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package MariaDB::NonBlocking::Promises;
use parent 'MariaDB::NonBlocking';

use v5.18.2; # needed for __SUB__, implies strict
use warnings;

use constant DEBUG => $ENV{MariaDB_NonBlocking_DEBUG} // 0;
sub TELL (@) {
    say STDERR __PACKAGE__, ': ', join " ", @_;

    my $loaded_ok;
    local $@;
    eval { require Sub::StrictDecl; $loaded_ok = 1; };
    Sub::StrictDecl->import if $loaded_ok;

use Carp     (); # for confess
use Promises (); # for deferred

# Better to import this, since it is a custom op
use Ref::Util qw(is_ref is_arrayref);
use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr weaken);

use AnyEvent;

use MariaDB::NonBlocking ':all';

my $IS_EV;

# is anyevent using EV? If so, cut the middleman and
# use EV directly, since we can reuse/reset watchers,
# as well as use IO watchers for both read and write
# polling.
# EV lets us cut down the number of watchers created
# per connection significantly.
AnyEvent::post_detect {
    $IS_EV = ($AnyEvent::MODEL//'') eq 'AnyEvent::Impl::EV' ? 1 : 0;
    DEBUG && TELL $IS_EV ? "Using EV" : "Using AnyEvent";

    my $loaded_ok;
    local $@;
    eval { require EV; $loaded_ok = 1; };

    # Because we use Sub::StrictDecl, we cannot
    # use EV::foo() directly, since those may
    # not be loaded.

    if ( $loaded_ok ) {
        # EV loaded fine.  Add some aliases
        *EV_READ       = \*EV::READ;
        *EV_WRITE      = \*EV::WRITE;
        *EV_TIMER      = \*EV::TIMER;
        *EV_io         = \*EV::io;
        *EV_timer      = \*EV::timer;
        *EV_now_update = \*EV::now_update;
    else {
        # EV failed to load.  Add some useless
        # aliases to tide us over.
            EV_READ  => 0,
            EV_WRITE => 1,
            EV_TIMER => 2,
        *EV_io         = sub {};
        *EV_timer      = sub {};
        *EV_now_update = sub {};

sub _mysql_watchers_to_ev_watchers {
    my $wait_on = 0;
    $wait_on |= EV_READ  if $_[0] & MYSQL_WAIT_READ;
    $wait_on |= EV_WRITE if $_[0] & MYSQL_WAIT_WRITE;
    return $wait_on;

sub _ev_event_to_mysql_event {
        if $_[0] & EV_TIMER;

    my $events = 0;
    $events |= MYSQL_WAIT_READ  if $_[0] & EV_READ;
    $events |= MYSQL_WAIT_WRITE if $_[0] & EV_WRITE;

    return $events;

our $WATCHER_POOL_MAX = 2; # keep two standby watchers alive at most
sub __return_watcher {
    return unless $IS_EV; # watcher pool is only useful in EV; elsewhere we
                          # cannot reuse watchers
    my ($watcher_type, $watcher) = @_;
    return unless $watcher;
    my $pool = $WATCHER_POOL{$watcher_type} //= [];
    return if @$pool >= $WATCHER_POOL_MAX;
    $watcher->stop; # includes $watcher->clear_pending;
    push @$pool, $watcher;
sub __stop_or_return_watcher {
    my $args         = $_[0] // {};
    my $watcher_type = $args->{watcher_type};
    my $storage      = $args->{storage};
    if ( !$IS_EV ) {
        return __return_watcher(
            delete $storage->{$watcher_type},

    # Keep the watcher in $storage so that we'll reuse it.
    my $watcher = $storage->{$watcher_type};
    $watcher->stop; # includes $watcher->clear_pending;
sub __return_all_watchers {
    my ($watchers) = @_;
    return unless $watchers; # can be undef if the object went out of scope
    foreach my $watcher_type ( keys %$watchers ) {
        my $watcher = delete $watchers->{$watcher_type};
        next unless $IS_EV;
        $watcher_type = 'io'    if index($watcher_type, 'io')    != -1;
        $watcher_type = 'timer' if index($watcher_type, 'timer') != -1;
        __return_watcher($watcher_type, $watcher);

sub __return_all_watchers_for_multiple_sockets {
    my $socket_to_watchers = $_[0] // {}; # undue caution...
    __return_all_watchers($_) for values %$socket_to_watchers;
    %$socket_to_watchers = ();

sub __wrap_ev_cb {
    my ($cb) = @_;
    return sub {
        my (undef, $ev_event) = @_;
        my $events_for_mysql  = _ev_event_to_mysql_event($ev_event);

sub __grab_watcher {
    my ($args) = @_;

    my $watcher_type = $args->{watcher_type};
    my $watcher_args = $args->{watcher_args};
    my $storage      = $args->{storage};

    if ( exists $storage->{$watcher_type} ) {
        Carp::confess("Overriding a $watcher_type watcher!  How did this happen?");

