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/* mcmctree.c 

   Markov chain Monte Carlo on trees (Bayesian phylogenetic analysis)
                   Ziheng YANG, since December 2002

   cc -o mcmctree -m64 -ansi -funsigned-char -O3 -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer -finline-functions mcmctree.c tools.c -lm
   cc -o mcmctree -O4 -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer -finline-functions mcmctree.c tools.c -lm
   cc -o infinitesites -DINFINITESITES -march=athlon -mcpu=athlon -Wall -O2 -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer -finline-functions mcmctree.c tools.c -lm

   cl -O2 -W3 mcmctree.c tools.c

   cl -FeInfiniteSites.exe -DINFINITESITES -W3 -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -O2 mcmctree.c tools.c

   mcmctree <ControlFileName>

   InfiniteSites <ControlFileName>
   FixedDsClock1.txt or FixedDsClock23.txt are hard-coded file names


#include "paml.h"

#define NS            1200
#define NBRANCH      (NS*2-2)
#define NNODE        (NS*2-1)
#define MAXNSONS      3
#define NGENE         1000          /* used for gnodes[NGENE] */
#define LSPNAME       50
#define NCODE         64
#define NCATG         50
#define MaxNFossils   200

extern int noisy, NFunCall;
extern char BASEs[];

int GetOptions(char *ctlf);
int ReadTreeSeqs(FILE*fout);
int ProcessFossilInfo();
int ReadBlengthGH (char infile[]);
int GenerateBlengthGH (char infile[]);
int GetMem(void);
void FreeMem(void);
int UseLocus(int locus, int copycondP, int setmodel, int setSeqName);
int AcceptRejectLocus(int locus, int accept);
void switchconPin(void);
int SetPGene(int igene, int _pi, int _UVRoot, int _alpha, double xcom[]);
int DownSptreeSetTime(int inode);
void getSinvDetS(double space[]);
int GetInitials(void);
int GenerateGtree(int locus);
void printGtree(int printBlength);
int SetParameters(double x[]);
int ConditionalPNode(int inode, int igene, double x[]);
double lnpData(double lnpDi[]);
double lnpD_locus(int locus);
double lnpD_locus_Approx(int locus);
double lnptNCgiventC(void);
double lnptC(void);
double lnptCalibrationDensity(double t, int fossil, double p[7]);
int SetupPriorTimesFossilErrors(void);
double lnpriorTimesBDS_Approach1(void);
double lnpriorTimesTipDate(void);
double lnpriorTimes(void);
double lnpriorRates(void);
double logPriorRatioGamma(double xnew, double xold, double a, double b);
void copySptree(void);
void printSptree(void);
double Infinitesites(void);
double InfinitesitesClock(double *FixedDs);
int collectx (FILE* fout, double x[]);
int MCMC(FILE* fout);
int LabelOldCondP(int spnode);
double UpdateTimes(double *lnL, double finetune);
double UpdateTimesClock23(double *lnL, double finetune);
double UpdateRates(double *lnL, double finetune);
double UpdateRatesClock(double *lnL, double finetune);
double UpdateParameters(double *lnL, double finetune);
double UpdateParaRates(double finetune, double space[]);
double mixing(double *lnL, double finetune);
double UpdatePFossilErrors(double finetune);
int getPfossilerr (double postEFossil[], double nround);
int DescriptiveStatisticsSimpleMCMCTREE (FILE *fout, char infile[], int nbin);

struct CommonInfo {
   unsigned char *z[NS];
   char *spname[NS], seqf[256],outf[256],treef[256],daafile[96],mcmcf[96],inBVf[96];
   char oldconP[NNODE];       /* update conP for node? (0 yes; 1 no) */
   int seqtype, ns, ls, ngene, posG[2],lgene[1], *pose, npatt, readpattern;
   int np, ncode, ntime, nrate, nrgene, nalpha, npi, ncatG, print;
   int cleandata, ndata;
   int model, clock, fix_kappa, fix_omega, fix_alpha, fix_rgene, Mgene;
   int method, icode, codonf, aaDist, NSsites;
   double *fpatt, kappa, omega, alpha, TipDate, TipDate_TimeUnit;
   double rgene[NGENE],piG[NGENE][NCODE];  /* not used */
   double (*plfun)(double x[],int np), freqK[NCATG], rK[NCATG], *conP, *fhK;
   double pi[NCODE];
   int curconP;                    /* curconP = 0 or 1 */
   size_t sconP;
   double *conPin[2], space[100000];  /* fixed space unsafe */
   int conPSiteClass, NnodeScale;
   char *nodeScale;    /* nScale[ns-1] for interior nodes */
   double *nodeScaleF;       /* nScaleF[npatt] for scale factors */
}  com;

struct TREEB {
   int  nbranch, nnode, root, branches[NBRANCH][2];
}  tree;
struct TREEN { /* ipop is node number in species tree */
   int father, nson, sons[2], ibranch, ipop;
   double branch, age, label, *conP;
   char *nodeStr, fossil;
}  *nodes, **gnodes, nodes_t[2*NS-1];

/* nodes_t[] is working space.  nodes is a pointer and moves around.  
   gnodes[] holds the gene trees, subtrees constructed from the master species 
   tree.  Each locus has a full set of rates (rates) for all branches on the 
   master tree, held in sptree.nodes[].rates.  Branch lengths in the gene 
   tree are calculated by using those rates and the divergence times.

   gnodes[][].label in the gene tree is used to store branch lengths estimated 
   under no clock when mcmc.usedata=2 (normal approximation to likelihood).

   int nbranch, nnode, root, nspecies, nfossil;
   double RootAge[4];
   struct TREESPN {
      char name[LSPNAME+1], fossil, usefossil;  /* fossil: 0, 1(L), 2(U), 3(B), 4(G) */
      int father, nson, sons[2];
      double age, pfossil[7];     /* parameters in fossil distribution */
      double *rates;              /* log rates for loci */
   } nodes[2*NS-1];
}  sptree;
/* all trees are binary & rooted, with ancestors unknown. */

struct DATA { /* locus-specific data and tree information */
   int ns[NGENE], ls[NGENE], npatt[NGENE], ngene, lgene[NGENE];
   int root[NGENE+1], conP_offset[NGENE];
   int priortime, priorrate;
   char *z[NGENE][NS], cleandata[NGENE];
   double *fpatt[NGENE], lnpT, lnpR, lnpDi[NGENE];
   double pi[NGENE][NCODE];
   double rgene[NGENE], kappa[NGENE], omega[NGENE], alpha[NGENE];
   double BDS[4];  /* parameters in the birth-death-sampling model */
   double rgenegamma[2], kappagamma[2], omegagamma[2], alphagamma[2], sigma2gamma[2];
   double pfossilerror[3], /* (p_beta, q_beta, NminCorrect) */ Pfossilerr, *CcomFossilErr;
   double sigma2[NGENE];  /* sigma2[g] are the variances */
   double *blMLE[NGENE], *Gradient[NGENE], *Hessian[NGENE];
   int transform;
}  data;

   int resetFinetune, burnin, nsample, sampfreq, usedata, saveconP, print;
   double finetune[6];
}  mcmc; /* control parameters */

char *models[]={"JC69", "K80", "F81", "F84", "HKY85", "T92", "TN93", "REV"};
enum {JC69, K80, F81, F84, HKY85, T92, TN93, REV} MODELS;

int nR=4;
double PMat[16], Cijk[64], Root[4];
double _rateSite=1, OldAge=999;
int debug=0, LASTROUND=0, BayesEB, testlnL=0, NPMat=0; /* no use for this */

/* for sptree.nodes[].fossil: lower, upper, bounds, gamma, inverse-gamma */
char *fossils[]={" ", "L", "U", "B", "G", "SN", "ST", "S2N"};
int npfossils[]={ 0,   4,   2,   4,   2,   3,    4,     7};
char *clockstr[]={"", "Global clock", "Independent rates", "Autocorrelated rates"};
enum {SQRT_B=1, LOG_B, ARCSIN_B} B_Transforms;
char *Btransform[]={"", "square root", "logarithm", "JC"};

#define MCMCTREE  1
#include "treesub.c"

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
   char ctlf[128] = "mcmctree.ctl";
   int i,j,k;
   FILE  *fout;

   data.priortime = 0;  /* 0: BDS;        1: beta */
   data.priorrate = 0;  /* 0: LogNormal;  1: gamma */

   com.alpha=0.;     com.ncatG=1;
   com.ncode=4;      com.clock=1;

   printf("MCMCTREE in %s\n", pamlVerStr);
      strncpy(ctlf, argv[1], 127);

   data.BDS[0]=1;    data.BDS[1]=1;  data.BDS[2]=0; 
   strcpy(com.outf, "out");
   strcpy(com.mcmcf, "mcmc.out");


   fout = gfopen(com.outf,"w");
   fprintf(fout, "MCMCTREE (%s) %s\n", pamlVerStr, com.seqf);

   if(data.pfossilerror && (data.pfossilerror[2]<0 || data.pfossilerror[2]>sptree.nfossil))
      error2("nMinCorrect for fossil errors is out of range.");

   if(mcmc.usedata==1) {
      if(com.seqtype!=0) error2("usedata = 1 for nucleotides only");
         com.plfun = lfun;
      else {
         if (com.ncatG<2 || com.ncatG>NCATG) error2("ncatG");
         com.plfun = lfundG;
      if (com.model>HKY85)  error2("Only HKY or simpler models are allowed.");
      if (com.model==JC69 || com.model==F81) { com.fix_kappa=1; com.kappa=1; }
   else if (mcmc.usedata==2) {
      com.model = 0;
      com.alpha = 0;
      if(com.seqtype==1) com.ncode = 61;
      if(com.seqtype==2) com.ncode = 20;
   else if(mcmc.usedata==3) {
      GenerateBlengthGH("out.BV");  /* this is used so that the in.BV is not overwritten */

   /* Do we want RootAge constraint at the root if (com.clock==1)? */
   if(com.clock!=1 && sptree.RootAge[1]<=0 && sptree.nodes[sptree.root].fossil<=LOWER_F)
      error2("set RootAge in control file when there is no upper bound on root");
   if(data.pfossilerror[0]==0 && !sptree.nodes[sptree.root].fossil) {
      if(sptree.RootAge[1] <= 0) 
         error2("set RootAge in control file when there is no upper bound on root");

      sptree.nodes[sptree.root].fossil = (sptree.RootAge[0]>0 ? BOUND_F : UPPER_F);
      for(i=0; i<4; i++) 
         sptree.nodes[sptree.root].pfossil[i] = sptree.RootAge[i];
   if( com.TipDate_TimeUnit==0) 
      printf("\nFossil calibration information used.\n");
   for(i=sptree.nspecies; i<sptree.nspecies*2-1; i++) {
      if((k=sptree.nodes[i].fossil) == 0) continue;
      printf("Node %3d: %3s ( ", i+1, fossils[k]);
      for(j=0; j<npfossils[k]; j++) {
         printf("%6.4f", sptree.nodes[i].pfossil[j + (k==UPPER_F)]);
         printf("%s", (j==npfossils[k]-1 ? " )\n" : ", "));

#if(defined INFINITESITES)

int GetMem (void)
/* This allocates memory for conditional probabilities (conP).  
   gnodes[locus] is not allocated here but in GetGtree().

   Conditional probabilities for internal nodes are com.conPin[2], allocated 
   according to data.ns[locus] and data.npatt[locus] at all loci.  Two copies 
   of the space are allocated, hence the [2].  The copy used for the current 
   gene trees is com.conPin[com.curconP] while the copy for proposed gene trees 
   is com.conPin[!com.curconP].  data.conP_offset[locus] marks the starting 
   position in conPin[] for each locus.

   Memory arrangement if(com.conPSiteClass=1):
   ncode*npatt for each node, by node, by iclass, by locus
   int locus,j,k, s1,sG=1, sfhK=0, g=data.ngene;
   double *conP, *rates;

   /* get mem for conP (internal nodes) */
   if(mcmc.usedata==1) {
      if(!com.fix_alpha && mcmc.saveconP) {
         com.conPSiteClass=1;  sG=com.ncatG;
      data.conP_offset[0] = 0;
      for(locus=0,com.sconP=0; locus<g; locus++) {
         s1= com.ncode * data.npatt[locus];
         com.sconP += sG*s1*(data.ns[locus]-1)*sizeof(double);
            data.conP_offset[locus+1] = data.conP_offset[locus] + sG*s1*(data.ns[locus]-1);

         error2("oom conP");

      com.conPin[1] = com.conPin[0] + com.sconP/sizeof(double);
      printf("\n%u bytes for conP\n", 2*com.sconP);

      /* set gnodes[locus][].conP for tips and internal nodes */
      com.curconP = 0;
      for(locus=0; locus<g; locus++) {
         conP = com.conPin[0] + data.conP_offset[locus];
         for(j=data.ns[locus]; j<data.ns[locus]*2-1; j++,conP+=com.ncode*data.npatt[locus])
            gnodes[locus][j].conP = conP;
         if(!data.cleandata[locus]) {
            /* Is this call to UseLocus still needed?  Ziheng 28/12/2009 */
            UseLocus(locus, 0, mcmc.usedata, 0);

      if(!com.fix_alpha) {
         for(locus=0; locus<g; locus++)
            sfhK = max2(sfhK, data.npatt[locus]);
         sfhK *= com.ncatG*sizeof(double);
         if((com.fhK=(double*)realloc(com.fhK,sfhK))==NULL) error2("oom");

   else if(mcmc.usedata==2) { /* allocate data.Gradient & data.Hessian */
      for(locus=0,k=0; locus<data.ngene; locus++)  
         k += (2*data.ns[locus]-1)*(2*data.ns[locus]-1+2);
         error2("oom g & H");
      for(j=0; j<k; j++)  com.conPin[0][j]=-1;
      for(locus=0,j=0; locus<data.ngene; locus++) {
         data.blMLE[locus] = com.conPin[0]+j;
         data.Gradient[locus] = com.conPin[0]+j+(2*data.ns[locus]-1);
         data.Hessian[locus]  = com.conPin[0]+j+(2*data.ns[locus]-1)*2;
         j += (2*data.ns[locus]-1)*(2*data.ns[locus]-1+2);

   if(com.clock>1) {  /* space for rates */
      s1 = (sptree.nspecies*2-1)*g*sizeof(double);
      if(noisy) printf("%d bytes for rates.\n", s1);
      if((rates=(double*)malloc(s1))==NULL) error2("oom for rates");
      for(j=0; j<sptree.nspecies*2-1; j++) 
         sptree.nodes[j].rates = rates+g*j;

void FreeMem (void)
   int locus, j;

   for(locus=0; locus<data.ngene; locus++)
   if(mcmc.usedata==1) {
      for(locus=0; locus<data.ngene; locus++) {
         for(j=0;j<data.ns[locus]; j++)

   if(mcmc.usedata==1 && com.alpha)

int UseLocus (int locus, int copyconP, int setModel, int setSeqName)
/* MCMCtree:
   This point nodes to the gene tree at locus gnodes[locus] and set com.z[] 
   etc. for likelihood calculation for the locus.  Note that the gene tree 
   topology (gnodes[]) is never copied, but nodes[].conP are repositioned in the 
   algorithm.  The pointer for root gnodes[][com.ns].conP is assumed to be the 
   start of the whole block for the locus.  
   If (copyconP && mcmc.useData), the conP for internal nodes point 
   to a fixed place (indicated by data.conP_offset[locus]) in the alternative 
   space com.conPin[!com.curconP].  Note that the conP for each locus uses the 
   correct space so that this routine can be used by all the proposal steps, 
   some of which operates on one locus and some change all loci.

   Try to replace this with UseLocus() for B&C.
   int i, s1 = com.ncode*data.npatt[locus], sG = (com.conPSiteClass?com.ncatG:1);
   double *conPt=com.conPin[!com.curconP]+data.conP_offset[locus];

   com.ns = data.ns[locus]; =[locus];
   tree.root = data.root[locus]; 
   tree.nnode = 2*com.ns-1;
   nodes = gnodes[locus];
   if(copyconP && mcmc.usedata==1) { /* this preserves the old conP. */
      memcpy(conPt, gnodes[locus][com.ns].conP, sG*s1*(com.ns-1)*sizeof(double));
      for(i=com.ns; i<tree.nnode; i++)
         nodes[i].conP = conPt+(i-com.ns)*s1;

   if(setModel && mcmc.usedata==1) {
      com.cleandata = data.cleandata[locus];
      for(i=0; i<com.ns; i++) 
         com.z[i] = data.z[locus][i];
      com.npatt = com.posG[1] = data.npatt[locus];
      com.posG[0] = 0;
      com.fpatt = data.fpatt[locus];

      /* The following is model-dependent */
      com.kappa = data.kappa[locus]; =[locus];
      com.alpha = data.alpha[locus];

      xtoy(data.pi[locus], com.pi, com.ncode);
         eigenTN93(com.model, com.kappa, com.kappa, com.pi, &nR, Root, Cijk);

         DiscreteGamma (com.freqK,com.rK,com.alpha,com.alpha,com.ncatG,DGammaUseMedian);
      com.NnodeScale = data.NnodeScale[locus];
      com.nodeScale = data.nodeScale[locus];
      nS = com.NnodeScale*com.npatt * (com.conPSiteClass?com.ncatG:1);
      for(i=0; i<nS; i++) 
      for(i=0;i<com.ns;i++) com.spname[i] = sptree.nodes[nodes[i].ipop].name;

int AcceptRejectLocus (int locus, int accept)
/* This accepts or rejects the proposal at one locus.  
   This works for proposals that change one locus only.  
   After UseLocus(), gnodes[locus][ns].conP points to the alternative 
   conP space.  If the proposal is accepted, this copies the newly calculated 
   conP into gnodes[locus][ns].conP.  In either case, gnodes[].conP is 
   Proposals that change all loci use switchconP() to accept the proposal.
   int i, ns=data.ns[locus], s1=com.ncode*data.npatt[locus], sG=1;
   double *conP=com.conPin[com.curconP]+data.conP_offset[locus];

   if(mcmc.usedata==1) {
      if(com.conPSiteClass) sG=com.ncatG;
         memcpy(conP, gnodes[locus][ns].conP, sG*s1*(ns-1)*sizeof(double));
      for(i=ns; i<ns*2-1; i++)
         gnodes[locus][i].conP = conP+(i-ns)*s1;

void switchconPin(void)
/* This reposition pointers gnodes[locus].conP to the alternative com.conPin, 
   to avoid recalculation of conditional probabilities, when a proposal is 
   accepted in steps that change all loci in one go, such as UpdateTimes() 
   and UpdateParameters().
   Note that for site-class models (com.conPSiteClass), gnodes[].conP points 
   to the space for class 0, and the space for class 1 starts (ns-1)*ncode*npatt
   later.  Such repositioning for site classes is achieved in fx_r().
   int i,locus;
   double *conP;

   com.curconP =! com.curconP;
   for(locus=0; locus<data.ngene; locus++) {
      conP = com.conPin[com.curconP] + data.conP_offset[locus];
      for(i=data.ns[locus]; i<data.ns[locus]*2-1; i++,conP+=com.ncode*data.npatt[locus])
         gnodes[locus][i].conP = conP;

int SetPGene(int igene, int _pi, int _UVRoot, int _alpha, double xcom[])
/* This is not used. */
   if(com.ngene!=1) error2("com.ngene==1?");
   return (0);

int SetParameters (double x[])
/* This is not used. */

int GetPMatBranch2 (double PMat[], double t)
/* This calculates the transition probability matrix.
   double Qrates[2], T,C,A,G,Y,R, mr;

   if(com.seqtype==0) {
      if (com.model<=K80)
         PMatK80(PMat, t, com.kappa);
      else if(com.model<=TN93) {
         T=com.pi[0]; C=com.pi[1]; A=com.pi[2]; G=com.pi[3]; Y=T+C; R=A+G;
         if (com.model==F84) { 
            Qrates[0]=1+com.kappa/Y;   /* kappa1 */
            Qrates[1]=1+com.kappa/R;   /* kappa2 */
         else if (com.model<=HKY85) Qrates[1]=Qrates[0];
         mr=1/(2*T*C*Qrates[0] + 2*A*G*Qrates[1] + 2*Y*R);
         PMatTN93(PMat, t*mr*Qrates[0], t*mr*Qrates[1], t*mr, com.pi);

int ConditionalPNode (int inode, int igene, double x[])
   int n=com.ncode, i,j,k,h, ison;
   double t;

   for(i=0;i<nodes[inode].nson;i++) {
      if (nodes[ison].nson>0  && !com.oldconP[ison])
         ConditionalPNode(ison, igene, x);
   for(i=0;i<com.npatt*n;i++) nodes[inode].conP[i] = 1;

   for(i=0; i<nodes[inode].nson; i++) {
      ison = nodes[inode].sons[i];

      t = nodes[ison].branch*_rateSite;
      if(t < 0) {
         printf("\nt =%12.6f ratesite = %.6f", nodes[ison].branch, _rateSite);
         error2("blength < 0");

