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package Entities::Backend::Memory;

our $VERSION = "0.5";

use Carp;
use Moo;
use MooX::Types::MooseLike::Base qw/ArrayRef/;
use namespace::autoclean;

with 'Entities::Backend';

# ABSTRACT: A simple backend that stores all data in memory, for testing and development purposes.

=head1 NAME

Entities::Backend::Memory - A simple backend that stores all data in memory, for testing and development purposes.

=head1 VERSION

version 0.5


	use Entities;
	use Entities::Backend::Memory;

	# see synopsis at L<Entities>


This L<backend|Entities::Backend> for the L<Entities> user management
and authorization system stores all entities and relations between them
in memory. It is only meant for quick testing and rapid development. Please,
do not use this in production environments.


The following method are unique to this backend only.

=head2 new()

Creates a new instance of this module.

=head2 roles( [\@roles] )

In scalar context, returns an array-ref of all <role objects|Entities::Role>
stored in memory. In list context returns an array. If a list of role
objects is provided, it will replace the current list.


has 'roles' => (
	is => 'rw',
	isa => ArrayRef

=head2 users( [\@users] )

In scalar context, returns an array-ref of all <user objects|Entities::User>
stored in memory. In list context returns an array. If a list of user
objects is provided, it will replace the current list.


has 'users' => (
	is => 'rw',
	isa => ArrayRef

=head2 actions( [\@actions] )

In scalar context, returns an array-ref of all <action objects|Entities::Action>
stored in memory. In list context returns an array. If a list of action
objects is provided, it will replace the current list.


has 'actions' => (
	is => 'rw',
	isa => ArrayRef

=head2 plans( [\@plans] )

In scalar context, returns an array-ref of all <plan objects|Entities::Plan>
stored in memory. In list context returns an array. If a list of plan
objects is provided, it will replace the current list.


has 'plans' => (
	is => 'rw',
	isa => ArrayRef

=head2 customers( [\@customers] )

In scalar context, returns an array-ref of all <customer objects|Entities::Customer>
stored in memory. In list context returns an array. If a list of customer
objects is provided, it will replace the current list.


has 'customers' => (
	is => 'rw',
	isa => ArrayRef

=head2 features( [\@features] )

In scalar context, returns an array-ref of all <feature objects|Entities::Feature>
stored in memory. In list context returns an array. If a list of feature
objects is provided, it will replace the current list.


has 'features' => (
	is => 'rw',
	isa => ArrayRef


The following methods implement the methods that the L<Entities::Backend>
Moose role requires backend classes to implement. See the documentation
of that role for more information on these methods.

=head2 get_user_from_id( $user_id )


sub get_user_from_id {
	my ($self, $id) = @_;

	foreach ($self->users) {
		return $_ if $_->id == $id;


=head2 get_user_from_name( $username )


sub get_user_from_name {
	my ($self, $username) = @_;

	foreach ($self->users) {
		return $_ if $_->username eq $username;


=head2 get_role( $role_name )


sub get_role {
	my ($self, $name) = @_;

	foreach ($self->roles) {
		return $_ if $_->name eq $name;


=head2 get_customer( $customer_name )


sub get_customer {
	my ($self, $name) = @_;

	foreach ($self->customers) {
		return $_ if $_->name eq $name;


=head2 get_plan( $plan_name )


sub get_plan {
	my ($self, $name) = @_;

	foreach ($self->plans) {
		return $_ if $_->name eq $name;


=head2 get_feature( $feature_name )


sub get_feature {
	my ($self, $name) = @_;

	foreach ($self->features) {
		return $_ if $_->name eq $name;


=head2 get_action( $action_name )


sub get_action {
	my ($self, $name) = @_;

	foreach ($self->actions) {
		return $_ if $_->name eq $name;


=head2 save( $obj )


sub save {
	my ($self, $obj) = @_;

	unless ($obj->has_id) {
		my $coll =	$obj->isa('Entities::User') ? 'users' :
				$obj->isa('Entities::Role') ? 'roles' :
				$obj->isa('Entities::Action') ? 'actions' :
				$obj->isa('Entities::Feature') ? 'features' :
				$obj->isa('Entities::Plan') ? 'plans' :
				$obj->isa('Entities::Customer') ? 'customers' :

		croak "Can't find out the type of object received, it is not a valid Entity"
			if $coll eq 'unknown';

		my @array = $self->$coll;
		$obj->_set_id(scalar @array + 1);
		push(@array, $obj);

	return 1;


The following list documents any method modifications performed through
the magic of L<Moose>.

=head2 around qw/roles actions users plans customers features/

If any of the above methods are called in list context, this method
modifier will automatically dereference the results into an array.


around qw/roles actions users plans customers features/ => sub {
	my ($orig, $self) = (shift, shift);

	if (scalar @_) {
		return $self->$orig(@_);
	} else {
		my $ret = $self->$orig || [];
		return wantarray ? @$ret : $ret;

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Entities>, L<Entities::Backend>, L<Entities::Backend::MongoDB>.

=head1 AUTHOR

Ido Perlmuter, C<< <ido at ido50 dot net> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-entities at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Entities::Backend::Memory

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN




Copyright 2010-2013 Ido Perlmuter.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.

