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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
    if ($ENV{HOME}) {
        eval "use lib '$ENV{HOME}/perl/lib'"; die $@ if $@;
    *DUMP = *DUMP = *VCS::SaVeS::SVS::DUMP;
use VCS::SaVeS::SVS;
my ($svs_switches, $cmd, $cmd_switches, $cmd_arguments) =
   ( {},            '',   {},            [] );

my %valid_svs_switches = map { ($_, 1) }
  qw(--version --help --stdin --quiet);

my %valid_svs_switch_aliases =
  qw( -v --version
      -h --help
      -? --help
      -  --stdin
      -q --quiet

my @valid_cmds = 
    qw(add archive break config delete diff export find help history
    import log manifest merge message remove restore save split status
    tag undo);

my @args = @ARGV;

while (@args and $args[0] =~ /^-/) {
    my $switch = shift(@args);
    $switch = $valid_svs_switch_aliases{$switch}
      if defined $valid_svs_switch_aliases{$switch};
    die "$switch used twice" 
      if $svs_switches->{$switch};
    $switch =~ s/^--//;
    $svs_switches->{$switch} = 1;

VCS::SaVeS::SVS->version(), exit
  if $svs_switches->{version};

my $word = @args 
           ? shift(@args)
           : do {
                 require VCS::SaVeS::Help;
                 die VCS::SaVeS::Help->usage();

for (@valid_cmds) {
    if (/^\Q$word/) {
        die "'$word' is ambiguous with '$cmd' and '$_'\n"
          if $cmd;    
        $cmd = $_;
die "'$word' is an invalid svs command\n" 
  unless $cmd;
$cmd .= '_' if $cmd eq 'import';

my @switches = ();
while (@args and $args[0] =~ /^-/) {
    push @switches, shift(@args);

if ($svs_switches->{stdin}) { 
    die "Arguments not allowed on command when reading them from stdin\n" 
      if @args;
    @$cmd_arguments = grep { not /^\#/ } map {chomp; $_} <STDIN>;
else {
    @$cmd_arguments = @args;

for (@$cmd_arguments) {

# Parse command switches
my $getopts = 
   add     => [qw(m=s M)],
   delete  => [qw(f)],
   diff    => [qw(r=s)],
   import_ => [qw(m=s M)],
   restore => [qw(r=s)],
   save    => [qw(m=s M)],
if (defined $getopts->{$cmd}) {
    @ARGV = @switches;
    eval {require Getopt::Long;
          Getopt::Long->import(':config', 'gnu_getopt');
    die $@ if $@;
    my @options = map {
                       (my $switch = $_) =~ s/^(\w+).*/$1/;
                       ($_, \ $cmd_switches->{$switch})
                      } @{$getopts->{$cmd}};
    for (keys %$cmd_switches) {
        delete $cmd_switches->{$_}
          unless defined $cmd_switches->{$_};

# Call command support routine to do the rest of the work.
VCS::SaVeS::SVS->$cmd($cmd_switches, $cmd_arguments);



=head1 NAME

svs - The SaVeS(tm) (Standalone Versioning System) command line interface tool.

=head1 USAGE

    svs [svs-options] command [command-options] [command-arguments]

    saves  # DWIM shorthand. Does 'svs import' or 'svs save'.


SaVeS is the Standalone Versioning System. It works like CVS but is
simpler to use. The main interface is the command line tool C<svs>. This
manpage describes all of the information needed to use SaVeS.

=head1 THE .saves REPOSITORY

All revision information for a given directory tree is stored in a
C<.saves> directory at the root of that tree. This directory is known as
a SaVeS B<repository>. All SaVeS commands must be issued from the
directory containing the repository.

A repository is responsible for the entire tree below it. However, if
any directory below the root, contains a C<.saves> directory itself,
then that directory is not processed by the commands issued above it.

A directory with a C<.saves> repository might have the following layout:


The MANIFEST contains a list of every B<file> in the repository. It
doesn't contain any pathnames of directories. The MANIFEST of the
above directory might look like this:


The SAVES subdirectory contains the revision files inside a directory
structure that mirrors the current directory.


=over 4

=item help

Get help about the SaVeS system or a given C<svs> command.

=item import

Start a repository in the current directory.

=item save

Save the current state of files in the repository.

=item history

Show the revision history of a given file.

=item restore

Restore an older revision of files in the repository.



=head2 --stdin (-)

=head2 --version (-v)

=head2 --help (-h or -?)

=head1 THE svs COMMANDS

=head2 add

Add a list of files to the MANIFEST. Also save an initial revision for
every file that has never been saved.

    svs add [-mmessage -M] [file-list]


=over 4 

=item * -m'A message'

Specify a message in the command line.

=item * -M

Don't prompt for a message. Use the default message.



    # Add all files in current directory
    svs add .
    # Add the files foo.txt and everything in the lib/fun/ directory
    svs add foo.txt lib/fun 

=head2 archive XXX

Create a tar archive of a repository. This can be used to transport
the repository to another system where it can be unarchived with the
import command.

=head2 break

This creates an empty SaVeS repository in the current directory. Doing
this serves to keep C<svs> commands used at higher directories from
traversing the into this directory.

    svs break

I<NOTE: The empty repository consists of a single file:
C<.saves/MANIFEST>. This repository can be made active, simply by using
the C<svs add> command.>

=head2 config XXX

This command is used to show and set the various SaVeS
configuration options.

=head2 delete

Remove files from the repository. This does not actually remove the
actual files. It merely erases the revision history.

    svs delete [-f] file-list

=over 4 

=item * -f

Don't confirm deletion.


