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# Mok command line interpreter. This is part of the Chemistry::Mok
# distribution.

our $VERSION = '0.25';
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings qw(once);
use Chemistry::Mok;
use Getopt::Std;

$| = 1; # don't buffer stdio

my %opt;
getopts('c:f:t:hvbp:dazD3', \%opt);
usage() if $opt{h};

my $code;
if ($opt{f}) {
    open F, "< $opt{f}" or die "Couldn't read $opt{f}\n";
    {local $/; $code = <F>;}
    close F;
} else {
    $code = shift || usage();

my @files = @ARGV;
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { # do our own globbing under Windows
    @files = map glob, @files;

$Chemistry::Mok::DEBUG = 1 if $opt{D};
my $mok = Chemistry::Mok->new($code, 
    pattern_format => $opt{p} || 'smarts',

        mol_class       => $opt{c}, 
        format          => $opt{t}, 
        find_bonds      => $opt{b},
        delete_dummies  => $opt{d},
        aromatize       => $opt{a},
        build_3d        => $opt{3},

sub usage {
    print <<EOF;
mok version $VERSION
Usage: $0 [OPTION]...  'CODE' FILE...
Read each molecular file and run CODE on each. Options:
    -3          generate 3D coordinates using Chemistry::3DBuilder
    -a          "aromatize" each molecule as it is read
    -b          find bonds from 3D coordinates
    -c CLASS    use CLASS instead of Chemistry::Mol to read molecules
    -D          print debugging information (very verbose)
    -d          delete dummy atoms after reading each molecule
    -f FILE     run the code from FILE instead of the command line
    -h          this help
    -p TYPE     parse patterns using the specified TYPE. Default: 'smarts'
    -t TYPE     assume that every file has the specified TYPE


=head1 NAME

mok - an awk for molecules


    mok [OPTION]...  'CODE' FILE...   


The purpose of mok is to read all the molecules found in the files that are
given in the command line, and for each molecule execute the CODE that is
given. The CODE is given in Perl and it has at its disposal all of the methods
of the PerlMol toolkit.

This mini-language is intended to provide a powerful environment for writing
"molecular one-liners" for extracting and munging chemical information.  It was
inspired by the AWK programming language by Aho, Kernighan, and Weinberger,
the SMARTS molecular pattern description language by Daylight, Inc., and the
Perl programming language by Larry Wall.

Mok takes its name from Ookla the Mok, an unforgettable character from the
animated TV series "Thundarr the Barbarian", and from shortening "molecular
awk".  For more details about the Mok mini-language, see LANGUAGE SPECIFICATION

Mok is part of the PerlMol project, L<>.

=head1 OPTIONS


=item -3

Generate 3D coordinates using Chemistry::3DBuilder.

=item -a          

"Aromatize" each molecule as it is read. This is needed for example for
matching SMARTS patterns that use aromaticity or ring primitives.

=item -b

Find bonds. Use it when reading files with no bond information but 3D
coordinates to detect the bonds if needed (for example, if you want to do match
a pattern that includes bonds). If the file has explicit bonds, mok will not
try to find the bonds, but it will reassign the bond orders from scratch.

=item -c CLASS

Use CLASS instead of Chemistry::Mol to read molecules

=item -d

Delete dummy atoms after reading each molecule. A dummy atom is defined as an
atom with an unknown symbol (i.e., it doesn't appear on the periodic table), or
an atomic number of zero.

=item -D

Print debugging information, such as the way the input program was tokenized
and parsed into blocks and subs. This may be useful for diagnosing syntax
errors when the default error mesage is not informative enough.

=item -f FILE

Run the code from FILE instead of the command line

=item -h  

Print usage information and exit

=item -p TYPE     

Parse patterns using the specified TYPE. Default: 'smarts'. Other options are
'smiles' and 'midas'.

=item -t TYPE     

Assume that every file has the specified TYPE. Available types depend on
which Chemistry::File modules are installed, but currently available types
include mdl, sdf, smiles, formula, mopac, pdb.



A Mok script consists of a sequence of pattern-action statements and
optional subroutine definitions, in a manner very similar to the AWK

    pattern_type:/pattern/options { action statements }
    { action statements }
    sub name { statements }
    BEGIN { statements }
    END { statements }
    # comment

When the whole program consists of one unconditional action block, the braces
may be omitted.

Program execution is as follows:

1) The BEGIN block is executed as soon as it's compiled, before any other
actions are taken.

2) For each molecule in the files given in the command line, each pattern is 
applied in turn; if the pattern matches, the corresponding statement block
is executed. The pattern is optional; statement blocks without a pattern are
executed unconditionally. Subroutines are only executed when called explicitly.

3) Finally, the END block is executed.