      GetPMatBranch2(PMat, t);

      if (nodes[ison].nson<1 && com.cleandata) {        /* tip && clean */
         for(h=0; h<com.npatt; h++) 
            for(j=0; j<n; j++)
               nodes[inode].conP[h*n+j] *= PMat[j*n+com.z[ison][h]];
      else if (nodes[ison].nson<1 && !com.cleandata) {  /* tip & unclean */
         for(h=0; h<com.npatt; h++) 
            for(j=0; j<n; j++) {
               for(k=0,t=0; k<nChara[com.z[ison][h]]; k++)
                  t += PMat[j*n+CharaMap[com.z[ison][h]][k]];
               nodes[inode].conP[h*n+j] *= t;
      else {
         for(h=0; h<com.npatt; h++) 
            for(j=0; j<n; j++) {
               for(k=0,t=0; k<n; k++)
                  t += PMat[j*n+k]*nodes[ison].conP[h*n+k];
               nodes[inode].conP[h*n+j] *= t;
   }  /*  for (ison)  */

   /* node scaling.  Is this coded?  Please check.  */
   if(com.NnodeScale && com.nodeScale[inode])
      NodeScale(inode, 0, com.npatt);
   return (0);

double lnpD_locus (int locus)
/* This calculates ln{Di|Gi, Bi} using times in sptree.nodes[].age and rates.
   Rates are in data.rgene[] if (clock==1) and in sptree.nodes[].rates if 
   (clock==0).  Branch lengths in the gene tree, nodes[].branch, are calculated 
   in this routine but they may not be up-to-date before calling this routine.
   UseLocus() is called before this routine.
   int  i,j, dad;
   double lnL=0, b,t;

   if (mcmc.usedata==0)  return(0);
   if(com.clock==1) {  /* global clock */
      for(i=0; i<tree.nnode; i++)  /* age in gene tree */
         nodes[i].age = sptree.nodes[nodes[i].ipop].age;
      for(i=0; i<tree.nnode; i++) {
         if(i==tree.root) continue;
         nodes[i].branch = (nodes[nodes[i].father].age-nodes[i].age) * data.rgene[locus];
         if(nodes[i].branch < 0)
            error2("blength < 0");
   else {              /* independent & correlated rates */
      for(i=0; i<tree.nnode; i++) {
         for(j=nodes[i].ipop,b=0; j!=nodes[nodes[i].father].ipop; j=dad) {
            dad = sptree.nodes[j].father;
            t = sptree.nodes[dad].age - sptree.nodes[j].age;
            b += t * sptree.nodes[j].rates[locus];
         nodes[i].branch = b;
      lnL = -com.plfun(NULL, -1);
   else if(mcmc.usedata==2)
      lnL = lnpD_locus_Approx(locus);

   return (lnL);

double lnpData (double lnpDi[])
/* This calculates the log likelihood, the log of the probability of the data 
   given gtree[] for each locus.
   This updates gnodes[locus][].conP for every node.
   int j,locus;
   double lnL=0, y;

      for(j=0; j<sptree.nspecies*2-1; j++)
		  com.oldconP[j] = 0;
   for(locus=0; locus<data.ngene; locus++) {
      UseLocus(locus,0, mcmc.usedata, 1);
      y = lnpD_locus(locus);

      if(testlnL && fabs(lnpDi[locus]-y)>1e-5)
         printf("\tlnLi %.6f != %.6f at locus %d\n", lnpDi[locus], y, locus+1);
      lnpDi[locus] = y;
      lnL += y;

double lnpD_locus_Approx (int locus)
/* This calculates the likelihood using the normal approxiamtion (Thorne et al. 
   1998).  The branch lengths on the unrooted tree estimated without clock have 
   been read into nodes[][].label and the gradient and Hessian are in data.Gradient[] 
   & data.Hessian[].  The branch lengths predicted from the rate-evolution 
   model (that is, products of rates and times) are in nodes[].branch.  
   The tree is rooted, and the two branch lengths around the root are summed up
   and treated as one branch length, compared with the MLE, which is stored as 
   the branch length to the first son of the root.  
   This is different from funSS_AHRS(), which has the data branch lengths in 
   nodes[].branch and calculate the predicted likelihood by multiplying nodes[].age 
   and nodes[].label (which holds the rates).  Think about a redesign to avoid confusion.
   int debug=0, i,j, ib, nb=tree.nnode-1-1;  /* don't use tree.nbranch, which is not up to date. */
   int son1=nodes[tree.root].sons[0], son2=nodes[tree.root].sons[1];
   double lnL=0, z[NS*2-1], *g=data.Gradient[locus], *H=data.Hessian[locus], cJC=(com.ncode-1.0)/com.ncode;
   double bTlog=1e-5, elog=0.1, e;   /* change the same line in ReadBlengthGH() as well  */

   /* construct branch lengths */
   for(j=0; j<tree.nnode; j++) {
      if(j==tree.root || j==son2) continue;
      ib = nodes[j].ibranch;
         z[ib] = nodes[son1].branch + nodes[son2].branch;
         z[ib] = nodes[j].branch;

      if(data.transform==LOG_B) {         /* logarithm transform, MLE not transformed */
         e = (data.blMLE[locus][ib] < bTlog ? elog : 0); 
         z[ib] = log( (z[ib] + e)/(data.blMLE[locus][ib] + e) );
      else {
         if(data.transform==SQRT_B)       /* sqrt transform, MLE transformed */
            z[ib] = sqrt(z[ib]);
         else if(data.transform==ARCSIN_B)    /* JC transform, MLE transformed */
            z[ib] = 2*asin(sqrt( cJC - cJC*exp(-z[ib]/cJC) ));
         z[ib] -= data.blMLE[locus][ib];

   if(debug) {
      OutTreeN(F0,1,1);  FPN(F0);
      matout(F0, z, 1, nb);
      matout(F0, data.blMLE[locus], 1, nb);

   for(i=0; i<nb; i++) 
      lnL += z[i]*g[i];
   for(i=0; i<nb; i++) {
      lnL += z[i]*z[i]*H[i*nb+i]/2;
      for(j=0; j<i; j++)
         lnL += z[i]*z[j]*H[i*nb+j];
   return (lnL);

int ReadBlengthGH (char infile[])
/* this reads the MLEs of branch lengths under no clock and their SEs, for 
   approximate calculation of sequence likelihood.  The MLEs of branch lengths 
   are stored in data.blMLE[locus] as well as nodes[].label, and the gradient 
   and Hessian in data.Gradient[locsu][] and data.Hessian[locus][].
   The branch length (sum of 2 branch lengths) around root in rooted tree is 
   placed on 1st son of root in rooted tree.
   For the log transform, data.blMLE[] holds the MLEs of branch lengths, while for 
   other transforms (sqrt, jc), the transformed values are stored.

   This also frees up memory for sequences.
   FILE* fBGH = gfopen(infile,"r");
   char line[100];
   int locus, i, j, nb, son1, son2, leftsingle;
   double small = 1e-20;
   double dbu[NBRANCH], dbu2[NBRANCH], u, cJC=(com.ncode-1.0)/com.ncode, sin2u, cos2u;
   double bTlog=1e-5, elog=0.1, e;   /* change the line in lnpD_locus_Approx() as well */
   int debug = 0;

   if(noisy) printf("\nReading branch lengths, Gradient & Hessian from %s.\n", infile);

   for(locus=0; locus<data.ngene; locus++) {
      UseLocus(locus, 0, 0, 1);
      printf("\nLocus %d: %d species\n", locus+1, com.ns);

      nodes = nodes_t;
      fscanf(fBGH, "%d", &i);
      if(i != com.ns) {
         printf("ns = %d, expecting %d", i, com.ns);
         error2("ns not correct in ReadBlengthGH()");
      if(ReadTreeN(fBGH, &i, &j, 0, 1)) 
         error2("error when reading gene tree");
      if(i==0) error2("gene tree should have branch lengths for error checking");
      if((nb=tree.nbranch) != com.ns*2-3) 
         error2("nb = ns * 2 -3 ?");

      if(debug) {
         FPN(F0); OutTreeN(F0,1,1);  FPN(F0);
         for(i=0; i<tree.nnode; i++) {
            printf("\nnode %2d: branch %2d (%9.5f) dad %2d  ", i+1, nodes[i].ibranch+1, nodes[i].branch, nodes[i].father+1);
            for(j=0; j<nodes[i].nson; j++) printf(" %2d", nodes[i].sons[j]+1);

      for(i=0; i<nb; i++)
         fscanf(fBGH, "%lf", &data.blMLE[locus][i]);
      for(i=0; i<nb; i++)
         fscanf(fBGH, "%lf", &data.Gradient[locus][i]);

      fscanf(fBGH, "%s", line);
      if(!strstr(line,"Hessian")) error2("expecting Hessian in in.BV");
      for(i=0; i<nb; i++)
         for(j=0; j<nb; j++)
            if(fscanf(fBGH, "%lf", &data.Hessian[locus][i*nb+j]) != 1)
               error2("err when reading the hessian matrix in.BV");

      UseLocus(locus, 0, 0, 1);
      son1 = nodes[tree.root].sons[0];
      son2 = nodes[tree.root].sons[1];
      leftsingle = (nodes[son1].nson==0);
      if(leftsingle) {  /* Root in unrooted tree is 2nd son of root in rooted tree */
         nodes[son1].ibranch = com.ns*2-3-1;  /* last branch in unrooted tree, assuming binary tree */
         for(i=0; i<tree.nnode; i++) {
            if(i!=tree.root && i!=son1 && i!=son2)
               nodes[i].ibranch -= 2;
      else {  /* Root in unrooted tree is 1st son of root in rooted tree */
         nodes[son1].ibranch = nodes[son2].ibranch - 1;
         for(i=0; i<tree.nnode; i++) {
            if(i!=tree.root && i!=son1 && i!=son2) 
               nodes[i].ibranch --;
      nodes[tree.root].ibranch = nodes[son2].ibranch = -1;
      for(i=0; i<tree.nnode; i++) 
         nodes[i].branch = (nodes[i].ibranch==-1 ? 0 : data.blMLE[locus][nodes[i].ibranch]);

      if(debug) {
         FPN(F0);  FPN(F0);  OutTreeN(F0,1,1);
         for(i=0; i<tree.nnode; i++) {
            printf("\nnode %2d: branch %2d (%9.5f) dad %2d  ", i+1, nodes[i].ibranch+1, nodes[i].branch, nodes[i].father+1);
            for(j=0; j<nodes[i].nson; j++) printf(" %2d", nodes[i].sons[j]+1);

      if(data.transform==SQRT_B)       /* sqrt transform on branch lengths */
         for(i=0; i<nb; i++) {
            dbu[i] = 2*sqrt(data.blMLE[locus][i]);
            dbu2[i] = 2;
      else if(data.transform==LOG_B)   /* logarithm transform on branch lengths */
         for(i=0; i<nb; i++) {
            e = (data.blMLE[locus][i] < bTlog ? elog : 0); 
            dbu[i] = data.blMLE[locus][i] + e;
            dbu2[i] = dbu[i];
      else if(data.transform==ARCSIN_B) {  /* JC transform on branch lengths */
         for(i=0; i<nb; i++) {
            if(data.blMLE[locus][i] < 1e-20) 
               error2("blength should be > 0 for JC transform");
            u = 2*asin(sqrt(cJC - cJC*exp(- data.blMLE[locus][i]/cJC )));
            sin2u = sin(u/2);  cos2u = cos(u/2);
            dbu[i]  = sin2u*cos2u/(1-sin2u*sin2u/cJC);
            dbu2[i] = (cos2u*cos2u-sin2u*sin2u)/2/(1-sin2u*sin2u/cJC) + dbu[i]*dbu[i]/cJC;

      if(data.transform) {          /* this part is common to all transforms */
         for(i=0; i<nb; i++) {
            for(j=0; j<i; j++)
               data.Hessian[locus][j*nb+i] = data.Hessian[locus][i*nb+j] *= dbu[i]*dbu[j];
            data.Hessian[locus][i*nb+i] = data.Hessian[locus][i*nb+i] * dbu[i]*dbu[i]
                                        + data.Gradient[locus][i] * dbu2[i];
         for(i=0; i<nb; i++)
            data.Gradient[locus][i] *= dbu[i];

      if(data.transform==SQRT_B)       /* sqrt transform on branch lengths */
         for(i=0; i<nb; i++)
            data.blMLE[locus][i] = sqrt(data.blMLE[locus][i]);
      else if(data.transform==LOG_B) { /* logarithm transform on branch lengths */
      else if(data.transform==ARCSIN_B)    /* JC transform on branch lengths */
         for(i=0; i<nb; i++)
            data.blMLE[locus][i] = 2*asin(sqrt(cJC - cJC*exp(-data.blMLE[locus][i]/cJC )));
   }    /* for(locus) */

   /* free up memory for sequences */
   for(locus=0; locus<data.ngene; locus++) {
      for(j=0; j<data.ns[locus]; j++)


int GenerateBlengthGH (char infile[])
/* This generates the sequence alignment and tree files for calculating branch
   lengths, gradient, and hessian.
   This mimics Jeff Thorne's estbranches program.
   FILE *fseq, *ftree, *fctl;
   FILE *fBGH = gfopen(infile, "w");
   char tmpseqf[32], tmptreef[32], ctlf[32], outf[32], line[10000];
   int i, locus;

   mcmc.usedata = 1;
   for(locus=0; locus<data.ngene; locus++) {
      printf("\n\n*** Locus %d ***\n", locus+1);
      sprintf(tmpseqf, "tmp%d.txt", locus+1);
      sprintf(tmptreef, "tmp%d.trees", locus+1);
      sprintf(ctlf, "tmp%d.ctl", locus+1);
      sprintf(outf, "tmp%d.out", locus+1);
      fseq  = gfopen(tmpseqf,"w");
      ftree = gfopen(tmptreef,"w");
      fctl  = gfopen(ctlf,"w");

      UseLocus(locus, 0, 0, 1);
      com.cleandata = data.cleandata[locus];
      for(i=0; i<com.ns; i++) 
         com.z[i] = data.z[locus][i];
      com.npatt = com.posG[1]=data.npatt[locus];
      com.posG[0] = 0;
      com.fpatt = data.fpatt[locus];


      fprintf(ftree, "  1\n\n");
      OutTreeN(ftree, 1, 0);   FPN(ftree);

      fprintf(fctl, "seqfile = %s\n", tmpseqf);
      fprintf(fctl, "treefile = %s\n", tmptreef);
      fprintf(fctl, "outfile = %s\nnoisy = 3\n", outf);
      if(com.seqtype) {
         fprintf(fctl, "seqtype = %d\n", com.seqtype);
      fprintf(fctl, "model = %d\n", com.model);
      if(com.seqtype==1) {
         fprintf(fctl, "icode = %d\n", com.icode);
         fprintf(fctl, "fix_kappa = 0\n kappa = 2\n");
         fprintf(fctl, "fix_omega = 0\n omega = 0.5\n");
      if(com.seqtype==2) {
         fprintf(fctl, "aaRatefile = %s\n", com.daafile);
         fprintf(fctl, "fix_alpha = 0\nalpha = 0.5\nncatG = %d\n", com.ncatG);
      fprintf(fctl, "Small_Diff = 0.1e-6\ngetSE = 2\n");
      fprintf(fctl, "method = %d\n", (com.alpha==0||com.ns>100 ? 1 : 0));

      fclose(fseq);  fclose(ftree);  fclose(fctl);

      if(com.seqtype) sprintf(line, "codeml %s", ctlf);
      else            sprintf(line, "baseml %s", ctlf);
      printf("running %s\n", line);

      appendfile(fBGH, "rst2");

int GetOptions (char *ctlf)
   int iopt,i, nopt=29, lline=4096;
   char line[4096],*pline, opt[32], *comment="*#";
   char *optstr[] = {"seed", "seqfile","treefile", "outfile", "mcmcfile", 
        "seqtype", "aaRatefile", "icode", "noisy", "usedata", "ndata", "model", "clock", 
        "TipDate", "RootAge", "fossilerror", "alpha", "ncatG", "cleandata", 
        "BDparas", "kappa_gamma", "alpha_gamma", 
        "rgene_gamma", "sigma2_gamma", "print", "burnin", "sampfreq", 
        "nsample", "finetune"};
   double t=1, *eps=mcmc.finetune;
   FILE  *fctl=gfopen (ctlf, "r");

   strcpy(com.inBVf, "in.BV");
   data.transform = ARCSIN_B;  /* SQRT_B, LOG_B, ARCSIN_B */
   if (fctl) {
      if (noisy) printf ("\nReading options from %s..\n", ctlf);
      for (;;) {
         if (fgets (line, lline, fctl) == NULL) break;
         for (i=0,t=0,pline=line; i<lline&&line[i]; i++)
            if (isalnum(line[i]))  { t=1; break; }
            else if (strchr(comment,line[i])) break;
         if (t==0) continue;
         sscanf (line, "%s%*s%lf", opt, &t);
         if ((pline=strstr(line, "="))==NULL) error2 ("option file.");

         for (iopt=0; iopt<nopt; iopt++) {
            if (strncmp(opt, optstr[iopt], 8)==0)  {
               if (noisy>=9)
                  printf ("\n%3d %15s | %-20s %6.2f", iopt+1,optstr[iopt],opt,t);
               switch (iopt) {
                  case ( 0): SetSeed((int)t, 1);                 break;
                  case ( 1): sscanf(pline+1, "%s", com.seqf);    break;
                  case ( 2): sscanf(pline+1, "%s", com.treef);   break;
                  case ( 3): sscanf(pline+1, "%s", com.outf);    break;
                  case ( 4): sscanf(pline+1, "%s", com.mcmcf);   break;
                  case ( 5): com.seqtype=(int)t;    break;
                  case ( 6): sscanf(pline+2,"%s", com.daafile);  break;
                  case ( 7): com.icode=(int)t;      break;
                  case ( 8): noisy=(int)t;          break;
                  case ( 9): sscanf(pline+1, "%d %s%d", &mcmc.usedata, com.inBVf, &data.transform);
                     if(mcmc.usedata==2 && strchr(com.inBVf, '*'))
                        strcpy(com.inBVf, "in.BV");
                  case (10): com.ndata=(int)t;      break;
                  case (11): com.model=(int)t;      break;
                  case (12): com.clock=(int)t;      break;
                  case (13): 
                     sscanf(pline+2,"%lf%lf", &com.TipDate, &com.TipDate_TimeUnit);
                     if(com.TipDate && com.TipDate_TimeUnit==0) error2("should set com.TipDate_TimeUnit");
                     data.transform = SQRT_B;  /* SQRT_B, LOG_B, ARCSIN_B */
                  case (14):
                     sptree.RootAge[2] = sptree.RootAge[3] = 0.025;  /* default tail probs */
                     if((strchr(line, '>') || strchr(line, '<')) && (strstr(line, "U(") || strstr(line, "B(")))
                        error2("don't mix < U B on the RootAge line");

