The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More tests => 3;
use Test::Exception;

use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr);

use InterMine::Model;

my $model = InterMine::Model->new(file => 't/data/testmodel_model.xml');

subtest "Test instantiation" => sub {
    plan tests => 15;
    note "Testing instantiation";

    lives_ok {$model->make_new("Company")} "Can make objects";

    my ($emp, $emp2);
    lives_ok {$emp = $model->make_new(Employee => (name => "John", age => 24))} 
        "Can make an object with a list";

    lives_ok {$emp2 = $model->make_new(Employee => (name => "John", age => 24, department => undef))} 
        "Can ignore empty (undef) values";

    my $emp3 = $model->make_new(Employee => (name => "Bill", fullTime => 1, objectId => 12345));
    my $emp4 = $model->make_new(Employee => (age => 17, objectId => 12345));

    my $manager = $model->make_new("Manager");
    ok($manager->isa("Manager"), "objects respond to short names in isa");
    ok($manager->isa("Employee"), "And objects can follow inheritance");

    is(refaddr($emp3), refaddr($emp4), "The obj is returned from cache if seen before");
    is($emp3->getAge, 17, "And the new fields are merged in");
    is($emp3->age, 17, "And the new fields are merged in, with aliases");
    is($emp4->getName, "Bill", "And the old fields remain");
    is($emp4->name, "Bill", "And the old fields remain, with aliases");
    is($emp4->isFullTime, 1, "Uses boolean access names");
    is($emp4->fullTime, 1, "as well as unprefixed access names");

    is($emp->getName, "John", "who has the right name");

    lives_ok {$emp->setDepartment($model->make_new("Department", {name => "Sales"}))} 
        "Can make an object with a hashref";

    is $emp->getDepartment->getName, "Sales", "Which has the right name";

subtest "Test field type constraints" => sub {
    note "Testing field type constraints";
    plan tests => 10;
    my $types = $model->make_new("Types");

    subtest "Test bool types" => sub {
        note "\ntesting booleans";
        plan tests => 6;
        throws_ok {$types->setBooleanType("Foo")} qr/Validation failed for 'Bool'/,
            "and it throws errors when you try to put something into the wrong slot";
        throws_ok {$types->setBooleanObjType("Foo")} qr/Validation failed for 'Bool'/,
            "and it throws errors when you try to put something into the wrong slot";
        lives_ok {$types->setBooleanType(1)} "Can set bool to true";
        ok($types->isBooleanType, "And it is set correctly");
        lives_ok {$types->setBooleanObjType(0)} "Can set bool to false";
        ok(! $types->isBooleanObjType, "And it is set correctly");

    subtest "Test float types" => sub {
        note "\ntesting floats";
        plan tests => 6;
        throws_ok {$types->setFloatType("Foo")} qr/Validation failed for 'Num'/,
            "and it throws errors when you try to put something into the wrong slot";
        throws_ok {$types->setFloatObjType("Foo")} qr/Validation failed for 'Num'/,
            "and it throws errors when you try to put something into the wrong slot";

        lives_ok {$types->setFloatType(1.123)} "Can set float to 1.123";
        is($types->getFloatType, 1.123, "And it is set correctly");
        lives_ok {$types->setFloatObjType(1.123)} "Can set float to 1.123";
        is($types->getFloatObjType, 1.123, "And it is set correctly");

    subtest "Test double types" => sub {
        note "\ntesting doubles";
        plan tests => 6;
        throws_ok {$types->setDoubleType("Foo")} qr/Validation failed for 'Num'/,
            "and it throws errors when you try to put something into the wrong slot";
        throws_ok {$types->setDoubleObjType("Foo")} qr/Validation failed for 'Num'/,
            "and it throws errors when you try to put something into the wrong slot";

        lives_ok {$types->setDoubleType(1.123)} "Can set double to 1.123";
        is($types->getDoubleType, 1.123, "And it is set correctly");
        lives_ok {$types->setDoubleObjType(1.123)} "Can set double to 1.123";
        is($types->getDoubleObjType, 1.123, "And it is set correctly");

    subtest "Test long types" => sub {
        note "\ntesting longs";
        plan tests => 9;