I<NOTE: SaVeS commands will never delete your working files. So don't
worry about that.>

=head2 diff

Show the difference between files at different revision levels.

    svs diff [-r<rev1> [-r<rev2>]] file-list

=over 4 

=item * -r<revision-number>

The revision number is an integer which must correspond to the line
number from an C<svs history> command.


If you use the C<-r> flags then you may only specify one filename.

=head2 export XXX

Convert a repository into a form that can be imported into another VCS,
like C<CVS>.

=head2 find

Find all the files in the repository that match a given regular
expression pattern.

=head2 help

Get help about the SaVeS system in general, or help on a specific
C<svs> command.

=head2 history

Show the revision history for individual files in the repository. You
usually use this command before an C<svs restore> command, in order to
identify the revision number you wish to get. If the working file is
newer than the last save, the message on the first line will be prefixed
with a C<*>.

    svs history file-name

Sample Output:

    1) 2002-10-25 14:41:17-07 (Origin) saves 
    2) 2002-10-25 14:45:52-07 ( +2 -4) saves 
    3) 2002-10-29 17:31:30-08 (+58 -35) Changed die to DIE
    4) 2002-10-29 20:29:10-08 (+11 -5) saves 
    5) 2002-10-29 20:59:03-08 ( +3 -2) Added asterisk before message
    *) Working file has been modified since last save

=head2 import

This command creates a new SaVeS repository in the current directory. It
can take a list of files and directories under the current directory.
These get added to the MANIFEST, and will be the only files to be
affected by further commands, unless the MANIFEST is modified by other
C<svs> commands.

    svs import [-mmessage -M] [file-list]


=over 4 

=item * -m'A message'

Specify a message in the command line.

=item * -M

Don't prompt for a message. Use the default message.


=head2 log XXX

Display a log of previous C<svs> commands performed on the current directory.

=head2 manifest

This command is use to either list or set the contents of the current
C<.saves/MANIFEST> file. The MANIFEST controls which files in the tree
are affected by the SaVeS system.

The C<manifest> command can be used in a pipeline unix command to list,
modify and reset the MANIFEST:

    svs manifest | grep -v CVS | svs --stdin manifest

=head2 merge XXX

The inverse of C<split>. This command will take a repository from a
subdirectoryand integrate it into the repository in the current

=head2 message XXX

Change the message for a certain revision of a file.

=head2 remove

    svs remove file-list

Remove files from the MANIFEST. This does not delete files from the
repository. See C<delete> for that.

I<NOTE: SaVeS commands will never delete your working files. So don't
worry about that.>

=head2 restore

Restore a single file in the repository to a given revision. If no
revision number is given, restore to last save.

    svs restore [-r<rev>] [file-list]


=over 4 

=item * -r<revision-number>

The revision number is an integer which must correspond to the line
number from an C<svs history> command.



    # Show a list of revisions for 'foo.txt'
    svs history foo.txt
        # Restore revision number 3 in the history list
        svs restore -r3 foo.txt
        # Restore the last saved revision
        svs restore foo.txt

    =head2 save

    This command saves files which have been modified since the last C<svs
    save> or C<svs import> command.

        svs save [-mmessage -M] [file-list]


    =over 4 

    =item * -m'A message'

    Specify a message in the command line.

    =item * -M

    Don't prompt for a message. Use the default message.


    =head2 split XXX

    This command takes a subdirectory of the current repository and makes it
    a repository of its own.

    =head2 status

    This command will print a report detailing the status of each requested
    file that is in the repository. The information displayed contains the
    name of the file, the current number of revisions and the date of last
    save. If the working file is newer than the last save, it's name will be
    prefixed with a C<*>.

        svs status [file-list]

    Sample output:

        2002-10-29 20:55:31-08 (2)
        2002-10-25 14:50:34-07 (2)*ToDo
        2002-10-25 14:41:17-07 (1) bin/saves.PL
        2002-10-25 14:41:17-07 (1)*bin/svs.PL
        2002-10-25 14:41:17-07 (1) lib/VCS/SaVeS/
        2002-10-25 14:41:17-07 (1)*lib/VCS/SaVeS/
        2002-10-29 20:59:03-08 (5)*lib/VCS/SaVeS/

    =head2 tag XXX

    Associate a symbolic name with a set of files.

    =head2 undo XXX

    Undo the last C<svs> command. This can be applied as many times as needed.


=head2 Simply backup the files in a directory.


The C<saves> command is the simplest way to backup a directory tree. If
the repository doesn't exist, C<saves> is the same as saying:

    svs import -m'saves' .

If the repository already exists, then C<saves> is the same as:

    svs save -m'saves' .

If C<saves> is called with any options or arguments, these are passed on
to the <svs import> or <svs save> command that is actually invoked.

Whenever you feel like backing everything up, just say C<'saves'>. You
don't even need to think about it.

=head2 Restore a file to a certain revision.

    svs restore [-r<rev>] file-name

Without any arguments, this command simply sets things back to the way
they were when you last saved.


The SaVeS system is written in Perl. It is a wrapper around the standard
Unix toolset RCS (Revision Control System). It is distributed as a Perl
module called C<VCS::SaVeS> on the CPAN (Comprehesive Perl Archive
Network). It installs the Perl scripts C<svs> and <saves> as command
line programs. It also installs some Perl modules, but you probably
won't use those directly.

=head1 SEE

The C<saves> manpage.



Copyright (c) 2002 Brian Ingerson. All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
