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package MP3::Tag::File;

use strict;
use Fcntl;
use File::Basename;
use vars qw /$VERSION @ISA/;

@ISA = 'MP3::Tag::__hasparent';


=head1 NAME

MP3::Tag::File - Module for reading / writing files


  my $mp3 = MP3::Tag->new($filename);

  ($title, $artist, $no, $album, $year) = $mp3->parse_filename();

see L<MP3::Tag>


MP3::Tag::File is designed to be called from the MP3::Tag module.

It offers possibilities to read/write data from files via read(), write(),
truncate(), seek(), tell(), open(), close(); one can find the filename via
the filename() method.


# Constructor

sub new_with_parent {
    my ($class, $filename, $parent) = @_;
    return undef unless -f $filename or -c $filename;
    return bless {filename => $filename, parent => $parent}, $class;
*new = \&new_with_parent;	# Obsolete handler

# Destructor

    my $self=shift;
    if (exists $self->{FH} and defined $self->{FH}) {

# File subs

sub filename { shift->{filename} }

sub open {
    my $self=shift;
    my $mode= shift;
    if (defined $mode and $mode =~ /w/i) {
	$mode=O_RDWR;    # read/write mode
    } else {
	$mode=O_RDONLY;  # read only mode
    unless (exists $self->{FH}) {
	local *FH;
	if (sysopen (FH, $self->filename, $mode)) {
	    $self->{FH} = *FH;
	    binmode $self->{FH};
	} else {
	    warn "Open `" . $self->filename() . "' failed: $!\n";
    return exists $self->{FH};

sub close {
    my $self=shift;
    if (exists $self->{FH}) {
	close $self->{FH};
	delete $self->{FH};

sub write {
    my ($self, $data) = @_;
    if (exists $self->{FH}) {
	local $\ = '';
	print {$self->{FH}} $data;

sub truncate {
    my ($self, $length) = @_;
    if ($length<0) {
	my @stat = stat $self->{FH};
	$length = $stat[7] + $length;
    if (exists $self->{FH}) {
	truncate $self->{FH}, $length;

sub size {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return -s $self->{FH} if exists $self->{FH};
    return -s ($self->filename);

sub seek {
    my ($self, $pos, $whence)=@_;
    $self->open unless exists $self->{FH};
    seek $self->{FH}, $pos, $whence;

sub tell {
    my ($self, $pos, $whence)=@_;
    return undef unless exists $self->{FH};
    return tell $self->{FH};

sub read {
    my ($self, $buf_, $length) = @_;
    $self->open unless exists $self->{FH};
    return read $self->{FH}, $$buf_, $length;

sub is_open {
    return exists shift->{FH};

# keep the old name
*isOpen = \&is_open;

# read and decode the header of the mp3 part of the file
# the raw content of the header fields is stored, the values
# are not interpreted in any way (e.g. layer==3 means 'Layer I'
# as specified in the mp3 format)
sub get_mp3_frame_header {
    my ($self, $start) = @_;

    $start = 0 unless $start;

    if (exists $self->{mp3header}) {
	return $self->{mp3header};

    $self->seek($start, 0);
    my ($data, $bits)="";
    while (1) {
	my $nextdata;
	$self->read(\$nextdata, 512);
	return unless $nextdata; # no header found
	$data .= $nextdata;
	if ($data =~ /(\xFF[\xE0-\xFF]..)/) {
	    $bits = unpack("B32", $1);
	$data = substr $data, -3

    my @fields;
    for (qw/11 2 2 1 4 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2/) {
	push @fields, oct "0b" . substr $bits, 0, $_;
	$bits = substr $bits, $_ if length $bits > $_;

    for (qw/sync version layer proctection bitrate_id sampling_rate_id padding private
	 channel_mode mode_ext copyright original emphasis/) {
	$self->{mp3header}->{$_}=shift @fields;

    return $self->{mp3header}

# use filename to determine information about song/artist/album


=over 4

=item parse_filename()

  ($title, $artist, $no, $album, $year) = $mp3->parse_filename($what, $filename);

parse_filename() tries to extract information about artist, title,
track number, album and year from the filename.  (For backward
compatibility it may be also called by deprecated name

This is likely to fail for a lot of filenames, especially the album will
be often wrongly guessed, as the name of the parent directory is taken as
album name.

$what and $filename are optional. $what maybe title, track, artist, album
or year. If $what is defined parse_filename() will return only this element.

If $filename is defined this filename will be used and not the real
filename which was set by L<MP3::Tag> with
C<MP3::Tag-E<gt>new($filename)>.  Otherwise the actual filename is used
(subject to configuration variable C<decode_encoding_filename>).

Following formats will be hopefully recognized:

- album name/artist name - song name.mp3

- album_name/artist_name-song_name.mp3


- album name/(artist name) song name.mp3

- album name/01. artist name - song name.mp3

- album name/artist name - 01 -

If artist or title end in C<(NUMBER)> with 4-digit NUMBER, it is considered
the year.


