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# name:      Pegex::Bootstrap
# abstract:  Bootstrapping Compiler for a Pegex Grammar
# author:    Ingy döt Net <>
# license:   perl
# copyright: 2010, 2011, 2012
# see:
# - Pegex::Compiler

# This algorithm should be rewritten as a proper token -> infix ->
# shunting-yard -> RPN -> evaluate to AST... parser.
# It should treat % as a proper infix operator with right precedence.
package Pegex::Bootstrap;
use Pegex::Base;
extends 'Pegex::Compiler';

use Pegex::Grammar::Atoms;

my $modifier = qr{[\!\=\-\+\.]};
my $group_modifier = qr{[\.]};
my $quantifier = qr{(?:[\?\*\+]|\d+(?:\+|\-\d+)?)};
my %prefixes = (
    '!' => ['+asr', -1],
    '=' => ['+asr', 1],
    '.' => '-skip',
    '-' => '-pass',
    '+' => '-wrap',

sub parse {
    my ($self, $grammar_text) = @_;
    $self = $self->new unless ref $self;

    # If the grammar looks like a filename, try to read that file for the
    # grammar content.
    if (length($grammar_text) and $grammar_text !~ /(\s|\:|\#|\%)/) {
        open IN, $grammar_text
            or die "Can't open file '$grammar_text' for input";
        $grammar_text = do {local $/; <IN>};
        close IN;
    $self->{tree} = {};

    # Remove comment lines
    $grammar_text =~ s/^#.*\n+//gm;

    # Remove trailing comments
    $grammar_text =~ s/\ +#.*//g;

    # Remove blank lines
    $grammar_text =~ s/^\s*\n//gm;

    # Turn semis into line breaks
    $grammar_text =~ s/;/\n/g;

    # Ensure trailing newline
    $grammar_text .= "\n" unless
        $grammar_text eq '' or
        $grammar_text =~ /\n\z/;

    # Process directives
    if ($grammar_text =~ s/\A((%\w+ +.*\n)+)//) {
        my $section = $1;
        my (@directives) = ($section =~ /%(\w+) +(.*?) *\n/g);
        my $tree = $self->tree;
        while (@directives) {
            my ($key, $val) = splice(@directives, 0, 2);
            die "'$key' is an invalid Pegex directive"
                unless $key =~ /^(grammar|version|extends|include)$/;
            $key = "+$key";
            my $old = $tree->{$key};
            if (defined $old) {
                if (ref $old) {
                    push @$old, $val;
                else {
                    $tree->{$key} = [ $old, $val ];
            else {
                $tree->{$key} = $val;

    for my $rule (split /(?=^\w+:\s*)/m, $grammar_text) {
        (my $value = $rule) =~ s/^(\w+):// or die "$rule";
        my $key = $1;
        $value =~ s/\s+/ /g;
        $value =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
        $self->{tree}->{$key} = $value;
        $self->{tree}->{'+toprule'} ||= $key;
        $self->{tree}->{'+toprule'} = $key if $key eq 'TOP';

    for my $rule (sort keys %{$self->{tree}}) {
        next if $rule =~ /^\+/;
        my $text = $self->{tree}->{$rule};
        my @tokens = grep $_,
        ($text =~ m{(
            `[^`\n]*` |
            /[^/\n]*/ |
            ~+ |
            %%? |
            $modifier?<\w+>$quantifier? |
            $modifier?\w+$quantifier? |
            \| |
            $group_modifier?\( |
            \)$quantifier? |
        die "No tokens found for rule <$rule> => '$text'"
            unless @tokens;
        unshift @tokens, '(';
        push @tokens, ')';
        my $tree = $self->make_tree(\@tokens);
        $self->{tree}->{$rule} = $self->compile_next($tree);
    return $self;

sub make_tree {
    my ($self, $tokens) = @_;
    my $stack = [];
    my $tree = [];
    push @$stack, $tree;
    for my $token (@$tokens) {
        if ($token =~ /^$group_modifier?\(/) {
            push @$stack, [];
        push @{$stack->[-1]}, $token;
        if ($token =~ /^\)/) {
            my $branch = pop @$stack;
            push @{$stack->[-1]}, $self->wilt($branch);
    return $tree->[0];

sub wilt {
    my ($self, $branch) = @_;
    return $branch unless ref($branch) eq 'ARRAY';
    my $wilted = [];
    for (my $i = 0; $i < @$branch; $i++) {
        push @$wilted, ($branch->[$i] =~ /^%%?$/)
            ? [$branch->[$i], pop(@$wilted), $branch->[++$i]]
            : $branch->[$i];
    if (grep {$_ eq '|'} @$wilted) {
        my @group;
        my @grouped = shift @$wilted;   # '('
        for (@$wilted) {
            if (/^(?:\||\)$quantifier?)$/) {
                push @grouped, (
                    (@group == 1
                        ? $group[0]
                        : ['(', @group, ')']
                    ), $_
                @group = ();
            else {
                push @group, $_;
        $wilted = \@grouped;
    return $wilted;

