The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
package Pod::PerldocJp;

use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Pod::Perldoc';
use Encode;
use Encode::Guess;
use Term::Encoding;
use HTTP::Tiny;
use Path::Tiny;
use URI::Escape;
use utf8;

my $term_encoding = Term::Encoding::get_encoding() || 'utf-8';

our $VERSION = '0.19';

sub opt_J { shift->_elem('opt_J', @_) }

sub _perldocjp_dir {
  my $self = shift;

  my @subs = (
    sub {
      require File::HomeDir;
      path(File::HomeDir->my_home, '.perldocjp');
    sub { path(File::Spec->tmpdir, '.perldocjp') },
    sub { path('.') },

  foreach my $sub (@subs) {
    my $dir = eval { $sub->() } or next;
    return $dir if -d $dir && -w $dir;

sub grand_search_init {
  my ($self, $pages, @found) = @_;

  my $dir = $self->_perldocjp_dir()
    or return $self->SUPER::grand_search_init($pages, @found);

    my @encodings =
      split ' ', $ENV{PERLDOCJP_ENCODINGS} || 'euc-jp shiftjis utf8';

  if (not $self->opt_F and ($self->opt_J or ($pages->[0] && $pages->[0] =~ /^https?:/))) {
    my $ua  = HTTP::Tiny->new(agent => "Pod-PerldocJp/$VERSION");

    my $api_url = $ENV{PERLDOCJP_SERVER} || '';
    $api_url =~ s|/+$||;

    foreach my $page (@$pages) {
      $self->aside("Searching for $page\n");
      my $url = ($page =~ /^https?:/) ? $page : "$api_url/$page";
      my $file = $dir->child(uri_escape($page, '^A-Za-z0-9_') . '.pod');
      unless ($file->exists && $file->stat->size && $file->stat->mtime > time - 60 * 60 * 24) {
        my $res = $ua->mirror($url => "$file");
        if ($res->{success} && (my $pod = $file->slurp) !~ /^=encoding\s/m) {
          # You can't trust's Content-Type too much.
          # (there're several utf-8 translations, though
          # is (or was) supposed to use euc-jp)
          my $encoding;
          my $enc = guess_encoding($pod, @encodings);
          if (ref $enc) {
            $encoding = $enc->name;
          elsif (my $ctype = $res->{headers}{'content-type'}) {
            ($encoding) = $ctype =~ /charset\s*=\s*([\w-]+)/;
          if ($encoding) {
            $pod = "=encoding $encoding\n\n$pod";
      push @found, "$file" if $file->stat->size;
    return @found if @found;

  @found = $self->SUPER::grand_search_init($pages, @found);

  if ($self->opt_J) {
    foreach my $path (@found) {
      my $pod = path($path)->slurp;
      unless ($pod =~ /^=encoding\s/m) {
        my $encoding;
        my $enc = guess_encoding($pod, @encodings);
        if (ref $enc) {
          $encoding = $enc->name;
          next if $encoding eq 'ascii';
          $pod = "=encoding $encoding\n\n$pod";
          my $file = $dir->child(uri_escape($path, '^A-Za-z0-9_'));
          $path = "$file" if $file->stat->size;

  # shamelessly ripped from Pod::Perldoc 3.23 and tweaked

  sub opt_o_with { # "o" for output format
    my($self, $rest) = @_;
    return unless defined $rest and length $rest;
    if($rest =~ m/^(\w+)$/s) {
      $rest = $1; #untaint
    } else {
      $self->warn( qq("$rest" isn't a valid output format.  Skipping.\n") );

    $self->aside("Noting \"$rest\" as desired output format...\n");

    # Figure out what class(es) that could actually mean...

    my @classes;
    # TWEAKED: to include "Pod::PerldocJp::To"
    foreach my $prefix ("Pod::PerldocJp::To", "Pod::Perldoc::To", "Pod::Simple::", "Pod::") {
      # Messy but smart:
      foreach my $stem (
        $rest,  # Yes, try it first with the given capitalization
        "\L$rest", "\L\u$rest", "\U$rest" # And then try variations

      ) {
        $self->aside("Considering $prefix$stem\n");
        push @classes, $prefix . $stem;

      # Tidier, but misses too much:
      #push @classes, $prefix . ucfirst(lc($rest));
    $self->opt_M_with( join ";", @classes );

  sub init_formatter_class_list {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{'formatter_classes'} ||= [];

    # Remember, no switches have been read yet, when
    # we've started this routine.

    $self->opt_M_with('Pod::Perldoc::ToPod');   # the always-there fallthru

    # TWEAKED: XXX: should support term later
    # $self->opt_o_with('term') unless $self->is_mswin32 || $self->is_dos
    #   || !($ENV{TERM} && (
    #       ($ENV{TERM} || '') !~ /dumb|emacs|none|unknown/i
    #      ));


  sub maybe_generate_dynamic_pod {
    my ($self, $found_things) = @_;
    my @dynamic_pod;

