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=head1 Chapter 3. The LCDproc client language

B<Table of Contents>


=item Introduction

=item Opening a session

=item Command reference


=item Basic stuff

=item Screens and widgets

=item Menu stuff

=item Miscellaneous


=item LCDd messages


=head1 Introduction

The LCDproc clients, for example lcdproc, connect over the network to
LCDd. In their communication they use a protocol, often refered to as
the "widget language". In this chapter the widget language will be

=head1 Opening a session

The essence of talking to LCDd is quite simple. First you will need to
connect to the LCDproc port (usually 13666) on the correct IP address
(by default localhost). Once you have established the connection you
should say "hello", to let LCDd know you are a good guy. It will
respond by telling some LCDproc data, like version and screen width and
height. Now your session is open and you can start sending 'real'

LCDd can send a number of strings itself. As a response to your
commands, it will usually send a "success" string, or a string starting
with "huh" in case of any error. See further below for other strings
sent by LCDd.

You can test all these commands by opening a TCP/IP connection
manually, like with:

 telnet localhost 13666

This way, you can check how the various commands work. It's in this
case best to have no other clients. If you do have other clients, you
will receive "listen" and "ignore" messages that will disturb your

=head1 Command reference

In this section all commands and their parameters are listed, along
with the responses you can expect. If you need a space or a special
char in a string, you should quote the string with double quotes. If
you need to use a double quote, escape it with a backslash. The listing
is divided into subsections for


=item 1.

Basic stuff

=item 2.

Screens and widgets

=item 3.

Menu stuff

=item 4.



=head2 Basic stuff


=item B<hello>

Opens the session with the LCDd server program. This command is
required before other commands can be issued.

The response will be a string in the format:

C<connect I<C<parameter>>...>

The client should read all parameters it needs and store their values.
The following parameters are in use:


=item C<LCDproc I<C<version>>>

Indicates the version number of LCDd.

=item C<protocol I<C<version>>>

Indicates the widget language version number. This number is only
changed when the language of a newer version has become incompatible
with the previous version.

=item C<wid I<C<int>>>

Tells the client the width of the attached display device in

=item C<hgt I<C<int>>>

Tells the client the height of the attached display device in

=item C<cellwid I<C<int>>>

How many pixels is a character wide (space between character cells not

=item C<cellhgt I<C<int>>>

How many pixels is a character high (space between character cells not

=item C<lcd>

This word is NOT followed by a value ! Hey do we really need this word
in the response string ?


=item B<client_set C<-name I<C<name>>>>

Sets attributes for the current client. The current client is the one
from the connection that you send this command on, in other words:

I<C<name>> is the client's name as visible to a user.


=head2 Screens and widgets


=item B<screen_add C<I<C<new_screen_id>>>>

Adds a screen to be displayed. The screen will be identified by the
string I<C<new_screen_id>>, which is used later when manipulating on
the screen.

=item B<screen_del C<I<C<screen_id>>>>

Removes the screen identified by I<C<screen_id>> from the client's

=item B<screen_set C<I<C<screen_id>>> C<I<C<attributes>>...>>

Sets attributes for the given screen. The following attributes exist:


=item C<-name I<C<name>>>

Sets the screen's name as visible to a user.

=item C<-wid I<C<int>>> C<-hgt I<C<int>>>

Sets the size of the screen in characters. If unset, the full display
size is assumed.

=item C<-priority I<C<pri_class>>>

Sets the screen's priority. The following priority classes exist:


=item C<hidden>

The screen will never be visible

=item C<background>

The screen is only visible when no normal info screens exists

=item C<info>

normal info screen, default priority

=item C<foreground>

an active client

=item C<alert>

The screen has an important message for the user.

=item C<input>

The client is doing interactive input.

=item I<C<int>>

a positive integer that maps to priority classes above according to the
mapping given in the table below.



1 - 64


65 - 192


193 - E<acirc>E<136>E<158>



LCDd will only show screens with the highest priority at that moment.
So when there are three C<info> screens and one C<foreground> screen,
only the C<foreground> screen will be visible. Only C<background>,
C<info> and C<foreground> screens will rotate; higher classes do not
rotate because their purpose is not suitable for rotation.

