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# Created by Idel Fuschini 
# Date: 08/12/11
# Site:
# Mail:

package Apache2::AMF51DegreesFilter; 
  use strict; 
  use warnings; 
  use threads;
  use threads::shared;
  use Apache2::AMFCommonLib ();  
  use Apache2::RequestRec ();
  use Apache2::RequestUtil ();
  use Apache2::SubRequest ();
  use Apache2::Log;
  use Apache2::Filter (); 
  use APR::Table (); 
  use LWP::Simple qw($ua get);
  use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK REDIRECT DECLINED);
  use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip qw(gunzip $GunzipError) ;  
  use constant BUFF_LEN => 1024;
  use Cache::FileBackend;

  # Define the global environment

  use vars qw($VERSION);
  $VERSION= "4.10";;;
  my $CommonLib = new Apache2::AMFCommonLib ();
  # this is the environment........
  my %Capability ;
  my %Array_fb ;
  my %Array_id ;
  my %Array_fullua_id ;
  my %Array_DDRcapability ;

  my %MobileArray=$CommonLib->getMobileArray;
  my %PCArray=$CommonLib->getPCArray;
  my $mobileversionurl="none";
  my $fullbrowserurl="none";
  my $redirecttranscoder="true";
  my $redirecttranscoderurl="none";
  my $resizeimagedirectory="none";
  my $Degreesnetdownload="false";
  my $download51Degreesurl="";
  my $listall="false";
  my $cookiecachesystem="false";
  my $DegreesVersion="unknown";
  my $personal51Degreesurl='unknown';
  my $cachedirectorystore="/tmp";
  my $capabilitylist="none";
  my $restmode='false';
  my $deepSearch=0;
  my $checkVersion='false';
  my $mobilenable="false";
  my %PCDetails;
  $PCDetails{'msie'}="Microsoft Explorer|Microsoft";
  $PCDetails{'opera'}='Opera|Opera Software';
  $CommonLib->printLog("-------                 APACHE MOBILE FILTER V$VERSION                  -------");
  $CommonLib->printLog("------- support -------");
  $CommonLib->printLog("AMF51DegreesFilter module Version $VERSION");
   if (($ENV{AMFSetProxy}) && $ENV{AMFSetProxy} eq 'true' ) {
      $CommonLib->printLog("AMFSetHttpProxy is ".$ENV{AMFSetHttpProxy});
      my $port=3128;
      my $default="";
      if ($ENV{AMFSetHttpProxyPort}) {
      } else {
            $default=' (default)';
      $CommonLib->printLog("AMFSetHttpProxyPort is ".$port.$default);
  my $timeoutinsecond=5;
  my $default="";
  if ($ENV{AMFSetGetParameterTimeoOut}) {
  } else {
            $default=' (default)';
       $CommonLib->printLog("AMFSetGetParameterTimeoOut is ".$timeoutinsecond.'s'.$default);
  if ($ENV{AMFCheckVersion}) {
  if ($ENV{AMFCheckVersion}) {
  if ($checkVersion eq 'true') {
	$CommonLib->printLog("Check on if the installed AMF is the last version");  
        $CommonLib->printLog("Try to download");
	my $url="";
	my $content = get ($url);
	$content =~ s/\n//g;
	my $check_version=0;
	if ($content) {
	if ($check_version > $VERSION && $check_version ne 0) {
	       $CommonLib->printLog("-----           There is a new version of AMF V$check_version online             ----");
	} else {
		$CommonLib->printLog("AMF installed is the last version");
  } else {
	$CommonLib->printLog("AMFCheckVersion is false, AMF don't check the last version.");
  if ($ENV{ResizeImageDirectory}) {
  if (($ENV{FullBrowserUrl}) || ($ENV{MobileVersionUrl})) {
  if ($ENV{RedirectTranscoderUrl}) {

