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# Created by Idel Fuschini 
# Date: 01/08/10
# Site:
# Mail:

package Apache2::AMFImageRendering; 
  use strict; 
  use warnings;
  use POSIX qw(ceil);
  use Apache2::AMFCommonLib ();
  use Apache2::RequestRec ();
  use Apache2::RequestUtil ();
  use Apache2::SubRequest ();
  use Apache2::Log;
  use Apache2::Filter (); 
  use APR::Table (); 
  use LWP::Simple;
  use Image::Resize;
  use Image::Scale;
  use File::Copy;
  use Imager;
  use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK REDIRECT DECLINED HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY);
  use constant BUFF_LEN => 1024;

  # Define the global environment

  use vars qw($VERSION);
  $VERSION= "4.12";;;
  my $CommonLib = new Apache2::AMFCommonLib ();
  my %Capability;
  my %Array_fb;
  my %Array_id;
  my %Array_fullua_id;
  my %Array_DDRcapability;

  my %XHTMLUrl;
  my %WMLUrl;
  my %CHTMLUrl;
  my %ImageType;
  my %cacheArray;
  my %cacheArray_toview;

  my $intelliswitch="false";
  my $mobileversionurl;
  my $fullbrowserurl;
  my $querystring="false";
  my $showdefaultvariable="false";
  my $wurflnetdownload="false";
  my $downloadwurflurl="false";
  my $resizeimagedirectory="";
  my $downloadzipfile="true";
  my $virtualdirectoryimages="false";
  my $virtualdirectory="";
  my $repasshanlder=0;
  my $globalpassvariable="";
  my $log4wurfl="";
  my $loadwebpatch="false";
  my $dirwebpatch="";
  my $patchwurflnetdownload="false"; 
  my $patchwurflurl="";
  my $redirecttranscoder="true";
  my $redirecttranscoderurl="";
  my $detectaccuracy="false";
  my $listall="false";
  my $resizeimagesmall="false";
  my $par_height='height';
  my $par_width='width';
  my $par_perc='dim';
  # Check if MOBILE_HOME is setting in apache httpd.conf file for example:
  # PerlSetEnv MOBILE_HOME <apache_directory>/MobileFilter
  $CommonLib->printLog("AMFImageRendering Version $VERSION");
  if ($ENV{AMFMobileHome}) {
  } else {
	  $CommonLib->printLog("AMFMobileHome not exist.	Please set the variable AMFMobileHome into httpd.conf");
sub loadConfigFile {
		 my $null="";
		 my $null2="";
		 my $null3="";
         my $val;
	     my $capability;
	     my $r_id;
	     my $dummy;
	      	#The filter
	      	$CommonLib->printLog("ResizeImageDirectory: Start read configuration from httpd.conf");
	      	 if ($ENV{ResizeImageDirectory}) {
				$CommonLib->printLog("ResizeImageDirectory is: $resizeimagedirectory");
			 } else {
			    $CommonLib->printLog("ERROR: ResizeImageDirectory parameter must be setted");
		if ($ENV{ResizeSmallImage}) {
			$CommonLib->printLog("ResizeSmallImage is: $resizeimagesmall. The image smallest of device screensize is also resized (low quality)");
	      	if ($ENV{ImageParamWidth}) {
				$CommonLib->printLog("ImageParamWidth is: $par_width. To force the width of image the url must be <url image>?$par_width=<width>");
	      	if ($ENV{ImageParamHeight}) {
				$CommonLib->printLog("ImageParamHeight is: $par_height. To force the height of image the url must be <url image>?$par_width=<height>");
	      	if ($ENV{ImageParamPerc}) {
				$CommonLib->printLog("ImageParamPerc is: $par_perc. To force the percentage of image the url must be <url image>?$par_perc=<percentage>");

	    $CommonLib->printLog("Finish loading  parameter");
sub handler    {
      my $f = shift;
      my $capability2;
      my $s = $f->r->server;
      my $query_string=$f->r->args;
      my $uri = $f->r->uri();
      $uri =~ s/\//_/g;
      my $content_type=$f->r->content_type();
      my @fileArray = split(/\//, $uri);
      my $file=$fileArray[-1];
      my $docroot = $f->r->document_root();
      $docroot =~ s/\//_/g;
      my $servername=$f->r->get_server_name();
      my $id="";
      my $method="";     
      my $location;
      my $width_toSearch;
      my $type_redirect="internal";
      my $return_value=Apache2::Const::DECLINED;
	  my $dummy="";
	  my $variabile2="";
	  my %ArrayCapFound;
	  my $controlCookie;
	  my $query_img="";
      my %ArrayQuery;
      my $var;
      my $cookie = $f->r->headers_in->{Cookie} || '';
      my $width=1000;
      my $height=1000;
      my $image2="";
      my $device_claims_web_support='null';
      my $is_wireless_device='null';
      my $isMobile='true';

