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use v5.14;
package RosettaCode;

our $VERSION = '0.0.5';

use utf8;
use MediaWiki::Bot;
use YAML::XS;

use App::Cmd::Setup ();

package RosettaCode::Command;

package RosettaCode;

use Module::Pluggable
  require     => 1,
  search_path => [ 'RosettaCode::Command' ];

package RosettaCode::Command::sync;
use Mo qw'build builder default xxx';
extends 'RosettaCode::Command';

use IO::All;

use constant abstract => 'Sync local repository with remote RosettaCode wiki';
use constant usage_desc => 'rosettacode sync <target_directory> [<options>]';
use constant options => [qw( target )];

use constant ROSETTACODE_API_URL => '';
use constant TASKS_FILE => 'Cache/tasks.txt';
use constant LANGS_FILE => 'Cache/langs.txt';
use constant TASKS_CATEGORY => 'Category:Programming_Tasks';
use constant LANGS_CATEGORY => 'Category:Programming_Languages';
use constant CACHE_TIME => 24 * 60 * 60;    # 24 hours

has bot => (builder => 'build_bot');
has tasks => (builder => 'build_tasks');
has langs => (builder => 'build_langs');
has target => ();

my $Log;
sub Log {
    my ($string, @args) = @_;
    my $time = gmtime();
    $Log->append(sprintf "<$time> $string\n", @args);

sub validate_args {
    my ($self, $opts, $args) = @_;
    $self->usage_error("Sync requires a <target_directory> argument")
        unless @$args == 1;
    my $target = $args->[0];
    $self->usage_error("'$target' directory does not exist")
        unless -d $target;
    my $conffile = "$target/Conf/rosettacode.yaml";
    $self->usage_error("'$conffile' does not exist")
        unless -f $conffile;
    $self->{target} = $target;

sub execute {
    my ($self) = @_;

        my $target = $self->target;
        chdir $target or die "Can't chdir to '$target'";
        $Log = io->file('rosettacode.log')->utf8;

    Log 'START RosettaCode Sync';
    for my $lang (sort keys %{$self->langs}) {
        my $info = $self->langs->{$lang};
        $self->parse_lang_page($info, $self->fetch_lang($info));
    for my $task (sort keys %{$self->tasks}) {
        my $info = $self->tasks->{$task};
        $self->parse_task_page($info, $self->fetch_task($info));
    Log 'COMPLETE RosettaCode Sync';

# TODO Parse out meta information from Language description text.
sub parse_lang_page {
    my ($self, $info, $content) = @_;
    Log "Parse Language '$info->{name}'";
        "Data source:$info->{url}\n",
    $self->write_file("Lang/$info->{path}/00DESCRIPTION", $content);

sub parse_task_page {
    my ($self, $info, $content) = @_;
    Log "Parse Task '$info->{name}'";
    $content =~ s/\r//g;
    $content =~ s/\n?\z/\n/;
    my ($text, $meta) = $self->parse_description(\$content)
        or $self->parse_fail($info->{name}, $content);
    my $path = $info->{path};
    my $file = lc($path);

    while (length $content) {
        my ($lang, @sections) = $self->parse_next_lang_section(\$content)
            or $self->parse_fail($info->{name}, $content);
        next unless $self->langs->{$lang};
        next unless @sections;
        my $lang_path = $self->langs->{$lang}->{path};
        my $ext = $self->langs->{$lang}->{ext} || '';
        $ext = ".$ext" if $ext;
        my $source = "Lang/$lang_path/$path";
        my $target = "../../Task/$path/$lang_path";
        $self->write_symlink($source, $target);
        if (@sections == 1) {
            $self->write_file("Task/$path/$lang_path/$file$ext", $sections[0]);
        unlink "Task/$path/$lang_path/$file$ext";
        my $count = 1;
        for (@sections) {
            $self->write_file("Task/$path/$lang_path/$file-$count$ext", $_);

        "Data source:$info->{url}\n",
    $self->write_file("Task/$path/00DESCRIPTION", $text);
    $self->dump_file("Task/$path/00META.yaml", $meta) if $meta;

sub parse_description {
    my ($self, $content) = @_;
    $$content =~ s/\A\[\[File:.*\s*//;
    $$content =~ s/\A\{\{[Cc]larified-review\}\}\s*//;
    $$content =~ s/\A\{\{[Cc]larify task\}\}\s*//;
    $$content =~ s/\A\{\{[Ww]ikipedia[^\}]*\}\}\s*//;
    $$content =~ s/\A\{\{[Tt]ask(?:\|([^\}]*?))?\}\}(.*?\n)(?===\{\{)//s or return;
    my ($note, $text) = ($1, $2);
    my $meta = $note ? {note => $note} : undef;
    while ($text =~ /\A\s*(?:\{\{requires|\[\[Category:)/) {
        $meta ||= {};
        if ($text =~ s/\A\s*\{\{requires\|(\w[\w ]*)\}\}//) {
            $meta->{requires} ||= [];
            push @{$meta->{requires}}, $1;
        elsif ($text =~ s/\A\s*\[\[Category: *(\w[\w ]*)\]\]//) {
            $meta->{category} ||= [];
            push @{$meta->{category}}, $1;
        else {
            die $text;
    $text =~ s/\A\s*\n//;
    $text =~ s/ *$//mg;
    $text =~ s/\n*\z/\n/ if length($text);
    return ($text, $meta);

