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ApacheMobileFilter 4.09
Add AMF_DEVICE_MOBILE_OS for detect operative system
Add AMF_DEVICE_MOBILE_OS_VERSION for detect operative system version
Optimization of download AMF repository 

ApacheMobileFilter 4.08
Search for several servers to download AMF repository

ApacheMobileFilter 4.07
Added new parameter AMFSetProxy for set the proxy default is true
Added new parameter AMFSetHttpProxy for set the http proxy host
Added new parameter AMFSetHttpProxyPort for set the http proxy port
Added new parameter AMFSetGetParameterTimeOut for set the timeout for download parameter
Fix issue for UserAgent with "Google favicon" thanks to Colt
Search for mirror server to download AMF repository

ApacheMobileFilter 4.06
Change source repository for AMFLiteDetect module
ApacheMobileFilter 4.05
Fix issue

ApacheMobileFilter 4.04
Change source repository for AMFLiteDetect module

ApacheMobileFilter 4.03
Fixed bug (thanks to Juan) ref.!topic/amf-device-detection/QQgYOTJb2Fs.
Fixed bug (thanks to Juan) ref.!topic/amf-device-detection/ZOOSFL6JS4Y.

ApacheMobileFilter 4.02
Fixed serious bug (thanks to Maarten).

ApacheMobileFilter 4.01
Fixed serious bug in AMFWebService (thanks to juan).

ApacheMobileFilter 4.00
Added new capability for LiteDetection now it's possible to detect if device is touch
Change Architecture for module supports memcached

ApacheMobileFilter 3.54
Fix serious bug for LiteDetection now it's possible to detect mobile and tablet correctly

ApacheMobileFilter 3.53
Deprecate webPatchFile
Parameter LoadWebPatch is deprecated
Parameter PatchWurflNetDownload is deprecated
Parameter PatchWurflUrl is deprecated

ApacheMobileFilter 3.52
Fix minor for AMFImageRendering

ApacheMobileFilter 3.51
Change logic for be more mod_rewrite compatible
Added new feature for download directly the premium device repository directly from site
Added new parameter Key51Degrees to set premium key
Added new pre-requisit LWP::Protocol::https for support https connection
Fixed bug for modules that used memcached
Fixed bug for AMFSwitcher
Added parameter TypeRedirect for specify the type of redirect for AMFSwitcher 
Clean header for AMFImageRendering
Added environment variable AMF_FORCE_TO_DESKTOP is setted as true that mean you don't want redirect mobile device (mod_rewrite) 

ApacheMobileFilter 3.50
Added New Module AMF51DegreesFilter and AMF51DegreesFilterMemcached for load 51Degrees DR (
Fixed bugs for DetectRight modules
Fixed bugs for AMFCarrierDetection

ApacheMobileFilter 3.40a
Fixed some minors bugs
Add AMF Environment variable AMF_DEVICE_ISMOBILE (boolean)
Add AMF AMFDownloadParamURL parameter for AMFLiteDetection default is true.
Added New Module AMFLiteDetectionFilter for who don't want to use a commercial DR.
Added New Module AMFDetectRightFilter and AMFDetectRightFilterMemcached for load DetectRight DR (
Added new function that check the last version on line, it's possible enable with AMFCheckVersion parameter on true (default is false)
Added parameter AMFDeepParse to increase the performance of Device Detection

ApacheMobileFilter 3.33
AMFCommonLib optimize code for device detection.
AMFImageRendering correct bugs about fullbrowser. Thanks to Carsten.
AMFDeviceMonitor support Deflate mode. Carsten rewrite for me parts of code, many thanks.

ApacheMobileFilter 3.32
Add Alert message for new license of WURFL.

ApacheMobileFilter 3.31
Change Makefile.PL
Add info information for image supported
Add AMFWSCacheControl parameter in AMFWebService, so all proxy cache in middle donÕt send many request to webservice. (suggested by juan).
Fix bugs for Opera (if webpatch is loaded)

ApacheMobileFilter 3.30
AMFImageRendering now supports animated GIF
AMFWebService supports deflate mode.
AMFWebService add new feature called capabilityList, to get specific capability (syntax is capabilityList=brand_name,xhtml_table_support). Thanks to Juan 

ApacheMobileFilter 3.25
Fixed bugs in AMFSwitcher. Thanks to Christofer.
Optimize detection logic for iPhone and Apple. Thanks to Dave

ApacheMobileFilter 3.24
Optimize detection logic
Introduce new configuration parameter PersonalWurflFileName

ApacheMobileFilter 3.23
Improve sophoisticated Android Detection (check correct OS version)
Fixed minor bugs, wrong message for AMFMobileHome.

