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#line 1 "inc/Test/ - /usr/lang/perl/5.8.0/lib/5.8.0/Test/"
package Test::Builder;

use 5.004;

# $^C was only introduced in 5.005-ish.  We do this to prevent
# use of uninitialized value warnings in older perls.
$^C ||= 0;

use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION $CLASS);
$VERSION = '0.15';

my $IsVMS = $^O eq 'VMS';

use vars qw($Level);
my @Test_Results = ();
my @Test_Details = ();
my($Test_Died) = 0;
my($Have_Plan) = 0;
my $Curr_Test = 0;

# Make Test::Builder thread-safe for ithreads.
    use Config;
    if( $] >= 5.008 && $Config{useithreads} ) {
        require threads;
        require threads::shared;
    else {
        *lock = sub { 0 };

#line 95

my $Test;
sub new {
    my($class) = shift;
    $Test ||= bless ['Move along, nothing to see here'], $class;
    return $Test;

#line 121

my $Exported_To;
sub exported_to {
    my($self, $pack) = @_;

    if( defined $pack ) {
        $Exported_To = $pack;
    return $Exported_To;

#line 144

sub plan {
    my($self, $cmd, $arg) = @_;

    return unless $cmd;

    if( $Have_Plan ) {
        die sprintf "You tried to plan twice!  Second plan at %s line %d\n",

    if( $cmd eq 'no_plan' ) {
    elsif( $cmd eq 'skip_all' ) {
        return $self->skip_all($arg);
    elsif( $cmd eq 'tests' ) {
        if( $arg ) {
            return $self->expected_tests($arg);
        elsif( !defined $arg ) {
            die "Got an undefined number of tests.  Looks like you tried to ".
                "say how many tests you plan to run but made a mistake.\n";
        elsif( !$arg ) {
            die "You said to run 0 tests!  You've got to run something.\n";
    else {
        require Carp;
        my @args = grep { defined } ($cmd, $arg);
        Carp::croak("plan() doesn't understand @args");

    return 1;

#line 191

my $Expected_Tests = 0;
sub expected_tests {
    my($self, $max) = @_;

    if( defined $max ) {
        $Expected_Tests = $max;
        $Have_Plan      = 1;

        $self->_print("1..$max\n") unless $self->no_header;
    return $Expected_Tests;

#line 213

my($No_Plan) = 0;
sub no_plan {
    $No_Plan    = 1;
    $Have_Plan  = 1;

#line 228

my $Skip_All = 0;
sub skip_all {
    my($self, $reason) = @_;

    my $out = "1..0";
    $out .= " # Skip $reason" if $reason;
    $out .= "\n";

    $Skip_All = 1;

    $self->_print($out) unless $self->no_header;

#line 262

sub ok {
    my($self, $test, $name) = @_;

    unless( $Have_Plan ) {
        require Carp;
        Carp::croak("You tried to run a test without a plan!  Gotta have a plan.");

    lock $Curr_Test;

    $self->diag(<<ERR) if defined $name and $name =~ /^[\d\s]+$/;
    You named your test '$name'.  You shouldn't use numbers for your test names.
    Very confusing.

    my($pack, $file, $line) = $self->caller;

    my $todo = $self->todo($pack);

    my $out;
    unless( $test ) {
        $out .= "not ";
        $Test_Results[$Curr_Test-1] = $todo ? 1 : 0;
    else {
        $Test_Results[$Curr_Test-1] = 1;

    $out .= "ok";
    $out .= " $Curr_Test" if $self->use_numbers;

    if( defined $name ) {
        $name =~ s|#|\\#|g;     # # in a name can confuse Test::Harness.
        $out   .= " - $name";

    if( $todo ) {
        my $what_todo = $todo;
        $out   .= " # TODO $what_todo";

    $out .= "\n";


    unless( $test ) {
        my $msg = $todo ? "Failed (TODO)" : "Failed";
        $self->diag("    $msg test ($file at line $line)\n");

    return $test ? 1 : 0;

#line 332

sub is_eq {
    my($self, $got, $expect, $name) = @_;
    local $Level = $Level + 1;

    if( !defined $got || !defined $expect ) {
        # undef only matches undef and nothing else
        my $test = !defined $got && !defined $expect;

