content of a file :
    $ rrcat <filename> 

To write into a file (reads from stdin):
    $ rrcat <size> <filename>

Size can be specified in any of the forms accepted by File::RoundRobin (see C<new> method)

=head2 rrtail

The package comes with a simple utility B<rrtail> that let's you tail RoundRobin files from command line

Usage : 
To a file you can run :

Print the last 10 lines
    $ rrtail <filename>

Print the last 100 lines :
    $ rrtail -n 100 <filename>

Print the content as it's written :    

    $ rrtail -f <filename>    


=head2 new

Returns a new File::RoundRobin object.

Files can be opened in three ways: I<new file>, I<read>, I<append>

=head3 write

In I<new file> mode any existing data will be lost and the file will be overwritten
Arguments :

=over 4 

=item * path = path where to create the file

=item * size = the maximum size the file is allowed to grow to. Example : 100K or 100Kb, 10M or 10Mb, 1G or 1Gb


Example : 

    my $rrfile = File::RoundRobin->new(
                                    path => '/tmp/sample.txt',
                                    size => '100M',

=head3 read

Arguments :

=over 4

=item * path = path where to create the file

=item * mode = must be C<read>


Example :

    my $rrfile = File::RoundRobin->new(path => '/tmp/sample.txt', mode => 'read') || die $@;

=head3 append

In I<append> mode all existing data will preserved and we can continue writing the file from where we left off

Arguments :

=over 4

=item * path = path where to create the file

=item * mode = must be C<append>


Example :

    my $rrfile = File::RoundRobin->new(path => '/tmp/sample.txt', mode => 'append') || die $@;


sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my %params = (
                mode => 'new',
    $params{size} = convert_size($params{size});

    if ($params{mode} eq "new" && ! defined $params{size}) {
        $@ = "You must specify the file size" ;
    my ($fh,$size,$start_point,$headers_size,$read_only) = open_file(%params);
    return undef unless $fh;
    my $self = {
                _fh_ => $fh,
                _data_length_ => $size,
                _file_length_ => $size + $headers_size,
                _write_start_point_ => $start_point,
                _read_start_point_ => $start_point,
                _headers_size_ => $headers_size,
                _read_only_ => $read_only,
                _autoflush_ => $params{autoflush} || 1,
    bless $self, $class;
    return $self;

=head2 read

Reads the $length craracters form the file beginning with $offset and returns the result

Usage : 

    #reads the next 10 characted from the file
    my $buffer = $rrfile->read(10); 
    #reads the first 10 characters starting with character 90 after the current position
    my $buffer = $rrfile->read(10,90); 

Arguments :

=over 4 

=item * I<length> = how many bytes to read

=item * I<offset> = offset from which to start reading

sub read {
    my $self = shift;
    my $length = shift || 1;
    my $offset = shift || 0;
    if ($self->{_write_start_point_} == $self->{_read_start_point_}) {
        if ($self->{_read_started_}) {
            return undef;
        else {
            $self->{_read_started_} = 1;

    my $to_eof =  ($self->{_write_start_point_} > $self->{_read_start_point_}) ? 
                        $self->{_write_start_point_} - $self->{_read_start_point_} :
                        ($self->{_write_start_point_} - $self->{_headers_size_}) + ($self->{_file_length_} - $self->{_read_start_point_});
    $length = $to_eof > $length ? $length : $to_eof;
    return undef unless $length;

    $self->jump($offset) if ($offset);
    my ($buffer1,$buffer2);
    my $bytes = CORE::sysread($self->{_fh_},$buffer1,$length);
    $self->{_read_start_point_} += $bytes;
    if ($bytes < $length) {
        $length -= $bytes;
        if ($self->{_write_start_point_} - $self->{_headers_size_} < $length) {
            $length = $self->{_write_start_point_} - $self->{_headers_size_};
        $bytes = CORE::sysread($self->{_fh_},$buffer2,$length);
        $self->{_read_start_point_} = $self->{_headers_size_} + $bytes;

    return $buffer2 ? $buffer1 . $buffer2 : $buffer1;

