The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
use Test::More;
use Chemistry::Mol;
use strict;

my @files;

    eval "use Chemistry::File::SMILES 0.40";
    @files = glob "t/*.pat" unless $@;
    plan tests => 1 + @files;

for my $file (@files) {
    open F, $file or die "couldn't open $file\n";   
    my ($patt_str, $options, $anchor_idx, $mol_str, @expected_matches) 
        = map { /: ([^\n\r]*)/g } <F>;
    my ($mol, $patt);
    $patt = Chemistry::Pattern->parse($patt_str, format => 'smiles');
    $mol = Chemistry::Mol->parse($mol_str, format => 'smiles');
    my $anchor_atom = $anchor_idx ? $mol->atoms($anchor_idx) : undef;
    $patt->options(split " ", $options);

    my @matches;
    while ($patt->match($mol, atom => $anchor_atom) ) {
        my @ret = $patt->atom_map;
        push @matches, "(@ret)";
    push @matches, "()";

    is_deeply(\@matches, \@expected_matches, "$file: $mol_str =~ /$patt_str/");