    $self->search_perlapi($found_things, \@dynamic_pod)   if  $self->opt_a;

    $self->search_perlfunc($found_things, \@dynamic_pod)  if  $self->opt_f;

    $self->search_perlvar($found_things, \@dynamic_pod)   if  $self->opt_v;

    $self->search_perlfaqs($found_things, \@dynamic_pod)  if  $self->opt_q;

    if( ! $self->opt_f and ! $self->opt_q and ! $self->opt_v and ! $self->opt_a) {
      Pod::Perldoc::DEBUG > 4 and print "That's a non-dynamic pod search.\n";
    } elsif ( @dynamic_pod ) {
      $self->aside("Hm, I found some Pod from that search!\n");
      my ($buffd, $buffer) = $self->new_tempfile('pod', 'dyn');
      if ( $] >= 5.008 && $self->opt_L ) {
        binmode($buffd, ":utf8");
        print $buffd "=encoding utf8\n\n";

      push @{ $self->{'temp_file_list'} }, $buffer;
      # I.e., it MIGHT be deleted at the end.

      my $in_list = !$self->not_dynamic && $self->opt_f || $self->opt_v || $self->opt_a;
      # TWEAKED: to add =encoding utf-8 and encode_utf8
      print $buffd "=encoding utf-8\n\n";
      print $buffd "=over 8\n\n" if $in_list;
      print $buffd map {encode_utf8($_)} @dynamic_pod  or die "Can't print $buffer: $!";
      print $buffd "=back\n"     if $in_list;

      close $buffd        or $self->die( "Can't close $buffer: $!" );

      @$found_things = $buffer;
        # Yes, so found_things never has more than one thing in
        #  it, by time we leave here

      $self->add_formatter_option('__filter_nroff' => 1);

    } else {
      @$found_things = ();
      $self->aside("I found no Pod from that search!\n");


  sub search_perlfunc {
    my($self, $found_things, $pod) = @_;

    Pod::Perldoc::DEBUG > 2 and print "Search: @$found_things\n";

    my $perlfunc = shift @$found_things;
    open(PFUNC, "<", $perlfunc) # "Funk is its own reward"
        or $self->die("Can't open $perlfunc: $!");

    # Functions like -r, -e, etc. are listed under `-X'.
    my $search_re = ($self->opt_f =~ /^-[rwxoRWXOeszfdlpSbctugkTBMAC]$/)
                        ? '(?:I<)?-X' : quotemeta($self->opt_f) ;

    Pod::Perldoc::DEBUG > 2 and
     print "Going to perlfunc-scan for $search_re in $perlfunc\n";

    my $re = 'Alphabetical Listing of Perl Functions';

    # Check available translator or backup to default (english)
    if ( $self->opt_L && defined $self->{'translators'}->[0] ) {
        my $tr = $self->{'translators'}->[0];
        $re =  $tr->search_perlfunc_re if $tr->can('search_perlfunc_re');
        if ( $] < 5.008 ) {
            $self->aside("Your old perl doesn't really have proper unicode support.");
        else {
            binmode(PFUNC, ":utf8");

    # Skip introduction
    local $_;
    # TWEAKED: to find encoding
    my $encoding = 'utf-8';
    while (<PFUNC>) {
      if (/^=encoding\s+(\S+)/) {
        $encoding = $1;
      last if /^=head2 $re/;

    # Look for our function
    my $found = 0;
    my $inlist = 0;

    my @perlops = qw(m q qq qr qx qw s tr y);

    my @related;
    my $related_re;
    while (<PFUNC>) {  # "The Mothership Connection is here!"
      last if( grep{ $self->opt_f eq $_ }@perlops );

      if ( /^=over/ and not $found ) {
      elsif ( /^=back/ and not $found and $inlist ) {

      if ( m/^=item\s+$search_re\b/ and $inlist < 2 )  {
        $found = 1;
      elsif (@related > 1 and /^=item/) {
        $related_re ||= join "|", @related;
        if (m/^=item\s+(?:$related_re)\b/) {
          $found = 1;
        else {
          last if $found > 1 and $inlist < 2;
      elsif (/^=item/) {
        last if $found > 1 and $inlist < 2;
      elsif ($found and /^X<[^>]+>/) {
        push @related, m/X<([^>]+)>/g;
      next unless $found;
      if (/^=over/) {
      elsif (/^=back/) {
      # TWEAKED: to decode
      push @$pod, decode($encoding, $_);
      ++$found if /^\w/;        # found descriptive text

    if( !@$pod ){
        $self->search_perlop( $found_things, $pod );

    if (!@$pod) {
      CORE::die( sprintf
        "No documentation for perl function `%s' found\n",
        $self->opt_f )
    close PFUNC                or $self->die( "Can't open $perlfunc: $!" );


  sub search_perlvar {
    my ($self, $found_things, $pod) = @_;

    my $opt = $self->opt_v;

    if ( $opt !~ /^ (?: [\@\%\$]\S+ | [A-Z]\w* ) $/x ) {
      CORE::die( "'$opt' does not look like a Perl variable\n" );

