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<TITLE>SDF 2.001: SDF Guru Guide: dict.pl - Dictionary Library</TITLE>
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<H1><A NAME="dict.pl">2.3. dict.pl - Dictionary Library</A></H1>
<H2><A NAME="Purpose">2.3.1. Purpose</A></H2>
<P>This library provides support for reading and processing dictionaries stored in text files.</P>
<H2><A NAME="Interface">2.3.2. Interface</A></H2>
require &quot;dict.pl&quot;;


@<A HREF="#dict_dict_rest">dict_rest</A> = ...

$success =
&amp;<A HREF="#dict_DictFetch">DictFetch</A>($file, $begin, $delimiter, $end, $prefix);

$ok =
&amp;<A HREF="#dict_DictPrint">DictPrint</A>($strm, $level, $buffer_name, $bufref, @report);

<H2><A NAME="Description">2.3.3. Description</A></H2>
<P>A dictionary is a collection of items where each item has:</P>
<LI>a unique key
<LI>a description</UL>
<P><STRONG><A NAME="dict_DICT_DFLT_REPORT">DICT_DFLT_REPORT</A></STRONG> is the default report for <STRONG><A NAME="dict_DictPrint">DictPrint</A></STRONG>. It:</P>
<LI>outputs items in the order found, separated by blank lines
<LI>outputs each item as:<UL>
<LI>key on one line
<LI>description on the next</UL></UL>
<P><STRONG><A NAME="dict_dict_rest">dict_rest</A></STRONG> is the set of lines in the last file processed by <STRONG><A NAME="dict_DictFetch">DictFetch</A></STRONG> which are not in the dictionary.</P>
<P><STRONG><A NAME="dict_DictFetch">DictFetch</A></STRONG> inputs filename as a dictionary.</P>
<P><STRONG><A NAME="dict_DictPrint">DictPrint</A></STRONG> outputs a dictionary using report. If no report is specified, <STRONG><A NAME="dict_DICT_DFLT_REPORT">DICT_DFLT_REPORT</A></STRONG> is used.</P>
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