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About [%name%]

This repository contains the source code for the Perl 5 module distribution:

  [%name%] — "[%abstract%]"

    by []

  Copyright [%copyright%]. [].


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.



You can install the latest release of [%name%] with this command:

  cpanm [%name.replace('-','::')%]

If you don't have `cpanm` yet, installation is simple. See:

Or get the release information directly from:[%name%]

Open Source

The code for [%name%] is hosted at GitHub. The URL is:


This project uses the Zilla-Dist framework for development and release
automation. You install it with:

  cpanm -n Zilla::Dist   # -n means "no test" which can save a lot of time

Once installed, run `zild make` to get a list of all the things you can do.
See for
more information.

NOTE: If you just want to run the tests without installing Zilla::Dist, use:

  prove -lv test/

Repository Layout

This repoository contains the following top level files and directories:

[%IF layout.About-%]
  About       - This file describing the repository. (generated)
[%IF layout.Changes-%]
  Changes     - Change log file in YAML.
[%IF layout.item('gitignore')-%]
  .gitignore  - Git's ignore file.
[%IF layout.Meta-%]
  Meta        - All metadata for the project.
[%IF layout.ReadMe_pod-%]
  ReadMe.pod  - Top level ReadMe file for GitHub. (generated)
[%IF layout.item('travis_yml')-%]
  .travis.yml - Travis CI test control file. (generated)

[%IF layout.bin-%]
  bin/        - Directory of installable scripts.
[%IF layout.doc-%]
  doc/        - Documentation directory.
  eg/         - Example files.
[%IF layout.ext-%]
  ext/        - External dependency repos.
[%IF layout.item('git')-%]
  .git/       - Git repository data.
[%IF layout.lib-%]
  lib/        - All the source code libraries (modules).
[%IF layout.note-%]
  note/       - Random note files. To-Do lists, specs, etc.
[%IF layout.pkg-%]
  pkg/        - Packaging tools and data.
[%IF layout.share-%]
  share/      - Shared files for the release package.


[%IF homepage != '' _ name-%]
  Home Page   - [%homepage%]
  Source      - [%devel.git%]
  Release     -[%name%]
  Bugs        - [%devel.bug%]
[%IF devel.irc-%]
  Pulls       - [%devel.git _ '/pulls'%]
  IRC         - [%devel.irc%]
[%IF devel.eml-%]
  Email List  - [%devel.eml%]


If you would like to contribute to this project, please read:

for up-to-date instructions.

# This file generated by Zilla-Dist-[%zilla_dist.version%]