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/* PositiveSites.c
   Ziheng Yang, June 2004 

   cc -O2 -DNEB        -o PositiveSitesNEB PositiveSites.c -lm
   cc -O2 -DBEB        -o PositiveSitesBEB PositiveSites.c -lm
   cc -O2 -DBranchSite -o PositiveSitesBS  PositiveSites.c -lm

   cl -O2 -DNEB        -FePositiveSitesNEB.exe PositiveSites.c
   cl -O2 -DBEB        -FePositiveSitesBEB.exe PositiveSites.c
   cl -O2 -DBranchSite -FePositiveSitesBS.exe  PositiveSites.c

   PositiveSitesBEB <#sites> <#repl>
   PositiveSitesBEB <#sites> <#repl> <Evolverf> <Codemlf>
   PositiveSitesBS  <#sites> <#repl> <Evolverf> <Codemlf> <positive site classes>

   This compares siteID from evolverNSsites and mlc from codeml to calculate 
   the accuracy, power, and false positive rate of codeml inference of sites 
   under positive selection.  The measures are defined as follows (Anisimova et 
   al. 2002; Wong et al. 2004).

                             codeml inference
                              +        -         Total
        evolver    +          N++      N+-       N+.
                   -          N-+      N--       N-.
                   Total      N.+      N.-       N

   Accuracy      = N++/N.+
   Power         = N++/N+.
   FalsePositive = N-+/N-.

  The program collects N++ (NmatchB & NmatchC), N+. (NEvolver), and 
  N.+ (NCodemlB & NcodemlC), and then calculates the three measures as above.
  Note that codeml inference depends on cutoff P, hence the B (for binned) and 
  C (for cumulative) difference.  All proportions are calculated as the ratio 
  of averages, taking the ratio after counting sites over replicate data sets.  
  Output is on the screen.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define BEB
#define BranchSite

#if  (defined BEB)
int model=0, NSsites=3; char *Codemlf="mlc", startCodeml[]="Bayes Empirical", startEvolver[]="replicate ";
#elif(defined NEB)
int model=0, NSsites=3; char *Codemlf="mlc", startCodeml[]="Naive Empirical", startEvolver[]="replicate ";
#elif(defined BranchSite)
int model=1, NSsites=3; char *Codemlf="mlc", startCodeml[]="Bayes Empirical", startEvolver[]="replicate ";
int nPositiveClass, PositiveClass[1000];

int main (int argc, char* argv[])
   int nbin=21, noisy=0, nr=1, ls=100;
   double  PCut[]={.525, .55, .575, .6, .625, .65, .675, .7, .725, .75, .775, .8, .825, .85, .875, .9, .925, .95, .975, .99, 1}, PCut0=0.5;
   int nbin=11, noisy=0, nr=1, ls=100;
   double  PCut[]={0.55, 0.6, 0.65, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 1}, PCut0=0.5;
   int ir, ib, i,j,k, ch, nmatch0;
   double NmatchB[50], NCodemlB[50], NEvolver=0;
   double NmatchC[50], NCodemlC[50];
   int *siteEvolver, *siteCodeml, *ibin, nsiteEvolver, nsiteCodeml, lline=1000;
   int nPositiveClass, PositiveClass[100];
   char *Evolverf="siterates.txt", line[1001];
   double p, AccuracyB, AccuracyC, Power, FalsePositive;
   FILE *fEvolver, *fCodeml;

      puts("Usage:\n\tPositiveSitesBR  <#sites> <#repl> <Evolverf> <Codemlf> <positive site classes>");
   else {
      puts("Usage:\n\tPositiveSitesBEB <#sites> <#repl>");
      puts("Usage:\n\tPositiveSitesBEB <#sites> <#repl> <Evolverf> <Codemlf>");

   if(argc<3) exit(-1);
   if(argc>1) sscanf(argv[1],"%d", &ls);
   if(argc>2) sscanf(argv[2],"%d", &nr);
   if(argc>3) Evolverf=argv[3];
   if(argc>4) Codemlf=argv[4];
   printf("%d sites, %d replicate.\n", ls,nr);
   printf("codeml file %s starts with '%s' for each replicate.\n", Codemlf, startCodeml);

   if(nr>20) { printf("Hit Enter to continue.");  getchar(); }

   fEvolver=fopen(Evolverf,"r"); fCodeml=fopen(Codemlf,"r");
   if(!fEvolver || !fCodeml) { puts("file error"); exit(-1); }