sub parse_next_lang_section {
    my ($self, $content) = @_;
    $$content =~ s/\A==\{\{[Hh]eader\|(.*?)\}\}(.*?\n)(?:\z|(?===\{\{))//s or return;
    my ($lang, $text) = ($1, $2);
    Log "Parse language section: '$lang'";
    my $original = $text;
    my @sections;
    while ($text =~ s/<lang(?: [^>]+)?>(.*?)<\/lang>//s) {
        my $section = $1;
        $section =~ s/\A\s*\n//;
        $section =~ s/ *$//mg;
        $section =~ s/\n*\z/\n/ if length($section);
        push @sections, $section;
    die $text . $lang if $text =~ /<lang/;
    return ($lang, @sections);

sub fetch_task {
    my ($self, $info) = @_;
    my $file = io->file("Cache/Task/$info->{path}")->utf8;
    if ($file->exists and time - $file->mtime < CACHE_TIME) {
        return $file->all;
    else {
        my $content = $self->get_text($info->{name});
        return $content;

sub fetch_lang {
    my ($self, $info) = @_;
    my $file = io->file("Cache/Lang/$info->{path}")->utf8;
    if ($file->exists and time - $file->mtime < CACHE_TIME) {
        return $file->all;
    else {
        my $content = $self->get_text(":Category:$info->{name}");
        return $content;

sub build_tasks {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $io = io->file(TASKS_FILE)->utf8;
    my @task_list;
    if ($io->exists and time - $io->mtime < CACHE_TIME) {
         @task_list = $io->chomp->slurp;
    else {
        @task_list = $self->get_category(TASKS_CATEGORY);
        $io->assert->println($_) for @task_list;
    my $tasks = YAML::XS::LoadFile('Conf/task.yaml');
    for my $name (keys %$tasks) {
        my $info = $tasks->{$name} ||= {};
        $info->{name} = $name;
        $info->{url} = $name;
        $info->{url} =~ s/ /_/g;
        $info->{path} = $name;
        $info->{path} =~ s/[\'\"]//g;
        $info->{path} =~ s/[\ \/\*\!\(\)\x{7f}-\x{ffff}]/-/g;
        #$info->{path} =~ s/^-*(.*?)-*$/$1/;
        die unless $info->{path};
    $self->dump_file("Meta/Task.yaml", $tasks);
    return $tasks;

sub build_langs {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $io = io->file(LANGS_FILE)->utf8;
    my @lang_list;
    if ($io->exists and time - $io->mtime < CACHE_TIME) {
         @lang_list = $io->chomp->slurp;
    else {
        @lang_list = map {
        } $self->get_category(LANGS_CATEGORY);
        $io->assert->println($_) for @lang_list;
    my $langs = YAML::XS::LoadFile('Conf/lang.yaml');
    for my $name (keys %$langs) {
        my $info = $langs->{$name} ||= {};
        $info->{name} = $name;
        $info->{url} = $name;
        $info->{url} =~ s/ /_/g;
        $name =~ s/é/e/g;
        $name =~ s/à/a/g;
        $info->{path} = $name;
        $info->{path} =~ s/[\ \/\*\!]/-/g;
        if (not exists $info->{ext}) {
            $info->{ext} = lc($name);
            $info->{ext} = 'net' if $info =~ /\.net$/;
            $info->{ext} = 'bas' if $info =~ /basic/;
            $info->{ext} = 'pas' if $info =~ /pascal/;
            $info->{ext} =~ s/ *script$//;
            $info->{ext} =~ s/[\ \/].*//;
            $info->{ext} =~ s/\+/p/g;
        $info->{ext} ||= '';
    Log "Dump YAML 'Meta/Lang.yaml'";
    my $yaml = YAML::XS::Dump($langs);
    $yaml =~ s/FALSE/'FALSE'/g;     # Fix YAML for Ruby
    return $langs;

sub build_bot {
    my ($self) = @_;
    ROSETTACODE_API_URL =~ m!^(https?)://([^/]+)/(.*)/api.php$! or die;
    my ($protocol, $host, $path) = ($1, $2, $3);
        assert => 'bot',
        protocol => $protocol,
        host => $host,
        path => $path,

sub get_text {
    my ($self, $name) = @_;
    Log "Fetch MediaWiki text for '$name'";
    return $self->bot->get_text($name);

sub get_category {
    my ($self, $category) = @_;
    Log "Fetch MediaWiki category '$category'";
    $self->bot->get_pages_in_category($category, {max => 0});

sub write_file {
    my ($self, $file, $content) = @_;
    Log "Write '$file'";

sub write_symlink {
    my ($self, $source, $target) = @_;
    Log "Symlink $source -> $target";

sub dump_file {
    my ($self, $file, $object) = @_;
    Log "Dump YAML '$file'";
    YAML::XS::DumpFile($file, $object);

sub parse_fail {
    my ($self, $task, $content) = @_;
    my $msg = "Task '$task' parse failed:\n" . substr($content, 0, 200);
    Log $msg;
    die $msg;


=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

RosettaCode - An Application to interface with


From the command line:

    > rosettacode help
    > git clone git://
    > cd RosettaCodeData
    > rosettacode sync .

=head1 DESCRIPTION is a fantastic wiki that contains ~ 650 programming tasks,
each implemented in up to ~ 500 programming languages.

This tool aims to make it easier for programmers to obtain and try the various
code samples.

At this point, the main function is to extract the code examples and put them
into a git repository on GitHub. You probably don't need to use this tool
yourself. You can just get the repository here:

    git clone git://

This tool will just update all the files in that repository.

=head1 AUTHOR

Ingy döt Net <>


Copyright (c) 2013. Ingy döt Net.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