    Pod::Perldoc::DEBUG > 2 and print "Search: @$found_things\n";

    my $perlvar = shift @$found_things;
    open(PVAR, "<", $perlvar)               # "Funk is its own reward"
        or $self->die("Can't open $perlvar: $!");

    if ( $opt ne '$0' && $opt =~ /^\$\d+$/ ) { # handle $1, $2, ..., $9
      $opt = '$<I<digits>>';
    my $search_re = quotemeta($opt);

    Pod::Perldoc::DEBUG > 2 and
      print "Going to perlvar-scan for $search_re in $perlvar\n";

    # Skip introduction
    local $_;
    # TWEAKED: to find encoding
    my $encoding = 'utf-8';
    while (<PVAR>) {
      if (/^=encoding\s+(\S+)/) {
        $encoding = $1;
      last if /^=over 8/;

    # Look for our variable
    my $found = 0;
    my $inheader = 1;
    my $inlist = 0;
    while (<PVAR>) {  # "The Mothership Connection is here!"
      last if /^=head2 Error Indicators/;
      # \b at the end of $` and friends borks things!
      if ( m/^=item\s+$search_re\s/ )  {
        $found = 1;
      elsif (/^=item/) {
        last if $found && !$inheader && !$inlist;
      elsif (!/^\s+$/) { # not a blank line
        if ( $found ) {
          $inheader = 0; # don't accept more =item (unless inlist)
        else {
          @$pod = (); # reset
          $inheader = 1; # start over

      if (/^=over/) {
      elsif (/^=back/) {
        last if $found && !$inheader && !$inlist;
      # TWEAKED: to decode
      push @$pod, decode($encoding, $_);
#     ++$found if /^\w/;        # found descriptive text
    @$pod = () unless $found;
    if (!@$pod) {
      CORE::die( "No documentation for perl variable '$opt' found\n" );
    close PVAR                or $self->die( "Can't open $perlvar: $!" );


  sub search_perlfaqs {
    my ($self, $found_things, $pod) = @_;

    my $found = 0;
    my %found_in;
    my $search_key = $self->opt_q;

    my $rx = eval { qr/$search_key/ }
      or $self->die( <<EOD );
Invalid regular expression '$search_key' given as -q pattern:
Did you mean \\Q$search_key ?


    local $_;
    foreach my $file (@$found_things) {
      $self->die( "invalid file spec: $!" ) if $file =~ /[<>|]/;
      open(INFAQ, "<", $file)  # XXX 5.6ism
        or $self->die( "Can't read-open $file: $!\nAborting" );
      # TWEAKED: to find encoding
      my $encoding = 'utf-8';
      while (<INFAQ>) {
        if (/^=encoding\s+(\S+)/) {
          $encoding = $1;
        if ( m/^=head2\s+.*(?:$search_key)/i ) {
          $found = 1;
          push @$pod, "=head1 Found in $file\n\n" unless $found_in{$file}++;
        elsif (/^=head[12]/) {
          $found = 0;
        next unless $found;
        # TWEAKED: to decode
        push @$pod, decode($encoding, $_);
    CORE::die("No documentation for perl FAQ keyword `$search_key' found\n")
      unless @$pod;

    if ( $self->opt_l ) {
        CORE::die((join "\n", keys %found_in) . "\n");

  sub search_perlapi {
    my($self, $found_things, $pod) = @_;

    Pod::Perldoc::DEBUG > 2 and print "Search: @$found_things\n";

    my $perlapi = shift @$found_things;
    open(PAPI, "<", $perlapi)               # "Funk is its own reward"
      or $self->die("Can't open $perlapi: $!");

    my $search_re = quotemeta($self->opt_a);

    Pod::Perldoc::DEBUG > 2 and
     print "Going to perlapi-scan for $search_re in $perlapi\n";

    # Check available translator or backup to default (english)
    if ( $self->opt_L && defined $self->{'translators'}->[0] ) {
      my $tr = $self->{'translators'}->[0];
      if ( $] < 5.008 ) {
        $self->aside("Your old perl doesn't really have proper unicode support.");
      else {
        binmode(PAPI, ":utf8");

    local $_;
    # TWEAKED: to find encoding
    my $encoding = 'utf-8';
    while (<PAPI>) {
      if (/^=encoding\s+(\S+)/) {
        $encoding = $1;
      last if /^=over 8/;