=head2 write

Writes the given text into the file

Usage :

    $rrfile->write("foo bar");
Arguments :

=over 4

=item * I<buffer> = the actual content we want to write

=item * I<length> = the length of the content we want to write (defaults to C<length($buffer)>)

=item * I<offset> = offset from which to start writing


sub write {
    my $self = shift;
    my $buffer = shift;
    my $length = shift || length($buffer);
    my $offset = shift || 0;
    if ( $self->{_read_only_} ) {
        $@ = "File is read only!";
        return 0;
    $self->jump($offset) if $offset;
    $self->{_write_start_point_} = $self->{_read_start_point_};
    my $fh = $self->{_fh_};
    my $start_pos = 0;
    while  ($self->{_write_start_point_} + $length > $self->{_file_length_}) {
        my $bytes_to_write = $self->{_file_length_} - $self->{_write_start_point_};
        $start_pos += $bytes_to_write;
        $length -= $bytes_to_write;
        $self->{_write_start_point_} = $self->{_headers_size_};
    $self->{_write_start_point_} += $length;
    $self->{_read_start_point_} = $self->{_write_start_point_};
    $self->update_headers() unless $self->{_autoflush_} == 0;
    return ($self->{_write_start_point_} == CORE::tell($fh)) ? 1 : 0;

=head2 print

Writes the given text into the file

Usage :

    $rrfile->print("foo bar");
Arguments :

=over 4

=item * I<buffer> = the actual content we want to write    


*print = \&write;

=head2 close

Close the Round-Robin file

Usage :


sub close {
    my $self = shift;
    my $fh = $self->{_fh_};
    return if $self->{_closed_};
    if (! $self->{_read_only_}) {
    $self->{_closed_} = 1;
    return CORE::close($fh);

=head2 eof

Return true if you reached the end of file, false otherwise

Usage :

    my $bool = $rrfile->eof();

sub eof {
    my $self = shift;
    return 1 if ($self->{_write_start_point_} == $self->{_read_start_point_} && defined $self->{_read_started_} );

    return 0;

=head2 autoflush 

Turns on/off the autoflush feature

Usage :
    my $autoflush = $rrfile->autoflush();
    $rrfile->autoflush(1); #enables autoflush
    $rrfile->autoflush(0); #disables autoflush
sub autoflush {
    my $self = shift;
    if ( scalar(@_) ) {
        $self->{_autoflush_} = $_[0];
    return $self->{_autoflush_};

=head1 Private methods

Don't call this methods manually, or you might get unexpected results!

=head2 open_file

Has two modes :

=over 4

=item 1. In append mode it opens an existing file

=item 2. In new mode it creates a new file


sub open_file {
    my %params = @_;
    if (! defined($params{path}) ) {
        $@ = "You myst specifi the name of the file!";
    if (-d $params{path}) {
        $@ = "Path is a directory!";
    my ($fh,$size,$start_point,$version,$headers_size,$read_only);
    if ($params{mode} eq "new") {
        if (! defined $params{size} ) {
            $! = "You must specify the size of the file!";
        $size = $params{size};
        if (! open($fh,"+>",$params{path}) ) {
            $@ = $!;
        #version number
        #file size
        CORE::syswrite($fh,$params{size} ."\x00");
        #where is the start of the file
        $start_point = length($params{size}) * 2 + 2 + 2;
        CORE::syswrite($fh,("0" x (length($params{size}) - length($start_point) )) . $start_point ."\x00");
        $headers_size = length($params{size}) * 2 + 2 + 2;
        $read_only = 0;
    else {
        if ($params{mode} eq "append") {
            if (! open($fh,"+<",$params{path}) ) {
                $@ = $!;
            $read_only = 0;
        elsif ($params{mode} eq "read") {
            if (! open($fh,"<",$params{path}) ) {
                $@ = $!;
            $read_only = 1;
        else {
            $@ = "Invalid open mode! Use one of new,read,append!";
        my $start_section;
        ($version, $size, $start_point) = split("\x00", $start_section);
        #make sure this looks like a File::RoundRobin file
        if (! $version || $version ne "1" || int($size || '') == 0 ||  int($start_point || '') == 0 ) {
            $@ = "File does not look like a File::RoundRobin file - missing headers";
        $headers_size = length($version) + length($size) + length($start_point) +3; 
        # +3 because of the 3 \x00 chars we use to separate headder info
        CORE::sysseek($fh,$start_point + 0,0);    
    return ($fh,$size + 0,$start_point + 0,$headers_size + 0,$read_only);