                     if((pline=strchr(line, '>')))
                        sscanf(pline+1, "%lf", &sptree.RootAge[0]);
                     if((pline=strchr(line,'<'))) {  /* RootAge[0]=0 */
                        sscanf(pline+1, "%lf", &sptree.RootAge[1]);
                     if((pline=strstr(line, "U(")))
                        sscanf(pline+2, "%lf,%lf", &sptree.RootAge[1], &sptree.RootAge[2]);
                     else if((pline=strstr(line, "B(")))
                        sscanf(pline+2, "%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf", &sptree.RootAge[0], &sptree.RootAge[1], &sptree.RootAge[2], &sptree.RootAge[3]);
                  case (15):
                     data.pfossilerror[0] = 0.0;
                     data.pfossilerror[2] = 1;  /* default: minimum 2 good fossils */
                     sscanf(pline+1, "%lf%lf%lf", data.pfossilerror, data.pfossilerror+1, data.pfossilerror+2);
                  case (16): com.alpha=t;           break;
                  case (17): com.ncatG=(int)t;      break;
                  case (18): com.cleandata=(int)t;  break;
                  case (19): 
                     sscanf(pline+1,"%lf%lf%lf%lf", &data.BDS[0],&data.BDS[1],&data.BDS[2],&data.BDS[3]);
                  case (20): 
                     sscanf(pline+1,"%lf%lf", data.kappagamma, data.kappagamma+1); break;
                  case (21): 
                     sscanf(pline+1,"%lf%lf", data.alphagamma, data.alphagamma+1); break;
                  case (22): 
                     sscanf(pline+1,"%lf%lf", data.rgenegamma, data.rgenegamma+1); break;
                  case (23): 
                     sscanf(pline+1,"%lf%lf", data.sigma2gamma, data.sigma2gamma+1); break;
                  case (24): mcmc.print=(int)t;     break;
                  case (25): mcmc.burnin=(int)t;    break;
                  case (26): mcmc.sampfreq=(int)t;  break;
                  case (27): mcmc.nsample=(int)t;   break;
                  case (28):
                     sscanf(pline+1,"%d:%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf", &mcmc.resetFinetune, eps,eps+1,eps+2,eps+3,eps+4,eps+5);
         if (iopt==nopt)
            { printf ("\noption %s in %s\n", opt, ctlf);  exit (-1); }
      if (noisy) error2("\nno ctl file..");

   if(com.ndata>NGENE) error2("raise NGENE?");
   else if(com.ndata<=0) com.ndata=1;
   if(com.seqtype==0 || com.seqtype==2) 
      { com.fix_omega=1;; }

      com.ncode = 20;

   if(com.alpha==0)  { com.fix_alpha=1; com.nalpha=0; }
   if(com.clock<1 || com.clock>3) error2("clock should be 1, 2, 3?");

double lnpInfinitesitesClock (double t0, double FixedDs[])
/* This calculates the ln of the joint pdf, which is proportional to the 
   posterior for given root age, assuming infinite sites.  Fixed distances are 
   in FixedDs[]: d11, d12, ..., d(1,s-1), d21, d31, ..., d_g1.
   Note that the posterior is one dimensional, and the variable used is root age.
   int s=sptree.nspecies, g=data.ngene, i,j;
   double lnp;
   for(j=s; j<sptree.nnode; j++) 
         sptree.nodes[j].age = t0*FixedDs[j-s]/FixedDs[0];

   lnp = lnpriorTimes();

   for(i=0; i<g; i++) {
      data.rgene[i] = (i==0 ? FixedDs[0]/t0 : FixedDs[s-1+i-1]/t0);
      lnp += (data.rgenegamma[0]-1)*log(data.rgene[i]) - data.rgenegamma[1]*data.rgene[i];

   lnp += (2-s)*log(FixedDs[0]) + (s-g-2)*log(t0);  /* Jacobi */

   return (lnp);

double InfinitesitesClock (double *FixedDs)
/* This runs MCMC to calculate the posterior density of the root age 
   when there are infinite sites at each locus.  The clock is assumed, so that 
   the posterior is one-dimensional.
   int i,j, ir, nround=0, nsaved=0;
   int s=sptree.nspecies, g=data.ngene;
   double t, tnew, naccept=0;
   double e=mcmc.finetune[0], lnp, lnpnew, lnacceptance, c, *x, Pjump=0;
   double tmean, t025,t975, tL, tU;
   char timestr[32];

   matout2(F0, FixedDs, 1, s-1+g-1, 8, 4);
   printf("\nRunning MCMC to get %d samples for t0 (root age)\n", mcmc.nsample);
   lnp = lnpInfinitesitesClock(t, FixedDs);
   if(x==NULL) error2("oom x");

   for(ir=-mcmc.burnin,tmean=0; ir<mcmc.nsample*mcmc.sampfreq; ir++) {
      if(ir==0 || (ir<0 && ir%(mcmc.burnin/2)==0)) {
         nround=0; naccept=0; tmean=0; 
         ResetFinetuneSteps(NULL, &Pjump, &e, 1);
      lnacceptance = e*rndBactrian(mBactrian);
      c = exp(lnacceptance);
      tnew = t*c;
      lnpnew = lnpInfinitesitesClock(tnew, FixedDs);
      lnacceptance += lnpnew-lnp;

      if(lnacceptance>=0 || rndu()<exp(lnacceptance)) {
         t=tnew; lnp=lnpnew;  naccept++;
      tmean = (tmean*(nround-1)+t)/nround;

      if(ir>=0 && (ir+1)%mcmc.sampfreq==0)

      Pjump = naccept/nround;
      if((ir+1)%max2(mcmc.sampfreq, mcmc.sampfreq*mcmc.nsample/10000)==0)
         printf("\r%3.0f%%  %7.2f mean t0 = %9.6f", (ir+1.)/(mcmc.nsample*mcmc.sampfreq)*100, Pjump,tmean);
      if(mcmc.sampfreq*mcmc.nsample>20 && (ir+1)%(mcmc.sampfreq*mcmc.nsample/10)==0)
         printf(" %s\n", printtime(timestr));

   qsort(x, (size_t)mcmc.nsample, sizeof(double), comparedouble);
   t025 = x[(int)(mcmc.nsample*.025+.5)];
   t975 = x[(int)(mcmc.nsample*.975+.5)];

   /* Below x[] is used to collect the posterior means and 95% CIs */
   for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
      t = (i==0 ? tmean : (i==1 ? t025 : t975));
      lnpInfinitesitesClock(t, FixedDs);
      for(j=s; j<sptree.nnode; j++)
         x[i*(s+g)+(j-s)] = sptree.nodes[j].age;
      for(j=0; j<g; j++) 
         x[i*(s+g)+s-1+j] = data.rgene[j];
   printf("\nmean (95%% CI) CI-width for times\n\n");
   for(j=s; j<sptree.nnode; j++) {
      tL = x[(s+g)+j-s]; 
      tU = x[2*(s+g)+j-s];
      printf("Node %2d: %9.6f (%9.6f, %9.6f) %9.6f\n", j+1, x[j-s], tL, tU, tU-tL);
   printf("\nmean & 95%% CI for rates\n\n");
   for(j=0; j<g; j++)
      printf("gene %2d: %9.6f (%9.6f, %9.6f)\n", j+1,x[s-1+j], x[2*(s+g)+s-1+j], x[(s+g)+s-1+j]);

   printf("\nNote: the posterior has only one dimension.\n");

double lnpInfinitesites (double FixedDs[])
/* This calculates the log joint pdf, which is proportional to the posterior 
   when there are infinite sites at each locus.  The variables in the posterior 
   are node ages, rate r0 for root son0, and mu & sigma2.  
   FixedDs holds fixed distances locus by locus.  The algorithm assumes clock=2.
   int s=sptree.nspecies, g=data.ngene, locus,j;
   int root=sptree.root, *sons=sptree.nodes[root].sons;
   double lnJ, lnp, b, r0;  /* r0 is rate for root son0, fixed. */
   double t, t0=sptree.nodes[root].age - sptree.nodes[sons[0]].age;
   double t1=sptree.nodes[root].age - sptree.nodes[sons[1]].age;

   /* compute branch rates using times and branch lengths */
   for(locus=0; locus<g; locus++) {
      for(j=0; j<sptree.nnode; j++) {
         if(j==root || j==sons[0]) continue;  /* r0 is in the posterior */
         t = sptree.nodes[nodes[j].father].age - sptree.nodes[j].age;

         if(j==sons[1]) {
            sptree.nodes[j].rates[locus] = (b-r0*t0)/t1;
            if(r0<=0 || t1<=0 || b-r0*t0<=0) {
               printf("\nr0 = %.6f t1 = %.6f b-t0*t0 = %.6f", r0, t1, b-r0*t0);
               error2("r<=0 || t1<=0 || b-r0*t0<=0...");
            sptree.nodes[j].rates[locus] = FixedDs[locus*sptree.nnode+j]/t;
   if(debug==9) {
      printf("\n   (age tlength)        rates & branchlengths\n");
      for(j=0; j<sptree.nnode; j++,FPN(F0)) {
         t = (j==root? -1 : sptree.nodes[nodes[j].father].age - sptree.nodes[j].age);
         printf("%2d (%7.4f%9.4f)  ", j+1,sptree.nodes[j].age, t);
         for(locus=0; locus<g; locus++) printf(" %9.4f", sptree.nodes[j].rates[locus]);
         printf("  ");
         for(locus=0; locus<g; locus++) printf(" %9.4f", FixedDs[locus*sptree.nnode+j]);

   lnp =  lnpriorTimes() + lnpriorRates();
   for(j=0,lnJ=-log(t1); j<sptree.nnode; j++) 
      if(j!=root && j!=sons[0] && j!=sons[1])
         lnJ -= log(sptree.nodes[nodes[j].father].age - sptree.nodes[j].age);
   lnp += g*lnJ;

   return (lnp);

double Infinitesites (void)
/* This reads the fixed branch lengths and runs MCMC to calculate the posterior
   of times and rates when there are infinite sites at each locus.  
   This is implemented for the global clock model (clock = 1) and the 
   independent-rates model (clock = 2), but not for the correlated-rates 
   model (clock = 3).
   This uses mcmc.finetune[] to propose changes.

   For clock=2, the MCMC samples the following variables: 
       s-1 times, rate r0 for left root branch at each locus, 
       mu at each locus & sigma2 at each locus.
   int root=sptree.root, *sons=sptree.nodes[root].sons;
   int lline=10000, locus, nround, ir, i,j,k, ip,np, s=sptree.nspecies,g=data.ngene;
   int nxpr[2]={12,3};
   int MixingStep=1;
   char line[10000], timestr[36];
   double *e=mcmc.finetune, y, ynew, yb[2], naccept[4]={0}, Pjump[4]={0};
   double lnL, lnLnew, lnacceptance, c,lnc;
   double *x,*mx, *FixedDs,*b, maxt0,tson[2];
   char *FidedDf[2]={"FixedDsClock1.txt", "FixedDsClock23.txt"};
   FILE *fdin=gfopen(FidedDf[com.clock>1],"r"), *fmcmc=gfopen(com.mcmcf,"w");

   if(com.model!=0 || com.alpha!=0) error2("use JC69 for infinite data.");


   printf("\nInfiniteSites, reading fixed distance data from %s (s = %d  g = %d):\n\n", FidedDf[com.clock>1], s,g);
   np = s-1 + g + g + g;   /* times, rates, mu & sigma2 */
   FixedDs = (double*)malloc((g*sptree.nnode+np*2)*sizeof(double));
   if(FixedDs==NULL) error2("oom");
   x = FixedDs+g*sptree.nnode;  
   mx = x+np;
   fscanf(fdin, "%d", &i);
   if(i!=s) error2("wrong number of species in FixedDs.txt");

   if(data.pfossilerror[0]) {
      puts("model of fossil errors for infinite data not tested yet.");

   if(com.clock==1) { /* global clock: read FixedDs[] and close file. */
      for(i=0; i<s-1+g-1; i++) 
         fscanf(fdin, "%lf", &FixedDs[i]);
   for(locus=0,b=FixedDs,nodes=nodes_t; locus<g; locus++,b+=sptree.nnode) {
      OutTreeN(F0, 1, 1); FPN(F0);
         error2("use species tree for each locus!");
      for(j=0; j<sptree.nnode; j++) {
         if(j!=root && j!=sons[0] && j!=sons[1]) 

   printf("\nFixed distances at %d loci\n", g);
   for(j=0; j<sptree.nnode; j++,FPN(F0)) {
      printf("node %3d  ", j+1);
      for(locus=0; locus<g; locus++)
         printf(" %9.6f", FixedDs[locus*sptree.nnode+j]);

   for(i=0; i<g; i++) { /* reset r0 so that r0*t0<b0.  GetInitial is unsafe. */
      y = FixedDs[i*sptree.nnode+sons[0]]/(sptree.nodes[root].age-sptree.nodes[sons[0]].age);
      sptree.nodes[sons[0]].rates[i] = y*rndu();

   for(i=0; i<np; i++) mx[i]=0;
   for(i=0,k=0; i<sptree.nspecies-1; i++) x[k++]=sptree.nodes[s+i].age;
   for(i=0; i<g; i++) x[k++]=sptree.nodes[sons[0]].rates[i];
   for(i=0; i<g; i++) x[k++]=data.rgene[i];
   for(i=0; i<g; i++) x[k++]=data.sigma2[i];

   lnL = lnpInfinitesites(FixedDs);

   printf("\nStarting MCMC (np=%d) lnp = %9.3f\nInitials:            ", np, lnL);
   for(i=0; i<np; i++) printf(" %5.3f", x[i]);
   printf("\n\nparas: %d times, %d rates r0 (left daughter of root), %d mu, %d sigma2",s-1, g, g, g);
   printf("\nUsing finetune parameters from the control file\n");

   for(ir=-mcmc.burnin,nround=0; ir<mcmc.sampfreq*mcmc.nsample; ir++) {
      if(ir==0 || (ir<0 && ir%(mcmc.burnin/2)==0)) {
         nround=0; naccept[0]=naccept[1]=naccept[2]=naccept[3]=0;  zero(mx,;
         ResetFinetuneSteps(NULL, Pjump, mcmc.finetune, 4);
      for(ip=0; ip<np; ip++) {
         lnacceptance = 0;
         if(ip<s-1) {  /* times */
            y = sptree.nodes[s+ip].age;
            for(i=0; i<2; i++) tson[i] = sptree.nodes[sptree.nodes[s+ip].sons[i]].age;
            yb[0] = max2(tson[0], tson[1]);
            yb[1] = (s+ip==root ? OldAge : sptree.nodes[sptree.nodes[s+ip].father].age);
            if(s+ip==root) {
               for(i=0; i<g; i++) {
                  maxt0 = FixedDs[i*sptree.nnode+sons[0]]/sptree.nodes[sons[0]].rates[i];
                  yb[1] = min2(yb[1], tson[0]+maxt0);
            else if(s+ip==sons[0]) {
               for(i=0; i<g; i++) {
                  maxt0 = FixedDs[i*sptree.nnode+sons[0]]/sptree.nodes[sons[0]].rates[i];
                  yb[0] = max2(yb[0], sptree.nodes[root].age-maxt0);
            ynew = y + e[0]*rndBactrian(mBactrian);
            ynew = sptree.nodes[s+ip].age = reflect(ynew,yb[0],yb[1]);
         else if(ip-(s-1)<g) {    /* rate r0 for root son0 for loci (r0*t0<b0) */
            y = sptree.nodes[root].age-sptree.nodes[sons[0]].age;
               printf("age error");
            yb[0] = 0;
            yb[1] = FixedDs[(ip-(s-1))*sptree.nnode+sons[0]]/y;
            y = sptree.nodes[sons[0]].rates[ip-(s-1)];
            ynew = y + e[1]*rndBactrian(mBactrian);
            ynew = sptree.nodes[sons[0]].rates[ip-(s-1)] = reflect(ynew,yb[0],yb[1]);
         else if (ip-(s-1+g)<g) { /* mu for loci */
            lnacceptance = e[3]*rndBactrian(mBactrian);
            y = data.rgene[ip-(s-1+g)];
            ynew = data.rgene[ip-(s-1+g)] *= c;
            lnacceptance += logPriorRatioGamma(ynew, y, data.rgenegamma[0], data.rgenegamma[1]);
         else {                   /* sigma2 for loci */
            lnacceptance = e[3]*rndBactrian(mBactrian);
            y = data.sigma2[ip-(s-1+g*2)];
            ynew = data.sigma2[ip-(s-1+g*2)] *= c;
            lnacceptance += logPriorRatioGamma(ynew, y, data.sigma2gamma[0], data.sigma2gamma[1]);

         lnLnew = lnpInfinitesites(FixedDs);
         lnacceptance += lnLnew-lnL;

         if(lnacceptance>=0 || rndu()<exp(lnacceptance)) {
            x[ip]=ynew;  lnL=lnLnew;
            if(ip<s-1)         naccept[0]++;   /* times */
            else if(ip<s-1+g)  naccept[1]++;   /* rates */
            else               naccept[3]++;   /* mu, sigma2 */
         else {  /* reject */
            if(ip<s-1)                     /* times */
               sptree.nodes[s+ip].age = y;
            else if(ip-(s-1)<g)            /* rate r0 for root son0 */
               sptree.nodes[sons[0]].rates[ip-(s-1)] = y;
            else if (ip-(s-1+g)<g)         /* mu for loci */
               data.rgene[ip-(s-1+g)] = y;
            else                           /* sigma2 for loci */
               data.sigma2[ip-(s-1+g*2)] = y;

      if(MixingStep) {  /* this multiples times by c and divides r and mu by c. */
         lnc = e[2]*rndBactrian(mBactrian);
         c = exp(lnc);
         lnacceptance = (s - 1 - g - g)*(lnc);
         for(j=s; j<sptree.nnode; j++)  sptree.nodes[j].age *= c;
         for(i=0; i<g; i++)             sptree.nodes[sons[0]].rates[i] /= c;
         for(i=0; i<g; i++) {
            y = data.rgene[i]; 
            ynew = data.rgene[i] /= c;
            lnacceptance += logPriorRatioGamma(ynew, y, data.rgenegamma[0], data.rgenegamma[1]);
         lnLnew = lnpInfinitesites(FixedDs);
         lnacceptance += lnLnew-lnL;
         if(lnacceptance>=0 || rndu()<exp(lnacceptance)) {
            for(j=s; j<sptree.nnode; j++)  x[j-s]=sptree.nodes[j].age;
            for(i=0; i<g; i++)             x[s-1+i]=sptree.nodes[sons[0]].rates[i];
            for(i=0; i<g; i++)             x[s-1+g+i]=data.rgene[i];
         else {
            for(j=sptree.nspecies; j<sptree.nnode; j++)  sptree.nodes[j].age/=c;
            for(i=0; i<g; i++)  sptree.nodes[sons[0]].rates[i] *= c;
            for(i=0; i<g; i++)  data.rgene[i] *= c;
      for(i=0; i<np; i++) mx[i] = (mx[i]*(nround-1)+x[i])/nround;
      Pjump[0] = naccept[0]/((s-1)*nround);
      Pjump[1] = naccept[1]/(g*nround);
      Pjump[2] = naccept[2]/nround;
      Pjump[3] = naccept[3]/(g*2*nround);