=item C<-heartbeat { on | off | open }>

Changes the heartbeat setting for this screen. If set to C<open>, the
default, the client's heartbeat setting will be used.

=item C<-backlight { on | off | toggle | open | blink | flash }>

Changes the screen's backlight setting. If iset to the default value
C<open>, the state will be determined by the client's setting. C<blink>
is a moderately striking backlight variation, C<flash> is I<very>

=item C<-duration I<C<value>>>

A screen will be visible for this amount of time every rotation. The
I<C<value>> is in eights of a second.

=item C<-timeout I<C<value>>>

After the screen has been visible for a total of this amount of time,
it will be deleted. The I<C<value>> is in eights of a second. Currently
the client will not be informed of the deletion (TODO?).

=item C<-cursor { on | off | under | block}>

Determines the visibility of a cursor. If C<on>, a cursor will be
visible. Depending on your hardware, this will be a hardware or
software cursor. The specified cursor shape (C<block> or C<under>)
might not be available in which case an other cursor shape will be used
instead. Default is C<off>.

=item C<-cursor_x I<C<int>>> C<-cursor_y I<C<int>>>

Set the cursor's x and y coordinates respectively. If not given, the
cursor will be set to the leftmost (C<-cursor_x>) resp. topmost
(C<-cursor_y>) position. Coordinates are always 1-based. So the default
top-left corner is denoted by (1,1).


=item B<widget_add C<I<C<screen_id>>> C<I<C<new_widget_id>>>
C<I<C<widgettype>>> [C<-in I<C<frame_id>>>]>

Adds a widget to the given screen. The I<C<new_widget_id>> sets the
identifier for this widget. The optional C<-in I<C<frame_id>>> places
the widget into the given frame. The following widget types exist:


=item C<string>

A simple text.

=item C<title>

A title bar on top of the screen.

=item C<hbar>

A horizontal bar.

=item C<vbar>

A vertical bar.

=item C<icon>

A predefined icon. For a list of valid names consult

=item C<scroller>

A variation of the string type that scrolls the text horizontally or

=item C<frame>

A frame with that can contain widgets itself. In fact a frame displays
an other screen in it.

=item C<num>

A big number. They have a size of 3x4 characters. The special number 10
is a colon, that you can use for a clock. This character is 1x4.


=item B<widget_del C<I<C<screen_id>>> C<I<C<widget_id>>>>

Deletes the given widget from the screen.

=item B<widget_set C<I<C<screen_id>>> C<I<C<widget_id>>>

Sets parameters for a widget. Because not all widgets are created
equal, the various widget types require different parameters.


=item C<string>

I<C<x>> I<C<y>> I<C<text>>

Displays I<C<text>> at position (I<C<x>>,I<C<y>>).

=item C<title>


Uses I<C<text>> as the title to display.

=item C<hbar> , C<vbar>

I<C<x>> I<C<y>> I<C<length>>

Displays a horizontal (C<hbar>) resp. vertical (C<vbar>) starting at
position (I<C<x>>,I<C<y>>) that is I<C<length>> pixels wide resp. high.

=item C<icon>

I<C<x>> I<C<y>> I<C<iconname>>

Displays the icon I<C<iconname>> at position (I<C<x>>,I<C<y>>).

=item C<scroller>

I<C<left>> I<C<top>> I<C<right>> I<C<bottom>> I<C<direction>>
I<C<speed>> I<C<text>>

Displays a scroller spanning from position (I<C<left>>,I<C<top>>) to
(I<C<right>>,I<C<bottom>>) scrolling I<C<text>> in horizontal (C<h>),
vertical (C<v>) or marquee (C<m>) direction at a speed of I<C<speed>>,
which is the number of movements per rendering stroke (8 times/second).

=item C<frame>

I<C<left>> I<C<top>> I<C<right>> I<C<bottom>> I<C<width>> I<C<height>>
I<C<direction>> I<C<speed>>

Sets up a frame spanning from (I<C<left>>,I<C<top>>) to
(I<C<right>>,I<C<bottom>>) that is I<C<width>> columns wide and
I<C<height>> rows high. It scrolls in either horizontal (C<h>) or
vertical (C<v>) direction at a speed of I<C<speed>>, which is the
number of movements per rendering stroke (8 times/second).

