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use UI::KeyboardLayout;
use strict;
my $home = $ENV{HOME} || '';
  if -r qq($home/Downloads/NamesList.txt)
  and -r qq($home/Downloads/DerivedAge.txt);
die "Usage: $0 KBDD_FILE\n" unless @ARGV == 1;
#  After running this, run build_here.cmd in a subdirectory...  (Minimal build instructions are in the file...)

my $l = UI::KeyboardLayout::->new_from_configfile(shift);

for my $kbd ([qw(ooo-us Latin)], [qw(ooo-ru CyrillicPhonetic)], [qw(ooo-gr GreekPoly)], [qw(ooo-hb Hebrew)]) {
  open my $kbdd, '>', $kbd->[0] or die;
  select $kbdd;
  print $l->fill_win_template(1, ['faces', $kbd->[1]]);
  # print "### RX_comb: <<<", $l->rxCombining, ">>>\n";
  close $kbdd or die;

select STDOUT;
open STDOUT, q(>), q(coverage-1prefix-Latin.html); 
$l->print_table_coverage(q(Latin),		'html');
open STDOUT, q(>), q(coverage-1prefix-Cyrillic.html);
$l->print_table_coverage(q(CyrillicPhonetic),	'html');

unless (-e 'izKeys-visual-maps-base.html') {
  require File::Copy;
  File::Copy::copy('UI-KeyboardLayout/examples/izkeys-visual-maps-base.html', 'izKeys-visual-maps-base.html');

open F, '<', 'izKeys-visual-maps-base.html' or die "Can't open izKeys-visual-maps-base.html for read";
my $html = do {local $/; <F>};
close F or die "Can't close izKeys-visual-maps-base.html for read";

open STDOUT, q(>), q(izKeys-visual-maps-out.html); 
print $l->apply_filter_div($l->apply_filter_style($html));
open STDOUT, q(>), q(izKeys-visual-maps-fake.html); 
print $l->apply_filter_div($l->apply_filter_style($html, {fake => 1}), {fake => 1});