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# Created by Idel Fuschini 
# Date: 01/08/10
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package Apache2::AMFCommonLib;
  use strict; 
  use warnings;
  use vars qw($VERSION);
  $VERSION= "4.03";

sub new {
  my $package = shift;
  return bless({}, $package);

sub getMobileArray {
  my %MobileArray;
  my $mobileParam="android,bolt,brew,docomo,foma,hiptop,htc,ipod,ipad,kddi,kindle,lge,maemo,midp,mobi,netfront,nintendo,nokia,novarra,openweb,palm,phone,playstation,psp,samsung,sanyo,softbank,sony,symbian,up.browser,,wap,webos,windows ce,wireless,xv6875.1,mini,mobi,symbos,touchpad,rim,arm,zune,spv,blackberry,mitsu,siem,sama,sch-,moto,ipaq,sec-,sgh-,gradiente,alcat,mot-,sagem,ericsson,lg-,lg/,nec-,philips,panasonic,kwc-,portalm,telit,ericy,zte,hutc,qc-,sharp,vodafone,compal,dbtel,sendo,benq,bird,amoi,becker,lenovo,tsm";
  my @dummyMobileKeys = split(/,/, $mobileParam);
  foreach my $dummy (@dummyMobileKeys) {
  return %MobileArray;
sub getPCArray {
  my %PCArray;
  my $i=0;
  while ($i < 28) {
  while ($i < 12) {
  $PCArray{'msie 5'}='msie_5';
  $PCArray{'msie 6'}='msie_6';
  $PCArray{'msie 7'}='msie_7';
  $PCArray{'msie 8'}='msie_8';
  $PCArray{'msie 9'}='msie_9';
  return %PCArray;
sub getMD5 {
    my $self = shift;	
    my $file;
    if (@_) {
	    $file = shift;
    open(FILE, $file) or die "Can't open '$file': $!";
    my $returnMD5=Digest::MD5->new->addfile(*FILE)->hexdigest;
    return $returnMD5;
sub Data {
    my $_sec;
	my $_min;
	my $_hour;
	my $_mday;
	my $_day;
	my $_mon;
	my $_year;
	my $_wday;
	my $_yday;
	my $_isdst;
	my $_data;
	($_sec,$_min,$_hour,$_mday,$_mon,$_year,$_wday,$_yday,$_isdst) = localtime(time);
	$_data="$_mday/$_mon/$_year - $_hour:$_min:$_sec";
    return $_data;
sub correct_number {
  my ($number) = @_;
  if ($number < 10) {
  return $number;
sub printLog {
	my $self = shift;
	if (@_) {
	    $self->{'printLog'} = shift;
	my $data=Data();
	print "$data - $self->{'printLog'}\n";
sub CleanUa {
    my $self = shift;	
    my $UserAgent;
    if (@_) {
	    $UserAgent = shift;
	my $string="";
	$UserAgent =~ s/\  //g;
	#$UserAgent =~ s/([0-9\\.]+).*?//g;
	$UserAgent =~ s/iemobile \/([0-9\\.]+).*?/iemobile /g;
	$UserAgent =~ s/series40\/([0-9\\.]+)...(!?abc)*?/series40/g;
	$UserAgent =~ s/series60\/([0-9\\.]+)...(!?abc)*?/series60/g;

	if ( $UserAgent =~ m/^outlook/i ) {  
	  $UserAgent=substr($UserAgent,index($UserAgent,'(') + 1,length($UserAgent) -  index($UserAgent,'(') -2);

	if ( $UserAgent =~ m/windows nt/i) {
	    my $first=substr($UserAgent,0,index($UserAgent,'windows nt') + 12);
	    my $second="";
	    if (length($UserAgent) > index($UserAgent,'windows nt') + 14) {
	      $second=substr($UserAgent,index($UserAgent,'windows nt') + 14);
  	my @arrayFile=split(/\ /, $UserAgent);
	foreach my $field (@arrayFile) {
		if ($field =~ m/applewebkit/i || $field =~ m/chrome/i || $field =~ m/safari/i) {
			my ($first,$second)=split(/\//, $field);