=item C<num>

I<C<x>> I<C<int>>

Displays decimal digit I<C<int>> at the horizontal position I<C<x>>,
which is a normal character x coordinate on the display. The special
value 10 for I<C<int>> displays a colon.



=head2 Menu stuff

In this section all commands for creation, modification of menus and
for interaction with them are described. Although keys may be used for
other tasks they are listed here too.

TODO: example for normal (static) menu structure.

Menus may be even be used for wizards (the user is automatically guided
through a number of configuration options) by virtue of the options
-next and -prev. Here a complete example:

	  client_set name Parenttest
	  # to be entered on escape from test_menu (but overwritten
	  # for test_{checkbox,ring})
	  menu_add_item "" ask menu "Leave menus?" -is_hidden true
	    menu_add_item "ask" ask_yes action "Yes" -next _quit_
	    menu_add_item "ask" ask_no action "No" -next _close_
	  menu_add_item "" test menu "Test"
	    menu_add_item "test" test_action action "Action"
	    menu_add_item "test" test_checkbox checkbox "Checkbox"
	    menu_add_item "test" test_ring ring "Ring" -strings "one\ttwo\tthree"
	    menu_add_item "test" test_slider slider "Slider" -mintext "" -maxtext "" -value "50"
	    menu_add_item "test" test_numeric numeric "Numeric" -value "42"
	    menu_add_item "test" test_alpha alpha "Alpha" -value "abc"
	    menu_add_item "test" test_ip ip "IP" -v6 false -value ""
	    menu_add_item "test" test_menu menu "Menu"
	    menu_add_item "test_menu" test_menu_action action "Submenu's action"
	  # no successor for menus. Since test_checkbox and test_ring have their
	  # own predecessors defined the "ask" rule will not work for them
	  menu_set_item "" test -prev "ask"
	  menu_set_item "test" test_action -next "test_checkbox"
	  menu_set_item "test" test_checkbox -next "test_ring" -prev "test_action"
	  menu_set_item "test" test_ring -next "test_slider" -prev "test_checkbox"
	  menu_set_item "test" test_slider -next "test_numeric" -prev "test_ring"
	  menu_set_item "test" test_numeric -next "test_alpha" -prev "test_slider"
	  menu_set_item "test" test_alpha -next "test_ip" -prev "test_numeric"
	  menu_set_item "test" test_ip -next "test_menu" -prev "test_alpha"
	  menu_set_item "test" test_menu_action -next "_close_"
	  menu_set_main ""


=item B<client_add_key [ C<-exclusively> | C<-shared> ]

Tells the server that the current client wants to make use of the given
key(s). If you reserve the key(s) in shared mode, other clients can
still reserve these keys too. If you reserve the key(s) in exclusive
mode no other client can reserve them again. Key(s) reserved in shared
mode will only be returned when a screen of the current client is
active. These keys can be used for interaction with a visible screen
(default). Key(s) reserved in exclusive mode will be returned
regardless of which screen is active. They can be used to trigger a
special feature or to make a screen come to foreground. Note that you
cannot reserve a key in exclusive mode when an other client has
reserved it in shared mode.

=item B<client_del_key C<I<C<key>>...>>

Ends the reservation of the given key(s).

=item B<menu_add_item C<I<C<menu_id>>> C<I<C<new_item_id>>>
C<I<C<type>>> [C<I<C<options>>>]>

Adds a new menu item to a menu. The main menu of a client, will be
created automatically as soon as the client adds an item. This main
menu has an empty id ("") and the name is identical to the name of the
client. The options are described under menu_set_item below.

=head2 Note:

Some menu commands (B<menu_goto>) and options (C<-prev>, C<-next>)
assume that I<C<menu_ids>> are I<unique> (at least within a clients
menu hierarchy).

B<menu item types>


=item C<action>

This item should trigger an action. It consists of simple text.

=item C<checkbox>

Consists of a text and a status indicator. The status can be on (Y),
off (N) or gray (o).

=item C<ring>

Consists of a text and a status indicator. The status can be one of the
strings specified for the item.

=item C<slider>

Is visible as a text. When selected, a screen comes up that shows a
slider. You can set the slider using the cursor keys. When Enter is
pressed, the menu returns.

=item C<numeric>

Allows the user to input an integer value. Is visible as a text. When
selected, a screen comes up that shows the current numeric value, that
you can edit with the cursor keys and Enter. The number is ended by
selecting a 'null' input digit. After that the menu returns.

