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package Dancer::Plugin::Form;

use warnings;
use strict;

use Dancer ':syntax';
use Dancer::Plugin;

my %forms;

=head1 NAME

Dancer::Plugin::Form - Dancer form handler for Template::Flute template engine

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.0061


our $VERSION = '0.0061';


Display template with checkout form:
    get '/checkout' => sub {
        my $form;

        $form = form('checkout');
        template 'checkout', {form => $form};

Retrieve form input from checkout form:

    post '/checkout' => sub {
        my ($form, $values);

        $form = form('checkout');
        $values = $form->values();

Reset form after completion to prevent old data from
showing up on new form:

    $form = form('checkout');


register form => sub {
    my $name = '';
    my $object;

    if (@_ % 2) {
	$name = shift;
    else {
	$name = 'main';
    $object = Dancer::Plugin::Form->new(name => $name, @_);
    return $object;


C<Dancer::Plugin::Form> is used for forms with the L<Dancer::Template::TemplateFlute>
templating engine.    

Form fields, values and errors are stored into and loaded from the session key C<form>.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

Creates C<Dancer::Plugin::Form> object.
sub new {
    my ($class, $self, %params);

    $class = shift;

    $self = {fields => [], errors => [], valid => undef, pristine => 1};
    bless $self;

    %params = @_;

    if (exists $params{name}) {
	$self->{name} = $params{name};
    else {
	$self->{name} = 'main';

    if (exists $params{action}) {

    # try to load form data from session
    return $self;

=head2 name

Get form name:



sub name {
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->{name};

=head2 action

Set form action:

Get form action:

   $action = $form->action;

sub action {
    my ($self, $action) = @_;

    if ($action) {
	$self->{action} = $action;

    return $self->{action};

=head2 fill

Fill form values:

    $form->fill({username => 'racke', email => ''});


sub fill {
    my ($self);

    $self = shift;

    if (@_) {
	if (@_ == 1) {
	    %{$self->{values}} = %{$_[0]};
	else {
	    %{$self->{values}} = @_;

    return $self->{values};

=head2 values

Get form values as hash reference:

    $values = $form->values;

Set form values from a hash reference:

    $values => $form->values(ref => \%input);

sub values {
    my ($self, $scope, $data) = @_;
    my (%values, $params, $save);

    if (! defined $scope) {
	$params = params('body');
	$save = 1;
    elsif ($scope eq 'session') {
	$params = $self->{values};
    elsif ($scope eq 'body' || $scope eq 'query' ) {
        $params = params($scope);
	$save = 1;
    elsif ($scope eq 'ref') {
        $params = $data;
        $save = 1;
    else {
	$params = '';

    for my $f (@{$self->{fields}}) {
	$values{$f} = $params->{$f};

	if ($save && defined $values{$f}) {
	    # tidy form input first
	    $values{$f} =~ s/^\s+//;
	    $values{$f} =~ s/\s+$//;

    if ($save) {
	$self->{values} = \%values;
	return \%values;

    return \%values;

=head2 valid

Determine whether form values are valid:


Return values are 1 (valid), 0 (invalid) or
undef (unknown).

Set form status to "valid":

Set form status to "invalid":

The form status automatically changes to
"invalid" when errors method is called with
error messages.

sub valid {
    my $self = shift;
    my $valid = shift;

    if (defined $valid) {
	Dancer::Logger::debug("Setting valid for $self->{name} to $valid.");
	$self->{valid} = $valid;

	# record changes in user's session

    return $self->{valid};

=head2 errors
Set form errors:
   $form->errors({username => 'Minimum 8 characters',
                  email => 'Invalid email address'});

Get form errors as hash reference:

   $errors = $form->errors;

sub errors {
    my ($self, $errors) = @_;
    my ($key, $value, @buf);
    if ($errors) {
	if (ref($errors) eq 'HASH') {
	    while (($key, $value) = each %$errors) {
		push @buf, {name => $key, label => $value};
	    $self->{errors} = \@buf;

	$self->{valid} = 0;

    return $self->{errors};

=head2 errors_hashed

Returns form errors as array reference filled with a hash reference
for each error.


sub errors_hashed {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my (@hashed);

    for my $err (@{$self->{errors}}) {
	push (@hashed, {name => $err->[0], label => $err->[1]});

    return \@hashed;

=head2 failure

Indicates form failure by passing form errors.

    $form->failure(errors => {username => 'Minimum 8 characters',
                              email => 'Invalid email address'});

You can also set a route for redirection:

    return $form->failure(errors => {username => 'Minimum 8 characters'},
        route => '/account');

Passing parameters for the redirection URL is also possible:

    return $form->failure(errors => {username => 'Minimum 8 characters'},
        route => '/account',
        params => {layout => 'mobile'});

Please ensure that you validate input submitted by an user before
adding them to the C<params> hash.


sub failure {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;

    $self->{errors} = $args{errors};

    # update session data about this form

    session(form_errors => '<ul>' . join('', map {"<li>$_->[1]</li>"} @{$args{errors} || []}) . '</ul>');

    session(form_data => $args{data});

    if ($args{route}) {
        redirect uri_for($args{route}, $args{params});


=head2 fields

Set form fields:
    $form->fields([qw/username email password verify/]);

Get form fields:

    $fields = $form->fields;

sub fields {
    my ($self);

    $self = shift;

    if (@_) {
	$self->{fields} = shift;

    return $self->{fields};    

=head2 pristine

Determines whether a form is pristine or not.

This can be used to fill the form with default
values and suppress display of errors.

A form is pristine until it receives form
field input from the request or out of the


sub pristine {
    return $_[0]->{pristine};

=head2 reset

Reset form information (fields, errors, values, valid) and
updates session accordingly.


sub reset {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->{fields} = [];
    $self->{errors} = [];
    $self->{values} = {};
    $self->{valid} = undef;
    $self->{pristine} = 1;

    return 1;

=head2 from_session

Loads form data from session key 'form'.
Returns 1 if session contains data for this form, 0 otherwise.


sub from_session {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my ($forms_ref, $form);

    if ($forms_ref = session('form')) {
        if (exists $forms_ref->{$self->{name}}) {
            $form = $forms_ref->{$self->{name}};

            $self->{fields} = $form->{fields} || [];
            $self->{errors} = $form->{errors} || [];
            $self->{values} = $form->{values} || {};
            $self->{valid} = $form->{valid};

            while (my ($key, $value) = each %{$self->{values}}) {
                if (defined $value) {
                    $self->{pristine} = 0;

            return 1;

    return 0;

=head2 to_session

Saves form name, form fields, form values and form errors into 
session key 'form'.


sub to_session {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my ($forms_ref);

    # get current form information from session
    $forms_ref = session 'form';

    # update our form
    $forms_ref->{$self->{name}} = {name => $self->{name}, 
				   fields => $self->{fields},
				   errors => $self->{errors},
				   values => $self->{values},
				   valid => $self->{valid},
    # update form information
    session 'form' => $forms_ref;

=head1 AUTHOR

Stefan Hornburg (Racke), C<< <racke at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-dancer-template-templateflute at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Dancer::Plugin::Form

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN





Copyright 2011-2014 Stefan Hornburg (Racke).

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.


1; # End of Dancer::Plugin::Form