      if((ir+1)%max2(mcmc.sampfreq, mcmc.sampfreq*mcmc.nsample/1000)==0) {
         printf("\r%3.0f%%", (ir+1.)/(mcmc.nsample*mcmc.sampfreq)*100.);
         printf(" %4.2f %4.2f %4.2f %4.2f  ", Pjump[0], Pjump[1], Pjump[2], Pjump[3]);
         if(np<nxpr[0]+nxpr[1]) { nxpr[0]; nxpr[1]=0; }
         for(j=0; j<nxpr[0]; j++) printf(" %5.3f", mx[j]);
         if(np>nxpr[0]+nxpr[1] && nxpr[1]) printf(" -");
         for(j=0; j<nxpr[1]; j++) printf(" %5.3f", mx[[1]+j]);
         printf(" %5.2f", lnL);

         if(ir>0) {
            fprintf(fmcmc, "%d", ir+1);
            for(i=0; i<np; i++) 
               fprintf(fmcmc, "\t%.5f", x[i]);  FPN(fmcmc);
      if(mcmc.sampfreq*mcmc.nsample>20 && (ir+1)%(mcmc.sampfreq*mcmc.nsample/20)==0)
         printf(" %s\n", printtime(timestr));

   printf("\nSummarizing MCMC results, time reset.\n");
   DescriptiveStatisticsSimpleMCMCTREE(NULL, com.mcmcf, 1);


int DownSptreeSetTime (int inode)
/* This goes down the species tree, from the root to the tips, to specify the 
   initial node ages.  If the age of inode is not set already, it will 
   initialize it.
   This is called by GetInitials().
   int j,ison, correctionnews=0;

   for (j=0; j<sptree.nodes[inode].nson; j++) {
      ison = sptree.nodes[inode].sons[j];
      if(sptree.nodes[ison].nson) {   /* ison is not tip */
         if(sptree.nodes[ison].age == -1) {
            sptree.nodes[ison].age = sptree.nodes[inode].age * (.6+.4*rndu());
            correctionnews ++;
         else if (sptree.nodes[ison].age > sptree.nodes[inode].age) {
            sptree.nodes[ison].age = sptree.nodes[inode].age * (0.95+0.5*rndu());
            correctionnews ++;
         correctionnews += DownSptreeSetTime(ison);

int GetInitials ()
/* This sets the initial values for starting the MCMC, and returns np, the 
   number of parameters in the MCMC, to be collected in collectx().
   The routine guarantees that each node age is younger than its ancestor's age.
   It does not check the consistency of divergence times against the fossil 
   constraints.  As the model assumes soft bounds, any divergence times are 
   possible, even though this means that the chain might start from a poor 
   int np=0, i,j,k, jj, dad, nchanges, g=data.ngene;
   double maxlower=0; /* rough age for root */
   double *p=sptree.nodes[sptree.root].pfossil, smallt=(p[1]-p[0])/(40*sqrt(sptree.nspecies));
   double a_r=data.rgenegamma[0], b_r=data.rgenegamma[1], a,b, smallr=1e-3, d;
   double AgeLow[NS]={0}, tz;

   com.rgene[0]=-1;  /* com.rgene[] is not used.  -1 to force crash */
   puts("\ngetting initial values to start MCMC.");

   if(com.TipDate) {  /* TipDate model */
      /* set up initial node ages by looking at the minimum ages at each node */
      if(sptree.nodes[sptree.root].fossil == BOUND_F)
         sptree.nodes[sptree.root].age = p[0] + (p[1]-p[0])*rndu();
         error2("\nthere should be something on the root age for the TipDate model\n");

      for(j=0; j<sptree.nspecies; j++) {
         tz = sptree.nodes[j].age;
         for(k=sptree.nodes[j].father; k!=-1; k=sptree.nodes[k].father)
            if(tz < AgeLow[k-sptree.nspecies]) 
               AgeLow[k-sptree.nspecies] = tz;
      for(j=sptree.nspecies+1; j<sptree.nnode; j++) {
         jj = j-sptree.nspecies;
         sptree.nodes[j].age = AgeLow[jj] + (sptree.nodes[sptree.nodes[j].father].age - AgeLow[jj])*(0.5+0.5*rndu());

      for(i=0; i<1000; i++) {
         for(j=0,nchanges=0; j<sptree.nspecies; j++)  {
            for(k=j; k!=sptree.root; k=dad) {
               dad = sptree.nodes[k].father;
               if(sptree.nodes[dad].age <= sptree.nodes[k].age) {
                  sptree.nodes[dad].age = max2(sptree.nodes[k].age, smallt) * (1 + smallt*0.1*rndu());
                  nchanges ++;
         if(nchanges) puts("nchanges should be 0 here??");
         if(!nchanges) break;
      if(sptree.nodes[sptree.root].fossil == BOUND_F) {
         if(sptree.nodes[sptree.root].age<p[0]) {
            sptree.nodes[sptree.root].age = p[0] + (p[1]-p[0])*rndu();

   else {             /* not TipDate model */
      /* set up initial node ages by looking at the fossil info */
      for(j=sptree.nspecies; j<sptree.nnode; j++)  {
         sptree.nodes[j].age = -1;
         if(sptree.nodes[j].fossil == 0) continue;
         p = sptree.nodes[j].pfossil;

         if(sptree.nodes[j].fossil == LOWER_F) {
            sptree.nodes[j].age = p[0] * (1.1+0.2*rndu());
            maxlower = max2(maxlower, p[0]);
         else if(sptree.nodes[j].fossil == UPPER_F)
            sptree.nodes[j].age = p[1] * (0.6+0.4*rndu());
         else if(sptree.nodes[j].fossil == BOUND_F) {
            sptree.nodes[j].age = p[0] + (p[1] - p[0])*(0.2+rndu()*1.6);
            maxlower = max2(maxlower, p[0]);
         else if(sptree.nodes[j].fossil == GAMMA_F) {
            sptree.nodes[j].age = p[0]/p[1]*(0.7+rndu()*0.6);
            maxlower = max2(maxlower, QuantileGamma(0.025, p[0], p[1]));
         else if(sptree.nodes[j].fossil == SKEWN_F || sptree.nodes[j].fossil == SKEWT_F) {
            d = p[2]/sqrt(1+p[2]*p[2]);
            a = p[0] + p[1]*d*sqrt(2/Pi);
            sptree.nodes[j].age = a * (0.6+0.4*rndu());
            maxlower = max2(maxlower, a*(1.2+2*rndu()));
         else if(sptree.nodes[j].fossil == S2N_F) {
            d = p[3]/sqrt(1+p[3]*p[3]);
            a = (p[1] + p[2]*d*sqrt(2/Pi));   /* mean of SN 1 */
            d = p[6]/sqrt(1+p[6]*p[6]);
            b = (p[4] + p[5]*d*sqrt(2/Pi));   /* mean of SN 2 */
            sptree.nodes[j].age = (p[0]*a + b) * (0.6+0.4*rndu());
            maxlower = max2(maxlower, (p[0]*a + b)*(1.2+2*rndu()));

      if(sptree.nodes[sptree.root].age == -1) {
         maxlower = max2(maxlower, sptree.RootAge[0]);
         sptree.nodes[sptree.root].age = min2(maxlower*1.5, sptree.RootAge[1]) * (.7+.6*rndu());
      for(i=0; i<1000; i++) {
         if(DownSptreeSetTime(sptree.root) == 0)
   if(i==1000) {
      error2("Starting times are unfeasible!\nTry again.");
   /* initial mu (mean rates) for genes */
   np = sptree.nspecies-1 + g;
   for(i=0; i<g; i++)
      data.rgene[i] = smallr + rndgamma(a_r)/b_r;   /* mu */

   if(com.clock>1) {               /* sigma2, rates for nodes or branches */
      np += g + g*(sptree.nnode-1);

      /* sigma2 in lnrates among loci */
      for(i=0; i<g; i++)
         data.sigma2[i] = rndgamma(data.sigma2gamma[0]) / data.sigma2gamma[1] + smallr;
      /* rates at nodes */
      for(j=0; j<sptree.nnode; j++) {
         if(j==sptree.root) {
            for(i=0; i<g; i++)  sptree.nodes[j].rates[i] = -99;
         else {
            for(i=0; i<g; i++) {
               sptree.nodes[j].rates[i] = smallr + rndgamma(a_r)/b_r;

   /* set up substitution parameters */
   if(mcmc.usedata==1) {
      for(i=0; i<g; i++)
         if(com.model>=K80 && !com.fix_kappa) {
            data.kappa[i] = rndgamma(data.kappagamma[0])/data.kappagamma[1]+0.5;
      for(i=0; i<g; i++)
         if(!com.fix_alpha) {  
            data.alpha[i] = rndgamma(data.alphagamma[0])/data.alphagamma[1]+0.1;

   if(data.pfossilerror[0]) {
      a = data.pfossilerror[0];
      b = data.pfossilerror[1];
      data.Pfossilerr = a/(a+b)*(0.4+0.6*rndu());
      np ++;


int collectx (FILE* fout, double x[])
/* this collects parameters into x[] for printing and summarizing.
   It returns the number of parameters.

     clock=1: times, rates for genes, kappa, alpha
     clock=0: times, rates or rates by node by gene, sigma2, rho_ij, kappa, alpha
   int i,j, np=0, g=data.ngene;
   static int firsttime=1;

   if(firsttime && fout)  fprintf(fout, "Gen");
   for(i=sptree.nspecies; i<sptree.nspecies*2-1; i++) {
      if(firsttime && fout)  fprintf(fout, "\tt_n%d", i+1);
      x[np++] = sptree.nodes[i].age;
   for(i=0; i<g; i++) {
      if(firsttime && fout) {
         if(g>1) fprintf(fout, "\tmu%d", i+1);
         else    fprintf(fout, "\tmu");
      x[np++] = data.rgene[i];
   if(com.clock>1) {
      for(i=0; i<g; i++) {
         if(firsttime && fout)  {
            if(g>1)  fprintf(fout, "\tsigma2_%d", i+1);
            else     fprintf(fout, "\tsigma2");
         x[np++] = data.sigma2[i];
      for(i=0; i<g; i++) {
         for(j=0; j<sptree.nnode; j++) {
            if(j==sptree.root) continue;
            if(firsttime && fout) {
               if(g>1) fprintf(fout, "\tr_g%d_n%d", i+1, j+1);
               else    fprintf(fout, "\tr_n%d", j+1);
            x[np++] = sptree.nodes[j].rates[i];
   if(mcmc.usedata==1) {
         for(i=0; i<g; i++) {
            if(firsttime && fout) {
               if(g>1) fprintf(fout, "\tkappa_%d", i+1);
               else    fprintf(fout, "\tkappa");
            x[np++] = data.kappa[i];

         for(i=0; i<g; i++) {
            if(firsttime && fout) {
               if(g>1) fprintf(fout, "\talpha_%d", i+1);
               else    fprintf(fout, "\talpha");
            x[np++] = data.alpha[i];
   if(data.pfossilerror[0]) {
      if(firsttime && fout)  fprintf(fout, "\tpFossilErr");
      x[np++] = data.Pfossilerr;

   if(np! {
      printf("np in collectx is %d != %d\n", np,;
      if(!mcmc.usedata && (com.model || com.alpha)) printf("\nUse JC69 for no data");
   if(firsttime && fout && mcmc.usedata) fprintf(fout, "\tlnL");
   if(firsttime && fout) fprintf(fout, "\n");


double lnpriorTimesBDS_Approach1 (void)
/* Approach 1 or Theorem #.# in Stadler & Yang (2013 Syst Biol).  Based on Tanja's notes of 27 July 2011.
   This calculates g(z*), which is constant throughout the MCMC, and thus wastes time. 
   int j, k;
   double lambda=data.BDS[0], mu=data.BDS[1], rho=data.BDS[2], psi=data.BDS[3];
   double lnp=0, t, t1=sptree.nodes[sptree.root].age, gt, gt1, a, e, c1, c2;
   double zstar, z0, z1;

   if(com.ndata>1 && com.TipDate) 
      error2("don't know how ndata works with TipDate.");
   if(lambda<=0 || mu<0 || (rho<=0 && psi<=0))
      error2("B-D-S parameters:\n lambda > 0, mu >= 0, either rho > 0 or psi > 0");

   /* if(psi==0) the density is the same as in YR1997 */
   if(psi==0 && fabs(lambda-mu)<1e-20) {
      c1 = 1/t1 + rho*lambda;
      for(j=sptree.nspecies; j<sptree.nnode; j++)
         if(j != sptree.root) {
            c2 = 1 + rho*lambda*sptree.nodes[j].age;
            lnp += log(c1/(c2*c2));
   else if(psi==0 && fabs(lambda-mu)>1e-20) {
      a = lambda - rho*lambda - mu;
      e = exp((mu - lambda)*t1);
      c1 = (rho*lambda + a*e)/(1 - e);
      if(fabs(1-e) < 1E-100)
         printf("e too close to 1..");
      /* a & c1 are constant over loop */
      for(j=sptree.nspecies; j<sptree.nnode; j++)
         if(j!=sptree.root) {
            e = exp((mu - lambda)*sptree.nodes[j].age);
            c2 = (lambda-mu)/(rho*lambda + a*e);
            c2 *= c2*e*c1;
            if(c2 < 1E-300 || c2>1E300)
               printf("c2 not numeric.");
            lnp += log(c2);
   else {
      c1 = sqrt(square(lambda - mu - psi) + 4*lambda*psi);
      c2 = -(lambda - mu - 2*lambda*rho - psi)/c1;
      gt1 = 1/( exp(-c1*t1)*(1-c2) + (1+c2) );
      if(gt1<-1E-300 || gt1>1E300)
         printf("gt1 not numeric.");

      for(j=sptree.nspecies; j<sptree.nnode; j++)  {
         if(j==sptree.root) continue;
         for(k=sptree.nodes[j].sons[0]; k>=sptree.nspecies; k=sptree.nodes[k].sons[1]) ;
         z0 = sptree.nodes[k].age;
         /* printf("node %2d z[%d] = %7.4f ", j+1, k+1, z0); */
         for(k=sptree.nodes[j].sons[1]; k>=sptree.nspecies; k=sptree.nodes[k].sons[0]) ;
         z1 = sptree.nodes[k].age;
         zstar = max2(z0, z1);
         /* printf("z[%d] = %7.4f -> %7.4f\n", k+1, z1, zstar); */

         zstar = 1/( exp(-c1*zstar)*(1-c2) + (1+c2) );

         t = sptree.nodes[j].age;
         gt = exp(-c1*t)*(1-c2) + (1+c2);  
         lnp += -c1*t + log( c1*(1-c2) / (gt*gt*(gt1 - zstar)) );

   /* prior on t1 */
   if(sptree.nodes[sptree.nspecies].fossil != BOUND_F)
      error2("Only bounds for the root age are implemented.");
   lnp += lnptCalibrationDensity(t1, sptree.nodes[sptree.nspecies].fossil, sptree.nodes[sptree.nspecies].pfossil);


double logqtp0_BDS_Approach2 (double t, double lambda, double mu, double rho, double psi, double *p0t)
/* This calculates p0t and log(qt) for Approach 2 of Stadler & Yang (2013 Syst Biol).
   double c1, c2, e=0, r, logqt;

   if(psi==0 && fabs(lambda-mu)<=1e-20) {
      r = 1 + rho*lambda*t;
      *p0t = 1 - rho/(1 + rho*lambda*t);
      logqt = log(4*r*r);
   else if(psi==0 && fabs(lambda-mu)>1e-20) {
      e = exp((mu - lambda)*t);
      r = (rho*lambda + (lambda-rho*lambda-mu)*e) / (lambda-mu);
      *p0t = 1 - rho*(lambda - mu)/(rho*lambda + (lambda-rho*lambda-mu)*e);
      logqt = log(4*r*r) - (mu - lambda)*t;
   else {
      c1 = sqrt(square(lambda - mu - psi) + 4*lambda*psi);
      if(c1==0) error2("c1==0");
      c2 = -(lambda - mu - 2*lambda*rho - psi)/c1;
      e = exp(-c1*t);
      r = (e*(1-c2) - (1+c2)) / (e*(1-c2) + (1+c2));

      *p0t = (lambda + mu + psi + c1*r) / (2*lambda);
      logqt = c1*t;
      logqt += log( e*e*square(1-c2) + e*2*(1-c2*c2) + square(1+c2) );
      printf("lmrp %8.4f %8.4f %7.4f %7.4f t=%7.4f p0 logqt= %7.4f %7.4e\n", lambda, mu, rho, psi, t, *p0t, logqt);

double lnpriorTimesTipDate_Approach2 (void)
/* Approach 2 of Stadler & Yang (2013 Syst Biol).  The BDS parameters are assumed to be fixed.
   This ignores terms involving y, which are constants when the BDSS parameters are fixed.
   t1 is root age.
   int i, m=0, n=sptree.nspecies, k=0;
   double lambda=data.BDS[0], mu=data.BDS[1], rho=data.BDS[2], psi=data.BDS[3];
   double lnp=0, t1=sptree.nodes[sptree.root].age, p0, p1, logqt, logqt1, p0t1, z, e;

   if(com.ndata>1 && com.TipDate) 
      error2("don't know how ndata works with TipDate.");

   if(rho==0) {
      m = sptree.nspecies;  n = 0;
   else if(com.TipDate) {
      for(i=0,m=0; i<sptree.nspecies; i++)
         m += (sptree.nodes[i].age > 0);
      n = sptree.nspecies - m;

   if(lambda<=0 || mu<0 || (rho<=0 && psi<=0))
      error2("wrong B-D-S parameters");
   if(rho>0 && n<2)
      error2("we want more than 2 extant sampled species");

   /* the numerator f(x, z | L(tmrca) = 2).   */
   logqt1 = logqtp0_BDS_Approach2(t1, lambda, mu, rho, psi, &p0t1);
   lnp -= 2*logqt1;
   for(i=sptree.nspecies; i<sptree.nnode; i++) { /* loop over n+m-1 internal node ages except t1  */
      if(i == sptree.root)  continue;
      logqt = logqtp0_BDS_Approach2(sptree.nodes[i].age, lambda, mu, rho, psi, &p0);
      lnp -= logqt;

   /* the denominator, h(tmrca, n) */
   if(rho) {
      if(fabs(lambda-mu-psi) > 1e-20) {
         e = exp(-(lambda - mu - psi)*t1);   /* this causes overflow for large t */
         z = lambda*rho + (lambda - lambda*rho - mu - psi)*e;
         p1 = rho*square(lambda - mu - psi)*e/(z*z);
            printf("lnpriorTimesTipDate: p1 = %.6f <=0 (t1 = %9.5g)\n", p1, t1);
         lnp -= log(p1*p1);
         if(n>2) {
            z = rho*lambda*(1 - e)/z;
               printf("z = %.4f < 0\n", z);
            lnp -= (n - 2)*log(z);
      else {
         if(n<=1) error2("we don't like n <= 1");
         if(n>2) lnp -= (n - 2)*log(t1);
         lnp += (n + 2)*log(1 + rho*lambda*t1);
   else {  /* rho = 0 for viruses */
      lnp -= 2*log(1 - p0t1);

   /* prior on t1 */
   if(sptree.nodes[sptree.nspecies].fossil != BOUND_F)
      error2("Only bounds for the root age are implemented.");
   lnp += lnptCalibrationDensity(t1, sptree.nodes[sptree.nspecies].fossil, sptree.nodes[sptree.nspecies].pfossil);


double p01t_BDSEquation6Stadler2010 (double t, double lambda, double mu, double rho, double psi, double *p0t)
/* This calculates p0t and p1t, defined in equations 1 & 2 in Stadler (2010).
   double c1, c2, e, r, p1t;

   if(fabs(lambda-mu)<1e-20 && psi==0) {
      r = 1/(1/rho + lambda*t);
      *p0t = 1 - r;
      p1t = r*r/rho;
   else if(fabs(lambda-mu)>1e-20 && psi==0) {
      e = exp((mu - lambda)*t);
      r = rho*(lambda-mu) / (rho*lambda + (lambda-mu-rho*lambda)*e);
      *p0t = 1 - r;
      p1t = r*r/rho*e;
   else {
      c1 = sqrt(square(lambda - mu - psi) + 4*lambda*psi);
      if(c1==0) error2("c1==0");
      c2 = -(lambda - mu - 2*lambda*rho - psi)/c1;
      e = exp(-c1*t);
      r = (e*(1-c2) - (1+c2)) / (e*(1-c2) + (1+c2));