ApacheMobileFilter 3.22
Fixed bugs on FallBack function
Optimize device detection logic.
Change resize mechanism for jpg and png file, now it's faster and managed transparency images.
Improve sophisticated Android Detection

ApacheMobileFilter 3.21
Fixed bugs for mobile bot

ApacheMobileFilter 3.20
New detection for Android Device
New detection for bot. Thanks to Cristobal.

ApacheMobileFilter 3.12
If a useragent is empty now AMF recongize as generic browser. Thanks to Alberto.
Fixed bugs

ApacheMobileFilter 3.11
Fixed bug for AMFSwticher, managed correctly 2 virtual host (one mobile and one for fullbrowser). Thanks to Sergio
Fixed bug for AMFWebService.
Add new environment variable AMF_PATCHFILEVER
Added parameter ForceTabletAsFullBrowser for redirect tablet (for example iPad) to the fullbrowser site

ApacheMobileFilter 3.10
Fixed bugs for some browser. Thanks to Sergio

ApacheMobileFilter 3.09b
Fixed bugs for chrome

ApacheMobileFilter 3.09
Device detection it's no more case sensitive for ua mobile devices.
Fixed minor bugs.

ApacheMobileFilter 3.08
Added new module AMFWebService, for XML and JSON output. Thanks to Stefano L.
Added parameter RestMode (default is false) if it's is possible to pass in query string the value of userAgent
AMFImageRendering not rendering image if its width is less then the width of the device screen, thanks to Emiliano M.
Added parameter ImageParamPerc for to change the default parameter dim.
Added parameter ImageParamHeight for to change the default parameter height.
Added parameter ImageParamWidth for to change the default parameter width.
Added parmaeter ResizeSmallImage (default is false), if it's true AMFImageRendering resie alse the image smallest of fecvice screen size (low quality).
Added parameter FullBrowserMobileAccessKey for that permit the mobile device to access in fullbrowser mode (for example iPhone).
Fixed bug for some particular PC user agent. Thanks Danielle K.

ApacheMobileFilter 3.07
Fixed Bugs in, thanks to Siemens

ApacheMobileFilter 3.06
Manage the operamini browser now the filter detect correctly the device and the browser

ApacheMobileFilter 3.05
Added parameter AMFMobileKeys for patch identify mobile useragent.
Delete warn in AMFMobileCachingMemcached
Add new module AMFTrace for trace.
Added parameter AMFTraceDebug is boolean (false is the default value, and trace only new useragent, true trace the capabilitis setted in AMFTraceCapability.
Added parameter AMFTraceCapability is the capability name you want to trace (for ex. brand, model, etc....).
Added parameter AMFTraceFS to set the field separate between the capabilities to trace.

ApacheMobileFilter 3.04
Deprecated parameter CookieCacheSystem is changed in AMFProductionMode
Change Makefile.PL
Fixed bugs. Thanks to Ivancho.
Fixed bugs for CookieCacheSystem (now AMFProductionMode)

ApacheMobileFilter 3.03
Deprecated parameter MOBILE_HOME is changed in AMFMobileHome
Fixed Bug in AMFWURFLFilter. Thanks to Allison.
Fixed Bug for AMFImageRender (with different virtual host conflic with images with the same name). Thanks to Sergio.
Fixed Bug for AMFImageRender (with different uri conflict with images with the same name).

ApacheMobileFilter 3.02
Fixed Bug in AMFWURFLFilter. If  CapabilityList was not setted, caused an "uninitialized value".
Fixed Bug in AMFSwitcher. (the bug is it only in 3.01) Thanks to Richard W.

ApacheMobileFilter 3.01
Fixed Bug in AMFCommonLib. Thanks to Amit New Parameter called WildCardRedirect that passed the parameter end the url to another site. Thanks to Amit New Parameter called SwitcherExclude excludes the url that contains one or more strings that is been specified into the parameter.

ApacheMobileFilter 3.00
Change name of the package Apache2-WURFLFilter to Apache2-ApacheMobileFilter
Change name of module in
Change name of module in
Create new module called to use memcached ( as shared memory in cluster mode.
Create new module called to use memcached ( as shared memory in cluster mode. This module cash the content for id device
Fixed bugs WURFLFilter
Fixed bugs in old called now, no more internal redirect.