  # Check if AMFMobileHome and CacheDirectoryStore is setting in apache httpd.conf file for example:
  # PerlSetEnv AMFMobileHome <apache_directory>/MobileFilter
  if ($ENV{CacheDirectoryStore}) {
	$CommonLib->printLog("CacheDirectoryStore is: $cachedirectorystore");
  } else {
	  $CommonLib->printLog("CacheDirectoryStore not exist.	Please set the variable CacheDirectoryStore into httpd.conf, (the directory must be writeable)");
  # Define the cache system directory
  my $cacheSystem = new Cache::FileBackend( $cachedirectorystore, 3, 000 );
  $cacheSystem->store( '51Degrees-id', 'device_not_found', "id=device_not_found&device=false&device_claims_web_support=true&is_wireless_device=false");
  if ($cacheSystem->restore('51Degrees-conf','ver')) {
  } else {
            $CommonLib->printLog('Create new wurf-con store');
      	    $cacheSystem->store('51Degrees-conf', 'ver', 'null');
	        $cacheSystem->store('51Degrees-conf', 'caplist', 'null');
	        $cacheSystem->store('51Degrees-conf', 'listall', 'null');
	        $cacheSystem->store('51Degrees-conf', 'RedirectTranscoderUrl','null');
	        $cacheSystem->store('51Degrees-conf', 'MobileVersionUrl','null');
	        $cacheSystem->store('51Degrees-conf', 'FullBrowserUrl','null');
	        $cacheSystem->store('51Degrees-conf', 'ResizeImageDirectory','null');
  if ($ENV{AMFMobileHome}) {
  }  else {
	  $CommonLib->printLog("AMFMobileHome not exist. Please set the variable AMFMobileHome into httpd.conf");
sub loadConfigFile {
	my ($file51Degrees) = @_;
	my $null="";
	my $null2="";
	my $null3="";  
	my $val;
	     my $capability;
	     my $r_id;
	     my $dummy;
	      	#The filter
	      	$CommonLib->printLog("Start read configuration from httpd.conf");
	      	 if ($ENV{Degrees51NetDownload}) {
				if ($ENV{Degrees51NetDownload} eq 'true' || $ENV{Degrees51NetDownload} eq 'false') {
					$CommonLib->printLog("51DegreesNetDownload is: $Degreesnetdownload");
				} else {
					$CommonLib->printLog("Error 51DegreesNetDownload parmeter must set to true or false");					
	        if ($ENV{Download51DegreesURL}) {
				$CommonLib->printLog("Download51DegreesURL is: $download51Degreesurl");

                if ($Degreesnetdownload eq 'true') {
                  if ($ENV{Key51Degrees}) {
			$CommonLib->printLog("Key51Degrees is: $ENV{Key51Degrees}");
                  } else {
  			$CommonLib->printLog("Error Key51Degrees parmeter must be setted ");					
	      	 if ($ENV{CapabilityList}) {
				my @dummycapability = split(/,/, $ENV{CapabilityList});
				foreach $dummy (@dummycapability) {
				      if ($dummy eq "all") {
				      $CommonLib->printLog("CapabilityList is: $dummy");
			 } else {
				$CommonLib->printLog('CapabilityList not setted so the default value is "all"');
	      	 if ($ENV{AMFMobileKeys}) {
				my @dummyMobileKeys = split(/,/, $ENV{AMFMobileKeys});
				foreach $dummy (@dummyMobileKeys) {
				      $CommonLib->printLog("AMFMobileKeys is: $ENV{AMFMobileKeys}");

			 if ($ENV{AMFProductionMode}) {
				$CommonLib->printLog("AMFProductionMode is: $cookiecachesystem");
			 } else {
				$CommonLib->printLog("AMFProductionMode (the CookieCacheSystem is deprecated) is not setted the default value is $cookiecachesystem");			   
		if ($ENV{Personal51DegreesFileName}) {
			$CommonLib->printLog("Personal51DegreesFileName is: $ENV{Personal51DegreesFileName}");
		if ($ENV{RestMode}) {
			$CommonLib->printLog("RestMode is: $restmode");
		if ($ENV{AMFDeepParse}) {
			$CommonLib->printLog("AMFDeepParse is: $deepSearch");			
		} else {
				$CommonLib->printLog("AMFDeepParse  is not setted the default value is $deepSearch");			   

