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package LWP::Protocol::AnyEvent::http;

use strict;
use warnings;

use version; our $VERSION = qv('v1.8.0');

use AnyEvent            qw( );
use AnyEvent::HTTP      qw( http_request );
use HTTP::Response      qw( );
use LWP::Protocol       qw( );
use LWP::Protocol::http qw( );

our @ISA = 'LWP::Protocol';

LWP::Protocol::implementor($_, __PACKAGE__) for qw( http https );

# This code was based on _extra_sock_opts in LWP::Protocol::https
sub _get_tls_ctx {
   my ($self) = @_;
   my %ssl_opts = %{ $self->{ua}{ssl_opts} || {} };
   my %tls_ctx;

   # Convert various ssl_opts values to corresponding AnyEvent::TLS tls_ctx values.
   $tls_ctx{ verify          } = $ssl_opts{SSL_verify_mode};
   $tls_ctx{ verify_peername } = 'http'                 if defined($ssl_opts{SSL_verifycn_scheme}) && $ssl_opts{SSL_verifycn_scheme} eq 'www';
   $tls_ctx{ ca_file         } = $ssl_opts{SSL_ca_file} if exists($ssl_opts{SSL_ca_file});
   $tls_ctx{ ca_path         } = $ssl_opts{SSL_ca_path} if exists($ssl_opts{SSL_ca_path});

   if ($ssl_opts{verify_hostname}) {
      $tls_ctx{verify} ||= 1;
      $tls_ctx{verify_peername} = 'http';

   # We are verifying certificates, but don't have any CA specified, so we try using Mozilla::CA.
   if ($tls_ctx{verify} && !( exists($tls_ctx{ca_file}) || exists($tls_ctx{ca_path}) )) {
      if (!eval { require Mozilla::CA }) {
         if ($@ !~ /^Can\'t locate Mozilla\/CA\.pm/) {
            die  'Unable to find a list of Certificate Authorities to trust. '
               . 'To fix this error, either install Mozilla::CA or configure '
               . 'the ssl_opts as documented in LWP::UserAgent';
         } else {
            die $@;

      $tls_ctx{ca_file} = Mozilla::CA::SSL_ca_file();

   return \%tls_ctx;

sub _set_response_headers {
   my ($response, $headers) = @_;

   my %headers = %$headers;

   $response->protocol( "HTTP/".delete($headers{ HTTPVersion }) )
      if $headers{ HTTPVersion };
   $response->code(             delete($headers{ Status      }) );
   $response->message(          delete($headers{ Reason      }) );

   # Uppercase headers are pseudo headers added by AnyEvent::HTTP.
   $headers{"X-AE-$_"} = delete($headers{$_}) for grep /^(?!X-)[A-Z]/, keys(%headers);

   if (exists($headers->{'set-cookie'})) {
      # Set-Cookie headers are very non-standard.
      # They cannot be safely joined.
      # Try to undo their joining for HTTP::Cookies.
      $headers{'set-cookie'} = [
         split(/,(?=\s*\w+\s*(?:[=,;]|\z))/, $headers{'set-cookie'})

   # Imitate Net::HTTP's removal of newlines.
   s/\s*\n\s+/ /g
      for values %headers;


sub request {
   my ($self, $request, $proxy, $arg, $size, $timeout) = @_;

   my $method = $request->method();
   my $url    = $request->uri();

   my %headers;
      my $headers_obj = $request->headers->clone();

      # Convert user:pass in url into an Authorization header.
      LWP::Protocol::http->_fixup_header($headers_obj, $url, $proxy);

      $headers_obj->scan(sub {
         my ($k, $v) = @_;
         # Imitate LWP::Protocol::http's removal of newlines.
         $v =~ s/\n/ /g;
         $headers{ lc($k) } = $v;

   my $body = $request->content_ref();