The statements are evaluated as Perl statements in the
Chemistry::Mok::UserCode::Default package. The following chemistry modules are
conveniently loaded by default:

    Chemistry::Atom ':all';
    Math::VectorReal ':all';

Besides these, there is one more function available for convenience:
C<println>, which is defined by C<sub println { print "\@_", "\n" }>.

=head2 Pattern Specification

The pattern must be a SMARTS string readable by the Chemistry::File::SMARTS
module, unless a different type is specified by means of the -p option or a
pattern_type is given explicitly before the pattern itself. The pattern is
given within slashes, in a way reminiscent of AWK and Perl regular expressions.
As in Perl, certain one-letter options may be included after the closing slash.
An option is turned on by giving the corresponing lowercase letter and turned
off by giving the corresponding uppercase letter.


=item g/G

Match globally (default: off). When not present, the Mok interpreter only
matches a molecule once; when present, it tries matching again in other parts
of the molecule. For example, /C/ matches butane only once (at an unspecified
atom), while /C/g matches four times (once at each atom).

=item o/O

Overlap (default: on). When set and matching globally, matches may overlap. For
example, /CC/go pattern could match twice on propane, but /CC/gO would match
only once.

=item p/P

Permute (default: off). Sometimes there is more than one way of matching the
same set of pattern atoms on the same set of molecule atoms. If true, return
these "redundant" matches.  For example, /CC/gp could match ethane with
two different permutations (forwards and backwards). 


=head2 Special Variables

When blocks with action statements are executed, some variables are defined
automatically. The variables are local, so you can do whatever you want with
them with no side effects. However, the objects themselves may be altered by
using their methods.

NOTE: Mok 0.10 defined $file, $mol, $match, and $patt in lowercase. While they
still work, the lowercase variables are deprecated and may be removed in the


=item $FILE

The current filename.

=item $MOL

A reference to the current molecule as a Chemistry::Mol object.

=item $MATCH

A reference to the current match as a Chemistry::Pattern object.

=item $PATT

The current pattern as a string.

=item $FH

The current input filehandle. This provides low-level access in case you want
to rewind or seek into the file, tell the current position, etc. Playing with
$FH may break things if you are not careful. Use at your own risk!

=item @A

The atoms that were matched. It is defined as @A = $MATCH->atom_map if a
pattern was used, or @A = $MOL->atoms within an unconditional block.  Remember
that this is a Perl array, so it is zero-based, unlike the one-based numbering
used by most file types and some PerlMol methods.

=item @B

The bonds that were matched. It is defined as @A = $MATCH->bond_map if a
pattern was used, or @A = $MOL->bonds within an unconditional block.  Remember
Remember that this is a Perl array, so it is zero-based, unlike the one-based
numbering used by most file types and some PerlMol methods.


=head2 Special Blocks

Within action blocks, the following block names can be used with Perl 
funcions such as C<next> and C<last>:


=item MATCH

=item BLOCK

=item MOL

=item FILE



Print the names of all the molecules found in all the .sdf files in the 
current directory:

    mok 'println $MOL->name' *.sdf

Find esters among *.mol; print the filename, molecule name, and formula:

    mok '/C(=O)OC/{ printf "$FILE: %s (%s)\n", 
        $MOL->name, $MOL->formula }' *.mol

Find out the total number of atoms:

    mok '{ $n += $MOL->atoms } END { print "Total: $n atoms\n" }' *.mol

Find out the average C-S bond length:

    mok '/CS/g{ $n++; $len += $B[0]->length }
        END { printf "Average C-S bond length: %.3f\n", $len/$n; }' *.mol

Convert PDB files to MDL molfiles:

    mok '{ $FILE =~ s/pdb/mol/; $MOL->write($FILE, format => "mdlmol") }' *.pdb

Find molecules with a given formula by overriding the formula pattern type
globally (this example requires L<Chemistry::FormulatPattern>):

    mok -p formula_pattern '/C6H12O6/{ println $MOL->name }' *.sdf

Find molecules with a given formula by overriding the formula pattern type
just for one specific pattern. This can be used when more than one pattern
type is needed in one script.

    mok 'formula_pattern:/C6H12O6/{ println $MOL->name }' *.sdf

=head1 SEE ALSO

awk(1), perl(1)
L<Chemistry::Mol>, L<Chemistry::Pattern>,

Tubert-Brohman, I. Perl and Chemistry. The Perl Journal 2004-06 

The PerlMol project site at L<>.

=head1 VERSION


=head1 AUTHOR

Ivan Tubert-Brohman E<lt>itub@cpan.orgE<gt>


Copyright (c) 2005 Ivan Tubert-Brohman. All rights reserved. This program is
free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as
Perl itself.
