#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin qw( $Bin );
use lib "$Bin/lib";
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use DBICx::AutoDoc;
our $VERSION = '0.03';

Getopt::Long::Configure( "bundling" );

my ( %config );
    'help'                  => \my $help,
    'list'                  => \my $list,
    'template=s'            => \my @templates,
    'include|I=s'           => \my @lib,
    'lib|l'                 => sub { lib->import( 'lib' ) },
    'blib|b'                => sub { require blib; blib->import },
    'connect!'              => \$config{ 'connect' },
    'schema|S=s'            => \$config{ 'schema' },
    'dsn=s'                 => \$config{ 'dsn' },
    'user=s'                => \$config{ 'user' },
    'pass=s'                => \$config{ 'pass' },
    'output=s'              => \$config{ 'output' },
    'graphviz_command=s'    => \$config{ 'graphviz_command' },
    'graphviz-command=s'    => \$config{ 'graphviz_command' },
    'include_path=s'        => \$config{ 'include_path' },
    'include-path=s'        => \$config{ 'include_path' },
lib->import( @lib ) if @lib;

for my $key ( keys %config ) {
    if ( ! defined $config{ $key } ) { delete $config{ $key } }
for my $x (qw( graphviz_command )) {
    if ( $config{ $x } ) {
        $config{ $x } = [ split( ' ', $config{ $x } ) ];

if ( $help ) { pod2usage( 0 ) }

pod2usage( "$0: Need the schema to document!" ) unless $config{ 'schema' };

my $autodoc = DBICx::AutoDoc->new( %config );

if ( $list ) {
    for ( $autodoc->list_templates ) { print "$_\n" }

if ( @templates ) {
    $autodoc->fill_templates( @templates );
} else {

exit 0;


=head1 NAME

dbicx-autodoc - Document a DBIx::Class::Schema object


Document the ExampleDB schema into the current directory:

    dbicx-autodoc --schema=ExampleDB

Document the ExampleDB schema, but put the output files into /tmp:

    dbicx-autodoc --schema=ExampleDB --output=/tmp

See C<perldoc dbicx-autodoc> for more information.

=head1 OPTIONS

See L<DBICx::AutoDoc> for more detailed explanation of some of these options.

=head2 --help

=head2 --list

=head2 --template=<template>

=head2 --include=<path> or -I <path>

=head2 --lib or -l

=head2 --blib or -b

=head2 --connect

=head2 --schema=<class>

=head2 --dsn=<dsn>

=head2 --user=<user>

=head2 --pass=<password>

=head2 --output=<directory>

=head2 --graphviz-command=<command>

=head2 --include-path=<directory>

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Jason Kohles C<< <email@jasonkohles.com> >>

=head1 LICENSE

This program is free software.  You can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