WURFLFilter 2.21
Correct Internal Redirect in AMFSwitcher, thanks to Alison
Created a new module called to optimize and better maintenance of the code

WURFLFilter 2.20a
Correct the documentation into AMFDeviceDetection

WURFLFilter 2.20
New module: The switcher mode now is in a separated module called, this module use the same parameter that before version (FullBrowserUrl, MobileVersionUrl, RedirectTranscoderUrl)
New module: Create the AMFCarrierDetection to detect by ip address the carrier name and its nation and pass the parameters as environment variable (AMF_CARRIER_NAME, AMF_CARRIER_NATION)
New module: Create the AMFDeviceMonitor a simple admin tool to see witch type of device has access in your site (beta version)
Performance increase of and patched the manage of web_browsers_patch.xml
ImageFIlterRender set the no cache for the images (for firefox and ie problem)

WURFLFilter 2.11
Fixed bugs in ImageFilter for extension uppercase thanks to Sergio
Fixed bugs in ImageFilter for Alias directive thanks to Sergio

WURFLFilter 2.1
Added Parameter CacheDirectoryStore to set the directory where the data are stored.
The Cache system use the Cache::FileBackend library, now the capabilities of device data are stored on filesystem. So if the version of WURFL or CapabilityList are not changed at startup Apache don't lost the data stored.
Fixed Bugs (thanks to Eladio)
Clear code

WURFLFilter 2.07
Clear code

WURFLFilter 2.06
Fixed Bugs for caching system thanks to nobbynobbs 
For the uknown devices now the AMF_ID return "device_not_found" value (before was null)
Manage strange headers X-Device-User-Agent for Content Transformation (read more:

ImageRenderingFilter 2.06 
Clear the code

WURFLFilter 2.05
WURFLFIlter parameter DownloadZipFile now the Apache Mobile Filter detect automaticaly the file to download is a zip file.
Add Environment variable AMF_WURFLVER to know which version of WURFL the filter use.
Optimize the downloading phases of wurfl files.
ImageRenderFilter fixed bugs

WURFLFilter 2.04
Deprecated parameter Log4WurflNoDeviceDetect, the strange parameter is logged into error_log as warning type
Deprecated parameter DirWebPatch, now if LoadWebPatch is true and PatchWurflNetDownload is false the Apache Mobile FIlter load the web_browsers_patch.xml file into MOBILE_HOME parameter
Deprecated parameter ConvertImage this parameter has not sense.
Deprecated parameter WebAppConvertImages this parameter has not sense.
Deprecated parameter DetectAccuracy this parameter causes the decrease of filter performance.
Deprecated parameter RedirectTranscoder this parameter has not sense.
Complete with more info the POD 

WURFLFilter 2.03
Added Parameter CookieCacheSystem to enable cookie cache mechanism.
Cache cookie system
Clear code

WURFLFilter 2.02
I leaved (in the same day) the cookie system, and I'm using pnote 

WURFLFilter 2.01
WURFLFilter pass the dimension of screen size to ImageRenderFilter by cookie system 

WURFLFilter 2.00
In this version we have separated the module in two parts: that give the information of device capabilities as Apache Environments manage the images for the devices

The Apache Mobile Filter pass the parameter with this syntax:

AMF_<upper case wurfl capability names>

for example:

j2me_midp_2_0 is AMF_J2ME_MIDP_2_0

if Parameter CapabilityList is setted with value all show all capabilies of wurfl.
Fixed some BUG

WURFLFilter 1.70
In this version you can specify on the query string of the URI of an image the 	
the percentage of width of the  device that the filter must resize 

WURFLFilter 1.61
Change algorithm to identify the UserAgent
Added Parameter DetectAccuracy to set the accuracy of device detection (default is false)

WURFLFilter 1.60
Added parameter for setting "Apache Mobile Filter" into httpd.conf
Added Parameter LoadWebPatch to set if you want to load a patch file (default is false)
Added Parameter DirWebPatch to set where you set your patch file
Added Parameter PatchWurflNetDownload to set if you download from net the patch file (default is false)
Added Parameter PatchWurflUrl to set the url of the patch file
Added Parameter RedirectTranscoder to set if you want to redirect if it access with a transcoder system
Added Parameter RedirectTranscoderUrl to set the url where you want to redirect the transcoder 

WURFLFilter 1.55
Fixed critical bugs now is recognize correctly FullBrowser

WURFLFilter 1.54
Delete Parameter XML_CONFIG now the configuration of the filter is possible only in httpd.conf file

WURFLFilter 1.53
Fixed Bugs
Convert all messages from warn to debug, only warn message is for new o strange User Agent

WURFLFilter 1.52
Fixed Bugs
Parse Wurfl.xml method more clean

WURFLFilter 1.51
Fixed Bugs

WURFLFilter 1.5
Add a new method call IdentifyUAMethod, with this method increase the performance of device identification
Deprecated FirstMethod
Deprecated SecondMethod

WURFLFilter 1.42
Fixed bug for try to read zip file like an xml file (case is DownloadZipFile setted false)

