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# Copyright (C) 2008 Ioannis Tambouras <>. All rights reserved.
# LICENSE:  GPLv3, eead licensing terms at .

package Pg::Loader::Misc;

use 5.010000;
use Data::Dumper;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Config::Format::Ini  qw/ read_ini /;
use Log::Log4perl ':easy';
#use Text::CSV;
#use Pg::Loader::Columns;
use Pg::Loader::Query qw/ primary_keys /;
use List::MoreUtils  qw( firstidx );
use base 'Exporter';
use Quantum::Superpositions ;
#use Text::Table;

*get_columns_names = \&Pg::Loader::Query::get_columns_names;

our $VERSION = '0.12';

our @EXPORT = qw(
	ini_conf	error_check   	
	print_results	add_defaults    subset
	error_check_pgsql               filter_ini      reformat_values
	add_modules     pk4updates      gen 
	insert_semantic_check           update_semantic_check

sub ini_conf {
	$Config::Format::Ini::SIMPLIFY = 1 ;
	my $file = shift || 'pgloader.conf';
        INFO( "Configuring from $file" )   ;
	my $ini = read_ini $file           ;

sub print_results {
        my @stats = @_ or return;
        printf "%-17s | %11s | %7s | %10s | %10s\n",
                'section name', 'duration', 'size', 'affected rows', 'errors';
        say '='x 70;
        printf "%-17s | %10.3fs | %7s | %13d | %10s\n" ,
		@{$_}{qw( name elapsed size rows errors)}  for @stats;

sub error_check_pgsql  {
	my  ($conf, $ini) = @_ ;
	my $s = $ini->{pgsql} || LOGEXIT(qq(Missing pgsql section ));
	if ($s->{pgsysconfdir} || $ENV{ PGSYSCONFDIR } ) {
		my $msg = 'Expected service parameter in pgsql section';
		$s->{service} or LOGEXIT ( $msg ) ;
	$conf->{dry_run} //= 0;

sub error_check  {
	my ( $ini, $section) = @_;
	die unless $section;
	my $s = $ini->{$section}|| LOGEXIT(qq(No config for [$section]));
        my $msg01 = q("copy_columns" and "only_cols" are mutually exclusive);
        $s->{copy_columns} and $s->{only_cols} and LOGEXIT( $msg01 ) ;

        $s->{filename}  or LOGEXIT(qq(No filename specified for [$section]));
        $s->{table}     or LOGEXIT(qq(No table specified for [$section]));
	$s->{format} =~  s/^ \s*'|'\s* $//xog;
        $s->{format}    or LOGEXIT(qq(No format specified for [$section]));
	given ($s->{format} ) {
		when (/^(text|csv)$/)  {} ;
		default   { LOGEXIT( q(Set format to either 'text' or 'csv'))};
        _check_copy_grammar( $s->{copy} );
	DEBUG("\tPassed grammar check");
sub  pk4updates {
	## ensure that table has pk
        ## Output: the pk as an arrayref
	my ($dh, $s) = @_ ;
	my $table = $s->{table};
        $s->{pk}  =  Pg::Loader::Query::primary_keys($dh, $table);
	@{$s->{pk}} ;
sub update_semantic_check {
        my $s = shift;
	# ensure "copy_columns" is an arrayref
        my $msg = qq(\t"update_columns" cannot contain primary keys);
	for my $pk (@{$s->{pk}}) {
        	grep   { /^$pk$/ } @{$s->{copy_columns}}  and LOGDIE( $msg ); 
        $msg = qq(\t"update" must include the primary keys);
        subset( $s->{copy}, $s->{pk} )          or  LOGDIE(  $msg );
        $msg = qq(\tConfig implies that no columns should be updated);
	( @{$s->{copy}}  == @{$s->{pk}} )  and LOGDIE( $msg );
	#TODO: what is updated must be in the "copy" list
sub _check_copy_grammar {
        my $values = shift||return;
        # $s->copy should be either a '*' string, or an array of
        # string in the form of  \w(:\d+) . Whitespaces are trimed.
	my $err = 'Invadid value for param "copy"' ;

        if (ref $values eq 'ARRAY') {
		# array of arrayref
        	my $max =  $#{$values};
		my $pat =  qr/^\s*\w+(?:\s*[:]\s*\d+)?/   ;
            	($max+1) == grep { LOGEXIT  $err  unless $_;
				   LOGEXIT  $err  unless $_=~ $pat;
                                 } @$values  or  LOGEXIT $err;
		# assume it is string, big assumption
		my $_   =  $values ;
		my $pat =  qr/^ \s* \w+ (?:[:]1)? \s* $/xo;
		LOGEXIT $err unless (/^ \s* [*] \s* $/xo  or $_=~ $pat );
	# passed 

