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package main;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Carp qw/cluck/;

use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;

use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(Bool);

my $do_live_tests = $ENV{RELEASE_TESTING};

unless ($do_live_tests) {
    plan( skip_all => "Acceptance tests for release testing only" );
} else {
    plan( tests => 192 );

my $url = $ENV{TESTMODEL_URL} || 'http://localhost:8080/intermine-test/service';
note("Testing against $url");

my $module = 'Webservice::InterMine';

my @view = ('', 'Employee.age', 'Employee.fullTime',
    'Employee.address.address', '',

use_ok($module, ($url));

isa_ok($module->get_service, 'Webservice::InterMine::Service', "The service it makes");

    sub {$module->get_service("not.a.good.url")},
    qr/Uri does not look like a service url/,
    "Throws an error at urls that don't have paths",

    sub {$module->get_service("not.a.good.url/with/path")},
    qr/Can't connect/,
    "Throws an error at bad urls that don't resolve to anything",

    sub {$module->get_service("$url/foo/")},
    qr/version.*please check the url/,
    "Throws an error at urls that resolve but which don't seem interminy",

ok($module->get_service->version >= 6, "Service version is correct");
isa_ok($module->get_service->model, 'InterMine::Model', "The model the service makes");
my $q;
lives_ok(sub {$q = $module->new_query}, "Makes a new query ok");
isa_ok($q, 'Webservice::InterMine::Query', "The query");

lives_ok(sub {$q->add_view(@view)}, "Adds a view to the query ok");
is_deeply($q->view, \@view, "Sets view correctly");

    sub {
            path => 'Employee.age',
            op   => '>',
            value => 16,
    "Adds a binary constraint to the query ok",

    sub {
            path => 'Employee.department',
            op   => 'IS NOT NULL',
    "Adds a unary constraint to the query ok",

    sub {
            path => 'Employee.department',
            op   => 'LOOKUP',
            value => 'Catering'
    "Adds a lookup constraint to the query ok",

    sub {
            path => '',
            op   => 'ONE OF',
            values => [qw/Susan John Miguel/],
    "Adds a multi constraint to the query ok",

    sub {
            path => 'Employee',
            type => 'CEO',
    "Adds a subclass constraint to the query ok",

is($q->all_constraints, 5, "All constraints added fine");
is($q->coded_constraints, 4, "And 4 of them have codes");
is($q->sub_class_constraints, 1, "And one of them is a sub-class constraint");

    sub {$q->set_sort_order('Employee.age', 'desc')},
    "Sets sort order",

is($q->sort_order, "Employee.age desc", "And it is correct");

my $res;

$q = $module->new_query;
    path => "",
    op => "LOOKUP",
    value => "CompanyA"

note("Querying for results");

    sub {$res = $q->results},
    "Queries for results",
) or diag($q->url);

is(ref $res, 'ARRAY', "And it is an arrayref");

is(ref $res->[0], 'Webservice::InterMine::ResultRow', "An array of result-rows in fact");

is($res->[1][1], "20", "With the right fields - Int") or diag(explain $res);;
is($res->[1][3], "Employee Street, AVille", "With the right fields - Str") or diag(explain $res);;

my $res_slice = [
  'Employee Street, AVille',

is_deeply($q->results(size => 1, start => 1)->[0]->to_aref, $res_slice, "Can handle start and size");

    path  => 'Employee.age',
    op    => '<',
    value => 35,

    sub {$res = $q->results(as => 'hashrefs')},
    "Queries for results as hashes",

is(@$res, 3, "Gets the right number of records");
is($res->[1]->{'Employee.age'}, 20, "with the right fields - Int");
is($res->[1]->{'Employee.address.address'}, "Employee Street, AVille", "with the right fields - Str");

    sub {$res = $q->results(as => 'arrayrefs')},
    "Queries for results as arrayrefs",