   if(siteEvolver==NULL) { puts("oom"); exit(-1); }
   siteCodeml=siteEvolver+ls;  ibin=siteCodeml+ls;

   for(i=0; i<nbin; i++) {

   if(model && NSsites) { /* branch-site model */
      nPositiveClass = argc-5;
      for(i=0; i<nPositiveClass; i++)
         sscanf(argv[5+i], "%d", &PositiveClass[i]);
      printf("%d site classes are under positive selection: ", nPositiveClass);
      for(i=0; i<nPositiveClass; i++) printf(" %2d", PositiveClass[i]);
   for(ir=0; ir<nr; ir++) {
      /* Read true sites from evovler siteID */
      for( ; ; ) {
         if(fgets(line, lline, fEvolver)==NULL) break;
         if(strstr(line, startEvolver)) break;

      if(NSsites && !model) { /* site models */
         if(!strchr(line,':')) { puts("did not find ':' in line."); exit(-1); }
         sscanf(strchr(line,':')+1, "%d", &nsiteEvolver);
         if(nsiteEvolver>ls) { puts("Too many sites. ls wrong?"); exit(-1); }
         for(i=0; i<nsiteEvolver; i++)
            fscanf(fEvolver, "%d", &siteEvolver[i]);
      else { /* branch-site models */
         for(i=0,nsiteEvolver=0; i<ls; i++) {
            fscanf(fEvolver, "%d", &k);
            for(j=0; j<nPositiveClass; j++)
               if(k==PositiveClass[j]) {

      if(noisy) {
         printf("\n\n%d sites from Evolver:\n", nsiteEvolver);
         for(i=0;i<nsiteEvolver; i++) printf(" %3d", siteEvolver[i]);

      /* Read inferred sites and probs from codeml mlc or rst, bin probs */
      for( ; ; ) {
         if(fgets(line, lline, fCodeml)==NULL) break;
         if(strstr(line, startCodeml)) break;
      for(i=0; i<3; i++) fgets(line, lline, fCodeml);
      for(i=nsiteCodeml=0; i<ls; i++,nsiteCodeml++) {
         if(fscanf(fCodeml, "%d %c%lf", &siteCodeml[i], &ch, &p)!=3) break;
         fgets(line, lline, fCodeml);
         for(j=0; j<nbin-1; j++)  if(p<=PCut[j]) break;
      if(noisy) {
         printf("\n%d sites from codeml at 50%%:\n", nsiteCodeml);
         for(i=0; i<nsiteCodeml; i++)  printf("%4d", siteCodeml[i]);

      /* count matches by going through codeml sites */
      for(i=0,nmatch0=0; i<nsiteCodeml; i++) {
         for(j=0; j<=ib; j++) NCodemlC[j]++;
         for(j=0; j<nsiteEvolver; j++)
            if(siteCodeml[i]==siteEvolver[j]) break;
         if(j<nsiteEvolver) {  /* a match */
            for(j=0; j<=ib; j++)

      printf("\nReplicate %3d: %3d evolver sites, %3d codeml sites at 50%%, %3d matches", 

      "P", "AccuracyBin", "Pcut", "AccuracyCum", "Power", "FalsePos");
   for(j=0; j<nbin; j++) {
      AccuracyB = (NmatchB[j] ? NmatchB[j]/NCodemlB[j] : 0);
      AccuracyC = (NmatchC[j] ? NmatchC[j]/NCodemlC[j] : 0);
      Power = (NmatchC[j] ? NmatchC[j]/NEvolver : 0);
      FalsePositive = NCodemlC[j]-NmatchC[j];
      if(FalsePositive) FalsePositive/=(ls*nr-NEvolver);

      p = (j==0 ? PCut0 : PCut[j-1]);
      printf("%5.3f - %5.3f: %7.3f (%5.0f) ",   p, PCut[j], AccuracyB, NCodemlB[j]);
      printf( "   >%4.3f: %7.3f (%5.0f) %7.3f %7.3f\n", p,  AccuracyC, NCodemlC[j], Power, FalsePositive);
   printf( "\nTrue positive sites from evolver: %5.0f out of %5d total sites\n", NEvolver,ls*nr);
   fclose(fEvolver); fclose(fCodeml);