      *p0t = (lambda + mu + psi + c1*r) / (2*lambda);
      p1t = 4*rho/( 2*(1-c2*c2) + e*square(1-c2) + square(1+c2)/e );

   /* printf("lmrp %8.6f %8.6f %7.4f %7.4f t=%7.4f p01= %7.4f %7.4f\n", lambda, mu, rho, psi, t, *p0t, p1t); */


double lnpriorTimesTipDateEquation6Stadler2010 (void)
/* Equation 6 in Stadler T. 2010. Sampling-through-time in birth-death trees. 
   J Theor Biol 267:396-404.
   t1 is root age.
   int i, m, n, k=0;
   double lambda=data.BDS[0], mu=data.BDS[1], rho=data.BDS[2], psi=data.BDS[3];
   double lnp=0, t, t1=sptree.nodes[sptree.root].age, p0, p1, z, e;
   double a, b, tailL, tailR, thetaL, thetaR;

   if(com.ndata>1 && com.TipDate) 
      error2("don't know how ndata works with TipDate.");

   if(lambda<=0 || mu<=0 || (rho<=0 && psi<=0))
      error2("wrong B-D-S parameters..");
   for(i=0,m=0; i<sptree.nspecies; i++)
      m += (sptree.nodes[i].age > 0);
   n = sptree.nspecies - m;

   if(n>2) {
         z = 1 + 1/(rho*lambda*t1);
      else {
         e = exp((mu-lambda)*t1);
         z = (lambda*rho + (lambda-mu-lambda*rho)*e) / (rho*lambda*(1-e));
      lnp = (n-2)*log(z*z);
   if(n>1) {
      p1 = p01t_BDSEquation6Stadler2010(t1, lambda, mu, rho, 0, &p0);
      lnp -= log((n-1)*p1*p1);
   /*  this term is constant when the BDS parameters are fixed.
   lnp += (n+m-2)*log(lambda) + (k+m)*log(psi);

   p1 = p01t_BDSEquation6Stadler2010(t1, lambda, mu, rho, psi, &p0);
   lnp += 2*log(p1);
   for(i=sptree.nspecies; i<sptree.nnode; i++)  /* loop over n+m-1 internal node ages except t1  */
      if(i != sptree.root) 
         lnp += log( p01t_BDSEquation6Stadler2010(sptree.nodes[i].age, lambda, mu, rho, psi, &p0) );

   /* the y terms do not change when the BDS parameters are fixed.
   for(i=0; i<sptree.nspecies; i++) {
      if( (t=sptree.nodes[i].age) ) {
         p1 = p01t_BDSEquation6Stadler2010(t, lambda, mu, rho, psi, &p0);
         lnp += log(p0/p1);

   /* prior on t1 */
   if(sptree.nodes[sptree.nspecies].fossil != BOUND_F)
      error2("Only bounds for the root age are implemented.");
   lnp += lnptCalibrationDensity(t1, sptree.nodes[sptree.nspecies].fossil, sptree.nodes[sptree.nspecies].pfossil);

#define P0t_YR07(expmlt) (rho*(lambda-mu)/(rho*lambda +(lambda*(1-rho)-mu)*expmlt))

double lnPDFkernelBDS_YR07 (double t, double t1, double vt1, double lambda, double mu, double rho)
/* this calculates the log of the pdf of the BDS kernel.
   double lnp, mlt=(mu-lambda)*t, expmlt, small=1e-20;

      lnp = log( (1 + rho*lambda*t1)/(t1*square(1 + rho*lambda*t)) );
   else {
      expmlt = exp(mlt);
      lnp = P0t_YR07(expmlt);
      if(lnp<0) puts("this should not be negative, in lnPDFkernelBDS_YR07");
      lnp = log( lnp*lnp * lambda/(vt1*rho) * expmlt );

double CDFkernelBDS_YR07 (double t, double t1, double vt1, double lambda, double mu, double rho)
/* this calculates the CDF for the kernel density from the BDS model
   double cdf, expmlt, small=1e-20;

   if(fabs(lambda - mu)<small)
      cdf = (1 + rho*lambda*t1)*t/(t1*(1 + rho*lambda*t));
   else {
      expmlt = exp((mu - lambda)*t);
      if(expmlt < 1e10)
         cdf = rho*lambda/vt1 * (1 - expmlt)/(rho*lambda + (lambda*(1 - rho) - mu)*expmlt);
      else {
         expmlt = 1/expmlt;
         cdf = rho*lambda/vt1 * (expmlt - 1)/(rho*lambda*expmlt +(lambda*(1 - rho) - mu));

double lnPDFkernelBeta (double t, double t1, double p, double q)
/* This calculates the PDF for the beta kernel.
   The normalizing constant is calculated outside this routine.
   double lnp, x=t/t1;

   if(x<0 || x>1) error2("t outside of range (0, t1)");
   lnp = (p - 1)*log(x) + (q - 1)*log(1 - x);
   lnp -= log(t1);

double lnptNCgiventC (void)
/* This calculates f_BDS(tNC|tC), the conditional probability of no-calibration 
   node ages given calibration node ages, that is, the first term in equation 3 
   in Yang & Rannala (2006).  This is called by lnpriorTimes().  

   The beta kernel is added on 5 October 2009, specified by data.priortime=1.

   The routine uses sptree.nodes[].pfossil, sptree.nodes[].fossil,
   and lambda, mu, rho from the birth-death process with species sampling 
   It sorts the node ages in the species tree and then uses the 
   birth-death prior conditional on the calibration points.  
   t[0] is t1 in Yang & Rannala (2006).

   rankt[3]=1 means that the 3rd yougest age is node number ns+1.  This is set up
   for the calibration nodes only, = -1 for non-calibration nodes.  First we collect 
   all times into t[] and sort them. Next we collect all calibration times into tc[]
   and sort them.  Third, we find the ranks of calibration times in tc[], that is, 
   i1, i2, ..., ic in YB06.

   The term for root is not in this routine.  The root is excluded from the ranking.
   int  i,j,k, n1=sptree.nspecies-1, rankprev, nfossil=0;
   int  ranktc[MaxNFossils]; /* ranks of calibration nodes */
   double t[NS-1], tc[MaxNFossils], t1=sptree.nodes[sptree.root].age;
   double lnpt=0, expmlt=1, vt1, P0t1, cdf, cdfprev, small=1e-20;
   double lambda=data.BDS[0], mu=data.BDS[1], rho=data.BDS[2];
   double p=data.BDS[0], q=data.BDS[1], lnbeta=0;
   int debug=0;

   /* (A) Calculate f(tNC), joint of the non-calibration node ages.
          The root age is excluded, so the loop starts from j = 1.
          In the calculation of (eq.9)/(eq.11), (s - 2)! cancels out, as does 
          the densities g(t_i_1) etc. in eq.11.  After cancellation, only the 
          densities of the non-calibration node ages remain in eq.9.
   if(data.priortime==0) {  /* BDS kernel */
      if(rho<0) error2("rho < 0");
      /* vt1 is needed only if (lambda != mu) */
      if(fabs(lambda-mu)>small) {
         expmlt= exp((mu - lambda)*t1);
         P0t1  = P0t_YR07(expmlt);
         vt1   = 1 - P0t1/rho*expmlt;
      else {
         P0t1 = rho/(1+rho*mu*t1);
         vt1  = mu*t1*P0t1;

      for(j=1,lnpt=0; j<n1; j++) {
         k = sptree.nspecies+j;
         if(!sptree.nodes[k].usefossil)   /* non-calibration node age */
            lnpt += lnPDFkernelBDS_YR07(sptree.nodes[k].age, t1, vt1, lambda, mu, rho);
   else {                   /* beta kernel */
      lnbeta = LnGamma(p) + LnGamma(q) - LnGamma(p+q);
      for(j=1,lnpt=0; j<n1; j++) {
         k = sptree.nspecies+j;
         if(!sptree.nodes[k].usefossil)   /* non-calibration node age */
            lnpt += lnPDFkernelBeta(sptree.nodes[k].age, t1, p, q) + lnbeta;

   /* (B) Divide by f(tC), marginal of calibration node ages (eq.9/eq.11).  
      This goes through the calibration nodes in the order of their ages, 
      with sorted node ages stored in tc[].
   for(j=sptree.nspecies; j<sptree.nnode; j++) {
      t[j-sptree.nspecies] = sptree.nodes[j].age;
      if(j!=sptree.root && sptree.nodes[j].usefossil) 
         tc[nfossil++] = sptree.nodes[j].age;
   if(nfossil>MaxNFossils) error2("raise MaxNFossils?");

   if(nfossil) {
      /* The only reason for sorting t[] is to construct ranktc[].  */
      qsort(t,  (size_t)n1, sizeof(double), comparedouble);
      qsort(tc, (size_t)nfossil, sizeof(double), comparedouble);

      for(i=j=0; i<nfossil; i++) {
         if(i) j = ranktc[i-1]+1;
         for( ; j<n1; j++)
            if(tc[i]<t[j]) break;
         ranktc[i] = j;
      if(debug==1) {
         matout2(F0, t, 1, n1, 9, 5);
         matout2(F0, tc, 1, nfossil, 9, 5);
         for(i=0; i<nfossil; i++) 
            printf("%9d", ranktc[i]);  

   for(i=0,rankprev=0,cdfprev=0; i<nfossil+1; i++) {
      if(i < nfossil) {
         if(data.priortime==0)   /* BDS kernel */
            cdf = CDFkernelBDS_YR07(tc[i], t1, vt1, lambda, mu, rho);
         else                    /* beta kernel */
            cdf = CDFBeta(tc[i]/t1, p, q, lnbeta);

         k = ranktc[i] - rankprev - 1;
      else {
         cdf = 1;
         k = n1 - rankprev - 1;
      if(k > 0) {
         if(cdf <= cdfprev) error2("cdf diff<0 in lnptNCgiventC");
         lnpt += LnGamma(k+1.0) - k*log(cdf - cdfprev);
      rankprev = ranktc[i];
      cdfprev = cdf;
   if(debug==1) printf("\npdf = %.12f\n", exp(lnpt));

double t1=sptree.nodes[4].age, t2=sptree.nodes[5].age, t3=sptree.nodes[6].age, Gt2, Gt3;
Gt2 = CDFkernelBDS_YR07(t2, t1, vt1, lambda, mu, rho);
Gt3 = CDFkernelBDS_YR07(t3, t1, vt1, lambda, mu, rho);
if(sptree.nodes[5].usefossil==0 && sptree.nodes[6].usefossil==0)
   lnpt += log(1.0/2);
if(sptree.nodes[5].usefossil==1 && sptree.nodes[6].usefossil==0)
   if(t3<t2) lnpt += log(Gt2);
   else      lnpt += log(1-Gt2);
if(sptree.nodes[5].usefossil==0 && sptree.nodes[6].usefossil==1)
   if(t2<t3) lnpt += log(Gt3);
   else      lnpt += log(1-Gt3);

   return (lnpt);

double lnptCalibrationDensity(double t, int fossil, double p[7])
/* This calculates the log of calibration density
   double lnpt, a=p[0], b=p[1], thetaL, thetaR, tailL=99, tailR=99, s,z, t0,P,c,A;

   switch(fossil) {
   case (LOWER_F):  /* truncated Cauchy C(a(1+p), s^2). tL = a. */
      P = p[1];
      c = p[2];
      tailL = p[3];
      t0 = a*(1+P);
      s  = a*c;
      A = 0.5 + 1/Pi*atan(P/c);
      if (t>a) {
         z = (t-t0)/s;
         lnpt = log((1-tailL)/(Pi*A*s*(1 + z*z)));
      else {
         z = P/c;
         thetaL = (1/tailL-1) / (Pi*A*c*(1 + z*z));
         lnpt = log(tailL*thetaL/a) + (thetaL-1)*log(t/a);
   case (UPPER_F):
      /* equation (16) in Yang and Rannala (2006) */
      tailR = p[2];
         lnpt = log((1-tailR)/b);
      else {
         thetaR = (1-tailR)/(tailR*b);
         lnpt = log(tailR*thetaR) - thetaR*(t-b);
   case (BOUND_F): 
      tailL = p[2];
      tailR = p[3];
      if(t>a && t<b)
         lnpt = log((1-tailL-tailR)/(b-a));
      else if(t<a) {
         thetaL = (1-tailL-tailR)*a/(tailL*(b-a));
         lnpt = log(tailL*thetaL/a) + (thetaL-1)*log(t/a);
      else {
         thetaR = (1-tailL-tailR)/(tailR*(b-a));
         lnpt = log(tailR*thetaR) - thetaR*(t-b);
   case (GAMMA_F):
      lnpt = a*log(b)-b*t+(a-1)*log(t)-LnGamma(a);
   case (SKEWN_F):
      lnpt = log(PDFSkewN(t, p[0], p[1], p[2]));
   case (SKEWT_F):
      lnpt = log(PDFSkewT(t, p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]));
   case (S2N_F):
      a = PDFSkewN(t, p[1], p[2], p[3]);
      b = PDFSkewN(t, p[4], p[5], p[6]);
      lnpt = log(p[0]*a + b);

double lnptC (void)
/* This calculates the prior density of times at calibration nodes as specified 
   by the fossil calibration information, the second term in equation 3 in 
   Yang & Rannala (2006).  
   a=tL, b=tU.

   The term for root is always calculated in this routine.  
   If there is a fossil at root and if it is a lower bound, it is re-set to a 
   pair of bounds.
   int i,j, nfossil=0, fossil;
   double p[7], t, lnpt=0;
   int debug=0;

   /* RootAge[] will cause sptree.nodes[sptree.root].fossil to be set before this routine. */
   if(sptree.nfossil==0 && sptree.nodes[sptree.root].fossil==0)

   for(j=sptree.nspecies; j<sptree.nnode; j++) {
      if(j!=sptree.root && !sptree.nodes[j].usefossil) 
      t = sptree.nodes[j].age;
      fossil = sptree.nodes[j].fossil;
      for(i=0; i<7; i++) p[i] = sptree.nodes[j].pfossil[i];

      if(j!=sptree.root || (sptree.nodes[j].usefossil && fossil!=LOWER_F)) {
            p[3] = sptree.nodes[j].pfossil[3];
         else if(fossil==UPPER_F)
            p[2] = sptree.nodes[j].pfossil[2];
         else if(fossil==BOUND_F) {
            p[2] = sptree.nodes[j].pfossil[2];
            p[3] = sptree.nodes[j].pfossil[3];
      else if(!sptree.nodes[j].usefossil) {  /* root fossil absent or deleted, using RootAge */
         p[0] = sptree.RootAge[0];
         p[1] = sptree.RootAge[1];
         if(sptree.RootAge[0]>0) {
            fossil = BOUND_F;
            p[2] = sptree.RootAge[2];
            p[3] = sptree.RootAge[3];
         else {
            fossil = UPPER_F;
            p[2] = sptree.RootAge[2];
      else if (fossil==LOWER_F) {
         /* root fossil is L.  B(a,b,tailL, tailR) is used.  p & c ignored. */
         fossil = BOUND_F;
         p[1] = sptree.RootAge[1];
         p[3] = sptree.nodes[j].pfossil[3];
         p[2] = (sptree.RootAge[0]>0 ? sptree.RootAge[3] : sptree.RootAge[2]);

      lnpt += lnptCalibrationDensity(t, fossil, p);

double getScaleFossilCombination (void);

double getScaleFossilCombination (void)
/* This uses Monte Carlo integration to calculate the normalizing constant for the 
   joint prior on fossil times, when some fossils are assumed to be in error and not
   used.  The constant is the integral of the density over the feasible region, where
   the times satisfy the age constraints on the tree.
   It is assumed that the ancestral nodes have smaller node numbers than descendent 
   nodes, as is the case if the node numbers are assigned by ReadTreeN().
   nfs = nfossilused if a fossil is used for the root or nfs = nfossilused + 1 
   if otherwise.
   CLower[] contains constants for lower bounds, to avoid duplicated computation.
   int nrepl=5000000, ir, i,j,k, nfs,ifs[MaxNFossils]={0}, feasible;
   int root=sptree.root, rootfossil = sptree.nodes[root].fossil, fossil;
   signed char ConstraintTab[MaxNFossils][MaxNFossils]={{0}};  /* 1: row>col; 0: irrelevant */
   double C, sC, accept, mt[MaxNFossils]={0}, t[MaxNFossils], *pfossil[MaxNFossils], pfossilroot[4];
   double importance, CLower[MaxNFossils][3];
   double sNormal=1, r, thetaL, thetaR, a, b, c,p,s,A,zc,zn, tailL,tailR;
   int debug=1;

   /* Set up constraint table */
   for(i=sptree.nspecies,nfs=0; i<sptree.nnode; i++) {
      if(i==root || sptree.nodes[i].usefossil) 
         ifs[nfs++] = i;
   for(i=1; i<nfs; i++) {
      for(j=0; j<i; j++) {
         for(k=ifs[i]; k!=-1; k=sptree.nodes[k].father) {
            if(k == ifs[j]) { ConstraintTab[i][j] = 1; break; }
   if(debug) {
      for(i=0; i<nfs; i++) {
         printf("\n%d (%2d %s): ", i+1, ifs[i]+1, fossils[sptree.nodes[ifs[i]].fossil]);
         for(j=0; j<i; j++)
            printf("%4d", ConstraintTab[i][j]);

   /* Set up calibration info.  Save constants for lower bounds */
   for(i=0; i<4; i++)
      pfossilroot[i] = sptree.nodes[root].pfossil[i];
   if(ifs[0] == root) {                    /* copy info for root into pfossilroot[] */
      if(!sptree.nodes[root].usefossil) {  /* root fossil absent or excluded */
         for(i=0; i<4; i++)
            pfossilroot[i] = sptree.RootAge[i];
         rootfossil = (sptree.RootAge[0]>0 ? BOUND_F : UPPER_F);
      else if (sptree.nodes[root].fossil==LOWER_F) {   /* root fossil is lower bound */
         pfossilroot[1] = sptree.RootAge[1];
         rootfossil = BOUND_F;
   for(i=0; i<nfs; i++) {
      j = ifs[i];
      pfossil[i] = (j==root ? pfossilroot : sptree.nodes[j].pfossil);

      if(j!=root && sptree.nodes[j].fossil==LOWER_F) {
         a = pfossil[i][0];
         p = pfossil[i][1];
         c = pfossil[i][2];
         tailL = pfossil[i][3];
         s  = a*c*sNormal;
         A = 0.5 + 1/Pi*atan(p/c);
         CLower[i][0] = (1/tailL-1) / (Pi*A*c*(1 + (p/c)*(p/c)));  /* thetaCauchy */
         CLower[i][1] = (1/tailL-1) * a/(s*sqrt(Pi/2));            /* thetaNormal  */
         CLower[i][2] = s/(A*c*a*sqrt(2*Pi));                      /* s/Act*sqrt(2Pi) */