is(@$res, 3, "Gets the right number of records");
is($res->[1][1], 20, "with the right fields - Int");
is($res->[1][3], "Employee Street, AVille", "with the right fields - Str");

    sub {$res = $q->results(as => 'jsonobjects', json => 'perl')},
    "Queries for results as a perl data structure",

is(@$res, 3, "Gets the right number of records");
is($res->[1]{age}, 20, "with the right fields - Int");
is($res->[1]{address}{address}, "Employee Street, AVille", "with the right fields - Str");
ok($res->[1]{fullTime}, "with the right fields - Bool");

is(3, $q->count, "Can get a count");

    sub {$res = $q->results(as => 'jsonobjects', json => 'raw')},
    "Queries for results as a raw text",
my $expected = [
    qr|\Q{"address":{"address":"Employee Street, AVille","objectId":\E\d+\Q,"class":"Address"},"objectId":\E\d+\Q,"department":{"manager":{"objectId":\E\d+\Q,"name":"EmployeeA1","class":"Manager"},"objectId":\E\d+\Q,"name":"DepartmentA1","company":{"objectId":\E\d+\Q,"name":"CompanyA","class":"Company"},"class":"Department"},"age":10,"name":"EmployeeA1","class":"Manager","fullTime":true}|,
    qr|\Q{"address":{"address":"Employee Street, AVille","objectId":\E\d+\Q,"class":"Address"},"objectId":\E\d+\Q,"department":{"manager":{"objectId":\E\d+\Q,"name":"EmployeeA1","class":"Manager"},"objectId":\E\d+\Q,"name":"DepartmentA1","company":{"objectId":\E\d+\Q,"name":"CompanyA","class":"Company"},"class":"Department"},"age":20,"name":"EmployeeA2","class":"Employee","fullTime":true}|,
    qr|\Q{"address":{"address":"Employee Street, AVille","objectId":\E\d+\Q,"class":"Address"},"objectId":\E\d+\Q,"department":{"manager":{"objectId":\E\d+\Q,"name":"EmployeeA1","class":"Manager"},"objectId":\E\d+\Q,"name":"DepartmentA1","company":{"objectId":\E\d+\Q,"name":"CompanyA","class":"Company"},"class":"Department"},"age":30,"name":"EmployeeA3","class":"Employee","fullTime":false}|,

is (scalar(@$res), scalar(@$expected), "It has the right number of rows");
for (0 .. $#{$expected}) {
    like($res->[$_], $expected->[$_], "And row $_ looks good");

    sub {$res = $q->results(as => 'jsonobjects', json => 'inflate')},
    "Queries for results as inflated objects",

is(@$res, 3, "Gets the right number of records");
is($res->[1]->age, 20, "with the right fields - Int");
is($res->[1]->address->address, "Employee Street, AVille", "with the right fields - Str");
ok($res->[1]->fullTime, "with the right fields - Bool");

    sub {$res = $q->results(as => 'jsonobjects', json => 'instantiate')},
    "Queries for results as inflated objects",

is(@$res, 3, "Gets the right number of records");
is($res->[1]->getAge, 20, "with the right fields - Int");
is($res->[1]->getAddress->getAddress, "Employee Street, AVille", "with the right fields - Str");

    my $buffer = '';
    open(my $fh, '>', \$buffer) or die "Horribly, $!";
    $q->print_results(to => $fh, columnheaders => 1);
    close $fh or die "$!";
    my $expected = qq|Employee > Name\tEmployee > Years Alive\tEmployee > Works Full Time?\tEmployee > Lives At\tEmployee > Works In\tEmployee > Works For\tEmployee > Works Under
EmployeeA1\t10\ttrue\tEmployee Street, AVille\tDepartmentA1\tCompanyA\tEmployeeA1
EmployeeA2\t20\ttrue\tEmployee Street, AVille\tDepartmentA1\tCompanyA\tEmployeeA1
EmployeeA3\t30\tfalse\tEmployee Street, AVille\tDepartmentA1\tCompanyA\tEmployeeA1
    for ($buffer, $expected) {
        s/ /./g;
    is $buffer, $expected, "Can print a query";