=head2 update_headers

Update the start point in the headers section after a write command

sub update_headers {
    my $self = shift;
    my $fh = $self->{_fh_};
    CORE::sysseek($fh,0, 0);
    my $headers = '';
    $headers .= "1\x00";
    #file size
    $headers .= $self->{_data_length_} ."\x00";
    #start pos
    $headers .= ("0" x (length($self->{_data_length_}) - length($self->{_write_start_point_}) )) . $self->{_write_start_point_} ."\x00";
    #go back to the previous position
    CORE::sysseek($fh,$self->{_write_start_point_}, 0);

=head2 refresh

Re-reads the headers from the file. Useful for tail

sub refresh {
    my $self = shift;
    my $fh = $self->{_fh_};
    my $pos = $self->tell();
    local $/ = "\x00";
    #skip the first part of the header
    my $version = <$fh>;
    my $size = <$fh>;
    my $start_point =  <$fh>;
    my $headers_size = length($version) + length($size) + length($start_point);
    $size =~ s/\x00//g;
    $start_point =~ s/\x00//g;
    $self->{_headers_size_} = $headers_size;
    $self->{_read_start_point_} = $start_point + 0;
    $self->{_data_length_} = $size + 0;
    $self->{_file_length_} = $size + $headers_size;

=head2 sync_markers

Sets the write market to the same position as the read marker

sub sync_markers {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{_write_start_point_} = $self->{_read_start_point_};
    $self->{_read_started_} = 0;

=head2 jump

Advance the read start position pointer by $offset bytes

sub jump {
    my $self = shift;
    my $offset = shift || 0;
    if ($offset) {
        if ($offset + $self->{_read_start_point_} > $self->{_file_length_}) {
            $self->{_read_start_point_} = $self->{_headers_size_} + (($offset + $self->{_read_start_point_}) % $self->{_file_length_} )    
        else {
            $self->{_start_point_} += $offset;

=head2 seek 

Move the read/write start position to the given position

Arguments :

=over 4

=item * I<position> = The position to which we want to move to offset

=item * I<whence> = From where should we start counting the position :


=over 8

=item * 0 = from the beginning of the file

=item * 1 = from the current position 

=item * 2 = from the end of the file (I<position> must be negative)


Usage :


sub seek {
    my $self = $_[0];
    my $position = $_[1];
    my $whence = $_[2] || 0;
    #$position = $position % $self->{_data_length_};
    if ($whence == 0) {
        my $start_pos = $self->{_write_start_point_};
        if ($self->{_write_start_point_} + $position > $self->{_file_length_}) {
            $position -= $self->{_file_length_} - $self->{_write_start_point_};
            $start_pos = $self->{_headers_size_};
        if ( CORE::sysseek($self->{_fh_},$start_pos + $position,0) ) {
            $self->{_read_start_point_} = $start_pos + $position;
            return 1;
    elsif ($whence == 1) {
        my $start_pos = $self->{_read_start_point_};
        if ($self->{_read_start_point_} + $position > $self->{_file_length_}) {
            $position -= $self->{_file_length_} - $self->{_read_start_point_};
            $start_pos = $self->{_headers_size_};
        if ( CORE::sysseek($self->{_fh_},$start_pos + $position,1) ) {
            $self->{_read_start_point_} = $start_pos + $position;
            return 1;
    elsif ($whence == 2 ) {
        if ($position > 0) {
            $@ = "Attempt to seek beyond the end of file!";
            warn $@;
            return 0;
        my $start_pos = $self->{_write_start_point_};
        if ($self->{_write_start_point_} + $position < $self->{_headers_size_}) {
            $position = -$position;
            $position -= $self->{_write_start_point_} - $self->{_headers_size_};
            $start_pos = $self->{_file_length_};
        #don't go in cicles
        if ($self->{_read_start_point_} < $self->{_write_start_point_} &&  
            $self->{_read_start_point_} + $position >= $self->{_write_start_point_}){
                return 0;
        if ( CORE::sysseek($self->{_fh_},$start_pos,0) ) {
            if ( CORE::sysseek($self->{_fh_},$position,1) ) {
                $self->{_read_start_point_} = $start_pos + $position;
                return 1;
    else {
        $@ = "Unknown seek mode!";
        warn $@;
    return 0;