        $self->ok($test, $name);
        $self->_is_diag($got, 'eq', $expect) unless $test;
        return $test;

    return $self->cmp_ok($got, 'eq', $expect, $name);

sub is_num {
    my($self, $got, $expect, $name) = @_;
    local $Level = $Level + 1;

    if( !defined $got || !defined $expect ) {
        # undef only matches undef and nothing else
        my $test = !defined $got && !defined $expect;

        $self->ok($test, $name);
        $self->_is_diag($got, '==', $expect) unless $test;
        return $test;

    return $self->cmp_ok($got, '==', $expect, $name);

sub _is_diag {
    my($self, $got, $type, $expect) = @_;

    foreach my $val (\$got, \$expect) {
        if( defined $$val ) {
            if( $type eq 'eq' ) {
                # quote and force string context
                $$val = "'$$val'"
            else {
                # force numeric context
                $$val = $$val+0;
        else {
            $$val = 'undef';

    return $self->diag(sprintf <<DIAGNOSTIC, $got, $expect);
         got: %s
    expected: %s


#line 406

sub isnt_eq {
    my($self, $got, $dont_expect, $name) = @_;
    local $Level = $Level + 1;

    if( !defined $got || !defined $dont_expect ) {
        # undef only matches undef and nothing else
        my $test = defined $got || defined $dont_expect;

        $self->ok($test, $name);
        $self->_cmp_diag('ne', $got, $dont_expect) unless $test;
        return $test;

    return $self->cmp_ok($got, 'ne', $dont_expect, $name);

sub isnt_num {
    my($self, $got, $dont_expect, $name) = @_;
    local $Level = $Level + 1;

    if( !defined $got || !defined $dont_expect ) {
        # undef only matches undef and nothing else
        my $test = defined $got || defined $dont_expect;

        $self->ok($test, $name);
        $self->_cmp_diag('!=', $got, $dont_expect) unless $test;
        return $test;

    return $self->cmp_ok($got, '!=', $dont_expect, $name);

#line 458

sub like {
    my($self, $this, $regex, $name) = @_;

    local $Level = $Level + 1;
    $self->_regex_ok($this, $regex, '=~', $name);

sub unlike {
    my($self, $this, $regex, $name) = @_;

    local $Level = $Level + 1;
    $self->_regex_ok($this, $regex, '!~', $name);

#line 499

sub maybe_regex {
	my ($self, $regex) = @_;
    my $usable_regex = undef;
    if( ref $regex eq 'Regexp' ) {
        $usable_regex = $regex;
    # Check if it looks like '/foo/'
    elsif( my($re, $opts) = $regex =~ m{^ /(.*)/ (\w*) $ }sx ) {
        $usable_regex = length $opts ? "(?$opts)$re" : $re;

sub _regex_ok {
    my($self, $this, $regex, $cmp, $name) = @_;

    local $Level = $Level + 1;

    my $ok = 0;
    my $usable_regex = $self->maybe_regex($regex);
    unless (defined $usable_regex) {
        $ok = $self->ok( 0, $name );
        $self->diag("    '$regex' doesn't look much like a regex to me.");
        return $ok;

        local $^W = 0;
        my $test = $this =~ /$usable_regex/ ? 1 : 0;
        $test = !$test if $cmp eq '!~';
        $ok = $self->ok( $test, $name );

    unless( $ok ) {
        $this = defined $this ? "'$this'" : 'undef';
        my $match = $cmp eq '=~' ? "doesn't match" : "matches";
        $self->diag(sprintf <<DIAGNOSTIC, $this, $match, $regex);
    %13s '%s'


    return $ok;

#line 556

sub cmp_ok {
    my($self, $got, $type, $expect, $name) = @_;

    my $test;
        local $^W = 0;
        local($@,$!);   # don't interfere with $@
                        # eval() sometimes resets $!
        $test = eval "\$got $type \$expect";
    local $Level = $Level + 1;
    my $ok = $self->ok($test, $name);

    unless( $ok ) {
        if( $type =~ /^(eq|==)$/ ) {
            $self->_is_diag($got, $type, $expect);
        else {
            $self->_cmp_diag($got, $type, $expect);
    return $ok;

sub _cmp_diag {
    my($self, $got, $type, $expect) = @_;
    $got    = defined $got    ? "'$got'"    : 'undef';
    $expect = defined $expect ? "'$expect'" : 'undef';
    return $self->diag(sprintf <<DIAGNOSTIC, $got, $type, $expect);