      if ($f->r->pnotes('max_image_width')) {      
      if ($f->r->pnotes('max_image_height')) {
      if ($f->r->pnotes('amf_device_ismobile')) {
      $repasshanlder=$repasshanlder + 1;
 	  # Reading value of query string 
      if ($query_string) {
			my @vars = split(/&/, $query_string); 	  
			foreach $var (sort @vars){
					 if ($var) {
						  my ($v,$i) = split(/=/, $var);
						  $v =~ tr/+/ /;
						  $v =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
						  $i =~ tr/+/ /;
						  $i =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
						  $i =~ s/<!--(.|\n)*-->//g;
			if ($ImageType{$content_type}) {
					my $imageToConvert;
					my $imagefile="";
						if ($ArrayQuery{par_height}) {
							 if ( $ArrayQuery{$par_height} =~ /^-?\d/) {
						if ($isMobile eq 'false') {
						  my $image = Image::Resize->new("$imageToConvert");
						if ($ArrayQuery{$par_width}) {
							 if ( $ArrayQuery{$par_width} =~ /^-?\d/) {
						if ($ArrayQuery{$par_perc}) {
							 if ( $ArrayQuery{$par_perc} =~ /^-?\d/) {
								  $width=$ArrayQuery{$par_perc} * $width / 100;
						# control if image exist
						if ( -e "$imageToConvert") {						  
							my $filesize; 
							if ( -e "$imagefile") {
							} else {
								my $image = Image::Resize->new("$imageToConvert");
								if ($image->width() < $width && $resizeimagesmall eq 'false') {
								  copy($imageToConvert, $imagefile);
										} else {
								  if ($content_type eq "image/gif") {
										my @in = Imager->read_multi(file => $imageToConvert) or die "Cannot read image file: ", Imager->errstr, "\n";
										$in[0]->tags(name => 'i_format') eq 'gif' or die "File $imageToConvert is not a GIF image";
										my $src_screen_width = $in[0]->tags(name => 'gif_screen_width');
										my $src_screen_height = $in[0]->tags(name => 'gif_screen_height');
										my $factor=$width/$src_screen_width;
										my $out_screen_width = ceil($src_screen_width * $factor);
										my $out_screen_height = ceil($src_screen_height * $factor);
										my @out;
										for my $in (@in) {
										my $scaled = $in->scale(scalefactor => $factor, qtype=>'mixing');
										# roughly preserve the relative position
										$scaled->settag(name => 'gif_left', 
												value => $factor * $in->tags(name => 'gif_left'));
										$scaled->settag(name => 'gif_top', 
												value => $factor * $in->tags(name => 'gif_top'));
										$scaled->settag(name => 'gif_screen_width', value => $out_screen_width);
										$scaled->settag(name => 'gif_screen_height', value => $out_screen_height);
										# set some other tags from the source
										for my $tag (qw/gif_delay gif_user_input gif_loop gif_disposal/) {
									  $scaled->settag(name => $tag, value => $in->tags(name => $tag));
										if ($in->tags(name => 'gif_local_map')) {
									  $scaled->settag(name => 'gif_local_map', value => 1);
										push @out, $scaled;
										my $dummy=$imagefile.".gif";
										Imager->write_multi({ file => $dummy }, @out) or die "Cannot save $imagefile: ", Imager->errstr, "\n";
										rename($dummy, $imagefile);
								  if ($content_type eq "image/png") {
										 my $img = Image::Scale->new("$imageToConvert") ;
										 $img->resize_gd( { width => $width } );
								  if ($content_type eq "image/jpeg") {
										 my $img = Image::Scale->new("$imageToConvert") ;
										 $img->resize_gd( { width => $width } );
							   unless( $f->ctx ) { 
							$filesize = -s "$imagefile";
							open (FH,"$imagefile") or die ("couldn't open $imagefile\n");
								  read (FH,$image2,$filesize) ;
							close FH;	  
      return $return_value;


=head1 NAME

Apache2::AMFImageRendering - Used to resize images (jpg, png, gif gifanimated) on the fly to adapt to the screen size of the mobile device


This module have the scope to manage with AMF51DegreesFilter, AMFDetectRightFilter and AMFWURFLFilter module the images for mobile devices. 

For more details:



Perl Module Documentation:

=head1 AUTHOR

Idel Fuschini (idel.fuschini [at] gmail [dot] com)


You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.