        my $error = qr/Validation failed.*InterMine::Model::Types::BigInt.*Foo/;
        throws_ok {$types->setLongType("Foo")}  $error, 
            "and it throws errors when you try to put something into the wrong slot"
                or diag($types->getLongType);
        throws_ok {$types->setLongObjType("Foo")} $error,
            "and it throws errors when you try to put something into the wrong slot"
                or diag($types->getLongObjType);

        my $attr = $types->meta->get_attribute("longType");
        ok($attr->should_coerce, "This attribute will coerce");
        my $tc = $attr->type_constraint;

        my $coerced = $tc->coerce("9_223_372_036_854_775_807");
        is(ref($coerced), "Math::BigInt", "... and it can coerce");
        ok($coerced == "9_223_372_036_854_775_807", "... correctly");

        lives_ok {$types->setLongType("9_223_372_036_854_775_807")} 
            "Can set long to 9_223_372_036_854_775_807 (nine pentillion)";
        ok($types->getLongType == Math::BigInt->new("9_223_372_036_854_775_807"), 
            "And it is set correctly");
        lives_ok {$types->setLongObjType("-4_123_456_789")} 
            "Can set long to -4_123_456_789 (negative 4 billion)";
        ok($types->getLongObjType == Math::BigInt->new("-4_123_456_789"), 
            "And it is set correctly");

    subtest "Test short types" => sub {
        note "\ntesting shorts";
        plan tests => 6;
        throws_ok {$types->setShortType("0.1")} qr/Validation failed for 'Int'/,
            "and it throws errors when you try to put something into the wrong slot";
        throws_ok {$types->setShortObjType("0.1")} qr/Validation failed for 'Int'/,
            "and it throws errors when you try to put something into the wrong slot";

        lives_ok {$types->setShortType(1_123)} "Can set short to 1,123";
        is($types->getShortType, 1_123, "And it is set correctly");
        lives_ok {$types->setShortObjType(1_123)} "Can set short to 1,123";
        is($types->getShortObjType, 1_123, "And it is set correctly");

    subtest "Test integer types" => sub {
        note "\ntesting ints";
        plan tests => 6;
        throws_ok {$types->setIntType("0.1")} qr/Validation failed for 'Int'/,
            "and it throws errors when you try to put something into the wrong slot";
        throws_ok {$types->setIntObjType("0.1")} qr/Validation failed for 'Int'/,
            "and it throws errors when you try to put something into the wrong slot";

        lives_ok {$types->setIntType(1_123)} "Can set int to 1,123";
        is($types->getIntType, 1_123, "And it is set correctly");
        lives_ok {$types->setIntObjType(1_123)} "Can set int to 1,123";
        is($types->getIntObjType, 1_123, "And it is set correctly");

    subtest "Test string types" => sub {
        note "\ntesting strings";
        plan tests => 3;
        throws_ok {$types->setStringObjType(["Some String"])} qr/Validation failed for 'Str'/,
            "and it throws errors when you give it something other than a string";

        lives_ok {$types->setStringObjType("Foo")} 'Can set string to "Foo"';
        is($types->getStringObjType, "Foo", "And it is set correctly");

    subtest "Test date types" => sub {
        note "\ntesting dates";
        plan tests => 4;
        my $error = qr/Value provided \('.*'\) was not in the ISO8601 time stamp format/;
        throws_ok {$types->setDateObjType("Some String")} $error,
            "it throws errors when you give it something other than a date";
        throws_ok {$types->setDateObjType("2004-99-79T25:60:99")} $error,
            "it throws errors when you give it an impossible date";

        lives_ok {$types->setDateObjType("2004-07-17T15:05:55")} 'Can set date to 17 July 2005';
        is($types->getDateObjType, "2004-07-17T15:05:55", "And it is set correctly");

    subtest "Test reference types" => sub {
        note "\ntesting references";
        plan tests => 3;
        my $emp = $model->make_new("Employee");
        throws_ok {$emp->setDepartment($model->make_new("Company"))} 
            qr/Validation failed for 'Department' with value InterMine::testmodel::/,
            "and it throws errors when you give it the wrong kind of object";
        lives_ok {
        } "Can set a ref";
        is $emp->getDepartment->getName, "Sales", "And it is set correctly";

    subtest "Test collection types" => sub {
        note "\ntesting collections";
        plan tests => 10;
        my $dep = $model->make_new("Department");

