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# $Id$
# >>Title::     Delphi Module
# >>Copyright::
# Copyright (c) 1992-1997, Ian Clatworthy (
# You may distribute under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.
# >>History::
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Date      Who     Change
# 29-Feb-96 ianc    SDF 2.000
#                   (With lots of initial work from Tim Hudson)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# >>Purpose::
# {{MOD:delphi}} is the [[SDF]] module for
# the building {{PRD:Delphi}} documentation.
# >>Description::
# A {{very}} nice way of doing [[Delphi]] help without having to
# jump through major hoops and still be able to get {{great}}
# hardcopy documentation. Beat that!
# >>Limitations::
# TJH notes:
#    * still lots of work to do in controlling table formatting stuff
#      where we don't yet have things such that we can squish things
#      as nicely as we need ... too much whitespace 
#    * I'd like to be able to say ... take all SpBefore and SpAfter 
#      down by 50% or something like that.
# Some outstanding issues:
# * How do we jump to topics inside the standard Delphi help files?
# * Should H2s be H3s so that H2 can be reserved for the optional level
#   shown in the Delphi library reference?
# * What's the best way of extracting properties, etc., from the code:
#   - How are 'key' entities marked?
#   - How are parent classes found?
#   - How often do we 'go to file' vs 'access the cache'?

# grab things not yet "installed" in the kernel modules
!use "misc.sdm"

# Load the images library
!inherit "images"

# Make 'delphi' a filter for formatting source code
!on filter 'delphi';; $name='example'; $params .= ';lang="Delphi"'

# Define the new paragraph attributes
!block paraattrs

# On a level heading, delphi_unit triggers some nice things:
# * for help, the unit is prepended before the next heading
# * otherwise, the unit name is added to the heading.
!if $var{'OPT_TARGET'} eq 'hlp'
    !on paragraph '[HAP]\d';; $delphi_unit = $attr{'delphi_unit'}
    !on paragraph '[HAP]\d';; \
        if ($delphi_unit) {\
            &PrependText("$style: Unit", "N:{{UNIT:$delphi_unit}}");\
            $delphi_unit = '';\
    #!on paragraph '[HAP]\d';; $attr{'label'} = $attr{'delphi_unit'};\
    #    $attr{'mif.NumAtEnd'} = 1
    !on paragraph '[HAP]\d';; \
        if ($attr{'delphi_unit'} ne '') {\
            $text .= " (" . $attr{'delphi_unit'} . ")";\

# these should be moved into the images library?
# At the moment, we use IMPORT for paper-based stuff to force 'inline'
# importing, rather than 'below' importing.
!define IMG_ARROW "{{IMPORT:arrow}}"
!define IMG_KEY   "{{IMPORT:key}}"

# Control the font mapping so that things are by default in
# "normal" Delphi mode ... which the user can override where
# they see fit!

!if $var{'OPT_TARGET'} eq 'hlp'

    # Just the entities in the contents
    !on paragraph '[HAP][2-9]';; $attr{'notoc'} = 1

    # all top level headings are blue for Delphi-style help!
    !on paragraph '[HAP]1';; $attr{'color'} = 'Blue';

    # Delphi help is always in a nice "Arial" font ... 
    !on paragraph ;; $attr{'family'} = 'Arial';
    !on phrase ;; $attr{'family'} = 'Arial';

    # 12 point for headers ...
    !on paragraph '[HAP]1';; $attr{'size'} = '12 pt'; $attr{'bold'} = '1';

    # 19 point for second level headers ...
    !on paragraph '[HAP]2';; $attr{'size'} = '10 pt'; $attr{'bold'} = '1';

    # 10 point by default for everything else
    !on paragraph '';; $attr{'size'} = '10 pt';

    # Make Tasks and Example separate topics
    !on paragraph '[HAP]2';; \
        if ($text eq 'Tasks' || $text eq 'Example') {\
            $attr{'top'} = 1;\
            $attr{'id'} = "jump_${topic}_$text";\


    # Start level 1 headings on a new page (and make plain)
    !on paragraph '[HAP]1';; $style =~ tr/HA/PP/; $attr{'top'} = 1

    # Remove level 2+ headings from the contents (and make plain)
    !on paragraph '[HA][2-9]';; $style =~ tr/HA/PP/; $attr{'notoc'} = 1