    AnyEvent::detect() unless defined $IS_EV;

    if ( $IS_EV ) {
        # If we are using EV, reuse a watcher if we can.
        my $cb = __wrap_ev_cb($watcher_args->[2]);

        my $existing_watcher = pop @{ $WATCHER_POOL{$watcher_type} //= [] };

        $storage->{$watcher_type} = $existing_watcher;

        if ( $watcher_type eq 'io' ) {
            my $ev_mask = _mysql_watchers_to_ev_watchers($watcher_args->[1]);

            if ( !$existing_watcher ) {
                # No pre-existing watcher for us to use;
                # make a new one!
                DEBUG && TELL "Started new $watcher_type watcher ($watcher_args->[1])";
                $storage->{$watcher_type} = EV_io(

            DEBUG && TELL "Reusing existing $watcher_type watcher ($watcher_args->[1])";
        elsif ( index($watcher_type, 'timer') != -1 ) {
            if ( !$existing_watcher ) {
                DEBUG && TELL "Started new $watcher_type watcher";
                $storage->{$watcher_type} = EV_timer(
            DEBUG && TELL "Reusing existing $watcher_type watcher";
        else {
            die "Unhandled watcher type: $watcher_type";


    else {
        # Slightly easier, really.  Less performant since
        # we never reuse watchers.
        if ( index($watcher_type, 'timer') != -1 ) {
            delete $storage->{$watcher_type};

            my $cb         = $watcher_args->[2];
            my $wrapped_cb = sub { return $cb->(MYSQL_WAIT_TIMEOUT) };
            DEBUG && TELL "Started new $watcher_type watcher";
            $storage->{$watcher_type} = AnyEvent->timer(
                after    => $watcher_args->[0],
                interval => $watcher_args->[1],
                cb       => $wrapped_cb,
        elsif ( $watcher_type eq 'io' ) {
            # We might need a read watcher, we might need
            # a write watcher.. we might need both : (

            # drop any previous watchers
            delete @{$storage}{qw/io_r io_w/};

            # amusingly, this is broken in libuv, since
            # you cannot have two watchers on the same fd;
            # AnyEvent works around it though, so all is good.
            my $wait_for      = $watcher_args->[1];
            my $cb            = $watcher_args->[2];
            DEBUG && TELL "Started new $watcher_type watcher ($wait_for)";
            $storage->{io_r} = AnyEvent->io(
                fh   => $watcher_args->[0],
                poll => "r",
                cb   => sub { $cb->(MYSQL_WAIT_READ) }
            ) if $wait_for & MYSQL_WAIT_READ;
            $storage->{io_w} = AnyEvent->io(
                fh   => $watcher_args->[0],
                poll => "w",
                cb   => sub { $cb->(MYSQL_WAIT_WRITE) }
            ) if $wait_for & MYSQL_WAIT_WRITE;
        else {
            die "Unhandled watcher type: $watcher_type";

sub __reset_current_watcher_or_grab_a_new_one {
    return &__grab_watcher unless $IS_EV;

    # Got an EV watcher -- means we can go ahead and
    # just stop the one we have here.

    my $args = $_[0];

    my $watcher_type = $args->{watcher_type};
    my $watcher      = $args->{storage}->{$watcher_type};

    return &__grab_watcher unless $watcher;

    my $watcher_args = $args->{watcher_args};

    # simply reset the watcher and be happy
    my $ev_mask = _mysql_watchers_to_ev_watchers($watcher_args->[1]);
    $watcher->set($watcher_args->[0], $ev_mask);

sub ____run {
    my (
    ) = @_;

    $extras //= {};

    my $perl_timeout = $extras->{perl_timeout};

    my $deferred = Promises::deferred();

    $connections = [$connections] if ! is_arrayref($connections);

    my (@per_query_results, @errors);

    my $call_start = sub {
        return if @errors; # Quick exit...

        my ($maria) = @_;

        my $wait_for;
        while ( $have_work_for_conn->($maria) ) {
            last if $wait_for;

            local $@;
            eval {
                $wait_for = $start->($maria);
            } or do {
                my $e = $@ || 'zombie error';
                push @errors, $e;