sub compile_next {
    my ($self, $node) = @_;
    my $unit = ref($node) ?
        $node->[0] =~ /^%%?$/
            ? $self->compile_sep($node) :
        $node->[2] eq '|'
            ? $self->compile_group($node, 'any')
            : $self->compile_group($node, 'all')
        $node =~ /^~+$/ ? $self->compile_ws($node) :
        $node =~ m!^`! ? $self->compile_error($node) :
        $node =~ m!/! ? $self->compile_re($node) :
        $node =~ m!<! ? $self->compile_rule($node) :
        $node =~ m!^$modifier?\w+$quantifier?$!
            ? $self->compile_rule($node) :
            die $node;

    while (defined $unit->{'.all'} and @{$unit->{'.all'}} == 1) {
        $unit = $unit->{'.all'}->[0];
    return $unit;

sub compile_group {
    my ($self, $node, $type) = @_;
    die unless @$node > 2;
    my $object = {};
    if ($node->[0] =~ /^($modifier)/) {
        my ($key, $val) = ($prefixes{$1}, 1);
        ($key, $val) = @$key if ref $key;
        $object->{$key} = $val;
    if ($node->[-1] =~ /($quantifier)$/) {
        $self->set_quantity($object, $1);
    shift @$node;
    pop @$node;
    if ($type eq 'any') {
        $object->{'.any'} = [
            map $self->compile_next($_), grep {$_ ne '|'} @$node
    elsif ($type eq 'all') {
        $object->{'.all'} = [
            map $self->compile_next($_), @$node
    return $object;

sub compile_re {
    my ($self, $node) = @_;
    my $object = {};
    $node =~ s!^/(.*)/$!$1! or die $node;
    $node =~ s!\s+!!g;
    $node =~ s!\((\:|\=|\!)!(?$1!g;
    $object->{'.rgx'} = $node;
    return $object;

sub compile_rule {
    my ($self, $node) = @_;
    my $object = {};
    if ($node =~ s/^($modifier)//) {
        my ($key, $val) = ($prefixes{$1}, 1);
        ($key, $val) = @$key if ref $key;
        $object->{$key} = $val;
    if ($node =~ s/($quantifier)$//) {
        $self->set_quantity($object, $1);
    $node =~ s!^<(.*)>$!$1!;
    $object->{'.ref'} = $node;
    if (defined(my $re = Pegex::Grammar::Atoms->atoms->{$node})) {
        $self->tree->{$node} ||= {'.rgx' => $re};
    return $object;

sub compile_error {
    my ($self, $node) = @_;
    my $object = {};
    $node =~ s!^`(.*)`$!$1! or die $node;
    $object->{'.err'} = $node;
    return $object;

sub compile_sep {
    my ($self, $node) = @_;
    my $object = $self->compile_next($node->[1]);
    $object->{'.sep'} = $self->compile_next($node->[2]);
    $object->{'.sep'}{'+eok'} = 1 if $node->[0] eq '%%';
    return $object;

sub compile_ws {
    my ($self, $node) = @_;
    my $regex = '<ws' . length($node) . '>';
    return { '.rgx' => $regex };

sub set_quantity {
    my ($self, $object, $quantifier) = @_;
    if ($quantifier eq '*') {
        $object->{'+min'} = 0;
    elsif ($quantifier eq '+') {
        $object->{'+min'} = 1;
    elsif ($quantifier eq '?') {
        $object->{'+max'} = 1;
    elsif ($quantifier =~ /^(\d+)\+$/) {
        $object->{'+min'} = $1;
    elsif ($quantifier =~ /^(\d+)\-(\d+)+$/) {
        $object->{'+min'} = $1;
        $object->{'+max'} = $2;
    elsif ($quantifier =~ /^(\d+)$/) {
        $object->{'+min'} = $1;
        $object->{'+max'} = $1;
    else { die "Invalid quantifier: '$quantifier'" }



    use Pegex::Bootstrap;
    my $grammar_text = '... grammar text ...';
    my $pegex_compiler = Pegex::Bootstrap->new();
    my $grammar_tree = $pegex_compiler->compile($grammar_text)->tree;


The Pegex language is defined in Pegex. In order to do that, it was necessary
to make a bootstrap compiler that did the same thing. This way we could slowly
build up the grammar, and make sure that the 2 compilers do the same thing.
Parsing the Pegex language itself is not terribly hard, so this module just
does it by hand.

Unless you are working on Pegex itself, you can ignore this module.