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#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use Getopt::Long    qw[];
use HTTP::Daemon    qw[];
use HTTP::Response  qw[];
use HTTP::Status    qw[RC_FORBIDDEN];
use LWP::MediaTypes qw[guess_media_type];
use Path::Class     qw[];
use Pod::Usage      qw[];
use JSON;


Getopt::Long::Configure( 'no_ignore_case' );
Getopt::Long::Configure( 'bundling' );
    'p|port=i' => \( my $port = 8080 ),
    'H|host=s' => \( my $host ),
    'h|help|?' => sub { Pod::Usage::pod2usage( { -verbose => 1, -exitval => 0 } ) },
    'm|man'    => sub { Pod::Usage::pod2usage( { -verbose => 2, -exitval => 0 } ) },
) or exit 1;

#my $base = Path::Class::File->new($0)->parent->parent->absolute;
my $base = Path::Class::Dir->new; # Use the CWD
my %args = ( LocalPort => $port, ReuseAddr => 1 );

if ( defined $host ) {
    $args{LocalHost} = $host;

my $daemon = HTTP::Daemon->new(%args)
  or die("Failed to create daemon: $!\n");

print "Please contact me at: <URL:", $daemon->url, ">\n";

while ( my $connection = $daemon->accept ) {

    while ( my $request = $connection->get_request ) {

        if ( $request->url->path =~ /^\/ajax\b/ ) {
            my $response = HTTP::Response->new( 200, 'OK' );
            $response->header( 'Connection'    => 'close' );
            $response->header( 'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache, max-age=0' );
            my $content = encode_json { message => 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy' };
            $response->content( $content );
            $response->content_length( length $content );
            $response->content_type( "text/plain" );
            $response->last_modified( time );

            $connection->send_response( $response );


        my $file = $request->url->path =~ m|^/share|
          ? $base->parent->file( $request->url->path )
          : $request->url->path eq '/'
              ? $base->file('index.html')
              : $base->file( $request->url->path );

        $file = $file->cleanup->absolute;

        if ( -e $file && $request->method eq 'GET' ) {

            print "$file\n";

            my $stat     = $file->stat;
            my $type     = ( guess_media_type( $file->stringify ) )[0];
            my $response = HTTP::Response->new( 200, 'OK' );
            $response->header( 'Connection'    => 'close' );
            $response->header( 'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache, max-age=0' );

            if ( 0 && $request->if_modified_since || 0 == $stat->mtime ) {
                $response->message('Not Modified');
            else {
                $response->content( scalar $file->slurp );
                $response->content_length( $stat->size );
                $response->last_modified( $stat->mtime );

        else {

            print "$file FORBIDDEN\n";



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

daemon - Jemplate test daemon


daemon [-p]

   -H --host   Host to listen to
   -p --port   Port to listen to
   -m --man    Displays manpage
   -h --help   Displays this help


=head2 --host

Host to listen to. Defaults to listen to the given port on all interfaces.

=head2 --port

Port to listen to. Defaults to listen to 8080.