			$string=$string." ".$first;
		} else {
			$string=$string." ".$field;
	return $string;
sub GetMultipleUa {
    my $self = shift;	
    my $UserAgent;
    my $deep;
    my $count=0;
    if (@_) {
	    $UserAgent = shift;
	    $deep = shift;
    my $length=length($UserAgent);
    my %ArrayUAparse;
    if (substr($UserAgent,$length-1,1) eq ')') {
    $UserAgent =~ s/\ /|/g;
    $UserAgent =~ s/\//|/g;
    $UserAgent =~ s/\-/|/g;
    $UserAgent =~ s/\_/|/g;
    $UserAgent =~ s/\./|/g;
    my @pairs = split(/\|/, $UserAgent);
    my $deep_to_verify=scalar(@pairs) - $deep - 1;
    my $ind=0;
    my $string="";
    if ($deep > scalar(@pairs)) {
      $deep=scalar(@pairs) - 1;
    foreach my $key (@pairs) {
        if ($ind==0) {
	} else  {
	  $string=$string." ".$key;
	if ($ind > $deep - 1) {
    return %ArrayUAparse;

sub androidDetection {
	my $self = shift;
	my $ua="";
	if (@_) {
	    $ua = shift;
	#print "$ua----------\n";
	my $version='nc';
	my $os='nc';
	if (index($ua,'android') > -1 ) {
	       #my $string_to_parse=substr($ua,index($ua,'(') + 1,index($ua,')'));
	       my @param=split(/\;/,$ua);
	       #my ($dummy1,$dummy2,$vers,$lan,$dummy5)=split(/\;/,$string_to_parse);
	       my $element=scalar @param;
	       my $count=0;
	       my $count_add=0;
	       my @param_ua;
	       if ($element > 0) {
	       while ($count<$element) {
		  if (index($param[$count],'-')>-1 && length($param[$count])==6) {
		  } elsif (length($param[$count])==2) {
		  } elsif (index($param[$count],'android')>-1) {
			  ($os,$version)=split(/ /,$param[$count]);
			  if ($version) {
			    if (index($version,'.') > -1) {
			      $version =~ s/\.//g;
			  $param_ua[$count_add]="android xx";
		  } else {
		$element=scalar @param_ua;
		$ua = "";
		while ($count < $element) {
		  $ua=$ua." ".$param_ua[$count];
              #print $ua."\n";
	return ($ua,$version);

sub botDetection {
	my $self = shift;
	my $ua="";
	my @arrayBot = ('googlebot','google web preview','msnbot','','ia_archiver','yahoo!','webalta crawler','flickysearchbot','yanga worldsearch','stackrambler','','yandex');
	if (@_) {
	    $ua = shift;
	foreach my $pair (@arrayBot) {
	  if (index($ua,$pair) > -1 ) {
	    $ua='It is a bot';
	return $ua;

sub readCookie {
    my $self = shift;
    my $cookie_search;
	if (@_) {
		    $cookie_search = shift;
    my $param_tofound;
    my $string_tofound;
    my $value="";
    my $id_return="";
    my @pairs = split(/;/, $cookie_search);
    my $name;
    foreach $param_tofound (@pairs) {
       ($string_tofound,$value)=split(/=/, $param_tofound);
       if ($string_tofound =~ "amfID") {
    return $id_return;
sub readCookie_fullB {
    my $self = shift;
    my $cookie_search;
	if (@_) {
		    $cookie_search = shift;
    my $param_tofound;
    my $string_tofound;
    my $value="";
    my $id_return="";
    my @pairs = split(/;/, $cookie_search);
    my $name;
    foreach $param_tofound (@pairs) {
       ($string_tofound,$value)=split(/=/, $param_tofound);
       if ($string_tofound =~ "amfFull") {
    return $id_return;


=head1 NAME

Apache2::AMFCommonLib - Common Library That AMF uses.


Is a simple Common Library for AMF



=head1 AUTHOR

Idel Fuschini (idel.fuschini [at] gmail [dot] com)


You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.