                if ($ENV{FullBrowserMobileAccessKey}) {
                          $CommonLib->printLog("FullBrowserMobileAccessKey is: $ENV{FullBrowserMobileAccessKey}");
                          $CommonLib->printLog("For access the device to fullbrowser set the link: <url>?$mobilenable=true");
	    $CommonLib->printLog("Finish loading  parameter");
	    if ($Degreesnetdownload eq "true") {
	        $CommonLib->printLog("Start process downloading  51Degrees.xml from $download51Degreesurl");
		        $CommonLib->printLog ("Test the  URL");
	        my ($content_type, $document_length, $modified_time, $expires, $server) = head($download51Degreesurl);
	        if ($content_type eq "") {
   		        $CommonLib->printLog("Couldn't get $download51Degreesurl.");
   		        $CommonLib->printLog("Take the last version downloaded.");
		   	#	ModPerl::Util::exit();
	        } else {
	            $CommonLib->printLog("The URL is correct");
	            $CommonLib->printLog("The size of document 51Degrees file: $document_length bytes");	       
	        if ($content_type eq 'application/octet-stream') {
	              $CommonLib->printLog("The file is a zip file.");
	              $CommonLib->printLog ("Start downloading");
				  my @dummypairs = split(/\//, $download51Degreesurl);
				  my ($ext_zip) = $download51Degreesurl =~ /\.(\w+)$/;
				  my $filezip=$dummypairs[-1];
				  my $tmp_dir=$ENV{AMFMobileHome};
				  my $status = getstore ($download51Degreesurl,$filezip);
				  my $output="$tmp_dir/51Degrees.xml";
                                  gunzip $filezip => $output 
                                          or die "gzip failed: $GunzipError\n";
			$CommonLib->printLog("Finish downloading 51Degrees from $download51Degreesurl");
                } else {
                  $CommonLib->printLog("Error download 51Degrees device repository, check the premium keys. AMF try to load the previous version.");

			if (-e "$file51Degrees") {
					$CommonLib->printLog("Start loading  51Degrees.xml");
					if (open (IN,"$file51Degrees")) {
                                                      my $filesize= -s $file51Degrees;
                                                      read (IN,my $content,$filesize);
                                                      close IN;
                                                      if ($content =~ /\<validation/o) {
                                                            $DegreesVersion=substr($content,index($content,'<version>') + 9 ,index($content,'<validation>') - index($content,'<version>') - 9);
                                                      } else {
                                                            $DegreesVersion=substr($content,index($content,'<version>') + 9 ,index($content,'</version>') - index($content,'<version>') - 9);
                                                      $content =~ s/\n//g;
                                                      $content =~ s/>/>\n/g;
                                                      my @rows = split(/\n/, $content);
                                                      my $numberRow=scalar(@rows);
                                                      my $progress=0;                                                      
                                                      foreach my $row (@rows){
                                                            my $perc=int(($progress/$numberRow)*100);
                                                            print "Percent loaded: ".$perc."%\r";