=item C<alpha>

Is visible as a text. When selected, a screen comes up that shows the
current string value, that you can edit with the cursor keys and Enter.
The string is ended by selecting a 'null' input character. After that
the menu returns.

=item C<ip>

Allows the user to input an ip number (v4 or v6). When selected, a
screen comes up that shows an ip number that can be edited - digit by
digit - via left/right (switch digit) and up/down keys

=item C<menu>

This is a submenu. It is visible as a text, with an appended C<E<gt>>.
When selected, the submenu becomes the active menu.


=item B<menu_del_item C<I<C<menu_id>>> C<I<C<item_id>>>>

Removes a menu item I<C<item_id>> from menu I<C<menu_id>>. The menu
with the special id "" (i.e. the empty string) is the client's main

=item B<menu_set_item C<I<C<menu_id>>> C<I<C<item_id>>>

Sets parameters for the menu item(s). Each item type knows different

B<options for the various menu items>


=item for all item types


=item C<-text I<C<string>>>

The visible text of the item.

=item C<-is_hidden { true | false}> (false)

If the item currently should not appear in a menu.

=item C<-next I<C<successor_id>>>

Sets the menu item to show after hitting the ENTER key when this item
is active. This works for I<all> menu item types I<except menus> i.e.
also for menu item types without an own screen e.g., checkbox, ring and

B<Special values>


=item C<_close_>

Equivalent to C<-menu_result close>: Close the menu.

=item C<_quit_>

Equivalent to C<-menu_result quit>: Quit the menu system.

=item C<_none_>

Equivalent to C<-menu_result none>: Keep the item open.


=item C<-prev I<C<predecessor_id>>>

Sets the menu item to show after hitting the ESCAPE key when this Item
is active. This works for I<all> menu item types i.e. also for menu
item types without an own screen e.g., checkbox, ring and action.

=head2 Note:

If you define a predecessor for e.g., a checkbox and its parent menu
too, the menu's predecessor is ignored in favor of the checkboxes one.

This option accepts the same special values as the C<-next> option.


=item C<action>


=item C<-menu_result { none | close | quit}> (none)

Sets what to do with the menu when this action is selected: none: the
menu stays as it is; close: the menu closes and returns to a higher
level; quit: quits the menu completely so you can foreground your app.


=item C<checkbox>


=item C<-value { off | on | gray }>

Set the value of the item.

=item C<-allow_gray { false | true}> (false)

Sets if a grayed checkbox is allowed.


=item C<ring>


=item C<-value I<C<int>>> (0)

Sets the index in the stringlist that is currently selected.

=item C<-strings I<C<string>>> (empty)

This single string should contain the strings that can be selected.
They should be tab-separated (\t).


=item C<slider>


=item C<-value I<C<int>>> (0)

Sets its current value.

=item C<-mintext I<C<string>>> ("") , C<-maxtext I<C<string>>> ("")

The texts at the left and right side of the slider.

=item C<-minvalue I<C<int>>> (0) , C<-maxvalue I<C<int>>> (100)

The minimum and maximum values of the slider.

=item C<-stepsize I<C<int>>> (1)

The stepsize of the slider. If you use 0, you can control the movement
completely from your client.


=item C<numeric>


=item C<-value I<C<int>>> (0)

Sets its current value.

=item C<-minvalue I<C<int>>> (0) , C<-maxvalue I<C<int>>> (100)

The minimum and maximum values that are allowed. If one of them is
negative, the user will be able to enter negative numbers too.

TODO: floats!


=item C<alpha>


=item C<-value I<C<string>>> ("")

Sets its current value.

=item C<-password_char I<C<string>>> ("")

If used, instead of the typed characters, this character will be

=item C<-minlength I<C<int>>> (0) , C<-maxlength I<C<int>>> (10)

Sets the minimum and maximum allowed lengths.

=item C<-allow_caps { false | true }> (true) , C<-allow_noncaps { false
| true }> (false) , C<-allow_numbers { false | true }> (false)

(Dis)allow these groups of characters.

=item C<-allowed_extra I<C<string>>> ("")

The chars in this string are also allowed.