   /* Take samples */
   for(ir=0,C=sC=accept=0; ir<nrepl; ir++) {
      for(i=0,importance=1; i<nfs; i++) {
         j = ifs[i];
         fossil = (j==root ? rootfossil : sptree.nodes[j].fossil);
         a = pfossil[i][0];
         b = pfossil[i][1];
         r = rndu();
         switch(fossil) {
         case(LOWER_F):  /* simulating from folded normal, the importance density */
            tailL = pfossil[i][3];
            if (r < tailL) {   /* left tail, CLower[i][1] has thetaNormal */
               thetaL = CLower[i][1];
               t[i] = a * pow(rndu(), 1/thetaL);
               importance *= CLower[i][0]/thetaL * pow(t[i]/a, CLower[i][0]-thetaL);
            else {
               c = pfossil[i][2];
               s  = a*c*sNormal;
               t[i] = a + fabs(rndNormal()) * s;
               zc = (t[i] - a*(1+b))/(c*a);
               zn = (t[i] - a)/s;
               importance *= CLower[i][2] * exp(zn*zn/2) / (1+zc*zc);
            tailR = pfossil[i][2];
            if(r > tailR)  { /* flat part */
               t[i] = b*rndu();
            else {  /* right tail */
               thetaR = (1-tailR)/(tailR*b);
               t[i] = b - log(rndu())/thetaR;
         case (BOUND_F):
            tailL = pfossil[i][2];
            tailR = pfossil[i][3];
            if(r > tailL + tailR)  /* flat part */
               t[i] = a + (b - a) * rndu();
            else if (r < tailL) {  /* left tail */
               thetaL = (1-tailL-tailR)*a/(tailL*(b-a));
               t[i] = a * pow(rndu(), 1/thetaL);
            else {                 /* right tail */
               thetaR = (1-tailL-tailR)/(tailR*(b-a));
               t[i] = b - log(rndu())/thetaR;
            t[i] = rndgamma(a)/b;
            printf("\nfossil = %d (%s) not implemented.\n", fossil, fossils[fossil]);

      feasible = 1;
      for(i=1; i<nfs; i++) {
         for(j=0; j<i; j++)
            if(ConstraintTab[i][j] && t[i]>t[j]) 
               { feasible=0; break; }
         if(feasible==0) break;
      if(feasible) {
         C  += importance;
         sC += importance*importance;
         for(i=0; i<nfs; i++)
            mt[i] += t[i]*importance;
      if((ir+1)%100000 == 0) {
         a = ir+1;
         s = (sC/a - C/a*C/a) / a;
         printf("\r%7d %.2f%% C = %.6f +- %.6f mt", ir+1, accept/(ir+1)*100, C/(ir+1), sqrt(s));
         for(i=0; i<nfs; i++) 
            printf(" %6.4f", mt[i]/C);
   }   /* for(ir) */

int SetupPriorTimesFossilErrors (void)
/* This prepares for lnpriorTimes() under models of fossil errors.  It calculates 
   the scaling factor for the probability density of times for a given combination
   of the indicator variables, indicating which fossil is in error and not used.
   nMinCorrect is the minimum number of correct fossils.
   int nMinCorrect = (int)data.pfossilerror[2], ncomFerr, is,i, icom, nused=0, it;
   double t;
   int debug=1;

   if(data.pfossilerror[0]==0 || sptree.nfossil>MaxNFossils || sptree.nfossil<nMinCorrect)
      error2("Fossil-error model is inappropriate."); 

   for (i=nMinCorrect,ncomFerr=0; i<=sptree.nfossil; i++) {
      ncomFerr += (int)( Binomial((double)sptree.nfossil, i, &t) + .1 );
      if(t!=0) error2("too many fossils to deal with? ");

   data.CcomFossilErr = (double*)malloc(ncomFerr*sizeof(double));
   if(data.CcomFossilErr == NULL) error2("oom for CcomFossilErr");

   /* cycle through combinations of indicators. */
   for (i=0,icom=0; i < (1<<sptree.nfossil); i++) {
      it = i;
      for (is=sptree.nspecies, nused=0; is<sptree.nnode; is++) {
         if(sptree.nodes[is].fossil) {
            sptree.nodes[is].usefossil = 1 - it%2;
            nused += sptree.nodes[is].usefossil;
            it /= 2;
            if(debug) printf("%2d (%2d)", sptree.nodes[is].usefossil, is+1);
      if(nused<nMinCorrect) continue;
      if(debug) printf("\n\n********* Combination %2d/%2d:  %2d fossils used", icom+1, ncomFerr, nused);
      data.CcomFossilErr[icom++] = log( getScaleFossilCombination() );

double lnpriorTimes (void)
/* This calculates the prior density of node times in the master species tree.
      Node ages are in sptree.nodes[].age. 
   int nMinCorrect = (int)data.pfossilerror[2];
   int  is, i,icom, nused, it;
   double pE = data.Pfossilerr, lnpE, ln1pE, pEconst=0, lnC, lnNC;
   double lnpt=0, scaleF=-1e300, y;
   int debug=0;

   if(sptree.nfossil==0 || com.TipDate) {
      if(1)        lnpt = lnpriorTimesBDS_Approach1();
      else if(0)   lnpt = lnpriorTimesTipDate_Approach2();
      else if(0)   lnpt = lnpriorTimesTipDateEquation6Stadler2010();
   else if(data.pfossilerror[0]==0) { /* no fossil errors in model */
      lnC = lnptC();
      lnNC = lnptNCgiventC();
      lnpt = lnC + lnNC;

      if(debug) printf("\nftC ftNC ft = %9.5f%9.5f%9.5f", exp(lnC), exp(lnNC), exp(lnC)*exp(lnNC));
   else {   /* fossil errors: cycle through combinations of indicators, using nMinCorrect. */
      if(nMinCorrect) {
         pEconst = y = pow(pE, (double)sptree.nfossil);
         if(y<1e-300) error2("many fossils & small pE.  Rewrite the code?");
         for(i=1; i<nMinCorrect; i++) /* i is the number of correct fossils used */
            pEconst += y *= (sptree.nfossil-i+1)*(1-pE)/(i*pE);
         pEconst = log(1 - pEconst);
      lnpE=log(pE); ln1pE=log(1-pE);
      for(i=0,icom=0; i < (1<<sptree.nfossil); i++) { /* sum over U */
         it = i;
         for(is=sptree.nspecies, nused=0; is<sptree.nnode; is++) {
            if(sptree.nodes[is].fossil) {
               sptree.nodes[is].usefossil = 1 - it%2;
               nused += sptree.nodes[is].usefossil;
               it /= 2;
         if(nused<nMinCorrect) continue;
         lnC = lnptC();
         lnNC = lnptNCgiventC();

         y = nused*ln1pE + (sptree.nfossil-nused)*lnpE - pEconst - data.CcomFossilErr[icom++]
           + lnC + lnNC;

            printf("\nU%d%d ftC ftNC ft = %9.5f%9.5f%9.5f", sptree.nodes[5].usefossil, sptree.nodes[6].usefossil, 
                      exp(lnC), exp(lnNC), exp(lnC)*exp(lnNC));

         if(y < scaleF + 100)
            lnpt += exp(y-scaleF);
         else {         
            lnpt = 1;
            scaleF = y;
         lnpt += exp(y-scaleF);
      lnpt = scaleF + log(lnpt);
   if(debug) exit(0);

   return (lnpt);

int getPfossilerr (double postEFossil[], double nround)
/* This is modified from lnpriorTimes(), and prints out the conditonal Perror 
   for each fossil given the times and pE.
   int nMinCorrect = (int)data.pfossilerror[2];
   int  is,i,icom, k, nf=sptree.nfossil, nused, it;
   double pE = data.Pfossilerr, lnpE, ln1pE, pEconst=0;
   double pt, pU[MaxNFossils]={0}, scaleF=-1e300, y;
   char U[MaxNFossils];  /* indicators of fossil errors */

      error2("beta kernel for prior time not yet implemented for model of fossil errors.");
   if(nMinCorrect) {
      pEconst = y = pow(pE, (double)sptree.nfossil);
      for(i=1; i<nMinCorrect; i++) /* i is the number of correct fossils used */
         pEconst += y *= (sptree.nfossil-i+1)*(1-pE)/(i*pE);
      pEconst = log(1 - pEconst);

   lnpE=log(pE); ln1pE=log(1-pE);
   for(i=0,icom=0,pt=0; i < (1<<sptree.nfossil); i++) { /* sum over U */
      it = i;
      for(is=sptree.nspecies, k=0, nused=0; is<sptree.nnode; is++) {
         if(sptree.nodes[is].fossil) {
            sptree.nodes[is].usefossil = 1 - it%2;
            nused += sptree.nodes[is].usefossil;
            U[k++] = !sptree.nodes[is].usefossil;
            it /= 2;
      if(nused<nMinCorrect) continue;
      if(k != nf) error2("k != nf in getPfossilerr()?");

      y = nused*ln1pE+(nf-nused)*lnpE - pEconst - data.CcomFossilErr[icom++] + lnptC() + lnptNCgiventC();

      if(y < scaleF + 100) {
         pt += y = exp(y-scaleF);
         for(k=0; k<nf; k++)
            if(U[k]) pU[k] += y;
      else {         /* change scaleF */
         scaleF = y;
         pt = 1;
         for(k=0; k<nf; k++) pU[k] = U[k];  /*  1 if U[k]=1 or 0 if U[k]=0 */
   for(k=0; k<nf; k++) pU[k] /= pt;
   for(k=0; k<nf; k++)
      postEFossil[k] = (postEFossil[k]*(nround-1) + pU[k])/nround;
   return (0);

int LabelOldCondP (int spnode)
/* This sets com.oldconP[j]=0 if node j in the gene tree needs updating, after 
   either rates or times have changed for spnode in the species tree.  This is to 
   avoid duplicated computation of conditional probabilities.  The routine workes 
   on the current gene tree and accounts for the fact that some species may be 
   missing at some loci.
   The routine first finds spnode or its first ancestor that is present in the 
   gene tree, then identifies that node in the genetree.  This reveals the 
   oldest node j in the gene tree that is descendent of spnode.  Node j and all 
   its ancestors in the gene tree need updating.

   Before calling this routine, set com.oldconP[]=1.  This routine changes some 
   com.oldconP[] into 0 but do not change any 0 to 1.

   The gene tree is in nodes[], as UseLocus has been called prior to this.
   This is called by UpdateTimes and UpdateRates.
   int i, j=spnode;

   if(j>=tree.nnode || j!=nodes[j].ipop) {

      /* From among spnode and its ancestors in the species tree, find the 
         first node, i, that is in genetree.
      for(i=spnode; i!=-1; i=sptree.nodes[i].father) {

         /* Find that node in genetree that is node i in species tree.  
            Its descendent, node j, is the oldest node in gene tree that is 
            descendent of spnode.
         for(j=0; j<tree.nnode && nodes[j].ipop!=i; j++) ;

         if(j<tree.nnode) break;

      for( ; ; j=nodes[j].father) {
         com.oldconP[j] = 0;
         if(j==tree.root) break;


double UpdateTimes (double *lnL, double finetune)
/* This updates the node ages in the master species tree sptree.nodes[].age, 
   int  locus, is, i, *sons, dad;
   double naccept=0, t,tnew, tson[2], yb[2], y,ynew;
   double lnacceptance, lnLd, lnpDinew[NGENE], lnpTnew, lnpRnew=-1;

   if(finetune<=0) error2("steplength = 0 in UpdateTimes");
   for(is=sptree.nspecies; is<sptree.nnode; is++) {
      t = sptree.nodes[is].age;
      sons = sptree.nodes[is].sons;
      dad = sptree.nodes[is].father;
      tson[0] = sptree.nodes[sons[0]].age;
      tson[1] = sptree.nodes[sons[1]].age;
      y = max2(tson[0], tson[1]);
      yb[0] = (y>0 ? log(y) : -99);
      if(is != sptree.root)  yb[1] = log(sptree.nodes[dad].age);
      else                   yb[1] = 99;

      y = log(t);
      ynew = y + finetune*rndBactrian(mBactrian);
      ynew = reflect(ynew, yb[0], yb[1]);
      sptree.nodes[is].age = tnew = exp(ynew);

      lnacceptance = ynew - y;
      lnpTnew = lnpriorTimes();
      lnacceptance += lnpTnew - data.lnpT;
      if(com.clock==3) {
         lnpRnew = lnpriorRates();
         lnacceptance += lnpRnew - data.lnpR;

      for(locus=0,lnLd=0; locus<data.ngene; locus++) {
         UseLocus(locus, 1, mcmc.usedata, 0);

         if(mcmc.saveconP) {
            for(i=0;i<sptree.nnode;i++) com.oldconP[i]=1;
            lnpDinew[locus] = data.lnpDi[locus];
            lnpDinew[locus] = lnpD_locus(locus);
         lnLd += lnpDinew[locus] - data.lnpDi[locus];
      lnacceptance += lnLd;

      if(debug==2) printf("species %2d t %8.4f %8.4f %9.2f %9.2f", is, t, tnew, lnLd, lnacceptance);

      if(lnacceptance>=0 || rndu()<exp(lnacceptance)) {
         data.lnpT = lnpTnew;
         if(com.clock==3) data.lnpR = lnpRnew;
         for(locus=0; locus<data.ngene; locus++) 
            data.lnpDi[locus] = lnpDinew[locus];
         *lnL += lnLd;
         if(mcmc.usedata==1) switchconPin();
         if(debug==2) printf(" Y (%4d)\n", NPMat);
      else {
         sptree.nodes[is].age = t;
         if(debug==2) printf(" N (%4d)\n", NPMat);
         for(locus=0; locus<data.ngene; locus++)
            AcceptRejectLocus(locus, 0);  /* reposition conP */
   }  /* for(is) */


#if (0)  /*  this is not used now. */

double UpdateTimesClock23 (double *lnL, double finetune)
/* This updates the node ages in the master species tree sptree.nodes[].age, 
   one by one.  It simultaneously changes the rates at the three branches 
   around the node so that the branch lengths remain the same, and there is 
   no need to update the lnL.  Sliding window on the logarithm of ages.
   int  is, i, *sons, dad;
   double naccept=0, tb[2],t,tnew, tson[2], yb[2],y,ynew, rateratio[3];
   double lnacceptance, lnpTnew,lnpRnew;

   if(debug==2) puts("\nUpdateTimesClock23 ");
   if(finetune<=0) error2("steplength = 0 in UpdateTimesClock23");

   for(is=sptree.nspecies; is<sptree.nnode; is++) {
      t = sptree.nodes[is].age;
      sons = sptree.nodes[is].sons;
      tson[0] = sptree.nodes[sons[0]].age;
      tson[1] = sptree.nodes[sons[1]].age;
      dad = sptree.nodes[is].father;
      tb[0] = max2(tson[0], tson[1]);
      yb[0] = (tb[0]>0 ? log(tb[0]) : -99);
      if(is != sptree.root)  yb[1] = log(tb[1] = sptree.nodes[dad].age);
      else                   yb[1] = 99;

      y = log(t);
      ynew = y + finetune*rndBactrian(mBactrian);
      ynew = reflect(ynew, yb[0], yb[1]);
      sptree.nodes[is].age = tnew = exp(ynew);
      lnacceptance = ynew - y;

      /* Thorne et al. (1998) equation 9. */
      rateratio[0] = (t-tson[0])/(tnew-tson[0]);
      rateratio[1] = (t-tson[1])/(tnew-tson[1]);
      for(i=0; i<data.ngene; i++) {
         sptree.nodes[sons[0]].rates[i] *= rateratio[0];
         sptree.nodes[sons[1]].rates[i] *= rateratio[1];
      lnacceptance += data.ngene*log(rateratio[0]*rateratio[1]);
      if(is != sptree.root) {
         rateratio[2] = (t-tb[1])/(tnew-tb[1]);
         for(i=0; i<data.ngene; i++)
            sptree.nodes[is].rates[i] *= rateratio[2];
         lnacceptance += data.ngene*log(rateratio[2]);

      lnpTnew = lnpriorTimes();
      lnacceptance += lnpTnew - data.lnpT;
      lnpRnew = lnpriorRates();
      lnacceptance += lnpRnew - data.lnpR;

      if(debug==2) printf("species %2d t %8.4f %8.4f", is,t,tnew);

      if(lnacceptance>=0 || rndu()<exp(lnacceptance)) {
         naccept ++;
         data.lnpT = lnpTnew;
         data.lnpR = lnpRnew;
         if(debug==2) printf(" Y (%4d)\n", NPMat);
      else {
         sptree.nodes[is].age = t;
         for(i=0; i<data.ngene; i++) {
            sptree.nodes[sons[0]].rates[i] /= rateratio[0];
            sptree.nodes[sons[1]].rates[i] /= rateratio[1];
            if(is!=sptree.root)  sptree.nodes[is].rates[i] /= rateratio[2];
         if(debug==2) printf(" N (%4d)\n", NPMat);
   }  /* for(is) */


#if (0)
void getSinvDetS (double space[])
/* This uses the variance-correlation matrix data.correl[g*g] to constructs 
   Sinv (inverse of S) and detS (|S|).  It also copies the variances into 
   data.sigma2[g].  This is called every time data.correl is updated.

