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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use App::Rad;
use Net::Rackspace::Notes qw(notes);
use Term::ReadPassword qw(read_password);

sub setup {
    my $c = shift;
        add     => 'add a new note, content is read from stdin',
        append  => 'append the content of stdin to the note',
        delete  => 'delete the note',
        list    => 'lists id and subject of all notes',
        replace => 'replace the contents of the note',
        show    => 'show the contents of the note',

sub pre_process {
    my $c = shift;
    my $cmd = $c->cmd;
    return if not $cmd or $cmd eq 'help';
    return unless grep { $_ eq $cmd } $c->commands;
    my ($email, $password) = get_login_info($c);
    $c->stash->{racknotes} = Net::Rackspace::Notes->new(
        email    => $email,
        password => $password,


# commands ---------------------------------------------------------------------

sub add {
    my $c = shift;
    my $subject = get_arg('subject');
    my $body = read_stdin();
    my $racknotes = $c->stash->{racknotes};
    my $response = $racknotes->add_note($subject, $body);
    #print $response->content . "\n" unless $response->is_success;
    return "status: " . $response->status_line;

sub append {
    my $c = shift;
    my $num = get_arg('note number');
    my $racknotes = $c->stash->{racknotes};
    my $body = read_stdin();
    my $note = $racknotes->notes->[$num];
    my $content = $note->{content} . $body;
    my $response = $racknotes->put_note($content, $num);
    return "status: " . $response->status_line;

sub replace {
    my $c = shift;
    my $num = get_arg('note number');
    my $racknotes = $c->stash->{racknotes};
    my $body = read_stdin();
    my $response = $racknotes->put_note($body, $num);
    return "status: " . $response->status_line;

sub delete {
    my $c = shift;
    my $num = get_arg('note number');
    my $racknotes = $c->stash->{racknotes};
    my $response = $racknotes->delete_note($num);
    return ref $response ? "status: " . $response->status_line : $response;

sub show {
    my $c = shift;
    my $num = get_arg('note number');
    my $racknotes = $c->stash->{racknotes};
    my $note = $racknotes->notes->[$num];
    return join "\n",
        "Subject: $note->{subject}",
        "Date: " . localtime $note->{last_modified},

sub list {
    my $c = shift;
    my $count = 0;
    my $racknotes = $c->stash->{racknotes};
    return join "\n",
        map { sprintf "%2d: %s", $count++, $_->{subject} } $racknotes->notes;

sub get_arg {
    my $name = shift;
    die "$name is required\n" unless @ARGV;
    die "too many arguments\n" if @ARGV > 1;
    return $ARGV[0];

sub get_login_info {
    my $c = shift;
    my ($email, $password);
    my $config_path = "$ENV{HOME}/.racknotes";
    if (-f $config_path) {
        ($email, $password) = @{$c->config}{qw(email password)};
        $password = read_password('password: ')
            if not defined($password) or $password eq '';
    } else {
        print "If you don't want to enter your account info each time, you\n",
            "can create a config file at $config_path with 2 entries:\n",
            "  email = bob\\n",
            "  password = foo\n\n",
            "Your config file may also just contain the email entry without\n",
            "the password entry. You will then just be prompted for your\n",
            "password when you run racknotes.\n\n";

        print "email: ";
        chomp($email = <STDIN>);
        $password = read_password('password: ');
    return ($email, $password);

sub read_stdin { local $/; <STDIN> }

sub validate_email {
    my $email = shift;
    $email = '' if not defined $email;
    die "[$email] is not a valid email address\n" unless $email =~ /.+@.+\..+/;

# ABSTRACT: A command line interface to Rackspace Email Notes.
# PODNAME: racknotes


=head1 NAME

racknotes - A command line interface to Rackspace Email Notes.

=head1 VERSION

version 1.0000


  Usage: racknotes command [arguments]
  Available Commands:
      add         add a new note, content is read from stdin
      append      append the content of stdin to the note
      delete      delete the note
      help        show syntax and available commands
      list        lists id and subject of all notes
      replace     replace the contents of the note
      show        show the contents of the note

  # List all of your notes.
  $ racknotes list

  # Delete note number 3.
  $ racknotes delete 3

  # Some commands expect to read text from stdin. You can type some text
  # and then hit <ctrl-d> when you are done.
  $ racknotes add 'some subject'
  blah blah blah

  # Or you could use pipes or redirection.
  $ echo allo | racknotes add 'adding note via pipe'
  $ racknotes add 'adding note via file redirection' < some_file.txt


This program is a command line tool to interface with Rackspace Email Notes.


=over 4

=item B<help>

Print a brief help message.

=item B<add subject>

Add a new note with the given subject.
The contents of the note will be read from stdin.

=item B<append num>

Append the content of stdin to the note.

=item B<delete num>

Delete the note.

=item B<list>

List all the notes.
Each note is numbered so that other commands can refer to them via the number.

=item B<replace num>

Replace the contents of the note.
The new content is read from stdin.

=item B<show num>

Show the contents of the note.


=head1 AUTHOR

Naveed Massjouni <>


This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Naveed Massjouni.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