    # For PostScript output, the 'Description' heading gets junked.
    !if $var{'OPT_TARGET'} eq 'ps'
        !on paragraph '[HAP]2';; if ($text eq 'Description') \
            {$text = ""; %attr = ('sp_before', '0 pt')}

# Commonly used phrase styles
!block phrasestyles
Name            To
CLASS           =1
COMP            =1
EVENT           =1
EXCEPT          =1
FUNC            =1
METH            =1
OBJ             =1
PROC            =1
PROP            =1
TYPE            =1
UNIT            =1
VAR             =1
################# Hypertext Generation Stuff #####################

# Declare short <-> long mapping tables
!block script
%delphi_s2l = (
    'class',        'class',
    'comp',         'component',
    'event',        'event',
    'except',       'exception',
    'func',         'function',
    'meth',         'method',
    'obj',          'object',
    'proc',         'procedure',
    'prop',         'property',
    'type',         'type',
    'unit',         'unit',
    'var',          'variable',
%delphi_l2s = (
    'class',        'class',    
    'component',    'comp',     
    'event',        'event',    
    'exception',    'except',
    'function',     'func',     
    'method',       'meth',     
    'object',       'obj',      
    'procedure',    'proc',     
    'property',     'prop',     
    'type',         'type',     
    'unit',         'unit',     
    'variable',     'var',

sub _DelphiGenerateHyperText {
    local($tmp, $group, $prefix);

    $tmp = $style;
    $tmp =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
    $prefix = '';
    if ($text =~ /\./) {
        ($group, $text) = split(/\./, $text, 2);
        unless (defined($_delphi_groups{$group})) {
            &'AppMsg("warning", "unknown delphi group '$group'");
        $prefix = $_delphi_groups{$group};
    $attr{'jump'} = $prefix . "#${tmp}_$text";

# Generate hypertext jumps

# Generate hypertext targets
!on paragraph '[HAP][12]';; \
    ($tmp1, $tmp2) = split(/\s+/, $text, 2); \
    $tmp2 =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; \
    $tmp2 = $delphi_l2s{$tmp2}; \
    $attr{'id'} = "${tmp2}_$tmp1" if $tmp2

################# Filters #####################

!block script

# Table of "groups" - a logical name for a jump prefix
%_delphi_groups = ();

# delphi_groups - table of logical group names and matching jump prefixes
@_delphi_groups_FilterParams = ();
@_delphi_groups_FilterModel = &'TableParse(
    'Field      Category    Rule',
    'Name       key',
    'Prefix     optional',
sub delphi_groups_Filter {
    local(*text, %param) = @_;
    local(@tbl, @flds, $rec, %values);

    # Parse and validate the data
    @tbl = &'TableParse(@text);
    @text = ();
    &'TableValidate(*tbl, *_delphi_groups_FilterModel);

    # Process the data
    (@flds) = &'TableFields(shift @tbl);
    for $rec (@tbl) {
        %values = &'TableRecSplit(*flds, $rec);
        $_delphi_groups{$values{'Name'}} = $values{'Prefix'};

# delphi_properties - table of properties for a Delphi class
@_delphi_properties_FilterParams = ();
@_delphi_properties_FilterModel = &'TableParse(
    'Field      Category    Rule',
    'Name       key',
    'Key        optional    <yes>',
    'RO         optional    <yes>'
sub delphi_properties_Filter {
    local(*text, %param) = @_;
    local(@tbl, @flds, $rec, %values);

    # Parse and validate the data
    @tbl = &'TableParse(@text);
    @text = ();
    &'TableValidate(*tbl, *_delphi_properties_FilterModel);

    # Sort the data
    @tbl = &'TableSort(*tbl, 'Name');

    # Get the line and row counts
    (@flds) = &'TableFields(shift @tbl);
    #print STDERR "LINE_COUNT $line_count ROW_COUNT $row_count\n";

    # Build the section "header"
    if ($var{'OPT_TARGET'} eq 'hlp') {
            "!block hlp_window",
            "!squish on ; ",
            "H2[notoc;hlp.topic='jump_${topic}_Properties'] Properties",
            "!block table; noheadings;style=\"plain\";format=\"3,30,6,27\"",
            "[[IMG_ARROW]]|{{B:Run-time only}}|[[IMG_KEY]]|{{B:Key properties}}",
            "!block table; noheadings;style='plain';" .
    } else {
            "P2[notoc] Properties",
            "!block table; noheadings;style='plain';" .