    my $buffer = '';
    open(my $fh, '>', \$buffer) or die "Horribly, $!";
    close $fh or die "$!";
    my $expected = q!VIEW:.[,.Employee.age,.Employee.fullTime,.Employee.address.address,,,],.CONSTRAINTS:.[<"CompanyA".IN."NULL">,<Employee.age.<."35">,],.LOGIC:.A.and.B,
    for ($buffer, $expected) {
        s/ /./g;
    is $buffer, $expected, "Can show a query";

my $t;
    sub {$t = $module->template('Department_Employees');},
    "Gets a template ok",

isa_ok($t, 'Webservice::InterMine::Query::Template', "The template");

is($t->editable_constraints, 2, "And it has 2 editable constraints");

    sub {$res = $t->results_with(valueA => '*', valueB => "CompanyB");},
    "Runs results with ok",
) or diag($t->url);

my $exp_res = [
    ['EmployeeB3', '60']

for my $row (0, 1, 2) {
    for my $col (0, 1) {
        is($res->[$row][$col], $exp_res->[$row][$col]);

$exp_res = [

# Hack to fix broken template on the server

$res = $t->results;

for my $row (0, 1, 2) {
    for my $col (0, 1) {
        is($res->[$row][$col], $exp_res->[$row][$col], "value of $col:$row is wrong");

$exp_res = ['EmployeeA2',20, "true"];

is_deeply($t->results(size => 1, start => 1)->[0]->to_aref, $exp_res, "And it handles start and size");

$exp_res = [
        class => 'Department',
        employees => [
            'age' => 10,
            'class' => 'Manager',
            'name' => 'EmployeeA1',
            'age' => 20,
            'class' => 'Employee',
            'name' => 'EmployeeA2',
            'age' => 30,
            'class' => 'Employee',
            'name' => 'EmployeeA3',
$res = $t->results(as => "jsonobjects");

sub clean {
    my @things = @_;
    for my $thing (@things) {
        delete $thing->{objectId};
        delete $thing->{fullTime};
        if (my $employees = $thing->{employees}) {

is_deeply($res, $exp_res, "And for complex formats") or diag(explain $res);
$res = $t->results(as => "jsonobjects", json => 'inflate');
is($res->[0]->employees->[0]->name, "EmployeeA1", "Can access inflated columns ok");

subtest "and for json rows" => sub {
    $res = $t->results(as => "jsonrows");
    is($res->[0][0]{value}, "EmployeeA1") or diag(explain $res->[0]);
    is($res->[0][1]{value}, 10) or diag(explain $res->[0]);
    is($res->[2][0]{value}, "EmployeeA3") or diag(explain $res->[2]);
    $res = $t->results(as => "jsonrows", json => "inflate");
    is($res->[0][0]->value, "EmployeeA1") or diag(explain $res->[0]);
    is($res->[0][1]->value, 10) or diag(explain $res->[0]);
    is($res->[2][0]->value, "EmployeeA3") or diag(explain $res->[2]);

    my $buffer = '';
    open(my $fh, '>', \$buffer) or die "Horribly, $!";
    $t->show_with(valueA => '*', valueB => 'companyB', to => $fh);
    close $fh or die "$!";
    my $expected = q!Department_Employees.-.Department.-->.Employees
    $buffer =~ s/ /./g;
    $expected =~ s/ /./g;
    is $buffer, $expected, "Can show a template";

    my $buffer = '';
    open(my $fh, '>', \$buffer) or die "Horribly, $!";
    $t->print_results_with(valueA => '*', valueB => 'companyB', to => $fh, columnheaders => 1);
    close $fh or die "$!";
    my $expected = qq|Department.>.Employees.>.Name	Department.>.Employees.>.Years.Alive	Department.>.Employees.>.Works.Full.Time?
EmployeeB1	40	true
EmployeeB2	50	true
EmployeeB3	60	true
    $buffer =~ s/ /./g;
    $expected =~ s/ /./g;
    is $buffer, $expected, "Can print a template";

my $loaded;
lives_ok {$loaded = $module->load_query(source_file => "t/data/loadable_query.xml")} 
    "Can load a query";