					} else {
					    $CommonLib->printLog("Error open file:$file51Degrees");
			} else {
			  $CommonLib->printLog("File $file51Degrees not found");
		close IN;
	my $arrLen = scalar %Array_fb;
	($arrLen,$dummy)= split(/\//, $arrLen);
	if ($arrLen == 0) {
		     $CommonLib->printLog("Error the file probably is not a 51Degrees file, control the url or path");
		     $CommonLib->printLog("Control also if the file is compress file, and DownloadZipFile parameter is seted false");
        $CommonLib->printLog("51Degrees version: $DegreesVersion");
        if ($cacheSystem->restore('51Degrees-conf', 'amfver') ne $VERSION||
            $cacheSystem->restore('51Degrees-conf', 'ResizeImageDirectory') ne $resizeimagedirectory||
            $cacheSystem->restore('51Degrees-conf', 'Download51DegreesURL') ne $download51Degreesurl||
            $cacheSystem->restore('51Degrees-conf', 'FullBrowserUrl') ne $fullbrowserurl||
            $cacheSystem->restore('51Degrees-conf', 'RedirectTranscoderUrl') ne $redirecttranscoderurl||
            $cacheSystem->restore('51Degrees-conf', 'ver') ne $DegreesVersion ||
            $cacheSystem->restore('51Degrees-conf', 'caplist') ne $capabilitylist||
            $cacheSystem->restore('51Degrees-conf', 'listall') ne $listall) {
            $CommonLib->printLog("* This is a new version of 51Degrees or you change some parameter value or it's a new version of AMF, now the old cache must be deleted *");
	        $cacheSystem->store('51Degrees-conf', 'ver', $DegreesVersion);
		$cacheSystem->store('51Degrees-conf', 'amfver', $VERSION);
	        $cacheSystem->store('51Degrees-conf', 'caplist', $capabilitylist);
	        $cacheSystem->store('51Degrees-conf', 'listall', $listall);
	        $cacheSystem->store('51Degrees-conf', 'RedirectTranscoderUrl', $redirecttranscoderurl);
	        $cacheSystem->store('51Degrees-conf', 'FullBrowserUrl', $fullbrowserurl);
	        $cacheSystem->store('51Degrees-conf', 'Download51DegreesURL', $download51Degreesurl);
	        $cacheSystem->store('51Degrees-conf', 'ResizeImageDirectory', $resizeimagedirectory);
	        $cacheSystem->delete_namespace( '51Degrees-id' );       
	        $cacheSystem->delete_namespace( '51Degrees-ua' );       
        $CommonLib->printLog("This version of 51Degrees has $arrLen UserAgent");
        $CommonLib->printLog("End loading  51Degrees.xml");
	if ($personal51Degreesurl ne 'unknown') {
		if (-e "$personal51Degreesurl") {
					$CommonLib->printLog("Start loading  $ENV{Personal51DegreesFileName}");
					if (open (IN,"$personal51Degreesurl")) {
						my $filesize= -s $personal51Degreesurl;
						my $string_file;
						read (IN,$string_file,$filesize);
						close IN;
						$string_file =~ s/\n//g;
						$string_file =~ s/>/>\n/g;
						my @arrayFile=split(/\n/, $string_file);
                                                my $progress=0;
                                                my $numberRow=scalar(@arrayFile);
						foreach my $line (@arrayFile) {
                                                 my $perc=int(($progress/$numberRow)*100);
                                                print "Percent loaded: ".$perc."%\r";

					} else {
					    $CommonLib->printLog("Error open file:$personal51Degreesurl");
					$CommonLib->printLog("END loading  $ENV{Personal51DegreesFileName}");
					close IN;
		} else {
			  $CommonLib->printLog("File $personal51Degreesurl not found");

sub callparse51DegreesFile {
	 my ($output) = @_;
	 my $r_id;
	if (open (IN,"$output")) {
		my $filesize= -s $output;
		my $string_file;
		read (IN,$string_file,$filesize);
		close IN;
		$string_file =~ s/\n//g;
		$string_file =~ s/>/>\n/g;
		my @arrayFile=split(/\n/, $string_file);
		foreach my $line (@arrayFile) {
	} else {
			$CommonLib->printLog("Error open file:$output");
sub parse51DegreesFile {
         my ($record,$val) = @_;
		 my $null="";
		 my $null2="";
		 my $null3="";
		 my $uagent="";
		 my $fb="";
		 my $value="";
		 my $id;
		 my $name="";
		 my $version="";
		 if ($val) {
	     if ($record =~ /\<profile/o) {
                my @field=split(/\"/, $record);
                if ($field[5]) {
			  if (index($uagent,'blackberry') >-1 ) {
	        if ($field[1]) {
                    if ($id eq '1') {

	        if ($field[3]) {
                    if ($fb eq '1') {
	        if (($fb) && ($id)) {	     	   
				 if (($field[5]) && ($id)) {
				         my %ParseUA=$CommonLib->GetMultipleUa($uagent,$deepSearch);
				         my $pair;
				         my $arrUaLen = scalar %ParseUA;
				         my $contaUA=0;
				         my $Array_fullua_id=$uagent;
				         foreach $pair (reverse sort { $a <=> $b }  keys %ParseUA) {
						 	    my $dummy=$ParseUA{$pair};
							    if ($Array_id{$dummy}) {} else {
		 if ($record =~ /\<property/o) { 
			($null,$name,$null2,$value,$null3,$fb)=split(/\"/, $record);
			if ($listall eq "true") {                             
			if (($id) && ($Capability{$name}) && ($name) && ($value)) {			   
		 if ($record =~ /\/version>/o) {
		     $DegreesVersion=substr($record,index($record,'<version>') + 9 ,index($record,'<validation>') -13);
		 return $id;