    # Process the data
    @items = ();
    for($line=0;$line<$row_count;$line++) {
      for($row=0;$row<3;$row++) {
        # access in the right location
        # alphabetically down with three cols
        if ($pos>$line_count) {
          #print STDERR "TBL[$line,$row,$pos]=<BLANK>\n";
        } else {
          #print STDERR "TBL[$line,$row,$pos]=$rec\n";
        %values = &'TableRecSplit(*flds, $rec);

        # divide into a three column table ...
        if ($values{'RO'}) {
            $item .= "[[IMG_ARROW]]|";
        } else {
            $item .= "|";
        if ($values{'Key'}) {
            $item .= "[[IMG_KEY]]|";
        } else {
            $item .= "|";
        if ($values{'Name'}) {
            $item .= "$values{'Name'}";
        } else {
            $item .= "";
        $item .= "|" if ($row<2);
      push(@items, $item);

    # Let the reader know if there are none
    @items = ('||None.') if $line_count == 0;

    # add in the table body

    if ($var{'OPT_TARGET'} eq 'hlp') {
        push(@text, "!endblock", "!squish off");

    #print STDERR "Properties:\n" . join("\n",@text);


# delphi_methods - table of methods for a Delphi class
@_delphi_methods_FilterParams = ();
sub delphi_methods_Filter {
    local(*text, %param) = @_;

    &_delphi_keytable(*text, 'Methods');

# delphi_events - table of events for a Delphi class
@_delphi_events_FilterParams = ();
sub delphi_events_Filter {
    local(*text, %param) = @_;

    &_delphi_keytable(*text, 'Events');

# generic processing for methods & events
@_delphi_keytable_FilterModel = &'TableParse(
    'Field      Category    Rule',
    'Name       key',
    'Key        optional    <yes>'
sub _delphi_keytable {
    local(*text, $label) = @_;
#   local();
    local(@tbl, @flds, $rec, %values);

    # Get a lower-case version of the label
    $lc_label = $label;
    $lc_label =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;

    # Gets the value of the tags parameter
    if ($label eq 'Methods') {
        $tags_value = ',,METH,,,METH,,,METH';
    else {
        $tags_value = ',,EVENT,,,EVENT,,,EVENT';

    # Parse and validate the data
    @tbl = &'TableParse(@text);
    @text = ();
    &'TableValidate(*tbl, *_delphi_keytable_FilterModel);

    # Sort the data
    @tbl = &'TableSort(*tbl, 'Name');

    # Get the line and row counts
    (@flds) = &'TableFields(shift @tbl);
    #print STDERR "LINE_COUNT $line_count ROW_COUNT $row_count\n";

    # Build the section "header"
    if ($var{'OPT_TARGET'} eq 'hlp') {
            "!block hlp_window",
            "!squish on ; ",
            "H2[notoc;hlp.topic='jump_${topic}_$label'] $label",
            "!block table; noheadings;style=\"plain\";format=\"6,27\"",
            "[[IMG_KEY]]|{{B:Key $lc_label}}",
            "!block table; noheadings;style='plain';" .
    } else {
            "P2[notoc] $label",
            "!block table; noheadings;style='plain';" .

    # Process the data
    @items = ();
    for($line=0;$line<$row_count;$line++) {
      for($row=0;$row<3;$row++) {
        # access in the right location
        # alphabetically down with three cols
        if ($pos>$line_count) {
          #print STDERR "TBL[$line,$row,$pos]=<BLANK>\n";
        } else {
          #print STDERR "TBL[$line,$row,$pos]=$rec\n";
        %values = &'TableRecSplit(*flds, $rec);

        # method/event doesn't have the RO field but does still
        # use the same table formatting ... cute huh!
        $item .= "|";

        if ($values{'Key'}) {
            $item .= "[[IMG_KEY]]|";
        } else {
            $item .= "|";
        if ($values{'Name'}) {
            $item .= "$values{'Name'}";
        } else {
            $item .= "";

        $item .= "|" if ($row<2);

      push(@items, $item);