$exp_res = [ ['EmployeeA1','DepartmentA1'] ];

$res = $loaded->results;
is($res->[0][0], $exp_res->[0][0], "Can get results for queries loaded from xml");
is($res->[0][1], $exp_res->[0][1], "Can get results for queries loaded from xml");

    require Webservice::InterMine::Service;
    my $authenticated_service;
    my @password_credentials = ("intermine-test-user", "intermine-test-user-password");
    my $token = "test-user-token";

    my $token_service = Webservice::InterMine::Service->new($url, $token);

    is($token_service->token, $token, "Interprets arguments correctly as token");

    my $template2 = $token_service->template("private-template-1");

    is($template2->get_count, 53, "Can read a private template using a token service");
    my $foolish_auth_method = sub {
        $authenticated_service = Webservice::InterMine::Service->new($url, @password_credentials);

    SKIP: {
        unless (eval "require Test::Warn;") {
            eval {
                no warnings; 
            skip "Test Warn not installed", 1;
        } else {
            Test::Warn::warning_like($foolish_auth_method, qr/API token/, 
                "Warns people who are not careful with their passwords"

    my $template = $authenticated_service->template("private-template-1");

    is($template->get_count, 53, "Can read a private template using username/password credentials");

    my $q = $module->new_query(class => 'Manager');
    $q->add_constraint('name', '=', 'Santa Claus');
    my $res;
    lives_ok {$res = $q->results} "It's ok to ask about Santa Claus";
    is_deeply($res, [], "But there is no Santa Claus");

    my @results = $module->get_service
                         ->search({'' => 'Sales'});

    is(@results, 3, "Search returns result");
        [ 'David Brent', 'Michael Scott', 'Gilles Triquet',], 
        [map {$_->getName} @results], 
        "And they have the expected content - reified objects"
    ) or diag explain(\@results);


    my @results = resultset("Manager")->search({"" => 'Sales'});
    is(@results, 3, "Can get results with search");
        [ 'David Brent', 'Michael Scott', 'Gilles Triquet',], 
        [map {$_->getName} @results], 
        "And they have the expected content - reified objects"
    ) or diag explain(\@results);
    my $res = get_template('Department_Employees')->results_with(
        valueA => '*',
        valueB => "CompanyB"
    my $exp_res = [
        ['EmployeeB3', '60']
    for my $row (0, 1, 2) {
        for my $col (0, 1) {
            is($res->[$row][$col], $exp_res->[$row][$col], "Results are rows, as expected");

    is ($module->get_service->version, get_service()->version, "Testing get_service");


    #my @lists = get_service("")->get_lists();
    my @lists = get_service($url, "test-user-token")->get_lists();
    ok(~~@lists, "There are some lists");
    ok($lists[0]->has_status, "Status is provided");
    my %possible_statuses = (CURRENT => 1, TO_UPGRADE => 1, NOT_CURRENT => 1);
    ok($possible_statuses{$lists[0]->status}, "And list is one of the possible statuses");

    my $query = resultset("Manager")->select("name", "");
    my $rr = "Webservice::InterMine::ResultRow";
    while (my $row = <$query>) {
        ok($row->isa($rr), "isa result-row");

    my $ro = "Webservice::InterMine::ResultObject";
    my $it = $query->iterator(as => 'ro');
    while (my $row = <$it>) {
        ok($row->isa($ro), "isa result-object");

    my $class = "Manager";
    $it = $query->iterator(as => 'objects');
    while (my $row = <$it>) {
        ok($row->isa($class), "isa Manager");