=item C<ip>


=item C<-value I<C<string>>> ("")

Set the value of the item, e.g. "" (v4) or
":::ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff" (v6).

=item C<-v6 { false | true }> (false)

Changes IP version from default v4.


=item C<menu>

This is a submenu. It is visible as a text, with an appended
'C<E<gt>>'. When selected, the submenu becomes the active menu.


=item C<-parent I<C<parentid>>>

(Re)sets the parent of this menu. Parentid has to be of type menu. This
function does not change any menu (neither the old nor the new parent)
since this option is normally used with hidden menus. Otherwise use
menu_add/del_item. Applying this option is equivalent to second
argument of the menu_goto command.



=item B<menu_goto C<I<C<menu_id>>> [C<I<C<parent_id>>>]>

Changes current menu to I<C<menu_id>>. Depending on the configure
option C<--enable-permissive-menu-goto> the client may switch to any
(if enabled) or his menus only (if not enabled).


=item I<C<menu_id>>

The menu item to go to (any menu type e.g. an action or a menu).

=item I<C<parent_id>>

Resets the parent of I<C<menu_id>>. This optional parameter can be used
to reuse a menu from different places (for wizards etc.). Use it with
caution: This may lead to a messy menu structure in particular due to
the fact that the menus are not changed !


=item B<menu_set_main C<I<C<menu_id>>>>

Sets the entry point into the menu system. Use this to make the server
menu invisible. Note that you may only set the menu to your own clients
menus unless the configure option C<--enable-permissive-menu-goto> is
used. (See C<menuscreens.c> for the menu ids of the server menus.)


=item I<C<menu_id>>

The new main menu, restricted to the client's own menus. Special


=item "" (i.e. the empty string)

The client's main menu.

=item C<_main_>

Resets main to the "real" main menu.




=head2 Miscellaneous


=item B<backlight { C<on> | C<off> | C<toggle> | C<blink> | C<flash> }>

Sets the client's backlight state.

=item B<output { C<on> | C<off> | C<I<C<int>>> }>

Sets the general purpose output on some display modules to this value.
Use C<on> to set all outputs to high state, and C<off> to set all to
low state. The meaning of the integer value depends on your specific
device, usually it is a bit pattern describing the state of each output

=item B<info>

This command provides information about the driver.

=item B<noop>

This command does nothing and is always successful. Can be useful to be
sent at regular intervals to make sure your connection is still alive.

=item B<sleep C<I<C<int>>>>

Sleep for the given number of seconds. I<C<int>> must be a positive
integer in the range from 1 to 60.

=head2 Note:

This command is currently ignored on the server side.


=head1 LCDd messages

LCDd can send messages back to the client. These messages can be
directly related to the last command, or generated for some other
reason. Because messages can be generated at any moment, the client
should read from the connection at regular intervals. A very simple
client could simply ignore all received messages. Not reading the
messages will cause trouble !


=item C<success>

This is the reponse to a command in case everything went ok.

=item C<huh? error_description>

This is the response to a command in case something has gone wrong. The
description is not meant to be parsed, it's only meant for the
programmer of the client. It might be that your command has only been
partially executed, for example if you try to reserve 3 keys, and one
fails. Your client might need to undo its actions completely.

=item C<listen I<C<screen_id>>> , C<ignore I<C<screen_id>>>

The screen with the I<C<screen_id>> given is now visible on the display
(C<listen>) or it is not visible anymore on the display (C<ignore>).

=item C<key I<C<key>>>

This message will be sent if there was a keypress that should be
delivered to the current client.

=item C<menuevent I<C<event_type>> I<C<id>> [I<C<value>>]>

The user did something with a client supplied menu. The type of event
can be:


=item C<select> (action)

The item was activated.

=item C<update> (checkbox, ring, numeric, alpha)

The item was modified by the user, so LCDd sends an updated

=item C<plus> (slider) , C<minus> (slider)

The slider was moved to left (C<minus>) or right (C<plus>), so LCDd
sends an updated I<C<value>>.

=item C<enter>

This item has been entered, which means it is currently active on the
screen. The client could now for example update the value of the item.
If it is a menu, it may be needed to update the values of the items in
it too, because they may be visible too.

=item C<leave>

This item has been left, so it is currenly not the (main) active item


Multiple messages may be generated by one action of the user.