        ok $dep->employees_is_empty, "is_empty works correctly";

        my $emp1 = $model->make_new("Employee");
        my $emp2 = $model->make_new("Employee");
        my $emp3 = $model->make_new("Employee");
        my $emp4 = $model->make_new("Employee");
        my $emp5 = $model->make_new("Employee");
        my $manager = $model->make_new("Manager");
        my $manager2 = $model->make_new("Manager");
        my $contractor = $model->make_new("Contractor");
        my $company = $model->make_new("Company");
        my $error = qr/Validation failed for 'ArrayOfEmployee'/;

        throws_ok {$dep->setEmployees([$contractor])} $error,
            "Complains about lists of the wrong type";
        throws_ok {$dep->setEmployees([$emp1, $company])} $error,
            "even when some of the items are ok";

        lives_ok {$dep->setEmployees([$emp1, $emp2, $manager])}
            "Is ok with heterogeneous lists which include subtypes though";

        lives_ok {$dep->addEmployee($emp3)}
            "Can add a single obj to the list";
        lives_ok {$dep->addEmployee($manager2)}
            "Can add a subtyped obj to the list";
        lives_ok {$dep->addEmployee($emp4, $emp5)}
            "Can add multiple employees";

            [$emp1, $emp2, $manager, $emp3, $manager2, $emp4, $emp5],
            "The list elements are all set ok";

       is $dep->employees_count, 7, "Can get the count";
       ok !$dep->employees_is_empty, "is_empty works correctly";

subtest "Test type coercion" => sub {
    note "\ntesting coercion";

    my $dep = $model->make_new("Department", {name => "Sales"});

    my $other_dep;

    lives_ok {$other_dep = $model->make_new({class => "Department", name => "Sales"})} 
        "Can make an object from a hash ref with class in it";

    is($other_dep->getName, "Sales", "... and it is correctly set up");

    lives_ok {$dep->setCompany({name => "FooCorp"})} "Can coerce a ref from a hashref";

    my $emp2;
    lives_ok {$emp2 = $model->make_new(
            Employee => name => "John", age => 24, department => {name => "HR"});}
            "Coercion works within new";

    is($emp2->getDepartment->getName, "HR", "And correctly too");

    lives_ok {$dep->setEmployees([{name => "John"}, {name => "Jane", class => "Manager"}])}
        "Can coerce a list of hashrefs to objects";
    lives_ok {$dep->addEmployee({name => "Simon"})} 
        "Can coerce from a hashref when adding to a collection";
    lives_ok {$dep->addEmployee({name => "Fred", class => "Manager"})} 
        "Can coerce a subclass from a hashref when adding to a collection";

    subtest "Can loop over collections" => sub {
        note "\ntesting dereferencing of collections";
        my @expected_name = qw/John Jane Simon Fred/;
        my @expected_class = qw/Employee Manager Employee Manager/;
        my $i = 0;
        for my $e ($dep->getEmployees) {
            is($e->getName, $expected_name[$i], "This employee is called $expected_name[$i]");
            is($e->class, $expected_class[$i], "This employee isa $expected_class[$i]");

    my $emp3;
    lives_ok {
        $emp3 = $model->make_new( {
                class => "Employee",
                objectId => "1200023",
                name => "John", 
                age => 24, 
                department => {
                    class => "Department",
                    objectId => "1200024",
                    name => "HR", 
                    company => {
                        class => "Company",
                        objectId => "1200025",
                        name => "Bar Inc.",
                        contractors => [
                                objectId => "1200026",
                                class => "Contractor",
                                name => "Janet"
                                objectId => "1200027",
                                class => "Contractor",
                                name => "Bernie"
        } "Nested Coercion works within new";

    is($emp3->getObjectId, 1200023, 
        "The object id is set");
    is($emp3->getDepartment->getObjectId, 1200024, 
        "... and for dept");
    is($emp3->getDepartment->getCompany->getObjectId, 1200025, 
        "... and for company");
    is($emp3->getDepartment->getCompany->getContractorByIndex(0)->getObjectId, 1200026, 
        "... and for contractor");

    is($emp3->getDepartment->getCompany->getName, "Bar Inc.", "And it was coerced correctly");
    is($emp3->getDepartment->getCompany->getContractorByIndex(1)->getName, "Bernie",
        "... including collections");