   What restrictions should be placed on data.correl[]???

   int i, j, g=data.ngene;
   int debug=0;

   for(i=0; i<g; i++)
      data.Sinv[i*g+i] = data.sigma2[i] = data.correl[i*g+i];
   for(i=0; i<g; i++) {
      for(j=0; j<i; j++)
         data.Sinv[i*g+j] = data.Sinv[j*g+i]
            = data.correl[i*g+j]*sqrt(data.sigma2[i]*data.sigma2[j]);

   if(debug) {
      printf("\ncorrel & S & Sinv ");
      matout(F0, data.correl, g, g);
      matout(F0, data.Sinv, g, g);

   matinv (data.Sinv, g, g, space);
   data.detS = fabs(space[0]);

   if(debug) {
      matout(F0, data.Sinv, g, g);
      printf("|S| = %.6g\n", data.detS);
      error2("detS < 0");

double lnpriorRates (void)
/* This calculates the log of the prior of rates under the two rate-drift models:
   the independent rates (clock=2) and the geometric Brownian motion model (clock=3).

   clock=2: the algorithm cycles through the branches, and add up the log 
   clock=3: the root rate is mu or data.rgene[].  The algorithm cycles through 
   the ancestral nodes and deals with the two daughter branches.
   int i, inode, locus, dad=-1, g=data.ngene, s=sptree.nspecies, sons[2];
   double lnpR=-log(2*Pi)/2.0*(2*s-2)*g, t,tA,t1,t2,Tinv[4], detT;
   double zz, r=-1, rA,r1,r2, y1,y2;
   double a, b;

   if(com.clock==3 && data.priorrate==1)
      error2("gamma prior for rates for clock3 not implemented yet.");
   else if(com.clock==2 && data.priorrate==1) {   /* clock2, gamma rate prior */
      lnpR = 0;
      for(locus=0; locus<g; locus++) {
         a = data.rgene[locus]*data.rgene[locus]/data.sigma2[locus];
         b = data.rgene[locus]/data.sigma2[locus];
         lnpR += (a*log(b) - LnGamma(a)) * (2*s-2);
         for(inode=0; inode<sptree.nnode; inode++) {
            if(inode==sptree.root) continue;
            r = sptree.nodes[inode].rates[locus];
            lnpR += -b*r + (a-1)*log(r);
   else if(com.clock==2 && data.priorrate ==0) {  /* clock2, LN rate prior */
      for(locus=0; locus<g; locus++)
         lnpR -= log(data.sigma2[locus])/2.*(2*s-2);
      for(inode=0; inode<sptree.nnode; inode++) {
         if(inode==sptree.root) continue;
         for(locus=0; locus<g; locus++) {
            r = sptree.nodes[inode].rates[locus];
            zz = log(r/data.rgene[locus]) + data.sigma2[locus]/2;
            lnpR += -zz*zz/(2*data.sigma2[locus]) - log(r);
   else if(com.clock==3 && data.priorrate ==0) {  /* clock3, LN rate prior */
      for(inode=0; inode<sptree.nnode; inode++) {
         if(sptree.nodes[inode].nson==0) continue; /* skip the tips */
         dad = sptree.nodes[inode].father;
         for(i=0; i<2; i++) sons[i] = sptree.nodes[inode].sons[i];
         t = sptree.nodes[inode].age;
         if(inode==sptree.root) tA = 0;
         else                   tA = (sptree.nodes[dad].age - t)/2;
         t1 = (t-sptree.nodes[sons[0]].age)/2;
         t2 = (t-sptree.nodes[sons[1]].age)/2;
         detT = t1*t2+tA*(t1+t2);
         Tinv[0] = (tA+t2)/detT; 
         Tinv[1] = Tinv[2] = -tA/detT; 
         Tinv[3] = (tA+t1)/detT;
         for(locus=0; locus<g; locus++) {
            rA = (inode==sptree.root ? data.rgene[locus] : sptree.nodes[inode].rates[locus]);
            r1 = sptree.nodes[sons[0]].rates[locus];
            r2 = sptree.nodes[sons[1]].rates[locus];
            y1 = log(r1/rA)+(tA+t1)*data.sigma2[locus]/2;
            y2 = log(r2/rA)+(tA+t2)*data.sigma2[locus]/2;
            zz = (y1*y1*Tinv[0]+2*y1*y2*Tinv[1]+y2*y2*Tinv[3]);
            lnpR -= zz/(2*data.sigma2[locus]) + log(detT*square(data.sigma2[locus]))/2 + log(r1*r2);
   return lnpR;

double lnpriorRatioRates (int locus, int inodeChanged, double rold)
/* This calculates the lnpriorRatio when one rate is changed.
   If inodeChanged is tip, we sum over 1 term (equation 7 in RY2007).  
   If inodeChanged is not tip, we sum over 2 terms.
   double rnew=sptree.nodes[inodeChanged].rates[locus], lnpRd=0, a, b, z, znew;
   double zz, r=-1, rA,r1,r2, y1,y2, t,tA,t1,t2,Tinv[4], detT;
   int i, inode, ir, dad=-1, sons[2], OldNew;
   if(com.clock==2 && data.priorrate==0) {         /* clock2, LN rate prior */
      z    = log(rold/data.rgene[locus]) + data.sigma2[locus]/2;;
      znew = log(rnew/data.rgene[locus]) + data.sigma2[locus]/2;
      lnpRd = -log(rnew/rold) - (znew*znew - z*z)/(2*data.sigma2[locus]);
   else if (com.clock==2 && data.priorrate==1) {   /* clock2, gamma rate prior */
      a = data.rgene[locus]*data.rgene[locus]/data.sigma2[locus];
      b = data.rgene[locus]/data.sigma2[locus];
      lnpRd = -b*(rnew-rold) + (a-1)*log(rnew/rold);
   else {                                          /* clock3 */
      for(ir=0; ir<(sptree.nodes[inodeChanged].nson==0 ? 1 : 2); ir++) {
         inode = (ir==0 ? sptree.nodes[inodeChanged].father : inodeChanged);
         dad = sptree.nodes[inode].father;
         for(i=0; i<2; i++) sons[i] = sptree.nodes[inode].sons[i];
         t = sptree.nodes[inode].age;
         if(inode==sptree.root) tA = 0;
         else                   tA = (sptree.nodes[dad].age - t)/2;
         t1 = (t-sptree.nodes[sons[0]].age)/2;
         t2 = (t-sptree.nodes[sons[1]].age)/2;
         detT = t1*t2+tA*(t1+t2);
         Tinv[0] = (tA+t2)/detT; 
         Tinv[1] = Tinv[2] = -tA/detT; 
         Tinv[3] = (tA+t1)/detT;
         for(OldNew=0; OldNew<2; OldNew++) {  /* old rate & new rate */
            sptree.nodes[inodeChanged].rates[locus] = (OldNew==0 ? rold : rnew);
            rA = (inode==sptree.root ? data.rgene[locus] : sptree.nodes[inode].rates[locus]);
            r1 = sptree.nodes[sons[0]].rates[locus];
            r2 = sptree.nodes[sons[1]].rates[locus];
            y1 = log(r1/rA)+(tA+t1)*data.sigma2[locus]/2;
            y2 = log(r2/rA)+(tA+t2)*data.sigma2[locus]/2;
            zz = (y1*y1*Tinv[0]+2*y1*y2*Tinv[1]+y2*y2*Tinv[3]);
            zz = zz/(2*data.sigma2[locus]) + log(r1*r2);
            lnpRd -= (OldNew==0 ? -1 : 1) * zz;

double UpdateRates (double *lnL, double finetune)
/* This updates rates under the rate-drift models (clock=2 or 3).
   It cycles through nodes in the species tree at each locus.

   Slight waste of computation: For every proposal to change rates, lnpriorRates() 
   is called to calculate the prior for all rates at all loci on the whole 
   tree, thus wasting computation, if rates are not correlated across loci.
   int locus, inode, j, g=data.ngene;
   double naccept=0, lnpDinew, lnacceptance, lnLd, r, rnew, lnpRd;
   double yb[2]={-99,99},y,ynew;

   if(finetune<=0) error2("steplength = 0 in UpdateRates");
      return UpdateRatesClock(lnL, finetune);

   for(locus=0; locus<g; locus++) {
      for(inode=0; inode<sptree.nnode; inode++) {
         if(inode == sptree.root) continue;
         r = sptree.nodes[inode].rates[locus];
         y = log(r);
         ynew = y + finetune*rndBactrian(mBactrian);
         ynew = reflect(ynew, yb[0], yb[1]);
         sptree.nodes[inode].rates[locus] = rnew = exp(ynew);
         lnacceptance = ynew - y;  /* proposal ratio */

         UseLocus(locus, 1, mcmc.usedata, 0);  /* copyconP=1 */

         if(mcmc.saveconP) {
            FOR(j,sptree.nspecies*2-1) com.oldconP[j]=1;
         lnpRd = lnpriorRatioRates(locus, inode, r);
         lnacceptance += lnpRd;
         lnpDinew = lnpD_locus(locus);
         lnLd = lnpDinew - data.lnpDi[locus];
         lnacceptance +=  lnLd;
         if(lnacceptance>0 || rndu()<exp(lnacceptance)) {
            if(mcmc.usedata==1) AcceptRejectLocus(locus,1);
            data.lnpR += lnpRd;
            data.lnpDi[locus] = lnpDinew;
            *lnL += lnLd;
         else {
            if(mcmc.usedata==1) AcceptRejectLocus(locus,0);
            sptree.nodes[inode].rates[locus] = r;

double logPriorRatioGamma(double xnew, double xold, double a, double b)
/* This calculates the log of prior ratio when x is updated from xold to xnew.
   x has distribution with parameters a and b.

   return (a-1)*log(xnew/xold) - b*(xnew-xold);

double UpdateRatesClock (double *lnL, double finetune)
/* This updates rates data.rgene[] under the clock by cycling through the loci.
   The proposal affects all branch lengths, so com.oldconP[]=0.
   The rate may go to 0 if a locus has no variation.
   int locus, j, g=data.ngene;
   double naccept=0, lnLd, lnpDinew, lnacceptance;
   double yb[2]={-99,99},y,ynew, rold;

   if(debug==3) puts("\nUpdateRatesClock");
   if(finetune<=0) error2("steplength = 0 in UpdateRatesClock");
   if(mcmc.saveconP) FOR(j,sptree.nspecies*2-1) com.oldconP[j]=0;
   for(locus=0; locus<g; locus++) {
      rold = data.rgene[locus];
      y = log(rold);
      ynew = y + finetune*rndBactrian(mBactrian);
      ynew = reflect(ynew, yb[0], yb[1]);
      data.rgene[locus] = exp(ynew);
      lnacceptance = ynew - y;
      UseLocus(locus, 1, mcmc.usedata, 0);
      lnpDinew = lnpD_locus(locus);
      lnLd = lnpDinew - data.lnpDi[locus];   /* likelihood ratio */
      lnacceptance +=  lnLd;         /* proposal ratio */
      /* prior ratio */
      lnacceptance += logPriorRatioGamma(data.rgene[locus],rold,data.rgenegamma[0],data.rgenegamma[1]);

         printf("\nLocus %2d rgene %9.4f%9.4f %10.5f", locus+1, rold, data.rgene[locus], lnLd);

      if(lnacceptance>=0 || rndu()<exp(lnacceptance)) {
         *lnL += lnLd;
         data.lnpDi[locus] = lnpDinew;
         if(mcmc.usedata==1) AcceptRejectLocus(locus,1);
         if(debug==3) printf(" Y\n");
      else {
         data.rgene[locus] = rold;
         if(mcmc.usedata==1) AcceptRejectLocus(locus,0); /* reposition conP */

         if(debug==3) printf(" N\n");


double UpdateParameters (double *lnL, double finetune)
/* This updates parameters in the substitution model such as the ts/tv 
   rate ratio for each locus.

   Should we update the birth-death process parameters here as well?

   int locus, j, ip, np=!com.fix_kappa+!com.fix_alpha;
   double naccept=0, lnLd,lnpDinew, lnacceptance, c=1;
   double yb[2]={-99,99},y,ynew, pold, pnew, *gammaprior;

   if(np==0) return(0);
   if(debug==4) puts("\nUpdateParameters");
   if(finetune<=0) error2("steplength = 0 in UpdateParameters");
   if(mcmc.saveconP) FOR(j,sptree.nspecies*2-1) com.oldconP[j]=0;
   for(locus=0; locus<data.ngene; locus++) {
      for(ip=0; ip<np; ip++) {
         if(ip==0 && !com.fix_kappa) {  /* kappa */
            pold = data.kappa[locus];
            y = log(pold);
            ynew = y + finetune*rndBactrian(mBactrian);
            ynew = reflect(ynew, yb[0], yb[1]);
            data.kappa[locus] = pnew = exp(ynew);
            gammaprior = data.kappagamma;
         else {  /* alpha */
            pold = data.alpha[locus];
            y = log(pold);
            ynew = y + finetune*rndBactrian(mBactrian);
            ynew = reflect(ynew, yb[0], yb[1]);
            data.alpha[locus] = pnew = exp(ynew);
            gammaprior = data.alphagamma;
         lnacceptance = ynew - y;

         UseLocus(locus, 1, mcmc.usedata, 0); /* this copies parameter from data.[] to com. */

         lnpDinew = lnpD_locus(locus);
         lnLd = lnpDinew - data.lnpDi[locus];
         lnacceptance +=  lnLd;
         lnacceptance += logPriorRatioGamma(pnew,pold,gammaprior[0],gammaprior[1]);

            printf("\nLocus %2d para%d %9.4f%9.4f %10.5f", locus+1,ip+1,pold,pnew,lnLd);

         if(lnacceptance >= 0 || rndu() < exp(lnacceptance)) {
            naccept ++;
            *lnL += lnLd;
            data.lnpDi[locus] = lnpDinew;
            if(mcmc.usedata==1) AcceptRejectLocus(locus,1);
            if(debug==4) printf(" Y\n");
         else {
            if(ip==0 && !com.fix_kappa)
               data.kappa[locus] = pold;
               data.alpha[locus] = pold;
            if(mcmc.usedata==1) AcceptRejectLocus(locus,0);

            if(debug==4) printf(" N\n");

double UpdateParaRates (double finetune, double space[])
/* This updates mu (mean rate) and sigma2 (variance of lnrates) at each locus.
   The gamma hyperpriors are assumed to be the same across loci.  
   The proposals in this routine do not change the likelihood.
   int i, ip, g=data.ngene;
   char *parastr[2]={"mu", "sigma2"};
   double lnacceptance, lnpRnew, naccept=0;
   double yb[2]={-99,99},y,ynew, pold, pnew, *gammaprior;

   if(com.clock==1) return(0);
   if(finetune<=0) error2("steplength = 0 in UpdateParaRates");
   if(debug==5) puts("\nUpdateParaRates (rgene & sigma2)");

   for(i=0; i<g; i++) {
      for(ip=0; ip<2; ip++) {  /* this loops through mu (rgene) and sigma2 */
         if(ip==0) {  /* rgene (mu) */
            pold = data.rgene[i];
            y = log(pold);
            ynew = y + finetune*rndBactrian(mBactrian);
            ynew = reflect(ynew, yb[0], yb[1]);
            data.rgene[i] = pnew = exp(ynew);
            gammaprior = data.rgenegamma;
         else {         /* sigma2 */
            pold = data.sigma2[i];
            y = log(pold);
            ynew = y + finetune*rndBactrian(mBactrian);
            ynew = reflect(ynew, yb[0], yb[1]);
            data.sigma2[i] = pnew = exp(ynew);
            gammaprior = data.sigma2gamma;

         lnacceptance = ynew - y;
         lnacceptance += logPriorRatioGamma(pnew,pold,gammaprior[0],gammaprior[1]);
         if(debug==5) printf("%-7s %2d %9.5f -> %9.5f ", parastr[ip], i, pold,pnew);

         lnpRnew = lnpriorRates();
         lnacceptance += lnpRnew-data.lnpR;

         if(lnacceptance>=0 || rndu()<exp(lnacceptance)) {
            data.lnpR = lnpRnew;
         else {
            if(ip==0)  data.rgene[i]  = pold;
            else       data.sigma2[i] = pold;

double mixingTipDate (double *lnL, double finetune)
/* This increases or decreases all node ages in a 1-D move, applied to TipDated data.
   1 September 2011, Aguas de Lindoia
   int i, j, k, jj, locus, ndivide = data.ngene;
   double naccept=0, c, lnc, lnacceptance=0, lnpTnew, lnpRnew=-9999, lnpDinew[NGENE], lnLd;
   double a=data.rgenegamma[0], b=data.rgenegamma[1];
   double AgeLow[NS]={0}, x[NS]={1}, tz;

   /* find AgeLow[] and x[] for the interior nodes */

   for(j=0; j<sptree.nspecies; j++) {
      tz = sptree.nodes[j].age;
      for(k=sptree.nodes[j].father; k!=-1; k=sptree.nodes[k].father)
         if(tz < AgeLow[k-sptree.nspecies]) 
            AgeLow[k-sptree.nspecies] = tz;
   if(debug==6) {
      for(j=sptree.nspecies; j<sptree.nnode; j++)
         printf("node %2d age %9.5f agelow %9.5f\n", j+1, sptree.nodes[j].age, AgeLow[j-sptree.nspecies]);
   for(j=sptree.nspecies; j<sptree.nnode; j++) {
      if(j==sptree.root) continue;
	  jj = j-sptree.nspecies;
	  x[jj] = (sptree.nodes[j].age - AgeLow[jj])/(sptree.nodes[sptree.nodes[j].father].age - AgeLow[jj]);
   lnacceptance = lnc = finetune*rndBactrian(mBactrian);
   c = exp(lnacceptance);
   sptree.nodes[sptree.root].age = AgeLow[0] + (sptree.nodes[sptree.root].age - AgeLow[0]) * c;
   for(j=sptree.nspecies; j<sptree.nnode; j++) {
      if(j==sptree.root) continue;
	   jj = j-sptree.nspecies;
	   tz = sptree.nodes[j].age;
	   sptree.nodes[j].age = AgeLow[jj] + x[jj] * (sptree.nodes[sptree.nodes[j].father].age - AgeLow[jj]);
	   lnacceptance += log( (sptree.nodes[j].age - AgeLow[jj])/(tz - AgeLow[jj]) );

   lnpTnew = lnpriorTimes();
   lnacceptance += lnpTnew - data.lnpT;

   /* dividing all rates by c.  */
   for(j=0; j<data.ngene; j++) {  /* mu */
      lnacceptance += (a-1)*(-lnc) - b*(data.rgene[j]/c - data.rgene[j]);
      data.rgene[j] /= c;
   if(com.clock>1) {              /* rate-drift models */
      ndivide += data.ngene*(sptree.nspecies*2 - 2);
      for(i=0; i<sptree.nnode; i++) 
         if(i != sptree.root)
            for(j=0; j<data.ngene; j++)
               sptree.nodes[i].rates[j] /= c;
      lnpRnew = lnpriorRates();
      lnacceptance += lnpRnew - data.lnpR;
   lnacceptance -= ndivide*lnc;

      for(j=0; j<sptree.nspecies*2-1; j++)
		  com.oldconP[j] = 0;
   for(locus=0,lnLd=0; locus<data.ngene; locus++) {
      UseLocus(locus, 1, mcmc.usedata, 0);
      lnpDinew[locus] = lnpD_locus(locus);
      lnLd += lnpDinew[locus] - data.lnpDi[locus];
   lnacceptance += lnLd;

   if(lnacceptance>0 || rndu()<exp(lnacceptance)) { /* accept */
      naccept = 1;
      data.lnpT = lnpTnew;
      data.lnpR = lnpRnew;
      for(locus=0; locus<data.ngene; locus++)
	     data.lnpDi[locus] = lnpDinew[locus];
      if(mcmc.usedata==1) switchconPin();
      *lnL += lnLd;
   else {   /* reject */
      /* restore all node ages */
      sptree.nodes[sptree.root].age = AgeLow[0] + (sptree.nodes[sptree.root].age - AgeLow[0])/c;
      for(j=sptree.nspecies; j<sptree.nnode; j++) {
	     if(j==sptree.root) continue;
	     jj = j-sptree.nspecies;
	     sptree.nodes[j].age = AgeLow[jj] + x[jj] * (sptree.nodes[sptree.nodes[j].father].age - AgeLow[jj]);
      /* restore all rates */
      for(j=0; j<data.ngene; j++) data.rgene[j] *= c;
      if(com.clock > 1) {
         for(i=0; i<sptree.nnode; i++) 
            if(i != sptree.root)
               for(j=0; j<data.ngene; j++)
                  sptree.nodes[i].rates[j] *= c;

      for(locus=0; locus<data.ngene; locus++)
         AcceptRejectLocus(locus, 0);  /* reposition conP */


double mixing (double *lnL, double finetune)
/* If com.clock==1, this multiplies all times by c and divides all rates 
   (mu or data.rgene[]) by c, so that the likelihood does not change.  