WURFLFilter 1.41
Fixed bugs for internal redirect feature and for images mechanism

WURFLFilter 1.4
Increase performance with a new cache system mechanism

WURFLFilter 1.31
After talking with Gianugo R. it's possible to configure the filter into httpd.conf file
Added Parameter XML_CONFIG to set where to read WURFLFilter configuration (to set in httpd.conf)
Added Parameter CapabilityList the same of the old attribute "capability" in WURFLFilterConfig.configure (to set in httpd.conf)
Added Parameter XHTMLUrl the same of the old attribute with the same name in WURFLFilterConfig.configure (to set in httpd.conf)
Added Parameter WMLUrl the same of the old attribute with the same name in WURFLFilterConfig.configure (to set in httpd.conf)
Added Parameter CHTMLUrl the same of the old attribute with the same name in WURFLFilterConfig.configure (to set in httpd.conf)
Added Parameter MobileVersionUrl the same of the old attribute with the same name in WURFLFilterConfig.configure (to set in httpd.conf)
Added Parameter IntelliSwitch  the same of the old attribute with the same name in WURFLFilterConfig.configure (to set in httpd.conf)
Added Parameter FullBrowserUrl the same of the old attribute with the same name in WURFLFilterConfig.configure (to set in httpd.conf)
Added Parameter CookieSet the same of the old attribute with the same name in WURFLFilterConfig.configure (to set in httpd.conf)
Added Parameter PassQueryStringSet the same of the old attribute with the same name in WURFLFilterConfig.configure (to set in httpd.conf)
Added Parameter ShowDefaultVariable the same of the old attribute with the same name in WURFLFilterConfig.configure (to set in httpd.conf)
Added Parameter WurflNetDownload the same of the old attribute with the same name in WURFLFilterConfig.configure (to set in httpd.conf)
Added Parameter DownloadWurflURL the same of the old attribute with the same name in WURFLFilterConfig.configure (to set in httpd.conf)
Added Parameter DownloadZipFile the same of the old attribute with the same name in WURFLFilterConfig.configure (to set in httpd.conf)
Added Parameter ConvertImage the same of the old attribute with the same name in WURFLFilterConfig.configure (to set in httpd.conf)
Added Parameter ResizeImageDirectory the same of the old attribute with the same name in WURFLFilterConfig.configure (to set in httpd.conf)
Added Parameter WebAppConvertImages the same of the old attribute with the same name in WURFLFilterConfig.configure (to set in httpd.conf)
Added Parameter WebAppDirectory the same of the old attribute with the same name in WURFLFilterConfig.configure (to set in httpd.conf)
Added Parameter ConvertOnlyImages the same of the old attribute with the same name in WURFLFilterConfig.configure (to set in httpd.conf)
Added Parameter Log4WurflNoDeviceDetect the same of the old attribute with the same name in WURFLFilterConfig.configure (to set in httpd.conf)

WURFLFilter 1.21
Optimized code

WURFLFilter 1.2
AddedAttribute Log4WurflNoDeviceDetect it's a necessary log for detect new device that WURFL not has included
Fixed some bugs

WURFLFilter 1.1
Added Attribute WebAppConvertImages if you use an application server site
Added Attribute WebAppDirectory for specify the directory of WebApp
Added Attribute ConvertOnlyImages if you want to use the filter only for the images and not for other content

WURFLFilter 1.0
Added Attribute DownloadZipFile for download zip file of WURFL DB
Add function to download zip file and uncompress it

WURFLFilter 0.6
Added Attribut cHTML for CHTML layout

WURFLFilter 0.54
Fixed several Bugs

WURFLFilter 0.53
Fixed several Bugs 

WURFLFilter 0.52
Fixed Bugs if cookie is true now the images is visible

WURFLFilter 0.51
Fixed Bugs of resize image, now it take the correct capability on WURFL
Fixed Bugs if image to transform not found return correct message
Fixed other little bugs

WURFLFilter 0.5
adaptation function image dynamic for the screen size of the device tested with PNG and GIF image type
Added Attribute ConvertImage into config file for activate the adaptation image
Added Attribute ResizeImageDirectory into config file for specify the destination of images

WURFLFilter 0.41
the filter trace in error_log file the  "user agent" that not are present in WURFL

WURFLFilter 0.4
Correct fix bugs
Added Attribute WMLUrl for WML layout
Change Attribute IntelliUrl in XHTMLUrl for XHTML layout

WURFLFilter 0.3
Optimization of storage data in memroy
Correct README file

WURFLFilter 0.2
Read directly the WURFL.xml file from URL. This option is configurable into WURFLConfig.xml file.

WURFLFilter 0.1
The First Edition