            # if $wait_for is true, then we need to wait
            # before calling _cont, so this connection is now
            # busy.  Break out of this loop and return to the caller.
            return $wait_for if $wait_for;

            if ( !defined($wait_for) || @errors ) {
                return; # return undef, meaning nothing to do

            if ( !$wait_for ) {
                # Query finished immediately, so we can just
                # run the next one
                push @per_query_results, $results->($maria);

        return $wait_for;

    my $all_watchers = {};
    foreach my $connection_idx ( 0..$#{$connections} ) {
        last CONNECTION if @errors;

        my $outside_maria = $connections->[$connection_idx];
        my $wait_for = $call_start->($outside_maria);

        if ( !$wait_for ) {
            # Nothing to wait for!
            # See if we can still use this connection
            redo CONNECTION if $have_work_for_conn->($outside_maria);
            # Otherwise, move on to the next connection
            next CONNECTION;

        # Need to wait on the query
        my $socket_fd         = $outside_maria->mysql_socket_fd;
        my $previous_wait_for = $wait_for & ~MYSQL_WAIT_TIMEOUT;

        $all_watchers->{$socket_fd} = $outside_maria->{watchers} //= {};
        # $all_watchers holds a weakref to the actual watchers in
        # our objects
        # ^ $all_watchers => { 3 => weak($maria->{watchers}), ... }

        # $maria is weakened here, as otherwise we would
        # have this cycle:
        # $maria->{watchers}{any}{cb} => sub { ...; $maria; ...; }
        my $maria = $outside_maria;

        my $deferred_refaddr = refaddr($deferred);

        my $watcher_ready_cb = sub {
            if ( $extras->{cancel} ) {
                # Right... this needs some explanation.
                # Consider this situation:
                # run_multiple_queries(
                #   [$conn1, $conn2],
                #   [ "select * from NonExistent", "select * from HugeTable1" ],
                #   $extras,
                # );
                # run_multiple_queries(
                #   [$conn3, $conn4],
                #   [ "select * from HugeTable2", "select * from HugeTable3" ],
                #   $extras,
                # );
                # So we have two sets of promises, each running multiple
                # queries.  The first query for the first promise will
                # fail since the table doesn't exist.  While that means
                # that we will have a chance to stop the select on HugeTable1,
                # we have no such luck for the second promise!
                # So what if we want to stop the second promise entirely?
                # Well, it's no easy task.  You could disconnect the
                # handles and hope that works, but it might be that
                # we are actually chaining a connect promise, ala
                #   connect()->then(sub { run_multiple() })
                # So the disconnect might not do anything!
                # The A+ spec sadly has nothing for us here, so this
                # tiny shim here will do; by sharing the $extras hash
                # as in the example above, a reject/catch for the
                # first promise will be able to stop the execution of any
                # other related promises, by simply setting
                #   $extras->{cancelled} = 1
                # If the promise is already rejected or resolved,
                # then we just return from this loop; otherwise we
                # reject it.
                delete $maria->{pending}{$deferred_refaddr};
                $deferred->reject("Manual cancellation, reason: $extras->{cancel}")
                    if $deferred->is_in_progress;

            if ( @errors ) { # Error in another connection
                __return_all_watchers(delete $all_watchers->{$socket_fd});

            if ( !$maria ) {
                delete $maria->{pending}{$deferred_refaddr};
                $deferred->reject("Connection object went away")
                    if $deferred->is_in_progress;

            my ($events_for_mysql) = @_;

            # Always stop/release the timers!
                watcher_type => 'timer',
                storage      => $maria->{watchers},
            }) if exists $maria->{watchers}{timer};

            my $wait_for;
            local $@;
            eval {
                $wait_for = $maria->cont($events_for_mysql);
            } or do {
                my $e = $@ || 'zombie error';
                push @errors, $e;

            while ( !$wait_for ) {
                # query we were waiting on finished!
                last if @errors;

                # Get the results
                push @per_query_results, $results->($maria);

                # And schedule another!
                $wait_for = $call_start->($maria);
                # Loop will keep going until we either run a query
                # we need to block on, in which case $wait_for will
                # be true, or we exhaust all @queries, in which case
                # $wait_for will be undef
                last if !defined $wait_for;

            if ( @errors ) {
                    # Destroy ALL watchers, otherwise
                    # we might leak some!
                # We got an error above.  Reject the promise and bail
                delete $maria->{pending}{$deferred_refaddr};