    # Look for our function
    my $found = 0;
    my $inlist = 0;

    my @related;
    my $related_re;
    while (<PAPI>) {  # "The Mothership Connection is here!"
      if ( m/^=item\s+$search_re\b/ )  {
        $found = 1;
      elsif (@related > 1 and /^=item/) {
        $related_re ||= join "|", @related;
        if (m/^=item\s+(?:$related_re)\b/) {
          $found = 1;
        else {
      elsif (/^=item/) {
        last if $found > 1 and not $inlist;
      elsif ($found and /^X<[^>]+>/) {
        push @related, m/X<([^>]+)>/g;
      next unless $found;
      if (/^=over/) {
      elsif (/^=back/) {
        last if $found > 1 and not $inlist;
      push @$pod, decode($encoding, $_);
      ++$found if /^\w/;        # found descriptive text

    if (!@$pod) {
      CORE::die( sprintf
        "No documentation for perl api function '%s' found\n",
        $self->opt_a )
    close PAPI                or $self->die( "Can't open $perlapi: $!" );


  # TWEAKED: translation and encoding
  sub usage {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->warn( "@_\n" ) if @_;

    # Erase evidence of previous errors (if any), so exit status is simple.
    $! = 0;

    my $usage = <<"EOF";
perldoc [options] PageName|ModuleName|ProgramName|URL...
perldoc [options] -f BuiltinFunction
perldoc [options] -q FAQRegex
perldoc [options] -v PerlVariable

    -h   このヘルプを表示する
    -V   バージョンを表示する
    -r   再帰検索 (時間がかかります)
    -i   大文字小文字を無視する
    -t   pod2manとnroffではなくpod2textを使って表示(デフォルト)
    -u   整形前のPODを表示する
    -m   指定したモジュールのコードも含めて表示する
    -n   nroffのかわりを指定する
    -l   モジュールのファイル名を表示する
    -F   引数はモジュール名ではなくファイル名である
    -D   デバッグメッセージを表示する
    -T   ページャを通さずに画面に出力する
    -d   保存するファイル名
    -o   出力フォーマット名
    -M   フォーマット用のモジュール名(FormatterModuleNameToUse)
    -w   フォーマット用のオプション:値(formatter_option:option_value)
    -L   国別コード。(あれば)翻訳を表示します
    -X   あれば索引を利用する (pod.idxを探します)
    -J   perldoc.jpの日本語訳も検索
    -q   perlfaq[1-9]の質問を検索
    -f   Perlの組み込み関数を検索
    -a   Perl APIを検索
    -v   Perlの定義済み変数を検索





[PerldocJp v$Pod::PerldocJp::VERSION based on Perldoc v$Pod::Perldoc::VERSION]

    CORE::die encode($term_encoding => $usage);

  sub usage_brief {
    my $self = shift;
    my $program_name = $self->program_name;

    my $usage =<<"EOUSAGE";
使い方: $program_name [-hVriDtumFXlTJ] [-n nroffer_program]
     [-d output_filename] [-o output_format] [-M FormatterModule]
     [-w formatter_option:option_value] [-L translation_code]


       $program_name -f PerlFunc
       $program_name -q FAQKeywords
       $program_name -v PerlVar
       $program_name -a PerlAPI

詳細は"perldocjp perldocjp"をご覧ください。
[PerldocJp v$Pod::PerldocJp::VERSION based on Perldoc v$Pod::Perldoc::VERSION]

    CORE::die encode($term_encoding => $usage);



=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME

Pod::PerldocJp - perldoc that also checks


  perldocjp perlfunc  # show original version
  perldocjp perldocjp # 日本語で使い方を見る


This is a drop-in-replacement for C<perldoc> for Japanese people. Usage is the same, except it looks for a translation at L<>.


=head2 opt_J

to support -J option.

=head2 grand_search_init

looks for a translation at

=head2 opt_o_with

looks also under Pod::PerldocJp namespace.

=head2 init_formatter_class_list

always try to use "text" formatter.

=head2 maybe_generate_dynamic_pod

adds encoding info while writing a temp file to show.

=head2 search_perlfaqs, search_perlfunc, search_perlvar, search_perlapi

decode while searching.

=head2 usage, usage_brief

are translated.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Pod::Perldoc>, L<Pod::Perldocs>

And for Japanized Perl Resources Project:

=over 4

=item L<>

=item L<>

=item L<>


Kudos to all the contributors thereof.

=head1 AUTHOR

Kenichi Ishigaki, E<lt>ishigaki@cpan.orgE<gt>


Copyright (C) 2009 by Kenichi Ishigaki.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