   # Fix AnyEvent::HTTP setting Referer to the request URL
   $headers{referer} = undef unless exists $headers{referer};

   # The status code will be replaced.
   my $response = HTTP::Response->new(599, 'Internal Server Error');

   my $headers_avail = AnyEvent->condvar();
   my $data_avail    = AnyEvent->condvar();
   my @data_queue;

   my %handle_opts;
   $handle_opts{read_size}     = $size if defined($size);
   $handle_opts{max_read_size} = $size if defined($size);

   my %opts = ( handle_params => \%handle_opts );
   $opts{body}    = $$body   if defined($body);
   $opts{timeout} = $timeout if defined($timeout);

   if ($url->scheme eq 'https') {
      $opts{tls_ctx} = $self->_get_tls_ctx();

   if ($proxy) {
      my $proxy_uri = URI->new($proxy);
      $opts{proxy} = [ $proxy_uri->host, $proxy_uri->port, $proxy_uri->scheme ];

   # Let LWP handle redirects and cookies.
   my $guard = http_request(
      $method => $url,
      headers => \%headers,
      recurse => 0,
      on_header => sub {
         #my ($headers) = @_;
         _set_response_headers($response, $_[0]);
         return 1;
      on_body => sub {
         #my ($chunk, $headers) = @_;
         push @data_queue, \$_[0];
         return 1;
      sub { # On completion
         # On successful completion: @_ = ( '',    $headers )
         # On error:                 @_ = ( undef, $headers )

         # It is possible for the request to complete without
         # calling the header callback in the event of error.
         # It is also possible for the Status to change as the
         # result of an error. This handles these events.
         _set_response_headers($response, $_[1]);

         push @data_queue, \'';    # '

   # We need to wait for the headers so the response code
   # is set up properly. LWP::Protocol decides on ->is_success
   # whether to call the :content_cb or not.

   return $self->collect($arg, $response, sub {
      if (!@data_queue) {
         # Re-prime our channel, in case there is more.
         $data_avail = AnyEvent->condvar();

         # Wait for more data to arrive

      return shift(@data_queue);



=head1 NAME

LWP::Protocol::AnyEvent::http - Event loop friendly HTTP and HTTPS backend for LWP

=head1 VERSION

Version 1.8.0


    # Make HTTP and HTTPS requests friendly to event loops.
    use LWP::Protocol::AnyEvent::http;

    # Or LWP::Simple, WWW::Mechanize, etc
    use LWP::UserAgent;

    # A reason to want LWP friendly to event loops.
    use Coro qw( async );

    my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
    $ua->protocols_allowed([qw( http https )]);  # Playing it safe.

    for my $url (@urls) {
        async { process( $ua->get($url) ) };


L<LWP> performs a number of blocking calls when trying
to process requests. This makes it unfriendly to event-driven
systems and cooperative multitasking system such as L<Coro>.

This module makes LWP more friendly to these systems
by plugging in an HTTP and HTTPS protocol implementor
powered by L<AnyEvent> and L<AnyEvent::HTTP>.

This module is known to work with L<Coro>. Please let
me (C<< <> >>) know where else this
is of use so I can add tests and add a mention.

All LWP features and configuration options should still be
available when using this module.

=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 4

=item * L<LWP::Protocol::Coro::http>

An earlier implementation of this module that requires L<Coro>.
These two modules are developed in parallel.

=item * L<Coro>

An excellent cooperative multitasking library assisted by this module.

=item * L<AnyEvent>, L<AnyEvent::HTTP>

Powers this module.

=item * L<LWP::Simple>, L<LWP::UserAgent>, L<WWW::Mechanize>

Affected by this module.

=item * L<Coro::LWP>

An alternative to this module for users of L<Coro>. Intrusive, which results
in problems in some unrelated code. Doesn't support HTTPS. Supports FTP and NTTP.

=item * L<AnyEvent::HTTP::LWP::UserAgent>

An alternative to this module. Doesn't help code that uses L<LWP::Simple> or L<LWP::UserAgent> directly.


=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-LWP-Protocol-AnyEvent-http at>,
or through the web interface at L<>.
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc LWP::Protocol::AnyEvent::http

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * Search CPAN


=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings



=head1 AUTHORS

Eric Brine, C<< <> >>

Max Maischein, C<< <> >>

Graham Barr, C<< <> >>


No rights reserved.

The author has dedicated the work to the Commons by waiving all of his
or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law and all related or
neighboring legal rights he or she had in the work, to the extent allowable by

Works under CC0 do not require attribution. When citing the work, you should
not imply endorsement by the author.
