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					<h5>(man I think the styles in reaveal.js need some minor tweaking)</h5>
					<h3>Simple activity audit logging for DBIx::Class</h3>
					<h4>2012-09-27 &mdash; Toronto Perl Mongers<br /><br /><a href="">View on Metacpan</a></h4>
					<h2>What we needed it for.</h2>
						At $work we had a need to add user activity logging to one of our internal APIs.
						We already had some logging code written for Class::DBI, however the new app happily used DBIx::Class.
						DBIx::Class::Journal <a href=""></a>
						DBIx::Class::Shadow	<a href=""></a>
						Not much else.
					<h2>What do we log?  When does it ocur?</h2>
							Enabled for all insert/update/delete actions wrapped in "txn_do" statements
							Transactions are saved as Changesets
							Each Changeset can have many Actions
							Actions can have many Changes. An Action can be of type insert/update/delete
							Changes show the data that was changed during an action

					<aside class="notes">						
					<h2>Additional DBIC column attributes</h2>
					<p></p>Go to <a href=""></a></p>
					<h2>Table Structure></h2>
					Go to <a href=""></a>

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