sub FallBack {
  my ($idToFind) = @_;
  my $dummy_id;
  my $dummy;
  my $dummy2;
  my $LOOP;
  my %ArrayCapFoundToPass;
  my $capability;
   foreach $capability (sort keys %Capability) {
   		while ($LOOP<2) {   		    
        	if ($Array_DDRcapability{$dummy}) {        	  
        	} else {
        	      if ($Array_fb{$dummy_id}) {
        	      } else {
	              if ($dummy_id eq "generic_web_browser") {
   return %ArrayCapFoundToPass;
sub IdentifyUAMethod {
  my ($UserAgent) = @_;
  my $ind=0;
  my %ArrayPM;
  my $pair; 
  my $pair2;
  my $id_find="";
  my $dummy;
  my $uagent_toMatch;
  my $near_toFind=100;
  my $near_toMatch;
  my %ArrayUAType=$CommonLib->GetMultipleUa(lc($UserAgent),$deepSearch);  
  foreach $pair (reverse sort { $a <=> $b }  keys	 %ArrayUAType)
      my $dummy=$ArrayUAType{$pair};
      if ($Array_id{$dummy}) {
         if (!$id_find) {
  return $id_find;
sub IdentifyPCUAMethod {
  my ($UserAgent) = @_;
  my $ind=0;
  my $id_find="none";
  my $pair;
  my $length=0;

  foreach $pair (sort keys %PCArray) {
	if ($UserAgent =~ m/$pair/ && $id_find eq 'none') {
  if ($id_find) {}else{$id_find="";};
  return $id_find;

sub handler {
    my $f = shift;  
    my $capability2;
    my $variabile="";
    my $user_agent=lc($f->headers_in->{'User-Agent'}|| '');
    my $x_user_agent=$f->headers_in->{'X-Device-User-Agent'}|| '';
    my $x_operamini_phone_ua=$f->headers_in->{'X-OperaMini-Phone-Ua'}|| '';
    my $x_operamini_ua=$f->headers_in->{'X-OperaMini-Ua'}|| '';
    my $query_string=$f->args;
    my $docroot = $f->document_root();
    my $id="";
    my $location="none";
    my $width_toSearch;
    my $type_redirect="internal";
    my $return_value;
    my $dummy="";
    my $variabile2="";
    my %ArrayCapFound;
    my $controlCookie;
    my $query_img="";

    my %ArrayQuery;
    my $var;
    my $version="";
    my $realPCbrowser='none';
    if ($user_agent eq "") {
	$user_agent="no useragent found";
    if ($x_user_agent) {
    if ($x_operamini_phone_ua) {
    my $cookie = $f->headers_in->{Cookie} || '';
    my $amfFull=$CommonLib->readCookie_fullB($cookie);
    if ($query_string) {
    		  my @vars = split(/&/, $query_string); 	  
    		  foreach $var (sort @vars){
    			if ($var) {
    				my ($v,$i) = split(/=/, $var);
    				$v =~ tr/+/ /;
    				$v =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
				if ($i) {
					$i =~ tr/+/ /;
					$i =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
					$i =~ s/<!--(.|\n)*-->//g;
    	  if (($ArrayQuery{amf})  && $restmode eq 'true') {
          if ($ArrayQuery{$mobilenable}) {
                $f->err_headers_out->set('Set-Cookie' => "amfFull=false; path=/;");


	if ($user_agent =~ m/blackberry/i) {	 
	if ($user_agent =~ m/ ) {
		$user_agent=substr($user_agent,0,index($user_agent,'') - 1);
        if ($user_agent =~ m/c4_acer_mozilla/i ) {