   If com.clock=2 or 3, this multiplies all times by c and divide by c all rates: 
   sptree.nodes[].rates and mu (data.rgene[]) at all loci.  The likelihood is 
   not changed.
   int i,j, ndivide = data.ngene;
   double naccept=0, a=data.rgenegamma[0], b=data.rgenegamma[1], c, lnc;
   double lnacceptance=0, lnpTnew, lnpRnew=-1;

   if(finetune<=0) error2("steplength = 0 in mixing");
      return mixingTipDate(lnL, finetune);

   lnc = finetune*rndBactrian(mBactrian);
   c = exp(lnc);
   for(j=sptree.nspecies; j<sptree.nnode; j++) 
      sptree.nodes[j].age *= c;

   for(j=0; j<data.ngene; j++) {  /* mu */
      lnacceptance += (a-1)*(-lnc) - b*(data.rgene[j]/c-data.rgene[j]);
      data.rgene[j] /= c;
   if(com.clock>1) {              /* rate-drift models */
      ndivide += data.ngene*(sptree.nspecies*2-2);
      for(i=0; i<sptree.nnode; i++) 
         if(i != sptree.root)
            for(j=0; j<data.ngene; j++)
               sptree.nodes[i].rates[j] /= c;
      lnpRnew = lnpriorRates();
      lnacceptance += lnpRnew-data.lnpR;

   lnpTnew = lnpriorTimes();
   lnacceptance += lnpTnew-data.lnpT + ((sptree.nspecies-1) - ndivide)*lnc;

   if(lnacceptance>0 || rndu()<exp(lnacceptance)) { /* accept */
      naccept = 1;
      data.lnpT = lnpTnew;
      data.lnpR = lnpRnew;
   else {   /* reject */
      for(j=sptree.nspecies; j<sptree.nnode; j++) 
         sptree.nodes[j].age /= c;
      for(j=0; j<data.ngene; j++) data.rgene[j] *= c;
      if(com.clock > 1) {
         for(i=0; i<sptree.nnode; i++) 
            if(i != sptree.root)
               for(j=0; j<data.ngene; j++)
                  sptree.nodes[i].rates[j] *= c;

double UpdatePFossilErrors (double finetune)
/* This updates the probability of fossil errors sptree.Pfossilerr.  
   The proposal do not change the likelihood.
   double lnacceptance, lnpTnew, naccept=0, pold, pnew;
   double p = data.pfossilerror[0], q = data.pfossilerror[1];

   if(finetune<=0) error2("steplength = 0 in UpdatePFossilErrors");
   pold = data.Pfossilerr;
   pnew = pold + finetune*rndBactrian(mBactrian);
   data.Pfossilerr = pnew = reflect(pnew,0,1);
   lnacceptance = (p-1)*log(pnew/pold) + (q-1)*log((1-pnew)/(1-pold));
   lnpTnew = lnpriorTimes();
   lnacceptance += lnpTnew - data.lnpT;

   if(lnacceptance>=0 || rndu()<exp(lnacceptance)) {
      data.lnpT = lnpTnew;
   else {
      data.Pfossilerr = pold;

int DescriptiveStatisticsSimpleMCMCTREE (FILE *fout, char infile[], int nbin)
   FILE *fin=gfopen(infile,"r"), *fFigTree;
   char *fmt=" %9.6f", *fmt1=" %9.1f", timestr[32], FigTreef[96]="FigTree.tre";
   double *x, *mean, *median, *minx, *maxx, *x005,*x995,*x025,*x975,*xHPD025,*xHPD975;
   double *y, tmp[2];
   int  n, p, i,j, jj;
   int  lline=640000, ifields[MAXNFIELDS], Ignore1stColumn=1, ReadHeader=0;
   char *line;
   char varstr[MAXNFIELDS][32]={""};

   if((line=(char*)malloc(lline*sizeof(char)))==NULL) error2("oom ds");
   scanfile(fin, &n, &p, &ReadHeader, line, ifields);
      for(i=0; i<p; i++) sscanf(line+ifields[i], "%s", varstr[i]);

   x = (double*)malloc((p*13+p*p)*sizeof(double));
   if (x==NULL) { puts("did not get enough space."); exit(-1); }
   for(j=0;j<p*13+p*p; j++) x[j]=0;
   mean=x+p; median=mean+p; minx=median+p; maxx=minx+p; 
   x005=maxx+p; x995=x005+p; x025=x995+p; x975=x025+p; xHPD025=x975+p; xHPD975=xHPD025+p;

   for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
      for(j=0;j<p;j++) fscanf(fin,"%lf", &x[j]);
      for(j=Ignore1stColumn; j<p; j++) mean[j] += x[j]/n;

   if(y==NULL) { printf("not enough mem for %d variables\n",n); exit(-1); }
   for(jj=Ignore1stColumn; jj<p; jj++) {
      if(ReadHeader) fgets(line, lline, fin);

      for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
         for(j=0; j<p; j++) fscanf(fin,"%lf", &x[j]);
         y[i] = x[jj];
      qsort(y, (size_t)n, sizeof(double), comparedouble);
      if(n%2==0)  median[jj]=(y[n/2]+y[n/2+1])/2;
      else        median[jj]=y[(n+1)/2];
      x005[jj] = y[(int)(n*.005)];  x995[jj] = y[(int)(n*.995)];
      x025[jj] = y[(int)(n*.025)];  x975[jj] = y[(int)(n*.975)];
      HPDinterval(y, n, tmp, 0.05);
      xHPD025[jj] = tmp[0];         xHPD975[jj] = tmp[1];
      printf("Summarizing... %d/%d%10s\r", jj+1, p, printtime(timestr));
   printf("%40s\n", "");

   for(j=sptree.nspecies; j<sptree.nnode; j++) {
      nodes[j].nodeStr = (char*)malloc(32*sizeof(char));
      jj = Ignore1stColumn + j - sptree.nspecies;
      sprintf(nodes[j].nodeStr, "%.3f-%.3f", x025[jj], x975[jj]);
   OutTreeN(F0, 1, PrBranch|PrLabel);
   FPN(fout); OutTreeN(fout,1,PrBranch|PrLabel); FPN(fout); 

   /* sprintf(FigTreef, "%s.FigTree.tre", com.seqf); */
   if((fFigTree=(FILE*)fopen(FigTreef, "w")) == NULL) 
	   error2("FigTree.tre file creation error");
   fprintf(fFigTree, "#NEXUS\nBEGIN TREES;\n\n\tUTREE 1 = ");
   for(j=sptree.nspecies; j<sptree.nnode; j++) {
      jj = Ignore1stColumn + j - sptree.nspecies;
	  sprintf(nodes[j].nodeStr, "[&95%%={%.3f, %.3f}]", x025[jj], x975[jj]);
   OutTreeN(fFigTree, 1, PrBranch|PrLabel); 
   fprintf(fFigTree, "\n\nEND;\n"); 

   if(com.TipDate) {
      printf("\nThe FigTree tree is in FigTree.tre");
      fprintf(fFigTree, "\n[Note for FigTree: Under Time Scale, set Offset = %.1f, Scale factor = -%.1f\n", 
         com.TipDate, com.TipDate_TimeUnit);
      fprintf(fFigTree, "Untick Scale Bar, & tick Tip Labels, Node Bars, Scale Axis, Reverse Axis, Show Grid.]\n");

   /* rategrams */
   if(com.clock>=2) {
      jj = Ignore1stColumn + sptree.nspecies - 1 + data.ngene * 2;
      for(i=0; i<data.ngene; i++) {
         fprintf(fout, "\nrategram locus %d:\n", i+1);
         for(j=0; j<sptree.nnode; j++) {
            if(j==sptree.root) continue;
            nodes[j].branch = mean[jj++];
         OutTreeN(fout,1,PrBranch); FPN(fout);

   printf("\n\nPosterior mean (95%% credibility interval)\n\n");
   for (j=Ignore1stColumn; j<p; j++) {
      printf("%-10s", varstr[j]);
      printf("%7.4f (%6.4f, %6.4f) (%6.4f, %6.4f)", mean[j], x025[j], x975[j], xHPD025[j], xHPD975[j]);
      if(j<Ignore1stColumn + sptree.nspecies-1) {
         printf("  (Jeffnode %2d)", 2*sptree.nspecies-1-1-j+Ignore1stColumn);
            printf(" time: %7.1f (%5.1f, %5.1f)", com.TipDate-mean[j]*com.TipDate_TimeUnit, 
                  com.TipDate-x975[j]*com.TipDate_TimeUnit, com.TipDate-x025[j]*com.TipDate_TimeUnit);
   if(fout) {
      fprintf(fout, "\n\nPosterior mean & 95%% credibility interval\n\n");
      for (j=Ignore1stColumn; j<p; j++) {
         fprintf(fout, "%-10s", varstr[j]);
         fprintf(fout, "%7.4f (%6.4f, %6.4f)", mean[j], x025[j],x975[j]);
         if(j<sptree.nspecies-1+Ignore1stColumn) {
            fprintf(fout, "  (Jeffnode %2d)", 2*sptree.nspecies-1-1-j+Ignore1stColumn);

               fprintf(fout, " time: %7.2f (%5.1f, %5.1f)", com.TipDate-mean[j]*com.TipDate_TimeUnit, 
                  com.TipDate-x975[j]*com.TipDate_TimeUnit, com.TipDate-x025[j]*com.TipDate_TimeUnit);
         fprintf(fout, "\n");

   fclose(fin); free(x); free(y); free(line);
   for(j=sptree.nspecies; j<sptree.nnode; j++)

int MCMC (FILE* fout)
   FILE *fmcmc = NULL;
   int nsteps=5+(data.pfossilerror[0]>0), nxpr[2]={5, 1};
   int i,j,k, ir, g=data.ngene;
   double Pjump[6]={0}, lnL=0, nround=0, *x, *mx, *vx, *px, postEFossil[MaxNFossils]={0};
   char timestr[36];

   mcmc.saveconP = 1;
   if(mcmc.usedata!=1) mcmc.saveconP = 0;
   for(j=0; j<sptree.nspecies*2-1; j++) 
      com.oldconP[j] = 0;
   if(mcmc.usedata == 2)
   if(mcmc.print) fmcmc = gfopen(com.mcmcf,"w");

   printf("\n%d burnin, sampled every %d, %d samples\n", 
           mcmc.burnin, mcmc.sampfreq, mcmc.nsample);
   if(mcmc.usedata) puts("Approximating posterior");
   else             puts("Approximating prior");

   printf("(Settings: cleandata=%d  print=%d  saveconP=%d)\n", 
          com.cleandata, mcmc.print, mcmc.saveconP); = GetInitials();

int i;
double *x=data.BDS, lnp1, lnp2;

x[0]=2.0; x[1]=2.0; x[2]=0.1; x[3]=3; 
printf("lmrp %8.5f%8.5f%8.5f%8.5f lnpt = %9.5f\n", x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], lnpriorTimesTipDate());
x[0]=2.0; x[1]=2.0001; x[2]=0.1; x[3]=3; 
printf("lmrp %8.5f%8.5f%8.5f%8.5f lnpt = %9.5f\n", x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], lnpriorTimesTipDate());
x[0]=1.999; x[1]=2.; x[2]=0.1; x[3]=3; 
printf("lmrp %8.5f%8.5f%8.5f%8.5f lnpt = %9.5f\n", x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], lnpriorTimesTipDate());
printf("\nb-d-s parameters: lambda = %.5f mu = %.5f rho = %.5f psi = %.5f\n", data.BDS[0], data.BDS[1], data.BDS[2], data.BDS[3]);

sptree.nodes[5].age=1.1;  sptree.nodes[6].age=0.8;  sptree.nodes[7].age=0.6;  sptree.nodes[8].age=0.4;      for(i=sptree.nspecies; i<sptree.nnode; i++) printf("%9.5f", sptree.nodes[i].age);
printf("  lnpt = %9.6f\n", (lnp1=lnpriorTimes()));
sptree.nodes[5].age=1.1;  sptree.nodes[6].age=0.7;  sptree.nodes[7].age=0.55;  sptree.nodes[8].age=0.5;     for(i=sptree.nspecies; i<sptree.nnode; i++) printf("%9.5f", sptree.nodes[i].age);
printf("  lnpt = %9.6f", (lnp2=lnpriorTimes()));
printf("  diff = %9.6f\n\n", lnp2-lnp1);

sptree.nodes[5].age=0.99;  sptree.nodes[6].age=0.8;  sptree.nodes[7].age=0.6;  sptree.nodes[8].age=0.55;     for(i=sptree.nspecies; i<sptree.nnode; i++) printf("%9.5f", sptree.nodes[i].age);
printf("  lnpt = %9.6f\n", (lnp1=lnpriorTimesBDS_Approach1()));
sptree.nodes[5].age=1.2;  sptree.nodes[6].age=0.7;  sptree.nodes[7].age=0.6;  sptree.nodes[8].age=0.55;     for(i=sptree.nspecies; i<sptree.nnode; i++) printf("%9.5f", sptree.nodes[i].age);
printf("  lnpt = %9.6f", (lnp2=lnpriorTimesBDS_Approach1()));  
printf("  diff = %9.6f\n", lnp2-lnp1);


   if(x==NULL) error2("oom in mcmc");;;
   printf("\aResetting initial times");
      int k;
      double x0[]={1.1, 0.99, 0.88, 0.77, 0.55, 0.44, 0.22, 0.11};
      for(i=sptree.nspecies,k=0; i<sptree.nnode; i++)

   collectx(fmcmc, x);

   if(!com.fix_kappa && !com.fix_alpha && data.ngene==2) { nxpr[0]=6; nxpr[1]=4; }

   puts("\npriors: ");
   if(mcmc.usedata==1) {
      if(!com.fix_kappa) printf("\tG(%.4f, %.4f) for kappa\n", data.kappagamma[0], data.kappagamma[1]);
      if(!com.fix_omega) printf("\tG(%.4f, %.4f) for omega\n", data.omegagamma[0], data.omegagamma[1]);
      if(!com.fix_alpha) printf("\tG(%.4f, %.4f) for alpha\n", data.alphagamma[0], data.alphagamma[1]);
   printf("\tG(%.4f, %.4f) for rgene\n", data.rgenegamma[0], data.rgenegamma[1]);
   if(com.clock>1) printf("\tG(%.4f, %.4f) for sigma2\n", data.sigma2gamma[0], data.sigma2gamma[1]);

   /* calculates prior for times and likelihood for each locus */
sptree.nodes[4].age = 1;
sptree.nodes[5].age = 0.3;
sptree.nodes[6].age = 0.7;
   data.lnpT = lnpriorTimes();

   for(j=0; j<data.ngene; j++) com.rgene[j]=-1;  /* com.rgene[] is not used. */
      data.lnpR = lnpriorRates();
   printf("\nInitial parameters (np = %d):\n",;
   for(j=0;j<;j++) printf(" %9.6f",x[j]); FPN(F0);
   lnL = lnpData(data.lnpDi);
   printf("\nlnL0 = %9.2f\n", lnL);

   printf("\nStarting MCMC (np = %d) . . .\n",;
   printf("finetune steps (time rate mixing para RatePara ...):");
   for(j=0; j<nsteps; j++) 
      printf(" %7.4f",mcmc.finetune[j]);
      printf("\n  paras: %d times, %d mu, (& kappa, alpha)\n", 
             sptree.nspecies-1, data.ngene);
      printf("\n  paras: %d times, %d mu, %d sigma2 (& rates, kappa, alpha)\n", 
             sptree.nspecies-1, data.ngene, data.ngene);

   if(<nxpr[0]+nxpr[1]) { nxpr[0]; nxpr[1]=0; }
   for(ir=-mcmc.burnin; ir<mcmc.sampfreq*mcmc.nsample; ir++) {
      if(ir==0 || (mcmc.resetFinetune && nround>=100 && mcmc.burnin>=200 
               && ir<0 && ir%(mcmc.burnin/4)==0)) {
         /* reset finetune parameters.  Do this twice. */
         if(mcmc.resetFinetune && mcmc.burnin>=200) {
            ResetFinetuneSteps(fout, Pjump, mcmc.finetune, nsteps);
         nround = 0;
         zero(Pjump, nsteps);

      Pjump[0] = (Pjump[0]*(nround-1) + UpdateTimes(&lnL, mcmc.finetune[0]))/nround;
      Pjump[1] = (Pjump[1]*(nround-1) + UpdateRates(&lnL, mcmc.finetune[1]))/nround;
      Pjump[2] = (Pjump[2]*(nround-1) + mixing(&lnL, mcmc.finetune[2]))/nround;
         Pjump[3] = (Pjump[3]*(nround-1) + UpdateParameters(&lnL, mcmc.finetune[3]))/nround;
         Pjump[4] = (Pjump[4]*(nround-1) + UpdateParaRates(mcmc.finetune[4],;
         Pjump[5] = (Pjump[5]*(nround-1) + UpdatePFossilErrors(mcmc.finetune[5]))/nround;

      /* printf("root age = %.4f\n", sptree.nodes[sptree.root].age); */

      collectx(fmcmc, x);

      for(j=0; j<; j++) vx[j] += square(x[j] - mx[j]) * (nround-1.)/nround;
      for(j=0; j<; j++) mx[j] = (mx[j]*(nround-1)+x[j])/nround;

         getPfossilerr(postEFossil, nround);

      if(mcmc.print && ir>=0 && (ir==0 || (ir+1)%mcmc.sampfreq==0)) {
         fprintf(fmcmc,"%d", ir+1);   
         for(j=0;j<; j++) fprintf(fmcmc,"\t%.7f",x[j]);
         if(mcmc.usedata) fprintf(fmcmc,"\t%.3f",lnL);
      if((ir+1)%max2(mcmc.sampfreq, mcmc.sampfreq*mcmc.nsample/100)==0) {
         printf("\r%3.0f%%", (ir+1.)/(mcmc.nsample*mcmc.sampfreq)*100.);

         for(j=0; j<nsteps; j++) 
            printf(" %4.2f", Pjump[j]); 
         printf(" ");

         px = (ir >= 0 ? mx : x);
         px = mx;

         FOR(j,nxpr[0]) printf(" %5.3f", px[j]);
         if(>nxpr[0]+nxpr[1] && nxpr[1]) printf(" -");
         FOR(j,nxpr[1]) printf(" %5.3f", px[[1]+j]);
         if(mcmc.usedata) printf(" %4.1f",lnL);

      if(mcmc.sampfreq*mcmc.nsample>20 && (ir+1)%(mcmc.sampfreq*mcmc.nsample/20)==0) {
         printf(" %s\n", printtime(timestr));
         testlnL = 1;
         if(fabs(lnL-lnpData(data.lnpDi))>0.001) {
            printf("\n%12.6f = %12.6f?\n", lnL, lnpData(data.lnpDi));
            puts("lnL not right?");

         if(mcmc.print) fflush(fmcmc);

   for(i=0; i<; i++)
      vx[i] = sqrt(vx[i]/nround);
   if(mcmc.print) fclose(fmcmc);

   printf("\nTime used: %s", printtime(timestr));
   fprintf(fout,"\nTime used: %s", printtime(timestr));

   fprintf(fout, "\n\nmean and S.D. of parameters using all iterations\n\n");
   fprintf(fout, "mean  ");
   for(i=0; i<; i++)  fprintf(fout, " %9.5f", mx[i]);
   fprintf(fout, "\nS.D.  ");
   for(i=0; i<; i++)  fprintf(fout, " %9.5f", sqrt(vx[i]));

   for(j=0; j<sptree.nspecies-1; j++) 
      nodes[sptree.nspecies+j].age = mx[j];
   for(j=0; j<sptree.nnode; j++)
         nodes[j].branch = nodes[nodes[j].father].age - nodes[j].age;
   puts("\nSpecies tree for TreeView.  Branch lengths = posterior mean times, Labels = 95% CIs");
   FPN(F0); OutTreeN(F0,1,1); FPN(F0);
   fputs("\nSpecies tree for TreeView.  Branch lengths = posterior mean times; 95% CIs = labels", fout);
   FPN(fout); OutTreeN(fout,1,PrNodeNum); FPN(fout);
   FPN(fout); OutTreeN(fout,1,1); FPN(fout);

      DescriptiveStatisticsSimpleMCMCTREE(fout, com.mcmcf, 1);
   if(data.pfossilerror[0]) {
      printf("\nPosterior probabilities that each fossil is in error.\n");
      for(i=k=0; i<sptree.nspecies*2-1; i++) {
         if( (j=sptree.nodes[i].fossil) )
            printf("Node %2d: %s (%9.4f, %9.4f) %8.4f\n", i+1, fossils[j], 
                    sptree.nodes[i].pfossil[0], sptree.nodes[i].pfossil[1], postEFossil[k++]);
      fprintf(fout, "\nPosterior probabilities that each fossil is in error.\n");
      for(i=k=0; i<sptree.nspecies*2-1; i++) {
         if( (j=sptree.nodes[i].fossil) )
            fprintf(fout, "Node %2d: %s (%9.4f, %9.4f) %8.4f\n", i+1, fossils[j], 
                        sptree.nodes[i].pfossil[0], sptree.nodes[i].pfossil[1], postEFossil[k++]);

   printf("\ntime prior: %s\n", (data.priortime?"beta":"Birth-Death-Sampling"));
   printf("rate prior: %s\n",   (data.priorrate?"gamma":"Log-Normal"));
   if(mcmc.usedata==2 && data.transform)
      printf("%s transform is used in approx like calculation.\n", Btransform[data.transform]);
   printf("\nTime used: %s\n", printtime(timestr));