            # If we still don't need to wait for anything, that
            # means we are done with all queries for this dbh,
            # so decrease the condvar counter
            if ( !$wait_for ) {
                __return_all_watchers(delete $all_watchers->{$socket_fd}); # BOI!!
                if ( !keys %$all_watchers ) {
                    # Ran all the queries! We can resolve and go home
                    delete $maria->{pending}{$deferred_refaddr};
                # Another connection is still running.  The last query
                # must resolve.
            else {
                if ( $wait_for & MYSQL_WAIT_TIMEOUT ) {
                    # remove for the next check if()
                    $wait_for &= ~MYSQL_WAIT_TIMEOUT;
                    # A timeout was specified with the connection.
                    # This will call this same callback;
                    # query_cont will eventually call
                    # the relevant _cont method with MYSQL_WAIT_TIMEOUT,
                    # and let the driver decide what to do next.
                    my $timeout_ms = $maria->get_timeout_value_ms();
                        watcher_type => 'timer',
                        storage      => $maria->{watchers},
                        watcher_args => [
                            # EV wants (fractional) seconds
                            0, # do not repeat
                    # Bug in the client lib makes the no-timeout case come
                    # back as 0 timeout.  So only create the timer if we
                    # actually have a timeout.
                    }) if $timeout_ms;

                if ( $wait_for != $previous_wait_for ) {
                    $previous_wait_for = $wait_for;
                    # Server wants us to wait on something else, so
                    # we can't reuse the previous mask.
                    # e.g. we had a watcher waiting on the socket
                    # being readable, but we need to wait for it to
                    # become writeable (or both) instead.
                    # This almost never happens, but we need to
                    # support it for SSL renegotiation.
                        watcher_type => 'io',
                        storage      => $maria->{watchers},
                        watcher_args => [

            watcher_type => 'io',
            storage      => $outside_maria->{watchers},
            watcher_args => [
                $wait_for & ~MYSQL_WAIT_TIMEOUT,

            watcher_type => 'timer_global',
            storage      => $outside_maria->{watchers},
            watcher_args => [
                0, # no repeat
                sub {
                    DEBUG && TELL "Global timeout reached";

                    push @errors,
                        "$type execution was interrupted by perl, maximum execution time exceeded (timeout=$perl_timeout)";
                    delete $maria->{pending}{$deferred_refaddr};
        }) if $perl_timeout;

        $maria->{pending}{$deferred_refaddr} = $deferred;

    my $promise = $deferred->promise;
    if ( !keys %$all_watchers ) {
        # All queries on all connections finished immediately.
        # So reject or resolve as necessary
        if ( @errors ) {
            # Sigh... need to give back a list here, because error handlers
            # tend to want to stringify $_[0] / $@
        else {

    return $promise;

    my $self = shift;

    my $pending = $self->{pending} // {};
    my $pending_num = 0;
    for my $deferred ( grep defined, values %$pending ) {
        next unless $deferred->is_in_progress;
        $deferred->reject("Connection object went away");
    DEBUG && $pending_num && TELL "Had $pending_num operations still running when we were freed";

sub run_multiple_queries {
    my ($conns, $remaining_sqls, $extras) = @_;

    if ( !is_ref($remaining_sqls) ) {
        # ->run_query("select 1")
        $remaining_sqls = [ [$remaining_sqls, $extras, $_[3] ] ];

    if ( is_arrayref($remaining_sqls) ) {
        # ->run_multiple_queries([...])
        my $original     = $remaining_sqls;
        my $next_sql_idx = 0;
        $remaining_sqls  = sub {
            my $idx = $next_sql_idx++;
                        # ->run_multiple_queries([["select 1"], ["select 2"]])
                        ? $original->[$idx]
                        # ->run_multiple_queries(["select 1", "select 2"])
                        : [ $original->[$idx] ]
                : $original->[$idx]

    my $next_sql = $remaining_sqls->();
        sub { is_arrayref($next_sql) && @$next_sql },
        sub {
            my $ret = $_[0]->run_query_start( @$next_sql );
            $next_sql = $remaining_sqls->();
            return $ret;
        sub {$_[0]->query_results},
BEGIN { *run_query = \&run_multiple_queries }

sub ping {
    # use of the per_ping_finished_cb is HIGHLY discouraged.
    # It exists solely for the case when $conn is an arrayref of
    # objects, and waiting on all of them to finish isn't
    # ideal -- for example, if we want to deal immediately
    # with the disconnect
    my ($conn, $extras, $per_ping_finished_cb) = @_;

    my %seen;
        sub { return !$seen{$_[0]} },
        sub {
        sub {
            my $res = $_[0]->ping_result;
            $per_ping_finished_cb->( $_[0], $res )
                if $per_ping_finished_cb;
            return $res;

# useful if you want to run the same query on multiple connections
# Think changing per-session settings.
sub query_once_per_connection {
    my ($conns, $query, $extras, $bind, $per_query_finished_cb) = @_;

    my %seen;
        sub { return !$seen{$_[0]} },
        sub {
            $_[0]->run_query_start($query, $extras, $bind)
        sub {
            my $res = $_[0]->query_results;
            $per_query_finished_cb->($_[0], $res)
                if $per_query_finished_cb;
            return $res;

sub connect {
    my ($conn, $connect_args, $extras) = @_;

    my %seen;
        sub { return !$seen{$_[0]} },
        sub {
        sub { $_[0] },