=head2 tell

Return the difference between the current read position and the last write position

Example :

    my $pos = $rrfile->tell();

sub tell {
    my $self = shift;
    my $offset;
    if ($self->{_read_start_point_} >= $self->{_write_start_point_}) {
        $offset = $self->{_read_start_point_} - $self->{_write_start_point_};
    else {
        $offset = ($self->{_file_length_} - $self->{_write_start_point_}) + 
                  ($self->{_read_start_point_} - $self->{_headers_size_});
    return $offset % $self->{_data_length_};

=head2 convert_size

Converts the size from a human readable form into bytes

Example of acceptable formats :

=over 4

=item * 1000

=item * 120K  or 120Kb

=item * 15M  or 15Mb

=item * 1G  or 1Gb


sub convert_size {
    my $size = shift;
    return undef unless defined $size;
    return $size if $size =~ /^\d+$/;
    my %sizes = (
                'K' => 10**3,
                'M' => 10**6,
                'G' => 10**9,
    if ($size =~ /^(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)(K|M|G)b?$/i ) {
        return $1 * $sizes{uc($2)};
    else {
        $@ = "Broke size format in ".__PACKAGE__."->convert_size(). See pod for accepted formats";
        return undef;



This module implements the TIEHANDLE interface and the objects an be used as normal 
file handles. 

See SYNOPSYS for more details on this


    my $class = shift;
    return $class->new(@_);

sub READ {
    my ($self,$buffer,$length,$offet) = @_;
    my $content = $self->read($length,$offet);
    $_[1] = $content;
    return length($content || '');

    my $self = shift;
    my $buffer;
    while (my $char = $self->read(1)) {
        $buffer .= $char;
        last if ($char =~ /[\n\r]/);
    return $buffer;

sub GETC {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->read(1,0);

sub WRITE {
    my ($self,$buffer,$length,$offet) = @_;
    return $self->write($buffer,$length,$offet);

sub PRINT {
    my ($self,@data) = @_;
    return $self->write($_) foreach @data;

sub PRINTF {
    my ($self,$format,@data) = @_;
    return $self->write(sprintf($format,@data));

# binmode does nothing, this is a text file
    my $self = shift;

sub EOF {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->eof();

sub FILENO {
    my $self = shift;
    return CORE::fileno($self->{_fh_});

sub SEEK {
    my ($self,$position,$whence) = @_;
    return $self->seek($position,$whence);

sub TELL {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->tell();

sub OPEN {
    my ($self, $mode, @params) = @_;

    die "You cannot use the tie interface to open a file, use File::RoundRobin->new() instead!";

sub CLOSE {
    my $self = shift;

# Does nothing
sub UNTIE {
    my $self = shift;
    return 0

    my $self = shift;

=head1 AUTHOR

Gligan Calin Horea, C<< <horea at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-file-roundrobin at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc File::RoundRobin

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN




Copyright 2012 Gligan Calin Horea.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.


1; # End of File::RoundRobin