#line 604

    my($self, $reason) = @_;

    $self->_print("Bail out!  $reason");
    exit 255;

#line 620

sub skip {
    my($self, $why) = @_;
    $why ||= '';

    unless( $Have_Plan ) {
        require Carp;
        Carp::croak("You tried to run tests without a plan!  Gotta have a plan.");


    $Test_Results[$Curr_Test-1] = 1;

    my $out = "ok";
    $out   .= " $Curr_Test" if $self->use_numbers;
    $out   .= " # skip $why\n";


    return 1;

#line 656

sub todo_skip {
    my($self, $why) = @_;
    $why ||= '';

    unless( $Have_Plan ) {
        require Carp;
        Carp::croak("You tried to run tests without a plan!  Gotta have a plan.");


    $Test_Results[$Curr_Test-1] = 1;

    my $out = "not ok";
    $out   .= " $Curr_Test" if $self->use_numbers;
    $out   .= " # TODO & SKIP $why\n";


    return 1;

#line 721

sub level {
    my($self, $level) = @_;

    if( defined $level ) {
        $Level = $level;
    return $Level;


#line 758

my $Use_Nums = 1;
sub use_numbers {
    my($self, $use_nums) = @_;

    if( defined $use_nums ) {
        $Use_Nums = $use_nums;
    return $Use_Nums;

#line 785

my($No_Header, $No_Ending) = (0,0);
sub no_header {
    my($self, $no_header) = @_;

    if( defined $no_header ) {
        $No_Header = $no_header;
    return $No_Header;

sub no_ending {
    my($self, $no_ending) = @_;

    if( defined $no_ending ) {
        $No_Ending = $no_ending;
    return $No_Ending;

#line 840

sub diag {
    my($self, @msgs) = @_;
    return unless @msgs;

    # Prevent printing headers when compiling (i.e. -c)
    return if $^C;

    # Escape each line with a #.
    foreach (@msgs) {
        $_ = 'undef' unless defined;
        s/^/# /gms;

    push @msgs, "\n" unless $msgs[-1] =~ /\n\Z/;

    local $Level = $Level + 1;
    my $fh = $self->todo ? $self->todo_output : $self->failure_output;
    local($\, $", $,) = (undef, ' ', '');
    print $fh @msgs;

    return 0;

#line 875

sub _print {
    my($self, @msgs) = @_;

    # Prevent printing headers when only compiling.  Mostly for when
    # tests are deparsed with B::Deparse
    return if $^C;

    local($\, $", $,) = (undef, ' ', '');
    my $fh = $self->output;

    # Escape each line after the first with a # so we don't
    # confuse Test::Harness.
    foreach (@msgs) {
        s/\n(.)/\n# $1/sg;

    push @msgs, "\n" unless $msgs[-1] =~ /\n\Z/;

    print $fh @msgs;

#line 926

my($Out_FH, $Fail_FH, $Todo_FH);
sub output {
    my($self, $fh) = @_;

    if( defined $fh ) {
        $Out_FH = _new_fh($fh);
    return $Out_FH;

sub failure_output {
    my($self, $fh) = @_;

    if( defined $fh ) {
        $Fail_FH = _new_fh($fh);
    return $Fail_FH;

sub todo_output {
    my($self, $fh) = @_;

    if( defined $fh ) {
        $Todo_FH = _new_fh($fh);
    return $Todo_FH;

sub _new_fh {
    my($file_or_fh) = shift;

    my $fh;
    unless( UNIVERSAL::isa($file_or_fh, 'GLOB') ) {
        $fh = do { local *FH };
        open $fh, ">$file_or_fh" or 
            die "Can't open test output log $file_or_fh: $!";
    else {
        $fh = $file_or_fh;

    return $fh;

unless( $^C ) {
    # We dup STDOUT and STDERR so people can change them in their
    # test suites while still getting normal test output.
    open(TESTOUT, ">&STDOUT") or die "Can't dup STDOUT:  $!";
    open(TESTERR, ">&STDERR") or die "Can't dup STDERR:  $!";