    # Let the reader know if there are none
    @items = ('||None.') if $line_count == 0;

    # add in the table body

    if ($var{'OPT_TARGET'} eq 'hlp') {
        push(@text, "!endblock", "!squish off");

    #print STDERR "Methods:\n" . join("\n",@text);


# delphi_see_also - a table of related entities
@_delphi_see_also_FilterParams = ();
@_delphi_see_also_FilterModel = &'TableParse(
    'Field      Category    Rule',
    'Name       key',
    'Category   optional    <component|object|exception|type|property|method|event|function|procedure>'
sub delphi_see_also_Filter {
    local(*text, %param) = @_;
#   local();
    local(@tbl, @flds, $rec, %values);
    local($item, @items, $style);

    # Parse and validate the data
    @tbl = &'TableParse(@text);
    @text = ();
    &'TableValidate(*tbl, *_delphi_see_also_FilterModel);

    # Process the data
    (@flds) = &'TableFields(shift @tbl);
    for $rec (@tbl) {
        %values = &'TableRecSplit(*flds, $rec);
        if ($values{'Category'}) {
            $style = $delphi_l2s{$values{'Category'}};
            $style =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
            $item = "{{$style: $values{'Name'}}} $values{'Category'}";
        } else {
            $item = "{{JUMP: $values{'Name'}}}";
        push(@items, $item);

    # Format the output
    if ($var{'OPT_TARGET'} eq 'hlp') {
        @text = (
            "!squish on ; ",
            "!block hlp_window",
            "H2[id='jump_${topic}_See also']See also",
            grep(s/^/N:/, @items),
            "!squish off"
    else {
        @text = ("H2:See also", "N:" . join(", ", @items));

    #print STDERR "See Also:\n" . join("\n",@text);

# delphi_components - table of components for a Delphi unit
@_delphi_components_FilterParams = ();
sub delphi_components_Filter {
    local(*text, %param) = @_;

    &_delphi_list(*text, 'Components', 'COMP');

# delphi_objects - table of objects for a Delphi unit
@_delphi_objects_FilterParams = ();
sub delphi_objects_Filter {
    local(*text, %param) = @_;

    &_delphi_list(*text, 'Objects', 'OBJ');

# delphi_types - table of types for a Delphi unit
@_delphi_types_FilterParams = ();
sub delphi_types_Filter {
    local(*text, %param) = @_;

    &_delphi_list(*text, 'Types', 'TYPE');

# delphi_routines - table of routines for a Delphi unit
@_delphi_routines_FilterParams = ();
sub delphi_routines_Filter {
    local(*text, %param) = @_;

    &_delphi_list(*text, 'Routines', 'FUNC');

# delphi_exceptions - table of exceptions for a Delphi unit
@_delphi_exceptions_FilterParams = ();
sub delphi_exceptions_Filter {
    local(*text, %param) = @_;

    &_delphi_list(*text, 'Exceptions', 'EXCEPT');

# delphi_variables - table of variables for a Delphi unit
@_delphi_variables_FilterParams = ();
sub delphi_variables_Filter {
    local(*text, %param) = @_;

    &_delphi_list(*text, 'Variables', 'VAR');

# generic processing for components, objects, types and routines
@_delphi_list_FilterModel = &'TableParse(
    'Field      Category    Rule',
    'Name       key',
    'Style      optional',
sub _delphi_list {
    local(*text, $label, $style) = @_;
#   local();
    local(@tbl, @flds, $rec, %values);
    local($item_style, $item, @items);

    # Parse and validate the data
    @tbl = &'TableParse(@text);
    @text = ();
    &'TableValidate(*tbl, *_delphi_list_FilterModel);

    # Sort the data
    @tbl = &'TableSort(*tbl, 'Name');

    # Process the data
    (@flds) = &'TableFields(shift @tbl);
    for $rec (@tbl) {
        %values = &'TableRecSplit(*flds, $rec);
        $item_style = $values{'Style'} ne '' ? $values{'Style'} : $style;
        $item = "{{$item_style: $values{'Name'}}}";
        push(@items, $item);

    # Format the output
    if ($var{'OPT_TARGET'} eq 'hlp') {
        @text = (
            "!squish on ; ",
            grep(s/^/N:/, @items),
            "!squish off"
    else {
        @text = ("H2:$label", "N:" . join(", ", @items));