sub subset {
	my ($h,$n) = @_ ;
    # True if $n is subset of $h;
    my @intersection = eigenstates(all( any(@$h), any(@$n) ));
	(@intersection == @$n);
sub _copy_param {
        my $values = shift;
        # receives a array of strings like [qw(a:1 b c:4 d:3)] and returns
        # an arrayref of ordered columns: [q( a b d c )]
        return if $values =~ /^ \s* [*] \s* $/xo;

        (ref $values eq 'ARRAY') or  $values = [$values];

        my  ($max, $last, @ret) = ($#{$values}, 0);
        for (@$values) {
                my ($name, $num) =  split /\s*:\s*/, $_;
                $num //= $last+1;
                $last = $num;
                $ret[$num-1] = $name ;
        LOGEXIT "invalid values for copy param"  unless $#ret == $max;

sub filter_ini {
        # Check if configuration values are sensible. 
	# Assumption: The configuration syntax obeys grammar
	# Output: records real table attributes to $s->{attributes}
	# Output: "copy" and "copy_columns" become arrayrefs
	#TODO: parameters for "copy" should match those of actual table
	#TODO: parameters for "copy_only" should match those of actual table
	my ($s, $dh) = @_ ;

	$s->{$_} =~  s/ \\ (?=,) //gox      for keys %$s;

        my $attributes   = [ get_columns_names( $dh, $s->{table}, $s ) ];
	$s->{attributes} = $attributes;
	LOGEXIT("Could not fetch column names from db for table $s->{table}")  
				      unless @$attributes;

	$s->{copy}  =  ($s->{copy}=~/^\s*[*]\s*$/ox) ?  $attributes 
                                                     : _copy_param $s->{copy};
	($s->{copy_columns}||'') =~/^\s*[*]\s*$/ox 
                                             and $s->{copy_columns}=$s->{copy};
	# Ensure that "copy" and "copy_columns" are always arrayref
	ref $s->{copy}         or $s->{copy} = [$s->{copy}];
	ref $s->{copy_columns} or $s->{copy_columns} = [$s->{copy_columns}];
	DEBUG("\tPassed semantic check");

sub insert_semantic_check {
	my  $s = shift;
	# Check semantics for these things:
        # 1. "copy" is a subset of the real attribute names
        # 2. "copy" is a subset of the real attribute names
        # 3. "copy_only" is a subset of "copy"
	my $cmsg = q(names in "copy" are not a subset of actual table names);
	subset $s->{attributes}, $s->{copy}           or LOGEXIT( $cmsg );
	$cmsg= q(names in "copy_columns" are not a subset for actual names);
	subset( $s->{attributes}, $s->{copy_columns}) or LOGEXIT(  $cmsg );
	$cmsg= q(names in "copy_columns" are not a subset of "copy");
	subset( $s->{copy}, $s->{copy_columns})  or LOGEXIT(  $cmsg );
	#TODO: what is copied must be in the "copy" list

sub reformat_values {
	# Adjusts values as needed.
	# Assumption: The configuration syntax obay grammar
	# Output: TODO
	my ($s, $dh) = @_ ;
	return unless $s->{ reformat} ;
        (ref $s->{reformat} eq 'ARRAY') or $s->{reformat} = [$s->{reformat} ];
	for ( @{$s->{reformat}} ) {
		next unless $_;
		my ($col, $mod, $fun ) = m/^(\w+): (.*)::(\w+) $/gxo;
		next unless defined $fun;
		$s->{rfm}{$col} = { col=>$col, pack=>$mod, fun=>$fun };
	DEBUG("\tPassed reformat");

sub add_modules {
	my $s = shift ;
	return unless $s->{rfm} ;
	for ( keys %{$s->{rfm}}) {
		my $h    = $s->{rfm}{$_};
		my ($pack, $fun) = @{$h}{'pack','fun'};
		(my $module = $pack) =~ s{::}{\/}o ;
		$module .= '.pm';
		require $module ;
		#say "${pack}::$fun";
		LOGEXIT  qq(could not find "${pack}::$fun") 
                                    unless  UNIVERSAL::can( $pack, $fun );
		$h->{ref} = 1   ;# cludge fix