    # Set everything to unbuffered else plain prints to STDOUT will
    # come out in the wrong order from our own prints.


sub _autoflush {
    my($fh) = shift;
    my $old_fh = select $fh;
    $| = 1;
    select $old_fh;

#line 1014

sub current_test {
    my($self, $num) = @_;

    if( defined $num ) {
        unless( $Have_Plan ) {
            require Carp;
            Carp::croak("Can't change the current test number without a plan!");

        $Curr_Test = $num;
        if( $num > @Test_Results ) {
            my $start = @Test_Results ? $#Test_Results : 0;
            for ($start..$num-1) {
                $Test_Results[$_] = 1;
    return $Curr_Test;

#line 1047

sub summary {
    my($self) = shift;

    return @Test_Results;

#line 1087

sub todo {
    my($self, $pack) = @_;

    $pack = $pack || $self->exported_to || $self->caller(1);

    no strict 'refs';
    return defined ${$pack.'::TODO'} ? ${$pack.'::TODO'}
                                     : 0;

#line 1107

sub caller {
    my($self, $height) = @_;
    $height ||= 0;

    my @caller = CORE::caller($self->level + $height + 1);
    return wantarray ? @caller : $caller[0];

#line 1119

#line 1133

sub _sanity_check {
    _whoa($Curr_Test < 0,  'Says here you ran a negative number of tests!');
    _whoa(!$Have_Plan and $Curr_Test, 
          'Somehow your tests ran without a plan!');
    _whoa($Curr_Test != @Test_Results,
          'Somehow you got a different number of results than tests ran!');

#line 1152

sub _whoa {
    my($check, $desc) = @_;
    if( $check ) {
        die <<WHOA;
WHOA!  $desc
This should never happen!  Please contact the author immediately!

#line 1173

sub _my_exit {
    $? = $_[0];

    return 1;

#line 1186

$SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
    # We don't want to muck with death in an eval, but $^S isn't
    # totally reliable.  5.005_03 and 5.6.1 both do the wrong thing
    # with it.  Instead, we use caller.  This also means it runs under
    # 5.004!
    my $in_eval = 0;
    for( my $stack = 1;  my $sub = (CORE::caller($stack))[3];  $stack++ ) {
        $in_eval = 1 if $sub =~ /^\(eval\)/;
    $Test_Died = 1 unless $in_eval;

sub _ending {
    my $self = shift;


    # Bailout if plan() was never called.  This is so
    # "require Test::Simple" doesn't puke.
    do{ _my_exit(0) && return } if !$Have_Plan;

    # Figure out if we passed or failed and print helpful messages.
    if( @Test_Results ) {
        # The plan?  We have no plan.
        if( $No_Plan ) {
            $self->_print("1..$Curr_Test\n") unless $self->no_header;
            $Expected_Tests = $Curr_Test;

        # 5.8.0 threads bug.  Shared arrays will not be auto-extended 
        # by a slice.
        $Test_Results[$Expected_Tests-1] = undef
          unless defined $Test_Results[$Expected_Tests-1];

        my $num_failed = grep !$_, @Test_Results[0..$Expected_Tests-1];
        $num_failed += abs($Expected_Tests - @Test_Results);

        if( $Curr_Test < $Expected_Tests ) {
Looks like you planned $Expected_Tests tests but only ran $Curr_Test.
        elsif( $Curr_Test > $Expected_Tests ) {
            my $num_extra = $Curr_Test - $Expected_Tests;
Looks like you planned $Expected_Tests tests but ran $num_extra extra.
        elsif ( $num_failed ) {
Looks like you failed $num_failed tests of $Expected_Tests.

        if( $Test_Died ) {
Looks like your test died just after $Curr_Test.

            _my_exit( 255 ) && return;

        _my_exit( $num_failed <= 254 ? $num_failed : 254  ) && return;
    elsif ( $Skip_All ) {
        _my_exit( 0 ) && return;
    else {
        $self->diag("No tests run!\n");
        _my_exit( 255 ) && return;

    $Test->_ending if defined $Test and !$Test->no_ending;

#line 1295