    if ($cacheSystem->restore( '51Degrees-ua', $user_agent )) {
          # cookie is not empty so I try to read in memory cache on my httpd cache
          $id=$cacheSystem->restore( '51Degrees-ua', $user_agent );
          if ($cacheSystem->restore( '51Degrees-id', $id )) {    
				# I'm here only for old device
				my @pairs = split(/&/, $cacheSystem->restore( '51Degrees-id', $id ));
				my $param_tofound;
				my $string_tofound;
				foreach $param_tofound (@pairs) {      	       
					($string_tofound,$dummy)=split(/=/, $param_tofound);
                                        if ($dummy) {
                                          my $upper2=uc($string_tofound);
                                          $f->subprocess_env("AMF_$upper2" => $ArrayCapFound{$string_tofound});
                                          $f->pnotes($string_tofound => $ArrayCapFound{$string_tofound});
                                if ($ArrayCapFound{realpcbrowser} ne 'none') {
    } else {
              if ($id eq "") { 
				  if ($user_agent) {
					my $pair;
					my $lcuser_agent=lc($user_agent);
					if (!$id) {$id="";};
					if ($id eq "") { 
					if ($id eq "") { 
					} else {
						#this check the correct version of Android
						if ($version) {
							if ($version ne 'nc') {
								my $lengthId=length($version);
								my $count=0;
								while($count<$lengthId) {								
									my $idToCheck=$id."_sub".substr($version,0,length($version)-$count);
									if ($Array_fb{$idToCheck}) {
					$cacheSystem->store( '51Degrees-ua', $user_agent, $id);
     if ($id ne "") {
	      	     #  device detected 
		         if ($cacheSystem->restore( '51Degrees-id', $id )) {
				# I'm here only for old device looking in cache
				my @pairs = split(/&/, $cacheSystem->restore( '51Degrees-id', $id ));
				my $param_tofound;
				my $string_tofound;
				foreach $param_tofound (@pairs) {      	       
					($string_tofound,$dummy)=split(/=/, $param_tofound);
					my $upper2=uc($string_tofound);
					$f->subprocess_env("AMF_$upper2" => $ArrayCapFound{$string_tofound});
					$f->pnotes("$string_tofound" => $ArrayCapFound{$string_tofound});

			} else {

				foreach $capability2 (sort keys %ArrayCapFound) {
					my $upper=uc($capability2);
					$f->subprocess_env("AMF_$upper" => $ArrayCapFound{$capability2});
					$f->pnotes("$capability2" => $ArrayCapFound{$capability2});

				$f->subprocess_env("AMF_ID" => $id);
				$f->pnotes('id' => $id);
				$cacheSystem->store( '51Degrees-id', $id, $variabile2 );
				$cacheSystem->store( '51Degrees-ua', $user_agent, $id);
			if ($cookiecachesystem eq "true") {
				$f->err_headers_out->set('Set-Cookie' => "amf=$id; path=/;");	
        if ($ArrayCapFound{'ScreenPixelsWidth'} ne 'Unknown') {
            $f->pnotes("max_image_width" => $ArrayCapFound{'ScreenPixelsWidth'});
            $f->pnotes("max_image_height" => $ArrayCapFound{'ScreenPixelsHeight'});            
        if ($ArrayCapFound{'IsTablet'}) {
            $f->pnotes("is_tablet" => lc($ArrayCapFound{'IsTablet'}));
            $f->subprocess_env("AMF_DEVICE_IS_TABLET" => lc($ArrayCapFound{'IsTablet'}));
        if ($amfFull ne "") {
            $f->subprocess_env("AMF_FORCE_TO_DESKTOP" => 'true');
            $f->pnotes("amf_force_to_desktop" => 'true');
	$f->pnotes("amf_device_ismobile" => lc($ArrayCapFound{'IsMobile'}));      
	$f->subprocess_env("AMF_DEVICE_IS_MOBILE" => lc($ArrayCapFound{'IsMobile'}));
	$f->subprocess_env("AMF_VER" => $VERSION);
	$f->subprocess_env("AMF_DEGREES51_VER" => $DegreesVersion);
	$f->headers_out->set("AMF-Ver"=> $VERSION);
	if ($x_operamini_ua) {
	    $f->subprocess_env("AMF_MOBILE_BROWSER" => $x_operamini_ua);
	    $f->pnotes("mobile_browser" => $x_operamini_ua);
	    $f->subprocess_env("AMF_IS_TRANCODER" => 'true');		
	    $f->pnotes("is_transcoder" => 'true');
	return Apache2::Const::DECLINED;

=head1 NAME

Apache2::AMF51DegreesFilter - The module detects the mobile device and passes the 51Degrees capabilities on to the other web application as environment variables


Module for device detection, the cache is based on file system



Perl Module Documentation:

=head1 AUTHOR

Idel Fuschini (idel.fuschini [at] gmail [dot] com)


You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.