*read_filename = \&parse_filename;

sub return_parsed {
    my ($self,$what) = @_;
    if (defined $what) {
	return $self->{parsed}{album}  if $what =~/^al/i;
	return $self->{parsed}{artist} if $what =~/^a/i;
	return $self->{parsed}{no}     if $what =~/^tr/i;
	return $self->{parsed}{year}   if $what =~/^y/i;
	return $self->{parsed}{title};

    return $self->{parsed} unless wantarray;
    return map $self->{parsed}{$_} , qw(title artist no album year);

sub parse_filename {
    my ($self,$what,$filename) = @_;
    unless (defined $filename) {
      $filename = $self->filename;
      my $e;
      if ($e = $self->get_config('decode_encoding_filename') and $e->[0]) {
	require Encode;
	$filename = Encode::decode($e->[0], $filename);
    my $pathandfile = $filename;

    $self->return_parsed($what)	if exists $self->{parsed_filename}
				   and $self->{parsed_filename} eq $filename;

    # prepare pathandfile for easier use
    my $ext_rex = $self->get_config('extension')->[0];
    $pathandfile =~ s/$ext_rex//;		# remove extension
    $pathandfile =~ s/ +/ /g; # replace several spaces by one space

    # Keep two last components of the file name
    my ($file, $path) = fileparse($pathandfile, "");
    ($path) = fileparse($path, "");
    my $orig_file = $file;

    # check which chars are used for seperating words
    #   assumption: spaces between words

    unless ($file =~/ /) {
	# no spaces used, find word seperator
	my $Ndot = $file =~ tr/././;
	my $Nunderscore = $file =~ tr/_/_/;
	my $Ndash = $file =~ tr/-/-/;
	if (($Ndot>$Nunderscore) && ($Ndot>1)) {
	    $file =~ s/\./ /g;
	elsif ($Nunderscore > 1) {
	    $file =~ s/_/ /g;
	elsif ($Ndash>2) {
	    $file =~ s/-/ /g;

    # check wich chars are used for seperating parts
    #   assumption: " - " is used

    my $partsep = " - ";

    unless ($file =~ / - /) {
	if ($file =~ /-/) {
	    $partsep = "-";
	} elsif ($file =~ /^\(.*\)/) {
	    # replace brackets by -
	    $file =~ s/^\((.*?)\)/$1 - /;
	    $file =~ s/ +/ /;
	    $partsep = " - ";
	} elsif ($file =~ /_/) {
	    $partsep = "_";
	} else {
	    $partsep = "DoesNotExist";

    # get parts of name
    my ($title, $artist, $no, $album, $year)=("","","","","");

    # try to find a track-number in front of filename
    if ($file =~ /^ *(\d+)[\W_]/) {
	$no=$1;                 # store number
	$file =~ s/^ *\d+//; # and delete it
	$file =~ s/^$partsep// || $file =~ s/^.//;
	$file =~ s/^ +//;

    $file =~ s/_+/ /g unless $partsep =~ /_/; #remove underscore unless they are needed for part seperation
    my @parts = split /$partsep/, $file;
    if (@parts == 1) {
	$no = $file if $title and $title =~ /^\d{1,2}$/;
    } elsif (@parts == 2) {
	if ($parts[0] =~ /^\d{1,2}$/) {
	  $no = $parts[0];
	  $title = $file;
	} elsif ($parts[1] =~ /^\d{1,2}$/) {
	  $no = $parts[1];
	  $title = $file;
	} else {
    } elsif (@parts > 2) {
	my $temp = "";
	$artist = shift @parts;
	foreach (@parts) {
	    if (/^ *(\d+)\.? *$/) {
		$artist.= $partsep . $temp if $temp;
	    } else {
		$temp .= $partsep if $temp;
		$temp .= $_;

    $title =~ s/ +$//;
    $artist =~ s/ +$//;
    $no =~ s/ +$//;

    # Special-case names like audio12 etc created by some software
    # (cdda2wav, gramofile, etc)
    $no = $+ if not $no and $title =~ /^(\d+)?(?:audio|track|processed)\s*(\d+)?$/i and $+;

    $no =~ s/^0+//;

    if ($path) {
	unless ($artist) {
	    $artist = $path;
	} else {
	    $album = $path;
    # Keep the year in the title/artist (XXXX Should we?)
    $year = $1 if $title =~ /\((\d{4})\)/ or $artist =~ /\((\d{4})\)/;

    $self->{parsed_filename} = $filename;
    $self->{parsed} = { artist=>$artist, song=>$title, no=>$no,
		        album=>$album,  title=>$title, year => $year};


=item title()

 $title = $mp3->title($filename);

Returns the title, guessed from the filename. See also parse_filename().  (For
backward compatibility, can be called by deprecated name song().)

$filename is optional and will be used instead of the real filename if defined.


*song = \&title;

sub title {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->parse_filename("title", @_);


=item artist()

 $artist = $mp3->artist($filename);

Returns the artist name, guessed from the filename. See also parse_filename()

$filename is optional and will be used instead of the real filename if defined.


sub artist {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->parse_filename("artist", @_);


=item track()

 $track = $mp3->track($filename);

Returns the track number, guessed from the filename. See also parse_filename()

$filename is optional and will be used instead of the real filename if defined.


sub track {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->parse_filename("track", @_);

=item year()

 $year = $mp3->year($filename);

Returns the year, guessed from the filename. See also parse_filename()

$filename is optional and will be used instead of the real filename if defined.


sub year {
    my $self = shift;
    my $y = $self->parse_filename("year", @_);
    return $y if length $y;


=item album()

 $album = $mp3->album($filename);

Returns the album name, guessed from the filename. See also parse_filename()
The album name is guessed from the parent directory, so it is very likely to fail.

$filename is optional and will be used instead of the real filename if defined.


sub album {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->parse_filename("album", @_);

=item comment()

 $comment = $mp3->comment($filename);	# Always undef


sub comment {}

=item genre()

 $genre = $mp3->genre($filename);	# Always undef


sub genre {}
